May 8, 2015

Come on in, the Sexy Friday is hot

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  1. the Maritimer8:33 AM

    Hey oleg! Great rant last night. I'm guilty of trashing DDD and eMpTy as well... and will continue to do so. There are 29 other teams in the NHL who DDD could NOT play center for let alone get the #1 gig. DDD is a great AHL player and would have a long productive career anywhere in Europe. But being pur laine gets him to the head of the line in Montreal.

    I don't care about eMpTy anymore, he will be replace eventually. All coaches are.

    I am extremely happy that the Habs managed to beat those miserable fucks at least once, just like 29 was screaming for last night. Can they beat a team they lost 8 straight games to four consecutive times? I guess we will find out.

    1. Did you like the pics?

    2. Let me echo - quality rant oleg! I deserve to be called out! I shall not be deterred however. Fuck DDD and MT2 and their little synergistic bromance

  2. the Maritimer8:51 AM

    Amazing Sexy Friday moe, you never disappoint. Nice tribute to the Avengers ladies, Cobie and Scarlett, perhaps you forgot Elizabeth Olsen, the Scarlet Witch. I noticed you nod to Wendy Mesley as well, nice.

    Speaking of sexy, there was a rumour of a topless beach opening up around the Shediac, NB area this summer. Maybe 29 would be interested in visiting our fair province in the near future.

  3. TGISF! moeman never disappoints.

  4. Another excellent SF Moeman ! Nice ones all 'round as usual! I don't know if the Habs can manage to win 3 more on the hop but it should be some sort of fun watching them try. And FUCK ME!! ...we actually get a Saturday night game in the playoffs for the first time this year. Gonna be a kick ass time Saturday night boys!! What's the name of this blog again...? GO YOU FUCKING HABS GO!!

  5. Bon vendredi sexxxy mes ami(e)s! Super job comme d'habitude moe!

    I was really dreading that this would be an end of season SF, so I am GIDDY. GYFHG. I believe!

    (I don't believe)

    1. I detect a certian remorse over a lack of faith. There must be a German word for this. Its ReueGlabueHabitat

  6. the Maritimer12:20 PM

    No doubt the SFU's will be diligently trying to figure out how the Dolts and BishFlop can put the Habs away. They can't have a team from Montreal getting any where near the Cup.

  7. the Maritimer12:23 PM

    Ha! It's hailing here right now...and fucking cold too!

    1. yeesh sorry. 23 and sunny here! and getting hotter by the minute

    2. 29 29 29 degrees on the south coast of Ontario

  8. Nice work on SF, moe! Is it weird that my favourite pic is the Youppi! doing the Buddha. I blame my time in Asia.

    Just a quick response to oleg from last post,

    We're all fans and we all love this team, everything said is due to that love. But I do totally get your thoughts on the CBC/ref bashing, and I've said it before that even I'm embarrassed by my comments on those topics sometimes. This site is pretty much my id given free range. IRL I don't talk or even think about those things. I just find it cathartic sometimes. A lot of times.

    1. Oman I am with you. To me and I think to others this is kind of fee assocaiton commenting. I would never do it personally, but some people comment the first thing that comes into their mind without filters. It imature anti social behavior but I am willing to tolerate it.

  9. Is it wrong that I'm rewatching the game now, this time on the NBC feed? I just learned a new fact from them: Only 4 times in playoff history has a game winning goal been scored in the last 2 seconds of regulation, and 2 of those have happened in the last week (Caps vs NYR). The others were in 1964 and 2009. Ok, that's interesting (and suicide inducing)

    BUT, here's the really cool part. The goalies scored on in those games? 1. Terry Sawchuk 2. Martin Brodeur 3. Henrick Lundqvist 4. Carey Price. I mean, if you're going to make terrible, terrible history, might as well make it with those guys.

    In other news, Mexican food is totally overpriced in Seoul (well, not my little place near my apartment) but I went out with some Texans tonight to a "more authentic" place. Listen, if a teeny tiny burrito is $19 bucks then I don't want to be authentic. I'll take my $5 gut busting wrap down the road, Koreanized or whatever. To paraphrase Kate Moss, nothing tastes as good as a full wallet feels.

    (Not sure how up to date FHFers are on supermodel quotes, but it's really, "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels". I do trivia a pub here and I had supermodels as a category. Here's one, "I don't get out of bed for less than $10,000 a day")

  10. I know it's bad form to post a link to your blog in another blog's comments on the day after your team came back from the abyss by scoring 6 goals and it's 25 degrees and sunny in early May, so I'll only do it once

    1. What makes hockey players happy, its not the coach, its not scoring on the the ice. In truth hockey players are happy when their wives are happy. I have not watched this show because I am so busy commenting on 5000 websites a day. It was easy when I did not have other responsibitles. So I really have no time to watch this show.
      But still I am interested despite my general distain for reality TV. The blog is all you need. I get everything out of an hour in 45 secs from 29 and wrap around. I been there done that, and they bring up things I do not have to thinkaboot and that saves even more time. I would call it a short time pleasure. I am not going to judge people logging on with oven mitts.

  11. brothers.... sincere apologies for sounding off like it's an inquisition.

    love the team like it's your first car which won't cooperate, yet hate it b/c you can't bear the thought of scrapping it.

    DDD as useful to the other 29 teams as a.daigle would have been for vinny (#25), eric (#28), and somebody else i forget...

    good points by all. i too drift back and forth between unconditional love for this team and unjust disappointment for this gang of expectation killers.

    good catch steve, i traded your bi-polar loyalty for guiltiest and then again for being lesser guilty. you are like TinTin: too good to ignore, yet too dangerous to trust.

    we are all guilty of having no patience, no wisdom, and no lack of snark, but now this must be followed by our non wavering belief that THIS is our year. WE ARE THE MTL (F-ING) CNDs and we will NOT be eliminated on home ice ('sigh'...) again! mme. reno will sing but only as a prelude to her encore 6 days later.

    excellent SF find moeman. we must all take a page from youppie and just simply... believe. stranger stuff has happened against TFT and the hockey gods have more stressful nights planned for us.

    go DDDDDDDDD to cement that trust i know this board wants to give you.
    everybody else go back to exactly where you were yd. -i never really wanted you guys off the bandwagon. i can't imagine riding this bus w/o u senile wackjobs.

    end rant 1.2

    1. we are all guilty of having no patience

      put that on my tombstone

    2. the Maritimer3:24 PM

      senile wackjobs.....heh, I do have my moments. Excellent.

    3. oleg only you and Juce are on record as having true faith, I do want to point out that I hit the ladies tee with my want to believe soliquiy. The rest of the crew are right now as I understand religion in purgatory, working hard to catch the bandwagon with their comments. Their comments are wholesome and positive but the Hockey Gods are not easy markers, it will take a win on Saturday and their ancillary joy to get them fully bleeding Red White and Blue. While you me and Juce have already dropped the mike.

  12. the Maritimer3:45 PM

    This may be bad form, posting a link to a site we all despise, but this is well worth reading. Puts a human face on a man who has gotten his share of criticism from the senile wackjobs who inhabit this blog. Enjoy and G Y M T G!!!!

    1. when you have a job that is open to critizm from a hundred people its a hard one, when you have one open to 20 million its impossible. I pick the icing off the cake that MT does not like to lick, but he has made this team a solid unit. The question is would any coach be bad with TFS in net? I say no. Has MT realized that TFS is his ticket,
      I say yes. Has MT taken the next step, I say no. Still he may be a better NHL coach than me. I say may because its never been tried.

    2. Hey that was great! I have sympathy now for MT2

      I still despise many of his methods and question his ability to coach the team. But I like him more

  13. Finally got to my Sexy Friday post. Colby Smothers should be on our curency. Nothing more, my life coaches told me, keep it short and powerful. As a side note when I stopped paying them they said I was hopeless.

  14. I had to go back and track down the comment by Oleg as I had not seen it. As I was mentioned in his epic rant, I feel duty bound to reply. Let me start by saying that I am, like you all, a Habs fan until the day I die. I remember crying as a kid when they lost in the playoffs to the Rangers (must have been early 70's - Eddie Giacomin was in nets for them). Last year I was very sad when their playoff run ended when TFS was run by Kreider. I bleed when these guys bleed. But like all real Habs fans, I reserve the right to slam them when they play like shit. Remember back a year ago when I had a major rant and back and forth with Steve over our pal Lego. He was pissing me off something awful. He looks like he didn't care.mhe was sloppy and he was an embarrassment to the sacred crest. I called him on if and I know I pissed some of you guys off when I did. I have slammed MT a fair bit and I am still not convinced that he is the one who takes them to the promised land...but I hope against hope that I am wrong because I want the Habs to win the cup THIS SEASON! So when I slam a Hab or blam a ref (I don't slam the mediots much as I don't watch the English feeds much at all) I am doing it out of frustration that they aren't doing more to win every time they play. My parents and my grandparents always said the same thing when they talked about being Habs fans. They said. "fans of the Montreal Canadiens love their team unconditionally and support them win lose or tie...just don't lose too often"...and that is what I have always lived by. In the past few weeks I have tried to be as positive as I can and I have left MT alone - he's not going anywhere soon so soending energy slamming him helps no one - I will still slam him but then I will move on. And now I live Lego because he is playing like a Montreal Canadien is supposed to play. With his heart, with his head and with his God given talent.

    And this blog is the one place where we can all gather, curse, swear, slam, praise, laugh and cry as one. And we'll gather here again tomorrow night, hoping Against hope that they play like we all know they can but secretly worried that the bubble will burst. I sure hope it doesn't...not this season anyway!

    1. well said K3x, we are all falable, but despite the fact that we joke and laugh, we are all behind winning the cup, even if the coach is driving a lada.

    2. One of the best features of this blog is that deep down we are not only Hab FHFantics we are good natured. We agree to disagree and let history decide who was right.

    3. Of course as you have all realized the history major is the house/

    4. I would so love to do more, but commenting on the British Electon is goin way past midnight.

  15. I am not kidding I swear I had no idea the Rags were down 1-3 to the Caps. Uh, go Caps I guess? Does it matter?

    1. Kreider 'fell' on top of Holtby of course. Refs robbed the Caps of a goal, lunqvist comes out of his crease contacts Ward and they say no goal. But it was really weird no one seemed to know why it was called off and when they made the announcement, there was too much noise. Still think Caps were robbed.

  16. the Maritimer8:49 PM

    As mentioned by K3X, I love the Habs unconditionally as well...until they lose or play like they don't care. This is unacceptable as the Flower would never take a shift off no matter how hung over he was or how many darts he smoked between periods. Le Gros Bill played hard because he believed the fans who payed to watch deserved no less. DDD has big shoes to fill in the land of pur laine.

    That being said I am too cynical of the League of Bettman to believe the Habs will ever be allowed to win the Cup again. 24 is over the limit and until every backwater shithole has won at least once we are fucked. Did I mention I am drinking Jack Daniels?

    1. i AM WILL, NO Steve I am. I just love the planet and all so much I would never critize the loved ones. In my village this incdleds the sports teams, yes they are eternailly beautiful. I got kicked out of Church for poinint out a zit.

  17. 1-0 Caps

    midway thru the 3rd

    1. the Maritimer9:30 PM

      I hope the Caps hang on and beat the lousy Rags and King Lunkhead.

  18. the Maritimer9:45 PM

    So much for that. Man, as much as we hate fuckface kreider, he was picked right after GMBG took LeBrow back in '09. Could we have learned to love him?

  19. Boy NHL playoff OT is a lot of fun when your heart isn't in your throat because your team is playing

  20. and just a I type that, Rags score

  21. OK if the Rags can get it to 3-2 at home, Habs can too!

  22. the Maritimer10:12 PM

    Wow, Ryan McDonagh scores the OT winner. Getting the Mexicant cost the Habs this guy. Oh the humanity...

    1. the Maritimer10:14 PM

      Someday Sather has to repay the Habs for that deal.

  23. I watched the game until Kreider scored, then my pvr took over and kicked me out, Caps were robbed of a legitimate goal by Ward in the 2nd for goalie interference.Ward was out of the paint, Lundqvist was at the edge and Stepan pushed him enough to bump him.

  24. I guess the reason that we finally got a Saturday night game is because no one else is playing today.

  25. Is funny how much I miss when I what the game sometimes.

    "Ben Bishop was having a rough night. After three amazing games against the Canadiens in which he allowed just 4 goals, it was bound to happen. And, boy, did it. Bishop was off his game early and seemed to lose focus as the game went on. He attempted a head-butt on Montreal’s Lars Eller. Later in the game, he defended a scoring attempt by throwing his stick.

    You can’t do that. The NHL rulebook covers it in Rule 53.6:
    When any member of the defending team, including the Coach or any non-playing person, throws or shoots any part of a stick or any other object or piece of equipment at the puck or puck carrier in his defending zone, the Referee or Linesman shall allow the play to be completed and if a goal is not scored, a penalty shot shall be awarded to the non-offending team. This shot shall be taken by the player designated by the Referee as the player fouled.
    Bishop got away with that one. He also didn’t last much longer. After giving up 3 goals on 14 shots, he was pulled from the net. Hopefully, he took that time to rethink his strategy between the pipes. "

    How does this guy not only not get called for diving numerous times a game, but break as many rules as he wants and not get penalised? I hope the Habs get fair officiating tonight. GYMFHG!

    1. Yeah, I saw that attempted head butt. Well, I wouldn't call it a head butt, he was trying to initiate contact with Lego, head on head, in order to then dive and draw a penalty. I don't think he was going in there to injure Lego, just trying to get cause for a call. Not that it makes it alright, but that was my take on it.

      The stick thing, the announcers focused more on Lego kicking the stick away from Bishop (as did MT when he screamed at Eller when he got back to the bench), but it was clear in the replay Bishop threw it at the Montreal player (I don't remember who it was). I actually remember he doing something similar in game 2.

      Bishop is really hard to like, and that's not because he's owned the Habs for a while. I might make fun of Marty and others here and there, but for the most part I always really like good goalies (Thomas would probably be the other exception. No denying he's a great goalie, at times anyway, but as a person he's terrible). But Bishop isn't even good. He's just big, and even though Anderson is big he has some obvious skill, though again his size hides a lot of his problems. Bishop is a cocky, whiny, diving annoyance. Whether it's the Habs or another team in the future, I hope he keeps getting exposed for that.

      *Not sure if I ever told this story here, but my friend has a neighbour back home who used to play with Thomas in the minors. He'd often drive Thomas to practice. My friend said his neighbour once told him, "Thomas never got tired to talking about his favourite subject: Himself".
