May 20, 2012

So hot that 29's got on his designer fuckin' bathing suit, lick something cool, sweet and tasty

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  1. Ah, summertime!

    1. Gonna be a scorCHer!

    2. I say we all crash Steve's for a pool party.

    3. What if Steve is already crashed?

    4. No problem, he probably crashed poolside, just have pic #1 put drink in his hand.

    5. well if you like swimmn with worms come on over. The cover is off, the pool is fillin, by next weekend I will be chillin.

  2. You won't find that video on the JUICE channel.

    1. What about the juce channel?

    2. You'd have to sign up.

  3. Enjoying fave summer drink; Campari, OJ, San Pel, ice, lotsa ice.

    1. mmm, sounds delish!

      My two fave summer drink recipes:

      1. Stoli blueberry, mint leaves, soda, ice

      2. Pimms #1, extra gin, San Pel limonata, assorted fruit, ice.

      I'm currently drinking both. In the same glass!

    2. Thats a big glass!

    3. beer cold, anything but American

    4. And Nector of the Gods, quality tequila smoothies

  4. Don't blame me for the designer duds, the suit really shows off my package

    1. Thats a big package! NTTIAWWT.

  5. HAHAHA Marty McSorley and his illegal stick. Fuck him.

  6. Beyond me how chrisidiotlee gets games.

    1. He takes orders real well

    2. You're probably right, a real kissass.

    3. Or deepthroat...NTTIAWWT

    4. Either way, NTTIAWWT very obedient.

  7. In the south coast of Canada May 24 has been spectacular, thank you Victoria, now tell your mooching great great great grandchildren to get a job.

  8. I heard SNL was da bomb last night, with Mick giving the man the finger even though he is the man. When It comes up I will provide streaming links. Acrade Fire gave some fire to the brave students who realize, we are being fucked in both holes.

    1. I PVR'd SNL.

      Quebec gov't is now threatened by Anonymous.

      I am all for protesting without violence. However, this has now gone too far and my beautiful city and its people is held hostage.
      I do not even feel safe going to Hurley's or anywhere else in the downtown area now. Last night they lit bonfires in the streets. Montreal is being viewed in a very negative manner by the rest of the world.


    2. Further more, Amir Khadir and his daughter are fucking idiots.
      Yup, he raised her well, she was arrested twice already.
      Daddy marched in front of a goddamn shoe store last year because the shoes came from (Isreal?) for Christ sakes.

    3. Everytime my daughter goes downtown with her friends I worry my heart out that she doesn't happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, as if my I don't have enough Mother worries already.

    4. Fuck them all. I'm guessing they would have preferred the War Measures Act with tanks rolling down St-Catherine's street. Because that's the next step.

      They allowed this to happen the minute they didn't distance themselves from radicals, anarchists, and goons.

      Also: $352!

    5. That's exactly what happened.

      They allowed everyone who wanted, to ride on their coattails. Cowards and thugs hiding behind someone else's cause. Unions opening their purses and feeding the fuel.

      The police can't enforce bill 78 alone, the only next logical step the gov't takes may well be the War Measures Act. I don't think that has happened since the October Crisis. Well, what do you know, that was in Montreal, QC also.

    6. That's the tuition raise. It all started because of $352. Still cheaper than the rest of North America.

    7. Ah, of course.
      Now some have bail charges, lawyer's fees and criminal records way more expensive than tuition increase. The suspects who were arrested for smoke-bombing the metro are now not allowed near a metro. If they don't have bikes, I hope they have money for cabfare.

    8. every one who pays a price for freedom, financed your future.

  9. Zuckerberg got married, hope he has a prenup.

  10. I noticed a pattern in this Knights-Cataractes game: Tinordi-Harrigton off the ice, lots of goals against get scored. That Maatta kid hasn't impressed me at all.

  11. R.I.P. Robin Gibb.

    1. Suddenly I find myself thinking of DGBG.

    2. Yes RIP. the Bee Gees, the ultimate re invention bad of brothers

  12. R.I.P. Robin. Another icon of an era gone.

  13. Could you lovely 4HFRers pleae send us some of that heat. My pool has been filled since the end of March (drought/hose ban...long story!) but it is still under 60F because it's been so goddamm cold! Please help!

    1. here, take it. TAKE IT

    2. Its so hot even Gomez would be sweating

    3. whats your problem its only shrinkage deal with it.

    4. Montreal broke a record yesterday 31.2 c.

  14. Happy Victoria Day / Dollard Day / Journée des Patriotes everyone! In celebration today I will father many children who will go on to be European royalty.

    1. I will celebrate my dad's 64th birthday with bacon and then watch my puppy roll in the sun.

    2. Happy birthday N31's dad!

    3. I still say Happy Victoria Day.
      Happy Victoria Day everyone!

  15. the Maritimer8:45 AM

    Hey Steve! I'm taking Mrs. Maritimer in town today to see Prince Charles and Camilla. I'll see if I can pass on your message about the job search. I'll let him know the chocolate factory in St. Stephen is hiring. Mr. Harper and Mr. Flahery would approve.

    Great video of Trevor Timmins over at RDS in English at the Memorial Cup. Good to see that the KGB has been turfed from Habs headquarters and people are allowed to speak again. Free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty we're free at last!

    1. at least you will not have to fight the crowds

    2. They drew a bigger crowd when they came to Montreal.
      Oh, wait, that was the separatists pelting eggs outside the Blackwatch Armory. Just another protest.

    3. Watched the video. Also another with the Flower who said his choice for coach would be Hartley, St. Partick would just be a target and added there is not too much choice given the bilingualism requirement here.

  16. Everyone except KMaxx get your Mick fix here. SOP applies if any links asks you to download, join the Conservative party etc etc go to another one. As far as the protesters go when Charade has $400 million for Karl Fuck to get an NHL team, fuck him.


    2. this one is solid, you just have to watch a 18 sec commercial for the William Hill Casino, and it is a lame one.

    3. Maybe they should charge tuition on a sliding scale, pay according to your income. Now you get loans based on your income.

      5$/day daycare? Great but people who don't need it put their kids in just because it's so cheap. I had an in-law who did it when it started, said hey, kids to play with and hot meals for 5$, be crazy not to.

      Creates a wait list for those who really need it.
      Years ago I was paying around 800$/month for 2 excluding ped days.

    4. And I here Harper is gonna give $$$ towrards the estimated $4.1 billion it will cost to sustain Afghan security forces when international troops withdraw.

      Money he'll get by re-vamping EI and sending Maritimers to work in chocolate factories.

    5. Harpo 's plane touches down anywhere outside Caanada and he gives away at least 10 million, buying friends is one thing, but this is ridiculous, maybe he is trying to set up a safe place to live after 2015.

    6. Juce do not get me started, but google this magical place called Germany. Why can they without a single resource, starting from scratch in 1946 do what they do?

    7. They didn't have Harper.

  17. Lot of Bee Gee's music on the radio today.

  18. Coming to a city near you.

    Ontario students want to join Quebec student strike

    1. In Ontario they pay more. However there is a plan to decrease their tuition by I think 30%. Even then, with the tuition increase they want to do here, Quebec will still have cheaper tuition.

    2. Absolute Vodka,
      Quebec pays less. There was a protest when Pauline Marois was the Education Min at the time and she backed down when the students protested, fucking coward bitch then and hyprocrite now!

    3. She also fucked our health system with early retirement packages to doctors, then closed a bunch of hospitals.

  19. Another awesome day! Just having some tea on the deck whilst listening to sports radio natch.

  20. I am on my second beer watching the waterfall created by the garden hose fill the green tinged cement pond. I may need another beer before this is over.

  21. Its so hot, superplexxx has taken off the turtleneck

  22. Is so hot that if the Maritimer was going to drive to Montreal today, he would have to consume more beer than I can count. For me a run like that is at least two two four.

    1. the Maritimer6:19 PM

      Drink and drive? Me? Never. I'd sit in the back and have a dozen on the way up.

    2. same here, extatremous drinking only

  23. Its so hot, Yoppi has consulted the union manual and declared Montreal and unsafe work environmental.

  24. Its so hot the students have agreed to trade tuition increases for Vanallia Ice concerts.

  25. Its so Hot airshow Mckay has a backup helicopter for his trip the the beach, cause you know they dont lift worth a shit over thirty C

  26. Its so hot Charade is having his hair straighted cause the curls were starting to make divots in his skull plate.

  27. Its so hot Moeman is not looking at a hot ass, nothing but cool ass for today.

  28. Its so hot Juce will change her name to Ice Juce

  29. Its so hot I took the hammer and sickle off the wall to stir my drinks

  30. Its so hot I opened up every steam on the internet just to cool me down

    1. stream I meant stream, but steam works

  31. Its so hot when I take a pee in the alley, it steams just like January.

  32. its so hot I am having the opposite of shrinkage and I cant get my seatbelt off.

  33. its so hot the Leaf just announced they are leaving the NHL for the cooler playing field of water polo. Celine said in particular " in the water no one can see you cry"

  34. Its so hot Harper has just announced ice is a valuable natural resource, and we will send it all to America at a 30% discount, and Ontario and Quebec can buy it back at the marked up price.

  35. Its so hot Thomas Mulclair has announced we have Iceland disease. Just as with his pronouncement about Dutch disease, no one knows what his talking about, but will attack with total abandon for thought regardless.

  36. Its so hot the climate change deniers are saying, green house gases produced the last ice age.

  37. Its so hot the DEA has declared total victory over pot growers. Yeah man nothing is going grow in the environment our leaders have created.

  38. Its so hot Miley Cirus will take off all her clothes, proving once again, you can never predict how hot a 13 year old will be at 20.

    1. my favourite of all of these. NOT THAT I THINK A 13-YEAR OLD WAS HOT, MISTER POLICEMAN

  39. Its so hot my hostas wished they where tulips

  40. Its so hot the Champlian bridge will do funky shit, no one could ever have imagined, but no one imagined it would last more than twenty years anyway.

  41. Its so hot, hot steamy sex sweat will be generated by holding hands

  42. Its so hot that when the mob makes concrete the sweat dripped into the mixture will make it the strongest in Quebec history.

  43. Its so hot that when the enforcers come to collect they will no longer threaten violence. Just taking away the widow air conditioner.

  44. Its so hot that the air conditioners in the cheap ass bottom line park patrol cars will not work, and parking will be free forever.

  45. Its so hot that the millions of orange contruction cones will melt in ways so creative, that Montreal artist will feature them in an auction that will be larger than the Facebook IPO.

    1. The students already burned the cones Saturday night.

  46. Did I mention it was hot today?

  47. It's so hot and because I am a renter with no yard I put down some of those seeds that grow on cement on my living room floor. Save's spending for patio furniture.

  48. So I take it it's hot over there...Steve?

    1. My brain is on fire

    2. The interesting thing about England is they never had a revolution. Still have a house of lords, and a Queen who is not Gay. I say it will not end well. Others like Orwell and Anthony Burgess have preceded my prediction by a long time in the past. Just saying Kmaxx keep your head up, cause there are so many shaved apes who would take it off with pleasure.

    3. What worries me that I actually understood that...

  49. I'ts terrasse weather. Since I won't venture downtown, choices are limited without too much travel. So, go sit outdoors or inside where I can watch the game.
    Decisions, decisions.

  50. This is to good, I wish I could tweet,but there is no context, context is dead it is just raw sewage.

    "every one who pays a price for freedom, financed your future."

    1. hate unions, work Saturday and Sunday and buy every essential from the company store, and if your a women, you will understand where the term dick came from.

    2. The fucking unions are financing the students.

  51. Its so hot bixi is launching a new model with a crotch fan and a hidden camera, they say its the model that will finally turn a profit.

  52. Its so hot the game of thrones gave the dragons the day off

  53. Its so hot facebook investors looked to $36 in the hopes a market chill would carry over.

  54. Its so hot Jamir Jagar is doing all his weird hockey exercises in a thong and skates.

  55. Its so hot that Montreal has issued a ban on posting pictures of Kate Upton.

  56. Its so hot that Celine Dion will stop injecting sheep stems sells into the meat at her newly purchased Swartz

  57. Its so hot the ice maker at the Bell Center has been poached by JP Morgan, cause they really have nothing else.

  58. Its so hot that Karl Fuck has told the government he will reluctantly accept a billion dollars in ice.

  59. Its so hot that Conrad Black wishes he was back in a Florida prison, while the heat was the same, the insects were all american.

  60. Its so hot the pope has issued a edict, demanding the children have a before and after cool down period.

  61. Its so hot Al Queda has instructed all underwear bombs must be coated with Jock itch.

  62. Its so hot Donald Trump is only using the northern squirrel hair pieces.

  63. Its so hot the Republicans are going to rescind the ban on Gay winter.

  64. its so hot Obama has agreed to restart the cold war

  65. its so hot the Kim kardashian who was just named the hottest women in the world will not come to Montreal under the advice of her doctor. She said " who really knows the melting point of silicone/"

  66. Its so hot I am looking for a government solution. They will tear gas the heat at random.

  67. Its so hot King Steve, asked his wife not to wear leather Chaps when she visited her Gay RCMP lover.

  68. Its so hot the manufacture recalled the warranty on King Steve's head ( hairpiece included)

  69. Its so hot Bev Oda used her frequent flyer miles to have a ice hotel constructed in a parking lot in Port Perry. She has now on a whim ordered an ice breaker for Lake Scucog.

  70. Its so hot Mitt Rommney is driving his dog around on the roof of his car at high speed to demonstrate the cooling effect of evaporation. This will be his special insight into making America great. King Steve said, high speed driving in the open, well I got this fake hair...

  71. Bonnie Ratt points out in an Air Canada promotion, that sitting on the wings is cool.

  72. Did anyone notice it was hot out?

  73. Its so hot the press has not once referenced to Camilla as having a horse face. Although there are over 600 references to a sweaty horse face.

  74. Beats old man winter.

  75. the (cool) Maritimer6:30 PM

    Steve, still watching the pool fill?

    It was so nice here today, about 22 C with a nice breeze right off the Bay of Fundy. It was so cool the Royals did not sweat a drop. Prince Charles even played street hockey for a few minutes with some school kids and scored a goal. He walked by us about six feet away, I could feel the royalness. Harper could not pull that off.

    I feel for you guys in Hotreal. That's why I will never leave Saint John we have natural air conditioning all summer. It's called the Bay of Fundy.

    1. No, in fact I just watched Mick on SNL. Nothing to see here folks, his bit with Arcade Fire, great, with Foo Fighters he could not keep up, the skits hardly worth a smile.

  76. Toaster discovered ice cubes today.

  77. The Draft is exactly one month away. My head says Flipper, my heart GCHuk.
    I predict Oilers will sway with the Leaf, taking the Nail, Columbus goes Flipper and we pick the first Lithuanian.

  78. Kmaxx be happy, if Button is correct Gaunce will be available for our 2nd pick.
    33. Slater Koekkoek 36 Peterborough (OHL) 2/18/94 D L 6'2/186 26 5 13 18 -7
    34. Adam Pelech 40 Erie (OHL) 8/18/94 D L 6'2/210 44 2 18 20 -20
    35. Jarrod Maidens 31 Owen Sound (OHL) 3/4/94 LW L 6'1/178 28 12 11 23 -2
    36. Devin Shore 46 Whitby (OJHL) 7/19/94 C L 6'0/184 52 31 39 70 -
    37. Brendan Gaunce 26 Belleville (OHL) 3/25/94 C L 6'2/215 68 28 40 68 +4
    38. Brady Vail 39 Windsor (OHL) 3/11/94 LW L 6'0/195 68 22 30 52 +1
    39. Esa Lindell 43 Jokerit Jr. (Fin) 5/23/94 D L 6'3/194 48 21 30 51 -
    40. Patrick Sieloff

  79. And now for something completely different but probably the students

  80. rosca de día de joroba es mañana!

  81. The Fan at lunch was all TinTin, a monster that can move. In the new NHL what every team covets. The new NHL is all about size and stamina, skill and speed not so much.

    Sea Dogs are losing to the ice, skill and slush dont mix.

  82. Replies
    1. Entropy is takin me down.

    2. what has happened to the Maritmer, no comment on the sea dogs
      BTW where is the Orange man, has he an agashee?
      Has the Facebook slide damaged our social network?
      Or is it the Jack Martin hockey playoffs, if I was Geoff, Martin is the perfect pick for the new era coach. Chocula never had the players to play you cant score hockey. So now we want to win, what hockey will we play next year. Shot blocks and shutdown, scrambles in front of the net. The only upside is you need at least 3 guys who are shootout advantaged. Otherwise you can package up anyone who can understand geometry and pain and be a contender.

  83. Heat-Pacers should be entertaining tonight

  84. the Maritimer8:12 PM

    I'm around, played golf early today, came home had a shower, some lunch and then a little siesta. Shot the best round of my life today an 80, IN 18 HOLES MOEMAN!

    Not much I can say about the Sea Dogs, they won the game last night, it took them a period to establish themselves and now they should show their true colours. They are the best team there, their depth should eventually win out. The only thing that makes me nervous is the goaltender, Corbeil. He can let in a stinker once in a while.

    Is Gomez still a Hab?

    1. An honest 80? (I assume so because everyone who has ever commented on FHF is pure of spirit). I am fucking impressed. I'm one of those guys who can't even break 90 (90, 91 a bunch of times, 92 more than I can count) so I know what an 80 means. Congrats.

    2. 29, front or back 9?

    3. the Maritimer10:01 PM

      An honest 80, with two double bogeys.

    4. no mulligians?

    5. The M - An honest 80 is pretty damm respectable. Well done sir - Well Done!

  85. For the draft, all I want the Habs to pick is Galchenyuk and BOO Nieves.

    Also someone needs to shut Tony Marinaro up. Just because Habs have Beaulieu in the system, doesn't mean PK is expendable. It means Markov is probably going the super discount route mentor if he lasts his current contract, or Weber and prospects like Mac Bennett are trade bait. Beaulieu won't play for the Habs for another year and a half at least! (And PK is better defensively).

    1. Hey TinTin is not chopped liver

  86. heh, hnic has bob frozen cold doing the game. Losers.

  87. Moeman - You should never underestimate the power of this blog. And I shall tell you why! - Early on in this tread (4.48 AM by the time clock) I asked all the 4HFers who were suffering with the heat to send some of it my way. Now the UK has just had the wettest April on record and it's been bloody cold and wet for as long as I can recall...until yesterday! As I speak, it is a balmy 26C and my pool has warmed up almost 8 degrees. Nothing but sun and heat on the forecast for the next week! So thank you Moeman - Thank you 4HFers! Without you all, I don't know what would happen to a kot of shit in this world. God Bless everyone of you!

    1. hehe...+1! Enjoy the sunshine KmaXXX!

  88. Ok, so I might pop in to Hurley's this saturday...just might...Meeting a buddy of mine in Montreal and we're not set on where we are going yet...any suggestions? I want to check out Hurley's, never been and you guys seem to like that place, so it's probably worth checking out!

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