Feb 22, 2025

... and we're back


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aka the trait-one
~ ~ ~
G Y F H G !


  1. Great tune. Great thread. Great Gulf name!

    Do you know the SC of Canada upheld the right of all Canadians ro flip the bird in a decision last year? It all stemmed from an incident that happened right in from of my parents' house. Working on them to erect a commemorative plaque and 3-metre-tall statue (see fig. 3 above) on the spot but they think tge neighbours might take it the wrong way.

    GYFHG and yes, Ax, do please teach Ork some manners tonight in our nation's capital.

  2. We couda shoulda had the Orc. Fire Bargin Bin. I hope the AXE falls down on the Orc, he embrasses the NBA culture.
    Lets hope we can pull the wool up to his abiltiy. I say give Cpt Hook and DaCH vader another year to gell. We have the best fourth line in Hockey, lets keep it.

  3. Wow what a shot by the Nova Scotia skip.

  4. I'd rather AX not have to fight...but if it means pummeling that ugly SOB, I'm OK with it.

    1. I doubt the Ork accepts the offer.

  5. Habs Sens. 2 Canadian teams for the early game. I imagine it will be the main focus of the SFU pre-game. (Heads off to locate sarcasm font)

    1. Ha ha very funny. They will be gleefully sucking marner's arse.

    2. steve3:43 PM

      On the biggest stage little Billy came through. He avoided the one eyed spitting whale and mad e some good passes. Cp;t PJ raged all night long, but couild not finnish.

    3. Marner deserves props, truly. I thought he made several good, sneaky passes that impressed. I bet his Leafool captain is stupid and petty enough to let it disrupt their locker room from here on out and I'm here for it.

    4. Anonymous6:44 PM

      Played well enough for Canada, otherwise fûck him.

  6. steve3:45 PM

    History major comment. The two biggest losers in history of this confict are THE GREAT LOVER OF AMERICA and PK loves greasy fried CHicken.

  7. Congrats Nova Scotia curling ladies, on to the semi-finals.

  8. steve4:17 PM

    LIke the dendist who is not a doctor I work with many poeple who Caanada was second choice. They want America. We failed to tell them at the border, America is a crimial biz

  9. steve4:30 PM

    I want to see ORC chicklets on the ice tonite. I am sick and tired of being sick and tired,.

  10. Anonymous6:34 PM

    The most moronic sports ‘panel’ in the history of sports panels.

  11. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Let their bias blue and white flag fly. Pure scum.

  12. Ha ha no kookchuck tonight AX scared him off.

    Probably hurt from all his foolishness

    1. Anonymous6:47 PM

      Maybe he needed a call from the 🍊 💩 for motivation.

    2. Hah! His ego is his weak spot. And this is the Sens' captain. Okay

  13. Sucking marner's arse as predicted...

    1. Learning how to win from all the Team Canada greats ... will now lead the leaf to the Cup.

    2. Anonymous6:43 PM

      We knew going in this was going to be their warped angle. UnCanadian.

  14. Anonymous6:37 PM

    How many primary assists did Steve Shutting have ? Just fück off.

  15. No mention of narcos yet, strange... 😉

  16. Anonymous6:42 PM

    mclame is nothing but a slut shill for gambling.

  17. Anonymous6:49 PM

    So they’re gonna break down the winning goal with their leaf player. So pathetic but expected.

    1. It was all him, McD did nothing...

    2. Anonymous6:54 PM

      McDavid and Makar were invisible.

  18. Man, that are blowing marner even harder than I thought!

    Wasn't he supposed to be gone last spring after another playoff failure? And whining like a baby on the bench... Hee Hee...

    1. The COTU media jerk-offs do this every year, blowing Leaf tires to the max during the whole year and making them get too fat-headed to be able to play as a team and win playoff hockey. For this reason, I don't mind this formula, actually. My mute button is 100% functions. GYFHG!

    2. Anonymous7:07 PM

      True but they make it, sometimes, an eventual moment(s).

  19. Anonymous6:53 PM

    sfu panel bukkake

  20. Anonymous6:53 PM

    No mention of nostrils.

  21. Anonymous7:02 PM

    I like my ‘back’ theme better.

  22. Anonymous7:10 PM

    nostrils, highest paid player in the league in the so-called cotu, choker extraordinaire, not, a, word, mentioned. Hilarious.

  23. A Habs player is mentioned!

    ...only because he had something good to say about kid ork. Le sigh.

  24. Anonymous7:14 PM

    If these wads were truly Canadian, they would have shown this…

    “You can't take our country - and you can't take our game.” ~ Justin Trudeau

    (how many Con ads have paid for tonight’s game ?)

    1. Hadn't thought of that. CQBC Sports (the Q is for quisling).

  25. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Easily more Habs fans in attendance.

  26. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Scumbag galley quoting marner. Fũcking weird.

  27. I'm blocked by blogger

    1. Anonymous7:33 PM

      I’m seeing this comment.

  28. Seems to be hit or miss

  29. Love that Terry Fox foundation ad using the Hip's Courage

    1. Anonymous7:45 PM

      Just posted the vid in my comment.

  30. Anonymous7:44 PM


  31. Sens have a decent goal song anyway

  32. Wooly Bully!!! Ot took them 4 seconds

    1. Anonymous7:54 PM

      1 second more than it takes me.

  33. I leave for.a few minutes and miss 3 goals. Wtf?!

  34. Anonymous8:37 PM

    Slaf slap !

  35. Anonymous8:40 PM

    33 minutes in and the “Olé”, oh, wait, the game is in Ottawa. Keep at er.

  36. Anonymous8:50 PM

    Why does gawling galley want a Sens goal ?

  37. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Why does gawling galley want a Sens goal on this PP ?

  38. Anonymous9:07 PM

    When one thinks of what is true a sick fůck, one thinks of fried man. A disgusting rumour mongerer.

    1. It's the smugness that grates me...

    2. Anonymous9:18 PM

      Smug, ok. He’s an arrogant narcissist.

  39. They sure seem sad aboit the CH leading. Anyway, gotta love when the whole Sens team plays lije thdy know what a jerk their captain is - I mesn really really is - and how they know it's now on full display and the whole town rightly hates his guts.

    1. Anonymous9:18 PM

      Like choking on one’s own puke.

  40. I get the feeling that AX doesn't like Schnitzel the diver. Or is there some ancestral animosity I wonder...

    1. Funny how no Sen is stepping in to take AX on to defend him.

  41. Replies
    1. Anonymous9:36 PM

      … but he’s supporting this call by the refs to ‘calm things down’.

      He’s a 🤡 .

  42. Too funny, the biased as fuck panel bragging up Stolarz now he has given up 3 ... it ALWAYS blows up in their stupid faces.

  43. Anonymous9:55 PM

    Ex-broon gawley doing the math in his head to figure if the Sens can score 3 goals in the last 55 seconds.

  44. Eff you gawley. Eat shit SFU.

  45. Lovely division rival win.

  46. Anonymous10:08 PM

    Huge credit for the local Habs fans that make the trek to a Sens game in the Kanata corner field.

    Too far, too much traffic, too expensive to park and lousy food at the concessions.

    The Sens have NEVER made an effort to cater to Gatineau residents.

    Book some buses, make it fun.

    Nope. Clueless organization.

    1. Anonymous10:09 PM

      corner = corn

    2. Not like the Olympiques are much fun to watch meanwhile, but a great hockey experience at Centre Slush Puppie.

    3. Anonymous10:28 PM

      Great new local arena about 10 minutes from my place. Lots of family fun there.

  47. Anonymous10:23 PM

    I love that norman flynn has never excelled beyond a third rate couch analyst. What a horribly stupid individual.

    1. Anonymous10:27 PM

      The funniest thing is he ALWAYS says ‘he’ needs to be convinced. Such a fųcking moron.

  48. Anonymous12:22 AM

    “ I saw someone I know refer to him as Wayne Regretzky and I think I will use that going forward”

  49. steve8:15 AM

    Aside from Maths failing to add up once again, it was a test everyone passed. To bad the orc had the Sheriff AXE flu.

  50. CHester12:55 PM

    So those mean Canadians took out both chucks
    Bradley the Orc and the orcs brother
    The Glorious Habs went into the orcs house and slapped them around including Slapperkofskie toying with some annoying snore
    Well isn’t that special
    Maybe we won’t qualify for The Dance this year but you can bet grandmas silver that we’ll be there next year
    And we’ll be hunting chucks
    Go Habs

  51. steve3:34 PM

    ONe thing I noticed about the whole Waynee thing is his wife. Maybe she is a total Trump retard.
    So as a man I would say yes my wife if correct.

    1. Wayne has made a poor choice regardless. As my late mother-in-law used to say "If you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas."

    2. steve4:03 PM

      My father said skunks and Lenin said pigs

  52. So close for NS!
    Missed making the final by about a cm.
    They did well considering their 2nd's father suddenly passing away yesterday during their game. They are lucky to be one team that rotates their extra player in regularly.
    But condolences to Ms Baxter and her family.

    1. NS ladies battled hard, Manitoba are recent former champions.

  53. Anonymous4:46 PM

    The New York Rangers were without Chris Kreider as they took on the Pittsburgh Penguins Sunday afternoon. Kreider was ruled out by the team with an upper-body injury, and is considered day-to-day going forward.

    Word is he has heart problems, which means they couldn’t find one.

  54. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Might be a pootin lover but at least he isn’t a traitor like the trait-one.

    Go get that goal record and shOVe it down the sfu’s biased throat.


  55. Anonymous5:26 PM

    This is wonderful.



  56. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Tried to watch a bit of Sid vs. NYR. tva’s incessant Quebecois player hype is unbearable.
    There’s no reason for this. None.

    1. They won't rest until they get their Nordiques back. The funny thing is with no star Quebec players in the league, the team would basically be a Q team and get beat up regularly.

  57. CHester6:38 PM

    Well served them right
    They had a team a good one actually and got sold out by a greedy couldn’t give a fuck owner
    The quebekois Peter pocklington
    So too bad cause your asshole sepratist owner is the last person buttman will give a franchise to
    Sucks to be you
    As much as the rivalry between the no-dicks and The Glorious Habs was legendary it was also destructive
    So we need another deep pocket queebeker to rise up and be counted and make a case
    In the meantime a perfect building goes to waste
    Go Habs

  58. CHester7:37 PM

    I remember during the retirement of Larry’s number 19 they had the tribute video and one of the things the bird said was that he was a regular D man and nobody took him seriously till he developed a bit of an edge to his game
    When he got his mean streak going was when he became the force that he was
    So maybe the Slavester needs to do this
    His game is much better when he plays with an edge
    He can do this he’s a big man child
    Course he’s 20 and has a lot on his plate but it wouldn’t hurt his game like he said to taylor it after the orc
    At least the good parts of the orcs game
    Not the stupid shit that asshat does
    Go Habs

    1. Yep basically play that power forward style of game, but don't emulate his personality. Oh wait, he would need to have one to emulate. Never mind.
      Slaf can play that style and keep his charming personality, not act like the mutant toddler (™️ courtesy Jack Todd)

  59. Anonymous8:52 PM

    The Montréal Canadiens have always represented the best of what Canada has to offer. Serge Savard Larry Robinson, Steve Shutt. Guy Lafleur. Ken Dryden. Patrick Roy. Et many al. The scum at hnit have never recognized this duality. They downplayed and denigrated the Habs for decades. Their efforts to put their shit team on a pedestal has failed continuously. They are united in being sick unCanadian scum.

  60. CHester9:38 PM

    Lots of hnit blabber about how little mitchie singlehanded won the series and there was a mention of some avalanche D guy but nothing said of the americant captain
    The awesomely spectacular captain underpants
    Single handed Slayer of hockey clubs
    Maybe they don’t want to admit that the orc and the orcs brother among others were more triumphant than the anointed most greatest fantastic hockey player since Dave Keon
    Well the hockey world watched captain underpants lead the americants to loser status
    Something he excels at
    Go Habs

    1. Anonymous9:51 PM

      If capistain america ain’t wearing the leaf colours hed’ve been ripped. The sfu has a vested interest like a hanomansing podcast. Spew rhymes with sfu.

  61. CHester9:41 PM

    Bring on the limpics
    Bring on the americants
    CHester and Canada awaits
    Go Habs

  62. Anonymous9:53 PM

    The Nazis hosted an Olympics.
    L.A. 2028 gonna be 🔥.

  63. Anonymous7:15 AM


    1. Lemieux was always better. And since the CH defeated his Kings in '93 it's like he's had nothing but disdain for his home country. Well we have Crosby, thank you very much.

  64. The Super Bowl Champion Philadelphia Eagles have reportedly overwhelmingly declined an invitation to the White House.


    1. Excellent! Now we await the tantrum filled post by the fat orange felonious rapist with lots of name calling.

    2. What, and miss those cold Big Macs??

  65. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Tuukka Rask retires with the most career wins by a goalie drafted by #LeafsForever * in franchise history

  66. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Um, is there one or two l’s in Woo - - y ?

    1. Dealer's choice...but the 🦣 had 2.

    2. Shoulda been just the one

  67. steve7:47 PM


  68. CHester7:54 PM

    We need to shut down the Sherman and fire up the Train
    Go Habs

  69. Late to the party ... trivia night ... G Y F H G ! ! !

  70. CHester9:02 PM

    Doesn’t look like ratatoui likes the hurricanes
    His nose is seriously out of joint
    Go Habs

  71. A great complete game as they say.

  72. Finally. Finally beat those jerks

  73. When I did my prediction during the break, I had the team getting 34 more points for a total of 89. Brian Wilde says that is the latest 'projected' number for a wildcard spot. I also had them only going 1-1-1 for the 3 games in February so they've already outdone themselves! That 89 is already a 90 and a W vs SJ would make it 92!

    Playoffs baby!

    SJ-BUF-BUF next three games. beating teams below them are as important as beating the teams they're chasing down for a playoff spot. My statistical model is indicating a 2-0-1 record for 5 of 6 points. The 'statistical model' being my guessing when I was figuring out my predictions. March is looking pretty good with a 7-4-3 record but April is better with a great run to the finish at 7-2.

    A lot of this is very dependent on what Hughes decides to do at the deadline. Rumours (for what they are worth) indicate he is looking for a 3rd first round pick. Pretending that is true, we can assume (hope) that is not to draft another player for the five year pipeline, but rather to make a big off season move using multiple first round picks to get a very good to great roster player in return.

    Whatever happens, GYMFHG!

    1. I seem to remember Gorton saying it was unlikely that they would be picking 12 times this June. There only so many spots available for contracts. I doubt they get that 3rd first round pick, none of their UFAs are worth one. My opinion is HuGo stands pat unless some desperate GM antes up big time on deadline day. The big moves are coming in June/July.

  74. Yodel is now a Predator.

  75. steve6:03 PM

    Ovie unlike someone else loves his country right or wrong. I an cheering for OV and think Russia should be in the Olympics. Becasuse we have learned that politics and sports are not a good mix.

  76. CHester10:36 PM

    I think
    We don’t get a good offer for sevens
    I think he comes to terms with that
    I think
    We resign him 3 years
    Army sucks it up and we sign him 2 years
    Savvy and Devo are gone adios
    Onward we go
    Go Habs

  77. RIP Gene Hackman (+wife & dog).
    Great actor with many great roles to his credit.

    1. RIP, many great movies, many great roles ... I always liked his Lex Luthor.

    2. Anonymous2:27 PM

      One of the greats.

      French Connection and Mississippi Burning.


    3. He was also skilled with a straight blade (Mississippi Burning). R.I.P. to Gene, and to his wife and dog too.

  78. I like Sevans. A rare late pick, homegrown product that was given time to come into his own. He's carved out a nice spot for himself as a quality 4th line C that can kill penalties.
    But the reason he is garnering so much attention is that he's also put up some offence this year.
    The thing is he has 27 points in 58 games. Good for a 4th liner. BUT...he scored a third of those (9pts) in an 8 game stretch from Dec 12 to 29.
    He followed that up with a 9 game pointless streak. And has since had a 4 game pointless streak, and is currently on a 5 game streak.

    So, I don't see HuGo fishing out the money that somebody will give him in free agency. So he will be traded even if the Habs win the next 4 games before the deadline.

    My final factor in not signing him is his concussion history. He could be one bad hit from the end of his career. That's a heartless reason to not sign him, but it's a serious consideration.

  79. CHester9:05 AM

    Well I guess we're gonna see.
    He might just be pricing himself out of a trade.
    Prob not the money but the term.
    I think teams see him as a rental.
    I doubt anybody sees him for five years at whatever amount.
    We don't need another third round pick.
    I think he sucks it up and signs at Hugos terms.
    Just thinking
    Go Habs

  80. I agree with CHester. 7Evans is a good 4th line center and is worthy of a raise. He will turn 29 at the start of next season and start to age out over the next few years. HuGo is aware of all this. Jake should realize the grass isn't always greener on some other lawn. Ask Raantanen.

  81. Let's say the standings remain relatively the same the rest of the season. Montreal currently has picks 11, 18 (Calgary) and 37 (Pitt). Hugo calls Barry Trotz and offers all three of them for #3. Does he accept?

    1. Steve6:03 PM

      Garth Snow has kindnapped the M

  82. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Does a true SC competing team need a 7vans ?

    1. Depends on whether they need C depth or help on the PK.

  83. I'm probably repeating myself but I think HuGo stands pat. Keep battling for a wildcard spot. They don't need 3rd and 4th round picks. Experience is worth more.

  84. CHester3:29 PM

    So the hated beaner booby whore wrote something somewhere about his maga pal whiner regretzky
    How all the mean Canadians are being mean and how this in breaking regretzkys little heart cause what’s wrong with idolizing the orange rapist and all his spew about the 51st state
    I mean really
    Well booby whore, there’s everything wrong with it
    Turns out regretzky hasn’t bothered to trundle off to Ottawa to collect his Order of Canada
    Well booby fuck you fuck regretzky and fuck your bum buddy trump and while we’re at it just fuck americant in general
    Go Habs

    1. Anonymous4:49 PM


    2. Steve6:01 PM

      How can you be sure REGEXTY has not hired the best historians, well that not possible because I am not working for him. Nevertheless maybe they told him every Canadian would be richer and pay less taxes working for Trump. For Gods Sake Jim , I am a Doctor not a hockey player economist.

    3. My vote for 2025 comment of the year awards.

  85. No game for me tonight. Poker night.

    So in advance, I say GYMFHG!

  86. Anonymous4:59 PM

    Hey bobby, F Ü C K O F F !

  87. steve5:59 PM

    Just Fucking Win, GO YOU FUCKING HABS GO!!

  88. Anonymous6:19 PM

    The trait-one NEVER got over Carbo’s Habs in 93.
    The trait-one NEVER got over Roy’s 3 Smythe trophies.
    The trait-one forced Quinn to start cujo at the Olympics.
    F ǓCK him.

    1. beaner booby never, ever beat the Habs in the playoffs. Look it up. His only two Cup wins were when he did not face Montreal.

  89. Watching these two go at it is like watching paint dry.

  90. Very poor effort from Montreal. Guilty of not taking SJ seriously.

  91. Do we have a second line?

  92. 1st NHL point for quéBeck

  93. CHester9:41 PM

    We don’t look ready for the show
    These guys are last ffs
    Go Habs

  94. Oh Whiskey you're the Devil!!!

  95. Reminiscent of Sam Bennett's goal against the US. Top cheese.

  96. Not a great game for a few players buy what a finish!

  97. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Comeback win. Bag those points.


    1. Only 1 point behind the hated beaners.

  98. Yeah, they should have buried these guys early but, these young Sharks are going to be a load once they get more experience and a goalie. Maybe Askarov will be the guy.

  99. Anonymous9:57 PM

    À win is a win.
    Imagine getting in.
    Meet the leaf sin.
    3-1 agin ?

  100. Anonymous10:23 PM

    I said it in the header pic, Habs are back.

    Time to give no fúcks.

    New thread up for the weekend later.

    Might be sexy.


  101. Anonymous10:49 PM



  102. CHester11:00 PM

    What’s up with dach
    I remember that when we got him one of the things in the book on him was that he had injury issues
    Or is he being kept out for a reason
    Big trade time for that barfalo fellow?
    Strokes chin
    Hugo has been quiet but we know stuffs happening
    Inquiring minds
    Go Habs

  103. Anonymous11:01 PM

    Whiskey’s goal isn’t making the sfu’s top goals of the year but it is mine. WOW !


  104. Late night...early morning (yawn) but just finished the hi-lites. By all accounts it was a bit of a dud of a game, which makes it great that they managed to get 2 points.
    What an absolute beauty by Whiskey for the winner!
    3 points by the captain and I was quite shocked by this stat I saw on the nhl.com story:
    "Suzuki reached 60 points (18 goals, 42 assists) for the fourth consecutive season. Only Guy Lafleur (10), Yvan Cournoyer (nine), Mats Naslund (seven), Steve Shutt (seven) and Maurice Richard (five) have had more consecutive 60-point seasons for the Canadiens.
    That is some very nice company to keep. Nature is one consistent player and we're lucky to have him.

    The Wings and BJs tied for the WC spots, 5 up. They play again tomorrow. No OT please.
    The Wings have a tough March schedule.
    Simple math for the Habs. Keep winning.

    1. I meant to add that aside from the OT winner, I was most impressed by Beck's play on the tying goal. He took a big hit and stayed on his feet, and stayed in the play to get the puck out to Wool. Big boy hockey and I can think of some big players on this team that would have been on their ass after that hit.

    2. I think Beck will be with the big club for however long the season lasts. Very capable of replacing any center not named Suzuki.

      And I know which large player you are talking about who's initials are JS.

  105. Poor wayne, he's so sad about being labeled a traitor... boofuckinghoo...

  106. Great comment I saw this morning regarding the Calder trophy race : "If Hutson was a leaf they would name a street after him this summer."

    1. Can you imagine the sickening amount of hype we'd be hearing about him every day if (shudder the thought) he was a leaf?!

    2. Anonymous1:53 PM

      B. Wilde said Hutson is getting no respect for the Calder. No surprise. Even funnier/sadder is the sfu, apart from hating all things Habs, including our elite rookie, always have their excuse of being on the east coast and not seeing enough west coast games to really determine a player's RoftheY (or other awards) worth. Guess where Celebrini plays. Also, they've recently given morgan reilly a 1st place Norris vote and they keep harping how Narcos is Selke-worthy.
      ~ ~ ~

  107. Checking in on my predictometer 2000, with the win last night and 6 points out of 6, Habs are now headed for 92 points on the season.

  108. Dach done for the year. Ouch.

  109. steve4:58 PM

    DACH armour is soviet issue. We keep him and sign him a min wage. My bodyis my temple and I do extordinary things at age 66. He cant get past 66 games in a season ever. Still a young guy with massive talent, but he should be paid like a replacable part. So CPT HOOK and DACH VADER go into a bar and get in a fight and both cant hit the net from 4 feet out.

  110. CHester5:24 PM

    Well I guess the injury book on him was clearly correct
    He’s played like 9 games for us and quite frankly I don’t see the talent or the upside
    He’s a 6’4 piece of grandmas china
    So we lost a couple of picks on him
    We need to get a no 2 center so add that to the list
    Dylan’s looking better now
    Go Habs

  111. steve5:28 PM

    As the resident history major I have to tell you if you are amazed by the history made today, you are correct. I think it was two assholes in a fart contest.
