Jan 30, 2021

Game 8 ~ Flames, again ~ G Y F H G !

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Going dry for February FHFers
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Another load coming from the SFU tonight
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Looking forward to some new 54-40
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  1. Fun new 54-40 tune.

  2. Leaf are in 1st, gonna be a bukake kind of night on the pregame I suspect.

    Go Habs Go. Another win for Snake/Pomme tonight!


    1. the Maritimer1:42 PM

      For sure gonna be nothing but leaf tonight. Habs/Flames will be lucky to get 20 seconds tops.

  3. the Maritimer2:38 PM

    Oh, and c'mon Oilers ffs, try to win a game ok?

  4. Going dry for Feb makes sense. Did it last year. Shortest month helps the chances for success too!

    Alain in nets tonight naked sense too. Flames had a tram meeting closed door so they will try lighting it up. Tcacuk will be running his mouth and the net so changing up TFS is a good call.

    1. the Maritimer4:56 PM

      'naked sense'? 'tram'? Gotta love autocorrect. It doesn't understand grammar but ok.

    2. Naked sense is something else... I was saying that Alain in nets makes sense and that the Flames had a team meeting... Fucking autocorrect on my cell... 😊

  5. Chester4:13 PM

    Gotta worry about looch itch tonight.
    He looked up for dirt with Andy last game.
    Hate that fucker. Bigtime.
    Guess it's TVA ce soir, much prefer Mr Houde.
    Lets keep it going boyz, it's a nice ride so far.
    Head down carry on.
    Go Habs

    1. the Maritimer4:54 PM

      Miss (Y) torturing that fucker. CHip too.

    2. Munster won't put up with his crap. --SiM

  6. I can promise many things but guarantee nothing.

    I promise you tonite we will win this game 10-3 BBQ and TCHuk will duke it out and he will go down again. That will be the second time and we will see how much of an Einstein he is? Einstein said to repeat the same behavior repeatedly without a different outcome was the definition of insanity.

    Did you hear Momma I am comming home at the home opener? Exactly what I am trying to communicate
    in a medium that is one dimensional as an input. Print has rewired the human brain for thousands of years. What we now have here is a team that could have been selected to make a Walt Disney production of how to win the Stanley Cup. The Hero no question is in Cinema and increasingly in real the the Czar. For me the greatest Russian ever based upon no coherent thought is Pavel Bure.

    The Czar has the absoult (like the Vodka) inside track on being the best Russian D man of all time.

    This team is winning the cup like the happy ending of a Disney encounter
    Go Habs Go and get me revege, I lost a fiver lasts time the blue stain was threating the ice with top heavy talent that cant take a cheque from the owner without shaking because the feel of all that money makes their hands softer than the ideal for the dangle.
    Go Habs Go beat the leaf 9 times and I will win 5 times that money/

  7. Remember, tva is part of the sfu.

    1. Yep. Part of Pierre Karl Peladeau's Quebecor Media vehicle for playing mini Rupert Murdoch. --SiM

  8. So it was chicken on rice with a nice merlot for me earlier... Moving to Fireball on ice for gametime...

  9. the Maritimer6:37 PM

    Leaf leaf and more leaf so far

  10. - video montage, more leaf logos than all other teams combined
    - mclame yips his leaf, he giggles like a teenage girl
    - I fucking hate mclame
    - ack, gary gallous on the Habs game
    - leaf logo on the chyron and background
    - sucking up to auston
    - mclame tells burke, yeah that asshole, ‘Take it away with the leaf ... “
    - sucking up to auston
    - friedman sucks up to his boyhood leaf
    - 7 minutes in, all leaf (remember 6 other Canadian teams)
    - Bieksa sucking up to auston
    - Oilers unis look like puke
    - 10 minutes in, 2 more clowns commenting about the leaf
    - amber is a hack
    - screen turns completely blue
    - leaf unis look like cheap Walmart Panama’s
    - 12 minutes in, mclame says ‘the other game’
    - I fucking hate mclame
    - ‘the object is a win for Calgary’
    - Bieksa reasonably decent about the Habs D, 40 seconds of talk, includes how to be the Habs D
    - amber takes over, talks Flames, so does Cassie and Hahahrudey
    - they talk for 2 minutes about how Calgary can be better
    - ... 18 minutes, before any commercials, not even one minute about the Habs

    1. I refuse to torture myself wstching these morons. --SiM

    2. No torture. Documenting their atrocities.

    3. the Maritimer7:01 PM

      Nicely summed up moe. Ever since the Habs broadcast rights were sold to rds, they are an after thought, a pariah, persona non grata. The cbc has forgotten how Montreal carried them for all the years that the Ballard leafs were fucking doormats and an embarrassment to show on tv. Then, the cable sports networks hired every leafool they could find to fill the airwaves with leaf crap.

    4. Yep.

      Did I mention I hate mclame ?

  11. Shepherd’s pie, Cab, strawberry and rhubarb pie

  12. I hate tara sloane, she’s a mclame clone.
    Glad she blocked me on the Twitter machine, where I told her the same thing.

  13. Cole Caufield with 7 pts. in his last two games. --SiM

    1. DGMB thinking of signing him ...

  14. the Maritimer7:02 PM

    What a load of shit that intro was.

    1. Now mclame yips about more leaf garbage history. They never, ever mention the sick history of their MLG.

  15. FWIW, I will never watch the pure wool tva, sick fuck sisters to the pukes at sportsnet.

  16. Hate to say it but expected much more integrity from amber but he’s a fucking eunuch.

  17. Moe our prophet is correct. It's getting worse...before it will (hopefully one day) get better.

  18. Gawley is bad enough but also the Flames play by play guy. SFU are pure petty fucking assholes.

  19. I want that one back

  20. Not the best start so far... But a bloody good shot by Gaudreau

    1. Nice snipe. Thought Jake got too low too quick but probably self preservation instincts...

  21. Not much good about that period except Alain who was solid.

    1. Sluggish start.

    2. What the fuck was mclame on about....Gaudreau hitting the crossbar might have been a tipping point?

    3. The answer will always be that he is a leaf fan.

  22. Just flipped over to the oily leaf game for a sec...man those are both some ugly unis.

  23. What happened to Anderson?

  24. Fuck Gawley, it's Toffoli not Ryder FFS.

    1. 3 times he's done that tonight

  25. Fuck you Dube! --SiM

    1. Fuck you refs too. That was a deliberate brutal shot to the face of KidKoho. Everyone is getting away woth that shit against the Habs lately. BS --SIM

    2. Gawley says it was 'a little high' and he likes the play. Fuck off asshole.

  26. What a bunch of fucking douches... "A solid hit, hands maybe a bit high..." fuck you asshole!

  27. Someone now needs to take that Cocksucker out!

  28. the Maritimer8:44 PM

    gary gawley is fucking awful. That was a head shot pure and simple

  29. This is the refs teaching KK a lesson for yipping at them a game ago. Pure biased payback.

  30. Get a shortie boys --SiM

  31. 3 on 1 no shot...that kind of game.

  32. OMG...Gallagher drew a penalty. Mark your calendar.

  33. the Maritimer8:48 PM

    No puck luck tonight whatsoever. I feel a loss coming on

  34. They had 27 shits... But what a shit show this game has been. Mn

  35. He hehe... 27 shits! ... About sums it up... 2 am is my limit tonight... A prochain...

  36. the Maritimer9:04 PM

    At least Cassie Campbell got it right unlike that fucking moron gawley

  37. We'll have to wait to see what the DiPShit has to say about that hit.

  38. Good to see KK on the bench.

  39. Cash it! GYFHG --SiM

  40. the Maritimer9:49 PM

    leaf get a loser point sfu will be ecstatic...

  41. Seemed obvious from early on the puck wasn't going in tonight. Game 8 1st regulation loss. No shame in that.

    Bonus , quick flip to see oil beat the leaf in it.

  42. the Maritimer9:51 PM

    It was a tough loss, combination of no bounces and Markstrom was unbeatable. Jake the Snake did all he could do, played a hell of a game.

    1. he was a bright light in a dull night

  43. Meat asking to be traded in the middle of the game... Very Cammaleri-like of him... Possibly not the smartest move he'll ever make...

    1. DBMB denies it ever happened, fake news. Sam Bennet also allegedly requested a trade. Straight swap and I dont even know who Sam Bennet is.

  44. Dube better get at least a game or we must unleash the Kraken.

    1. the Maritimer9:45 AM

      gawley and burkake both say it was a clean hit even though the principle point of contact is the head. hockey night deliberately seeks out Hab haters for commentary. Cassie Campbell is smarter than both of them put together.

  45. the Maritimer9:41 AM

    Crosby may agree to move on to another team this summer and guess which one? Not the fucking leaf although the sfu will deny it. Habs would be his only choice.

  46. the Maritimer1:26 PM

    1. Dube gets nothing.
    2. Snet and hnic are nothing but a bunch of hacks.
    3. I am NEVER listening to gary gawley ever again.

  47. I am going to tell you something rejected by most people. Its Trout. King Crisman.
    So trout we are the irrea8g;as that do not deserve human treatment in a battlefield situation.
    Since the time of Clanen3e cAMPLELL AND EVYERY cAMPLEL THAT has come later, Montreal Has been a racist experiment in how far you can put down excellence because they think different.
    The man can not let Montreal win because it will say to the holi poli, there is not only a John LUc, there is cour de bois scattered like Jedi who made the citadel and did unrecognized
    Do not punk the Club du Hockey Montreal or you might get the weight of history on your head.

  48. I am going to cry to my Momma now because we could not score a goal in this hard tussle.
    If we can not overcome this we do not win the Stanely CUp

  49. the Maritimer6:17 PM

    Just as predicted dube get's nothing for another hit to the head. Apparently, it's open season on Habs players. Time for the Montreal players to start doing the same thing ... go for the head. Maybe the asshole players will back off if they think they are a target. The first guy I'm going after is narcos, I bet the SFUckers will be whistling a different tune when one of their darlings is concussed.

    1. Didn’t except a thing to be done.

    2. it makes a kanagroo court look officious. i may be biased but the calls and non calls against the Habs have hit a new crescendo of something.

  50. ‘The Dig’, new on Netflix. Very good.

  51. Read;


  52. The best thing I saw on Twitter today;

    ““once COVID is over” is starting to sound a lot like “when the Leafs win the Stanley Cup””

  53. https://fourhockeyfans.blogspot.com/2021/02/game-9-canucks.html
