Jun 20, 2021

Semi-finals ~ Game 4 at home ~ Fatherly advice "FUCK YOU cfl !"

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I had a pretty cool Dad
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G Y F H G !


  1. Scott in Montreal9:23 AM
    Hey moe, hope you and sis had a stellar day. When was the last time Habs were playing a playoff game on Father's Day? GYFHG

    ~ ~ ~
    lehab10:31 AM
    Happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there. I told my 3 that all I want is to watch the Habs win in my Habs CHapel.
    It would be nice to win the next 2, but if we don’t, game 6 at home on Sain’t-Jean-Baptiste Day

  2. Happy Father's Day to all current and previous Dad's.

    Nice BBQ with daughter and some family yesterday.

  3. https://www.difd.com

    Coach Richardson's support site for his daughter's and kids suffering similar issues.

    His gestures after the win, of tapping and blowing a kiss to the pin on his lapel was for her.

    One of the nicest things I've ever seen a coach do. Awesome.

  4. Love that shot of Fleury seemingly celebrating the goal with us. Great spread, moe

  5. the Maritimer2:15 PM

    I've had a great day, breakfast at a local bar/restaurant with all my family. After that, went for a nice walk on Harbour Passage which takes in part of the St. John river with the love of my life (my story is very similar to SiM) after which we stopped into a nice pub in the uptown for a drink. I picked up some beef tenderloin I'm going to BBQ later after my nap. Will have baked potato, fresh steamed broccoli and fresh local strawberries as well. Then I hope to watch the young Canadian win the U.S. Open and my Habs pull the noose a little tighter around bettman and his pet project's necks.

    Fuck chris lee. But watch him officiate an even worse game tonight. Fucking incompetent buffoon.

  6. Cfl gets the Habs call again. WTF...are all the good refs on holiday? As always... JUST FUCKING WIN!

  7. Lehner is starting

  8. the Maritimer3:25 PM

    I forgot to mention earlier, I see our lucky charm Miss Soapy Butt is still hanging around.

  9. Happy Father's Day FHFDads!

    Word has it we got cfl again tonight. Just more motivation and adds to the underdog story so bring it the fuck on. Apparently Lamer is starting, shoot early, shoot often.

    And as always JFW.

  10. As predicted, the choke is on. Channelling his inner Marner sadly.

    1. the Maritimer5:43 PM

      That book in his back pocket is a jinx, needs to ditch that garbage if he wants to win again.

    2. Yep, couple nice putts though and he's back in it. Hell of a leaderboard!

  11. It is three hours and BIT till puck drop. going to be there no matter where there is

  12. Grilling steaks, side of Caesar and a Kilkenny for supper. Keto (and gluten free) strawberry shortcake cupcakes for dessert.

    1. Nice.

      Did the BBQ yesterday.

      Shrimp and lobster tails.

      Lots of wine and bubbly.

      CHillin' on the deck today, perfect weather.

      Took an unscheduled nap under the umbrella.

      Excellent Hanalei beer;


  13. Some classic JT;


    He's the only one who calls out the biased reffed and the even more biased SFU.

  14. ... and yes Blogger is acting up ...

  15. Really thick Caribbean style BBQ pork chops with spicy rice and more of the Hanalei.

  16. Weather turned to shit over here so a hunters chicken with homemade sauce by my son (he is a chef!) was the main course. Kids gave their old man a few more solar outdoor lights and a new set of optics for the @Noosebar! Looking forward to getting them set up really soon

    1. Nice.

      How is the young lady that put the UK3X amongst us ?

    2. Its great to have chefs in one's family.

      My daughter's BF is part owner and head bread/patissier here now;


    3. Good stuff. Sounds delicious.

    4. I still have to venture down and check that place out.

    5. Well, SiM, methinks we will plan a get together and go together.

    6. Make it so, Number One.

  17. What does Fate deal to you if you're a leaf fan? Well if a professional golfer, when you're just a shot off the lead on the back nine of a final round at a Major, you'll get your ball stuck in a tree. That's rotten luck.

    1. "ball stuck in a tree"

      Tell me its a maple.

    2. the Maritimer6:47 PM

      No, that's 'leafiness'.

      Man, Torrey Pines is kicking the shit out of some pretty good golfers. I love it!

    3. Not sad seeing Bryson in DeShambles

  18. the Maritimer6:51 PM

    I may be getting a little ahead of myself but I remember in 2010 some us declaring that IF the Habs won the Cup we FHFers would get together somewhere for a celebratory drink. I'm still game.

    1. 💯

      Whenever this can happen!

    2. I’m in! If they make it finals I’m going to Montreal

    3. can westerners come too?

  19. My daughter just faced timed from Germany. The 2 boys came over and we took the dogs to the dog park. Now they’re ordering pizza for us and gonna head downstairs to the Habs CHapel. Father’s Day Hockey!

  20. Vegas GM tests positive.

    1. Shit happens.

    2. the Maritimer7:04 PM

      Gee, I wonder where it happened? Not unexpected with 18,000+ unmasked screaming yahoos in a building. I'd bet money that's where Ducharme picked it up. I won't be surprised if this series gets postponed.

  21. Haven't felt this 'stoked' for a game in a long while.

  22. I am chuffed, like this is talking heads once in a lifetime, could be more , could be less but tonite I am going to enjoy the show and know that Go Habs Go means something after all.

  23. If I was here I would say:

    - Happy Father's Day to all the FHF Dads!
    - Oh Mac Hughes, for about 5 minutes there you had me believing
    - COVID is about to spread through this series. Maybe it will be a reminder to 20,000+ fans in Vegas and the rest of the American assholes who refuse to get vaccinated that this is not over

    And of course,
    - GYFHG!!!

    But I am not here, so I did not say any of that

  24. Replies
    1. If I was here I would say looks fine and working fine on a Dell laptop PC in Chrome

  25. There’s ghost in the maCHine.

  26. the Maritimer7:30 PM

    Hang on Louis, I don't want Rahm to win. He is one of those unvaccinated assholes that 29 mentioned.

    1. the Maritimer7:32 PM

      That is if 29 was actually here.

    2. I am not. But if I was here I would say that was a hell of a putt by Rahm on 18

  27. I may be silent but I will be watCHing

  28. the Maritimer7:46 PM

    Wow, what a mess by Bryson. Even I don't hit shots that bad anymore.

    1. If I was here I would say you gotta love when a pro puts a snowman on the card on a par 4

    2. the Maritimer7:56 PM

      Yeah, been a while since I've done that although I did card a 7 on one of the tougher par 4s the other day. Still shot an 86 though.


  29. - mclame ‘worried’
    - KAll eyes are on the vegass tunnel’
    - fridgeman yips some shit
    - making all the headlines, shut up amber
    - fridgeman yips some shit
    - 🤡s suddenly worried
    - still worried, hahahrudey looking for ways for vegass to win
    - Bieksa decent
    - shut up cASSie, took you this long? Shut up
    - do not believe for one minute that hnit gives a shit about Luke Richardson
    - mclame has tried to milk other’s personal moments for decades
    - 🤡s starting to see reality or choking on it
    - Pietrangelo says they face adversity, cASSie chimes in agreeing
    - Hahahrudey agrees

    1. the Maritimer8:00 PM

      Heh, thanks for the update. Not watching any clowns tonight although I am sure they are all worried about Vegas.

  30. … and mclame squeezes in his leaf …


  31. Mme. Béliveau in da house. GYFMHG

  32. @DanTSN for me again tonight. What a call in the game winner Friday night.

  33. If i was here I would say


  34. Well that's a better start. Keep shooting.

  35. cuthurt and simpleton have no idea how to cover this game.

  36. Good closeup of cfl letting Patches know they'll be getting a PP soon.

  37. he has a new handle to save some typing

  38. I think we need some offence from the Dano line tonight.

    1. Pretty decent period.

    2. A post of mine from last game:

      The horse seems to have it's power back. That line needs to produce.

    3. i see what u did there

  39. 🤡 intermission

  40. the Maritimer8:58 PM

    Fuck mclame and his gang of nitwits I'm not listening.

  41. the Maritimer8:59 PM

    I saw at least 3 pisser penalties not called. Two on Admiral Perry alone. Fuck you lee.

  42. mclame always makes it about himself, always

  43. are you fucking kidding me

  44. What a fucking joke.

  45. more quality reffing


  46. Cfl: Lowering the bar on referreeing more and more each game.

  47. the Maritimer9:56 PM

    You're a fucking disgrace lee you fucking donkey.

  48. the Maritimer10:03 PM

    Paul Byron for the Conn Smythe!

    1. Definite runner up to Price. No question.

      And he only scores game winners, so...

  49. the Maritimer10:06 PM

    The pisser Dman manhandled Suzuki then punched him in the face and you're standing right there and don't call it. He should be fired on the spot. Go with one ref the rest of the game. Fucking donkey.

    1. What much the actually good refs be thinking watching their profession get so sullied like this? It's the bloody semi-finals, collique!

    2. What *must the actually good refs be thinking watching their profession get so sullied like this? It's the bloody semi-finals, collique!

  50. I'll bet King DeBoer is real glad he used his timeout so wisely.

  51. This is cfl paying back for Kerry Fraser.

  52. Byron will have to give CC breakaway lessons 😬

    1. indeed. cuthbert called it correctly. had he waited another second, he would have the 5-hole gaping.

      otherwise... that would have been the perfect time to try the forsberg

  53. Damn. 1 small mistake is all it takes.

    1. and that is gonna be carey's only garbage gift of the night right?

    2. I was talking about CC missing the puck in the corner which would have got it out of the zone. Anyway here we go.

    3. stupid kk...

      or chariot with failing to clear...

  54. Ok, midnight when OT starts here. Win it in the first 5 minutes please.

  55. sfu getting excited for a vegass w

  56. i hate i hate i hate the conservative first mindset of our team. why do you shorten the bench and NOT put out CC as regulation winds down? whats the difference you lose in :60 or lose in OT? any time he is not on the ice, your offensive outlook diminishes. you dont have to worry about the match being a track meet when the next goal wins. be bold g-dammit. go win the game!

  57. bieksa is right though. if the pissing cheats win this match, a lot of momentum swings back in their favor. im not afraid though. carey knows he screwed up. hes not gonna let another puck hit him. hes gonna attack every shot. after ~17 odd years... ide like to see angry carey for once and lead with emotion and his heart on his sleeve like the previous cup winning goaltender we had...

  58. Mistakes did them in.

    Stay excited sfu.

  59. stupid kk...

    or chariot failing to clear...

  60. im back on the husqvarna hate train. unless anybody can convince me otherwise, whats the point of a guy who is so slooow you might as well play shorthanded?

    going back to vegas, g-dammm grow a pair and put in tuna! take a chance on a guy who deserves a chance at redemption!

  61. dangle makes a good point, that dump in should have been icing. im watching it... and hes right.

  62. oh... and i meant to put something like this up between 3&4... can somebody from MTL publicly call out the terrible reffing!? you own teams knows it, your fans know it, the reporters know it and even the neutrals know it now! its not groundbreaking nor will you seriously offend anybody with such a remark, but pleaseeeeee show you arent gonna stand for this kind of BS.

    i dont like being a complainer, but its important to send these messages out.
    re: brian burke (sedin is not swedish for punch me...)
    great example of your gm standing in your corner and calling it out for what it is w/o fear of the league taking away your gm of the year trophy...

  63. the Maritimer10:50 AM

    All I've got to say is:

    vegas is a fucking trash team with a trash building and trashy pre-game shit. buttman's pet project that was bought and paid for without having to go through the same growing process as every other expansion team. The stupid donkey refs have been told explicitly to not call penalties on them same as boston back in 2011. Corrupt fucking league starting at the top.

  64. R.I.P. Tom Kurvers.

    Way too young to die. FUCK CANCER !

    1. Fuck cancer indeed. Kurvers was part of the '86 Cup run. Loved what he brought. RiP

    2. Yep fuck the big C. RIP TK.

    3. Yes but was he a smoker. I say the same thing to anti vacczers your choice your death.

  65. Molson needs to grow a pair and say what needs to be said. It won't change a fucking thing, I think 2 or 3 American team GMs it coaches have already been fined for calling out the refs. But I'm sure we're not just looking at this through bleu, blanc et rouge coloured glasses when everybody is saying this is a while new level of obvious bias and straight up cheating.

    1. Mr Molson is never going to do that. See the concussion file. He is making a boat load of money and rocking the boat means some could fall into the water.

    2. right on StP, but u are still being too nice about it.

    3. and stevo, if what u say is true, than mr molson must have been castrated. theres no other explanation for how others like jones, steinbrenner, kraft can do the same, but ours is spinelesser than can of maple leaf tuna!

  66. Its just bitching, I listen to Toronto Media and they are more or less saying, quit winning losers.

  67. So we have to beat Vegas and we have to beat the refs. Nobody is wearing sunglasses but al lot of dark tint visors due to concussions.

  68. I've come to this conclusion.

    I'm done with the ref shit. It is what it is. And the Habs just need to win because I don't want to hear Habs fans 30 years down the road saying " We woulda won if not for Chris Fucking Lee!". ThAt is reserved solely for leaf fans and Kerry Fraser.

    1. the Maritimer8:19 PM

      Refs or no refs this feels like 2011 and Boston's march to the Cup. It's open season and I just hope nobody's career is ended like Nathan Horton's.

  69. Offspring
    Bad Habit
    Hey, ref you know I’m really okay
    The stick in my hand will tell you the same
    But when I'm on the ice , against us you call crap 
’Cause the slightest thing and fhfans snap

    [Verse 1]
    When Habs go skating, They stay in their lane
    But getting sent off, it makes me insane
    Wish I could open the idiot box, reach inside
    I'm gonna wreck this fuckin refs ride

    Chris Lee got a bad habit
    Of blowin' Bettman (Yeah, Yeah)
    He got a bad habit (Yeah, Yeah)
    And it ain't goin' away (Yeah, Yeah)
    Yeah (Yeah, Yeah)
    Yeah (Yeah, Yeah)

    They say the ice is a dangerous place
    Suzuki trying to score, He gets punched in the face
    Perry gets speared in the balls, but the whistle’s up your ass
    And your next breath is your last

    Chris Lee got a bad habit
    Of blowin' Habs games(Yeah, Yeah)
    He got a bad habit (Yeah, Yeah)
    And it ain't goin' away (Yeah, Yeah)
    Yeah (Yeah, Yeah)
    Yeah (Yeah, Yeah)

    Sportsnet is rude
    Such attitudes
    But when they say their piece
    Complaints never cease
    Something's odd
    Chris Lee thinks he’s God
    You stupid dumbshit goddam motherfucker!

    Wish I could open the idiot box
    Reach inside
    I'm gonna wreck this fuckin refs ride

    Chris Lee got a bad habit
    Of blowin' our games (Yeah, Yeah)
    He got a bad habit (Yeah, Yeah)
    And it ain't goin' away (Yeah, Yeah)
    Yeah (Yeah, Yeah)

    1. Beauty !

      Looks like my work is done, again !

    2. the Maritimer9:23 PM

      Great lyrics. I feel exactly the same. Well done!

    3. Great stuff, lehab. The Offspring is good choice.

      It just dawned on me Chris Lee rhymes with Shiefele. And conspiracy. Hmm

    4. good vibrations

  70. the Maritimer9:27 PM

    It was fun (at times) but I just feel like this run is over. I hope I'm wrong but I think it's been ordained -- tampon/pisser Finals. Yuck! Ptewww!

  71. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Is that 8-0 TB over the Isles some sort of record? Most lopsided semifinal game?

  72. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Actually, saw we beat the Leaf 11-0 in 1944 to win the series.

  73. https://fourhockeyfans.blogspot.com/2021/06/semi-finals-game-5-fuck-nhl.html
