Seems the media and, of course, the former coaches brethren, have all banded together and are making sure to put the message out that firing MT would be wrong. Seems it just wouldn't be fair since Price is out and it wouldn"t be fair, he deserves another chance to fix things after Price is back according to his cronies on AC, if you fire him now, it just lets the players off the hook. Maybe they don't want him back on the panel over at AC? They put up a chart of coaches 'life spans' starting after Pat Burns.
The common denominator here is that those men were all perceived to be the best francophone coach available at their time of hiring. And I firmly believe that until the language the coach speaks (or doesn't speak) isn't a factor in that decision process, this team will never succeed. So, might as well leave eMTy in place until the NoDicks get their team back (though that may be in doubt with the dollar diving).
It would be interesting if the francophone media would accept an anglo coach who could speak French fluently? I have to think most would, although I seem to recall that one of them remarked once that Bob Gainey "spoke white". I'm not even sure what that means.
Bob Gainey coached when he gave Julien the heave-ho. There was no language weirdness then. I suspect a man of Mike Bossy's stature (and bilingualism) would be able to pull it off. Too bad Kirk Muller never learned any french.
I was actually thinking of Muller when I wrote that. I wondered if he would have enough street (player) cred to pull it off. I doubt it. They had the guy in the organization all along ... Gallant. Maybe Mr. Molson should hire a full time translator to take questions or a PR guy to speak for the coach and GM at all times.
Looking at the times listed above, I stand by my statement that eMTy's time has run it's course. The players have tuned him out ... they are tired of the dump and chase, they are not a "grinding" team as he once said. They are not built to play that way. They are not big or tough enough to play a crash and bang go retrieve the puck style.
I think Patches better get a grip on the throat of this thing. Better show a little leadership. Better tell that purple pimp suited bucket mouth to STFU and play some puck. There is nothing wrong with this team that a little rape and pillage won't fix. Go Habs
Respectfully disagree Chester, this does not all fall on PK. He cursed, big deal. As for the I'm not paid to score, I think it's all taken out of context, he was clearly frustrated with the entire team's horrible losing stretch and maybe took to question about his scoring to be a person shot at him while the whole team is in the dumps.
Is PK flasy? Yes, is he flamboyuant? yes, Is he passionate? yes. I'll take PK's passion and the occasional F bomb over the cookie-cut-out post game robotic, planned out responses any day. And as local radio reported yesterday, they usually have to wait about 20mins to access the locker room but this time it they were in there in about 5-10 minutes and players were still taking off their gear, I'm sure frustrations were still very raw at that time. As for Patches getting a grip, he should have long before now but he is learning on the job too and he also has to perform on the ice like the rest of them.
Excellent response juce. No disrespect to you CHester, PK is what he is like juce said. If anything he may be trying too hard and I posted yesterday he should say a big Fuck You to eMTy and go on offense when he sees an opening and maybe when he doesn't. Harry Sinden didn't hold back Orr and Sather didn't reign in Coffey. PK has some serious skills and should be allowed to use them. As for Max, he needs to start walking the walk if he wants to remain captain. He could use a serious upgrade at center, neither DD or Pleks are good enough for a winger of his caliber. gCHuk ain't ready and he's more of a dangler and shooter anyway. GMMB has mucho work to do and like I said before drafting 25th every year is not going to get it done. Time for him to put up or shut up amd throw his PS4 in the trash and get on the phone for real.
Montreal Canadiens goaltender Ben Scrivens unveiled his new mask Tuesday and it’s sure to win the approval of a few music fans.
Scrivens’ latest goalie mask features a tribute to late Motörhead bassist and vocalist Lemmy Kilmister. The Motorhead founder’s image is surrounded by a spade, which is a nod to the band’s iconic 1980 album and single, “Ace of Spades.”
I think we are far past fucked pushing the Matt panic button, its time for Katanas and rolling heads and fear of the walking dead. Of course if we make the playoff I will be for eternity mollified.
Man, I wish I could eat dessert every night like you do. Despite being relatively active for a guy my age, the extra calories just pile up on my stomach. I can have a cookie or something at lunchtime but at night is a definite no-no.
In the summertime when I'm walking lots of kms golfing I could get away with it. I'm jealous.... :-(
Small portions the M. and I do the 7 minute workout 3 times a day. Plus my Health app on the iPhone clocks the Kms and the stairs (my 4 labs are between two buildings at the UO). Not saying I don't need a slight re-alignment of 3 Kgs or so but I believe in moderation, even the alcohol intake is balanced, two glasses of white wine tonight.
I live it to the cops to decide. However has any man alive ever been in a relationship where his other half did not lay a good beating on him. The cavet being for good reason.
So from what I'm gathering, gCHuk got caught in the sack with two lassies by his now ex-GF and took a shot to the schnozz. OK, I get it. What I want to know is what was DSP doing there... chaperoning?
Habs better keep me interested tonight because Obama apparently has an aspirational SOTU speech lined up and I think he is setting his final table for some serious comments about American society. I hope his 'orator' style is on full-tilt tonight.
So you FHFers think I've lost my marbles? Yeah, just now realizing I had TUE and THU flipped, flopped and flied in my game calendar. Regardless its always FHFun to CHat with y'all.
And I thought I was behind and had missed out. about this "spit roast" the boys were enjoying in the hotel...wouldn't you have loved to be a fly on the wall in DGMB's office yesterday!! "Ok boys, what the fuck was that all about? Chucky, mon ami, you ok? Looks like you got clocked pretty good. But why wasn't at this party? I thought you guys liked playing for the Montreal Canadiens? We are a team boys and nothing is more important than the team. It's my team btw - I put it together. Devo - you ungrateful fuck - you could be rotting out in LA if I didn't bring you in here - and this is the thanks I get? And why didn't you stand up for your team mate? Not happy boys...not happy at all! Next time you have aprty - remember to pay them. You are not bigger than the team - you earn good money. If you'd paid them they wouldn't have come back and called the cops. Chantelle would have been fine and you wouldn't have a bloody nose you fuckin' wimp! Now get out of my office!"...or something like that...
I see the Oilers have recalled ZK. I'm still a bit pissed that MB didn't give this guy a chance on a roster full of guys that can't put the puck in the ocean. Best of luck to him - perhaps he will make Eberle or Yak more expendable and one of them will come our way.
"I knew we had a good team," Gallant told the Miami Herald, "but I didn't think we'd be in first place right now. I'm sure there aren't many other people who thought we would, either."
Gallant has helped engineer turnarounds before; after a fifth-place finish in the Northeast Division in 2011-12, the Canadiens were 75-42-13 in Gallant's two seasons as an assistant coach, including their first 100-point season since 2007-08 and an appearance in the Eastern Conference Final in 2014. And although the Panthers missed the playoffs in Gallant's first season, they improved by 25 points."
Ugh, I knew he would be missed here, he was the motivator and communicator for the Habs.
Heard this on Melnick. I went to hear the full segment, about Bettman wanting the Flames to build a new arena. If/when you have time to listen, just before the 5min mark, the dictator speaks trying to skate around the questions, but the host doesn't let him off the hook. If you decide to listen to it, let me know if you detect Bettman make a threat that Calgary will lose the team, then he backtracks.
Anyway, just finished episode 6 of Making a Murderer. Now I understand the title, because I kind of want to kill someone. Highly recommended if you haven't binged yet.
You know, I thought we might see some CH-CH-CH-CHanges during this 4 day break, but I guess MB is willing to leave it up to the Young Americans, Patches and gCHuk to save us. Sure would be nice if eMTy would trust All the Young Dudes, but that's just a Moonage Daydream. Ah well, we can always remember the Golden Years and hope beyond hope that we'll find some Heroes that will have the City of Montreal Dancing in the Streets within the next Five Years. Maybe we'll see a real Space Oddity and the Habs will actually beat the Hawks tonight. I'd say we're all The Dreamers if we believe that.
Denna Laing (all the best to her, hoping for a recovery) is suing the NHL and Gilette stadium citing poor ice conditions. I tried to find a video (not because I'm gruesome) because I read that she stepped on a hockey stick and went into the boards. I wanted to see if it was just left there, sometimes we see the refs leave sticks for what seems an eternity.
Hey kids sorry I haven't been around. Did I miss anything? Did any of our players get caught in a threesome or anything like that? No? Well that's good to hear.
This is comment #69. Bowie was 69. Snape/Gruber was 69. I was born in '69. And well...
There is some numerology related thing going on here, and I think we can all agree it must be positive - just need Tom Hanks or Jim Carrie to fill in the blanks.
I'm thinking Condon will have 6 saves on 9 shots in the first. Or 6+9=15. Yeast will be a beast and score a couple. Or maybe it's related to eMTy and Davey. *do not let that image enter your brain*
Go Habs Go!! Go Habs Go! Go Habs Go!! Go Habs Go!! Go Habs Go! Go Habs Go!! Go Habs Go!! Go Habs Go!!!!!!! Go Habs Go!! Go Habs Go! Go Habs Go!! Go Habs Go!! Go Habs Go! Go Habs Go!! Go Habs Go!! Go Habs Go!!!!!!!
Sadly, this has been going on far, far too long to be just bad puck luck. They have been wretched going on a month and a half. I admit I haven't watched a complete game in some time but from what I have seen, they just aren't good enough. They can't compete. Sure they will win from time to time but these old eyes tell me that the talent level isn't there. Max can stand there all he wants and give the same tired answers to the same tired questions and say they have great players in the room, blah blah blah, but I'm not buying it anymore. I can't listen to it and I can't read the same crap that's being written day after day after day. I just skim now.
MB will be starting a new 5 year plan after this season. If he doesn't, he's living in a dream world.
Go Habs Go!! Go Habs Go! Go Habs Go!! Go Habs Go!! Go Habs Go! Go Habs Go!! Go Habs Go!! Go Habs Go!!!!!!! Go Habs Go!! Go Habs Go! Go Habs Go!! Go Habs Go!! Go Habs Go! Go Habs Go!! Go Habs Go!! Go Habs Go!!!!!!! Go Habs Go!! Go Habs Go! Go Habs Go!! Go Habs Go!! Go Habs Go! Go Habs Go!! Go Habs Go!! Go Habs Go!!!!!!!
Just skimmed through the game. Proud of the boys, called a 4-1 loss, they only lost 2-1. That's what this team has come to, rooting for non-blowout losses.
Can't wait to read the pages and pages about how they played good enough to win, but darn that bad LUCK! It's all luck's fault! Please don't change a thing MB, because it's just bad luck!
I don't really care anymore. If MB wants to ruin this team to save his buddy, then that's his problem. I'm not losing anymore sleep over it. It was easier when we knew this team sucked and every win felt like a triumph. Watching this mess is heartbreaking, but I have to let it go. At least I don't have to get up at 8am anymore!
If anyone's wondering, for the first time in a very long time DDD did not lead the forwards in TOI. He was in fact 2nd, just behind Gallagher. 2+ mins ahead of Galchenyuk, 8+ mins more than December's leading scorer Carr. But remember, MT is just doing the best with what he's got!
(I also enjoyed the Bell Centre's announcer trying to give DDD what was very clearly Byron's goal).
Love the Pic o'the day Moeman! Now there was a coach who knew how to win...How much longer is this going to go on for? It's obvious that something needs to change. Last time I checked, TFS didn't have that many 1-0 shutouts to his credit. Regardless of my stance on MT, there comes a point when you have to do something - best mate or not. Sure they played well from all accounts but they didn't score enough goals to win - that's hockey 101 - score more than the other team - when you can't do that, something has to change. So let's see what has changed? The lineups - Check. The lines - check. The D-men - check - the routine on off days - check The powerplay - check - the back up goalie - check. The Taxi Squad - check. The uniforms - check. The defence coach - Check - the offence coach - check...The Head coach...
FHFriends, I will give David Bowie some well-deserved sexy respect on Friday.
ReplyDeleteWell Done, Moeman.
ReplyDeleteWow...follow that thread and you won't have a clue what actually happened...I read them all - just so wrong most of it...
DeleteSeems the media and, of course, the former coaches brethren, have all banded together and are making sure to put the message out that firing MT would be wrong. Seems it just wouldn't be fair since Price is out and it wouldn"t be fair, he deserves another chance to fix things after Price is back according to his cronies on AC, if you fire him now, it just lets the players off the hook. Maybe they don't want him back on the panel over at AC? They put up a chart of coaches 'life spans' starting after Pat Burns.
ReplyDeleteDemers, 3 YRES, 1 MTH
Tremblay 1 YR, 7 MTHS
Vigneault 3 YRS, 6 MTHS
Julien, 3 YRS
Carbonneau 2 YRS, 6 MTHS
Martin, 2 YRS, 6 MTHS
MT2.0 currently 3 YRS, 7 MTHS Hmmmm.
The common denominator here is that those men were all perceived to be the best francophone coach available at their time of hiring. And I firmly believe that until the language the coach speaks (or doesn't speak) isn't a factor in that decision process, this team will never succeed. So, might as well leave eMTy in place until the NoDicks get their team back (though that may be in doubt with the dollar diving).
DeleteIt would be interesting if the francophone media would accept an anglo coach who could speak French fluently? I have to think most would, although I seem to recall that one of them remarked once that Bob Gainey "spoke white". I'm not even sure what that means.
DeleteBob Gainey coached when he gave Julien the heave-ho. There was no language weirdness then. I suspect a man of Mike Bossy's stature (and bilingualism) would be able to pull it off. Too bad Kirk Muller never learned any french.
DeleteI was actually thinking of Muller when I wrote that. I wondered if he would have enough street (player) cred to pull it off. I doubt it. They had the guy in the organization all along ... Gallant. Maybe Mr. Molson should hire a full time translator to take questions or a PR guy to speak for the coach and GM at all times.
DeleteTFS is skating without any equipment.
ReplyDeleteleading the charge for a higher scoring NHL. Goalies can no longer wear equipement. Another Buttman victory.
DeleteLooking at the times listed above, I stand by my statement that eMTy's time has run it's course. The players have tuned him out ... they are tired of the dump and chase, they are not a "grinding" team as he once said. They are not built to play that way. They are not big or tough enough to play a crash and bang go retrieve the puck style.
ReplyDeleteI posted that because of your comment last thread.
DeleteI think Patches better get a grip on the throat of this thing.
ReplyDeleteBetter show a little leadership.
Better tell that purple pimp suited bucket mouth to STFU and play some puck.
There is nothing wrong with this team that a little rape and pillage won't fix.
Go Habs
Respectfully disagree Chester, this does not all fall on PK. He cursed, big deal. As for the I'm not paid to score, I think it's all taken out of context, he was clearly frustrated with the entire team's horrible losing stretch and maybe took to question about his scoring to be a person shot at him while the whole team is in the dumps.
DeleteIs PK flasy? Yes, is he flamboyuant? yes, Is he passionate? yes. I'll take PK's passion and the occasional F bomb over the cookie-cut-out post game robotic, planned out responses any day. And as local radio reported yesterday, they usually have to wait about 20mins to access the locker room but this time it they were in there in about 5-10 minutes and players were still taking off their gear, I'm sure frustrations were still very raw at that time. As for Patches getting a grip, he should have long before now but he is learning on the job too and he also has to perform on the ice like the rest of them.
Excellent response juce. No disrespect to you CHester, PK is what he is like juce said. If anything he may be trying too hard and I posted yesterday he should say a big Fuck You to eMTy and go on offense when he sees an opening and maybe when he doesn't. Harry Sinden didn't hold back Orr and Sather didn't reign in Coffey. PK has some serious skills and should be allowed to use them. As for Max, he needs to start walking the walk if he wants to remain captain. He could use a serious upgrade at center, neither DD or Pleks are good enough for a winger of his caliber. gCHuk ain't ready and he's more of a dangler and shooter anyway. GMMB has mucho work to do and like I said before drafting 25th every year is not going to get it done. Time for him to put up or shut up amd throw his PS4 in the trash and get on the phone for real.
DeleteWhew! I feel better now.
I also agree. Look at fucking Karlson, if PFK had that ticket, sigh
DeleteMontreal Canadiens goaltender Ben Scrivens unveiled his new mask Tuesday and it’s sure to win the approval of a few music fans.
ReplyDeleteScrivens’ latest goalie mask features a tribute to late Motörhead bassist and vocalist Lemmy Kilmister. The Motorhead founder’s image is surrounded by a spade, which is a nod to the band’s iconic 1980 album and single, “Ace of Spades.”
ReplyDeleteBowie being himself on Conan;
I never saw Gallant so livid that he need to be held back, literally.
I think we are far past fucked pushing the Matt panic button, its time for Katanas and rolling heads
ReplyDeleteand fear of the walking dead. Of course if we make the playoff I will be for eternity mollified.
Roasted a sirloin tip, pepper-sauced it, baked potato, rhubarb pie.
ReplyDeleteWith this Chardonnay, great find at $11;
Man, I wish I could eat dessert every night like you do. Despite being relatively active for a guy my age, the extra calories just pile up on my stomach. I can have a cookie or something at lunchtime but at night is a definite no-no.
DeleteIn the summertime when I'm walking lots of kms golfing I could get away with it. I'm jealous.... :-(
Small portions the M. and I do the 7 minute workout 3 times a day. Plus my Health app on the iPhone clocks the Kms and the stairs (my 4 labs are between two buildings at the UO). Not saying I don't need a slight re-alignment of 3 Kgs or so but I believe in moderation, even the alcohol intake is balanced, two glasses of white wine tonight.
DeleteI live it to the cops to decide. However has any man alive ever been in a relationship where his other half did not lay a good beating on him. The cavet being for good reason.
ReplyDeleteSo from what I'm gathering, gCHuk got caught in the sack with two lassies by his now ex-GF and took a shot to the schnozz. OK, I get it. What I want to know is what was DSP doing there... chaperoning?
ReplyDeleteCoaching the chase and dump? (see what I did there)
DeleteHabs better keep me interested tonight because Obama apparently has an aspirational SOTU speech lined up and I think he is setting his final table for some serious comments about American society. I hope his 'orator' style is on full-tilt tonight.
ReplyDeleteSo you FHFers think I've lost my marbles? Yeah, just now realizing I had TUE and THU flipped, flopped and flied in my game calendar. Regardless its always FHFun to CHat with y'all.
ReplyDeleteGo You Fucking Obama Go!
I was kind of wondering why you posted this game thread a couple days early. We got a head start on it.
DeleteNeed more Ginko!
DeletePhew, Thank God, just tuning back in and for a moment I thought I missed a Habs game while I watched the Pens lose to the Canes in OT.
DeleteAnd I thought I was behind and had missed out. about this "spit roast" the boys were enjoying in the hotel...wouldn't you have loved to be a fly on the wall in DGMB's office yesterday!! "Ok boys, what the fuck was that all about? Chucky, mon ami, you ok? Looks like you got clocked pretty good. But why wasn't at this party? I thought you guys liked playing for the Montreal Canadiens? We are a team boys and nothing is more important than the team. It's my team btw - I put it together. Devo - you ungrateful fuck - you could be rotting out in LA if I didn't bring you in here - and this is the thanks I get? And why didn't you stand up for your team mate? Not happy boys...not happy at all! Next time you have aprty - remember to pay them. You are not bigger than the team - you earn good money. If you'd paid them they wouldn't have come back and called the cops. Chantelle would have been fine and you wouldn't have a bloody nose you fuckin' wimp! Now get out of my office!"...or something like that...
DeleteI see the Oilers have recalled ZK. I'm still a bit pissed that MB didn't give this guy a chance on a roster full of guys that can't put the puck in the ocean. Best of luck to him - perhaps he will make Eberle or Yak more expendable and one of them will come our way.
ReplyDelete"I knew we had a good team," Gallant told the Miami Herald, "but I didn't think we'd be in first place right now. I'm sure there aren't many other people who thought we would, either."
ReplyDeleteGallant has helped engineer turnarounds before; after a fifth-place finish in the Northeast Division in 2011-12, the Canadiens were 75-42-13 in Gallant's two seasons as an assistant coach, including their first 100-point season since 2007-08 and an appearance in the Eastern Conference Final in 2014. And although the Panthers missed the playoffs in Gallant's first season, they improved by 25 points."
Ugh, I knew he would be missed here, he was the motivator and communicator for the Habs.
I heard Gallant's Mom or Dad is ailing....all the best, hope everything goes well.
ReplyDeleteWell at least we know why gCHuck cant get any ice time. He has been double dipping.
ReplyDeleteHeard this on Melnick. I went to hear the full segment, about Bettman wanting the Flames to build a new arena. If/when you have time to listen, just before the 5min mark, the dictator speaks trying to skate around the questions, but the host doesn't let him off the hook. If you decide to listen to it, let me know if you detect Bettman make a threat that Calgary will lose the team, then he backtracks.
DeleteOh yeah, Habs game. huh.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, just finished episode 6 of Making a Murderer. Now I understand the title, because I kind of want to kill someone. Highly recommended if you haven't binged yet.
Semi-binge'd it. Frustrating to watch but a good series.
Deletefinished Sons of Anarchy and honestly it went one season to long. However the abilty to binge watch 7 seasons pricelss
DeleteCan someone remind me who it was that was calling for PK to get a penalty when he was actually on the bench while it was DSP on the ice?
ReplyDeleteI blame the helmets juce - makes all the players look alike. Happens to Bob Cold all the time!!
Deletek3x + for being colour blind
DeleteI want to say Greg Millen, but it may have been Gally.
ReplyDeleteBingo! Thanks, St,P.
DeleteYou know, I thought we might see some CH-CH-CH-CHanges during this 4 day break, but I guess MB is willing to leave it up to the Young Americans, Patches and gCHuk to save us. Sure would be nice if eMTy would trust All the Young Dudes, but that's just a Moonage Daydream. Ah well, we can always remember the Golden Years and hope beyond hope that we'll find some Heroes that will have the City of Montreal Dancing in the Streets within the next Five Years. Maybe we'll see a real Space Oddity and the Habs will actually beat the Hawks tonight. I'd say we're all The Dreamers if we believe that.
DeleteWell done St. Pad.
DeleteLoud applause!
Deletebaby just you shut your moouth:)
DeleteR.I.P. Alan Rickman.
Deletea great CHarater RIP
DeleteDenna Laing (all the best to her, hoping for a recovery) is suing the NHL and Gilette stadium citing poor ice conditions. I tried to find a video (not because I'm gruesome) because I read that she stepped on a hockey stick and went into the boards. I wanted to see if it was just left there, sometimes we see the refs leave sticks for what seems an eternity.
ReplyDeleteHey kids sorry I haven't been around. Did I miss anything? Did any of our players get caught in a threesome or anything like that? No? Well that's good to hear.
ReplyDeleteYou missed Tuesdays game.
DeleteCoach of the year suck my Babcock is now tied for last place overall
ReplyDeletegCHuck was not catching he was pitching
ReplyDeleteDsp a healthy scratch tonite, looks like he was last Sunday as well.
ReplyDeleteBest fucking comment in a while. Well, Saint Paddy's Bowie tribute above was pretty awesome as well.
DeleteChucky better score a hattie tonight on he'll be riding the bench in no time!
ReplyDeleteOscar noms are out and great to see Mad Max:Fury Road for best movie, easily my favourite movie of 2015, The Big Short my 2nd fave.
ReplyDeleteLove Amanda Marcotte's take;
I really enjoyed the Martian.
DeleteI agree M. The biggest objection I had to Mad max was that Tom Hardy is no Mel Gibson. Second why did guitar man not power the soundtrack?
DeleteThis is comment #69. Bowie was 69. Snape/Gruber was 69. I was born in '69. And well...
ReplyDeleteThere is some numerology related thing going on here, and I think we can all agree it must be positive - just need Tom Hanks or Jim Carrie to fill in the blanks.
Or Steve.
DeleteI'm thinking Condon will have 6 saves on 9 shots in the first.
DeleteOr 6+9=15. Yeast will be a beast and score a couple.
Or maybe it's related to eMTy and Davey. *do not let that image enter your brain*
...too late.
Delete69 is a bad position obviosly
DeleteR.I.P. Rene Angelile, condolences to Celine and children.
DeleteNot to speak ill of those passed, but I did always question the 26 yr age difference given how young she was.
DeleteIt was a movie of the week thing juce - true love concerned all for them. RIP Rene - condolences to Celine. Very sad to lose your true love.
DeleteI have a friend who was carring on with a 19 year old and he was 57. Practicly Pedophilia, men what are they good for.
DeletegCHuck will not be going into the corners tonite, afraid of being double teamed
ReplyDeleteFor all the trouble the Penis has caused the CH. I suggest we castrate all the players and no more problems. I really should be the GM.
ReplyDeleteGood thing Mrs. TfS is expecting.
DeleteSpicy (Indian) fettuccine alfredo.
ReplyDeletePork CHops, mashed potatoes, greek salad.
ReplyDeleteRecall FHFers that I suggested a p~leatherish outfit.
DeleteGo Habs Go!! Go Habs Go! Go Habs Go!! Go Habs Go!! Go Habs Go! Go Habs Go!! Go Habs Go!! Go Habs Go!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteShit, kill it.
ReplyDeleteBrutal from the face-off.
ReplyDeleteThey needed that, get some confidence back.
ReplyDeleteThey credited DDD with the goal.
ReplyDeleteLong pass from Crawford earlier, he's looking for an assist.
ReplyDeleteGo Habs Go!! Go Habs Go! Go Habs Go!! Go Habs Go!! Go Habs Go! Go Habs Go!! Go Habs Go!! Go Habs Go!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteNow it's credited back to Lb. Maybe they're just confused that a Habs scored.
ReplyDeleteGo Habs Go!! Go Habs Go! Go Habs Go!! Go Habs Go!! Go Habs Go! Go Habs Go!! Go Habs Go!! Go Habs Go!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteGo Habs Go!! Go Habs Go! Go Habs Go!! Go Habs Go!! Go Habs Go! Go Habs Go!! Go Habs Go!! Go Habs Go!!!!!!!
So Mayor Coderre will be on 24CH.
ReplyDeleteN8's been nalied to the benCH.
ReplyDeleteN8's back.
ReplyDeleteHe seems incapable of receiving a pass tonight though. And how come I haven't noticed KidA all game?
DeleteTrue, Auto seems to be the one buzzing the net. though Auto has a little less ice time.
DeleteOleo (Fleischmann) is looking more dangerous than he has in weeks
ReplyDeleteRest does a body good.
DeleteTo be fair, Crawford has made some great saves.
ReplyDeleteNit hit by (Y)
ReplyDeleteSeriously, they're just not getting any puck luck.
ReplyDeleteSadly, this has been going on far, far too long to be just bad puck luck. They have been wretched going on a month and a half. I admit I haven't watched a complete game in some time but from what I have seen, they just aren't good enough. They can't compete. Sure they will win from time to time but these old eyes tell me that the talent level isn't there. Max can stand there all he wants and give the same tired answers to the same tired questions and say they have great players in the room, blah blah blah, but I'm not buying it anymore. I can't listen to it and I can't read the same crap that's being written day after day after day. I just skim now.
DeleteMB will be starting a new 5 year plan after this season. If he doesn't, he's living in a dream world.
You are right, the M. I was referring to this game, they seem to have played better than they have in a while and had some good CHances this game.
DeleteGo Habs Go!! Go Habs Go! Go Habs Go!! Go Habs Go!! Go Habs Go! Go Habs Go!! Go Habs Go!! Go Habs Go!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteGo Habs Go!! Go Habs Go! Go Habs Go!! Go Habs Go!! Go Habs Go! Go Habs Go!! Go Habs Go!! Go Habs Go!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteGo Habs Go!! Go Habs Go! Go Habs Go!! Go Habs Go!! Go Habs Go! Go Habs Go!! Go Habs Go!! Go Habs Go!!!!!!!
Go Habs Go!! Go Habs Go! Go Habs Go!! Go Habs Go!! Go Habs Go! Go Habs Go!! Go Habs Go!! Go Habs Go!!!!!!!
Good night mes amis, I'm heading out early in the morning for Florida. Enjoy the game and I will drop a post from time to time.
ReplyDeleteHave a good trip, the M. Stay safe.
DeleteSafe travels the M.
ReplyDeleteCaCHe it!
ReplyDeleteI thought the Hawks weren't going to have one tonight.
ReplyDeleteDoes PatCHes take Valium before every period?
ReplyDeleteI find they're not playing a bad game, but are playing a cautious one.
ReplyDeleteJust walked in from a big dinner and drinking. How do we look?
ReplyDeleteVery good overall, but lacking finish (surprise surprise)
DeleteCrawford's been making some good saves.
DeleteAnd lucky. Damn luckyé
Deletep.s. I look... drunk!
ReplyDeleteGo Habs Go!! Go Habs Go! Go Habs Go!! Go Habs Go!! Go Habs Go! Go Habs Go!! Go Habs Go!! Go Habs Go!!!!!!!
ReplyDeletewell that was a good chance. cmon boys!
ReplyDeletegCHuk aims for the head! he's angry
ReplyDeleteVery good effort in the 2nd-3rd.
ReplyDeleteThey played well, Sheik was solid and Crawford was too.
ReplyDeleteJust skimmed through the game. Proud of the boys, called a 4-1 loss, they only lost 2-1. That's what this team has come to, rooting for non-blowout losses.
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to read the pages and pages about how they played good enough to win, but darn that bad LUCK! It's all luck's fault! Please don't change a thing MB, because it's just bad luck!
I don't really care anymore. If MB wants to ruin this team to save his buddy, then that's his problem. I'm not losing anymore sleep over it. It was easier when we knew this team sucked and every win felt like a triumph. Watching this mess is heartbreaking, but I have to let it go. At least I don't have to get up at 8am anymore!
Now back to Making a Murderer.
If anyone's wondering, for the first time in a very long time DDD did not lead the forwards in TOI. He was in fact 2nd, just behind Gallagher. 2+ mins ahead of Galchenyuk, 8+ mins more than December's leading scorer Carr. But remember, MT is just doing the best with what he's got!
ReplyDelete(I also enjoyed the Bell Centre's announcer trying to give DDD what was very clearly Byron's goal).
Love the Pic o'the day Moeman! Now there was a coach who knew how to win...How much longer is this going to go on for? It's obvious that something needs to change. Last time I checked, TFS didn't have that many 1-0 shutouts to his credit. Regardless of my stance on MT, there comes a point when you have to do something - best mate or not. Sure they played well from all accounts but they didn't score enough goals to win - that's hockey 101 - score more than the other team - when you can't do that, something has to change. So let's see what has changed? The lineups - Check. The lines - check. The D-men - check - the routine on off days - check The powerplay - check - the back up goalie - check. The Taxi Squad - check. The uniforms - check. The defence coach - Check - the offence coach - check...The Head coach...
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