Jan 31, 2022

All Star Break. Telephone call(s) for Mr Hughes. Well I was dead wrong...











  1. Thought I'd throw a quick and dirty thread up as we prepare to discuss all the CHanges that are surely to occur over the next week before they play again.

    Happy February!

    1. the Maritimer10:53 AM


      I did Dry Jan. instead of Feb., I'm looking forward to having a beer tonight.

      I actually don't think there will be a lot of movement this week, maybe Petry. DD though, that has to happen ASAP.

    2. Noice thread.

      Dry Feb baby, shorter month.

  2. Lovely thread indeed, SP.

    Thinking of our beleaguered former coach, CJv2, recovering from broken ribs after a fall, and unable to go to Beijing for the Olympics. Get well soon, Claude. The bad luck should end soon, once your CH contract expires.

    1. Indeed SiM.

      And very good point about the bad luck. Sucks losing that one chance to go to the Olympics. Which btw I have zero intention of watching, never mind the fact that it will likely be mostly on in the middle of the night, seeing as they are 12 hours ahead of us. And it has nothing to do with no NHL players and all about human rights...and me being too old to stay up late.

    2. the Maritimer3:16 PM

      I lost interest in the Olympics a long time ago. The IOC is one of the most corrupt organizations on the planet. I want nothing to do with China. I wouldn't watch if it was on at high noon.

  3. the Maritimer3:20 PM

    Off topic a bit, I don't think C3P0 is the goalie of the future. I think it will be a European prospect, either the Czech playing NCAA or the Dane playing Sweden, which is actually in Beijing playing for Denmark.

    1. the Maritimer3:23 PM

      *in* Sweden *who is*

      freakin' typos.

    2. with goalies its hard to predict, Look at Charlie in St Lou or micle on ice Soup in Toronto.
      However the best young goalies do establish themselves young and then move up.

  4. the Maritimer4:02 PM

    It is 20,000 days since the last leaf cup win. Nearly 3 generations ago. Quite an accomplishment.

    1. And the clock has started on the next 20,000.

  5. Pez should get an endorsement deal with Flow Water.

  6. If the Habs continue at their .261 pace they will finish with 43 points. 43!

    If they somehow improve to a .400 team, it's 53 points.

    And if by some miracle manage .500, it would be 61 points.

    A bottom 3 is all but guaranteed. And I'd say we could all put good money on them selecting 2 spots below where they finish (I think that's as far as they can drop).

    So 3rd to 5th. Make it count and grab extra 1sts and 2nds through trades. In 4-5 years we might have a decent squad.

    1. the Maritimer10:13 AM

      I take everything he says with a grain of salt, Grant McCagg is now advocating for finishing low in the standings next season as well due to there being 4, possibly 5, potential franchise players in the 2023 Draft. I would buy in for that as long as they are at least competitive in losing games.

      The Dynamic Duo have lots of options in front of them but if they intend to move some of their vets I would prefer getting some A-list prospects back rather than more picks. If it is picks, bundle some of them up on Draft day to either move up or defer to 2023. Either way it's going to be a long process.

    2. the Maritimer10:16 AM

      I agree with Saint Paddy, no way Montreal picks 1st. Maybe 2nd, buttman does like Jeff Gorton, he might cut him some slack. The 5 hole is most likely though.

  7. Chester12:25 PM

    All this noise makes me wonder just how much honesty and truth there is in The House of CH.
    After going thru years DGMB and his misinformation campaign clearly approved my Jeff Molson we won't know what The Duo is up to. I believe the tank is on tho. You can't have a rebuild without driving the tank. It doesn't take two years to rehab a knee, the Dish business, leaving Do Harm in to ensure we bottom out. It's clear. The other shoe should be dropping soon.
    Go Habs

  8. the Maritimer1:34 PM

    Erin O'Toole got fired today ... What is Clark waiting for? Valentine's Day, like bergy?

    1. Bilingual. New Habs coach?

    2. Seriously , what a mess they're in. Time to separate the real Cons from the Refooorm Party (use Preston Manning's voice for that). I'm a Liberal but if that party doesn't include the far right wing nut jobs, there are scenarios where a truly PC party could get my vote.

    3. No moderates need apply. Both Raitt and Ambrose were lightning quick to single they have no interest in jumping back into the current shit-show of lunacy that is the Rethuglican (read: Trump) Party North.

      And with Bergen (Hi! I get off on wearing MAGA swag and outright lying to own the Libs!) As interim leader, you know which way the wind is blowing. I sincerely wish an actual, functional opposition would show up to properly hold Trudeau's team to account, but I guess it'll be up to Liberal backbenchers and a scattering of BQ, GPC and NDP to handle that.

    4. *signal, not single

      Full disclosure: I generally support and vote for the LPC, but have a few quibbles with some of their policies and priorities.

    5. I never really mind the shitshow of today's CPC and the hole they will keep digging.

      The Reform+CPC was a huge problem in the making. The current formation seems to be calling out PPC members to jump on board.

      Fuck em' all.

  9. My great friend at work and favourite professor just told me “Sorry to send in a text, but just want to get this out there. I was diagnosed with stage 4 Hodgkin’s lymphoma yesterday-  start chemo next week, for 6 months. It is treatable - I’m hoping statistics are on my side and I’ll make a full recovery.“

    She’s 46, 3 teenage boys.

    She's Rob Zamuner's sister.

    Fuck cancer !

    1. I’ve been talking to her. She knows that at stage 4, it isn’t looking good and 6 months of chemo is going to be hard. Her brother is ex-Senators player Rob Zamuner, so maybe I can try and reach him to have Mario Lemieux send her a message.

    2. Fuck cancer! She's in for a major battle by the sounds of it. So many getting a late-cycle diagnosis now because of HC system over-taxed.

    3. True. First diag was TB (hospital in Netherlands), then 2 biopsies, the first one caused an infection both late because of overflow in hospitals and then the final results.

    4. the Maritimer2:04 PM

      All the best to your friend. We have friends going through cancer treatments as well. It's tough.

    5. All the best to your friend Moe. 46. Fuck you cancer.

      I have more friends and family with various cancers right now, I can't keep up. No lies. A lot of people from my homeland (Miramichi NB) get the big C and I think it has a lot to do with years and years of Natural Resources spraying for the spruce budworm. My dad used to say he'd be carrying buckets of milk after milking the cows and the planes would fly by and they would skim the chems off the milk...not knowing at the time how bad it was.

  10. the Maritimer6:22 PM

    FYI, future Habs star Shane Wright is on #torontosportsnetwork tonight if you're interested.

    1. There is no way in the dark tunnel that is Buttmans ass we are getting first overall.

  11. hi guys... really sorry for not being here... at all since losing gm5. fwiw, im still not over that nor have i forgiven TFS for being the reason why... my bengals outlasted you guy's yellow urine towels and those nasty pats you guys also cheer for. the national team is going to dubai (exactly like i said after watching that match at azteca...). everything is roses for me (except for our beloved) and you guys even put up a BC title photo to lure me in?!

    why am i posting td?!? FACQ YOU TSN690! REALLY!?! YOU GUYS DO THIS TO KNUCKLES!?! HATE YOU SO MUCH....

    1. I loved Knuk on the radio, best part of TSN 680, however you gotta be a team player when the chips are down.

  12. 5 days into this mini break. It would seem the Duo appear to be keeping Do Harm on at least for the remainder of this season's tank. Question then will become whether he is a multi year tank commander?

    1. If you look at what Stevie Y is doing yes. Devlop Develop and then win the cup.

  13. the Maritimer6:06 PM

    Blogger blocking everything.

  14. K3MMAX I just watCHed the killer elite on Netflix, I watch whatever the put on the banner and mostly I am happy.
    So K3 how about a SITRAP buddy.

  15. the Maritimer10:04 AM

    I'll be glad when this "all-star" crap is over.

    Regarding the Habs, looks like they are stuck with dd for the rest of this season. At the current rateof winning, I project 18 wins for the season. If I am the players, I say fuck dd and his 'system' and play my own game and pad my stats as best as you can.

    I'm now of the opinion Clark should try to re-sign Chiarot if Petry wants out. Bring in Harris and Norlinder next season and let them play with Ben and JEd and allow the vets to mentor them. If they can't move Savard put him on the 3rd pair to lower his minutes against weaker opposition. If Price is back he will cover up some of the mistakes.

  16. What a shitshow that all Star shit is. tuned in briefly to check it out last night and they were outside on the fountain doing 'accuracy' drills. Nope.
    Saw the game...games? were in today, tuned in during an offside challenge (in an all star game?)...& Bieksa says (and I had high hopes for him), he says "We'll have to ask Austin whose idea it was to check the offside!". Fucking pathetic. And sad. As Moe has said from the beginning, it'll get worse before it gets better.

    Anyway, so yeah turned that off pretty quick.

  17. the Maritimer8:34 PM

    Haven't watched any of the NHL break shit for years, decades actually. gary bettman is a slimy fuck, I don't listen to one word that comes out of his putrid mouth.

    I was listening to the Sick Podcast today with Marinaro and Wilde, Mr. Wilde thinks the Duo are going for a major rebuild based on hints Clark has dropped. Plus, they are keeping Do Harm because, with his 'system', the Habs are giving up 50 shots a game and getting .750 goaltending. It's a stealth tank, just leave things as they are.

  18. the Maritimer6:19 PM

    Been dead here for a while. No trades no firings no nuthin...

  19. the Maritimer11:32 AM

    There's a game tonight? How much will they lose by? I say minimum 3.

  20. https://fourhockeyfans.blogspot.com/2022/02/like-it-or-not-were-back-nj.html
