Oct 19, 2015

Oh Canada, we stand on guard for thee!

~ ~ ~


  1. The long fucking shit storm is over, we can now just live in the poop like normal people

  2. the Maritimer10:53 PM

    PM-in-waiting Justin Trudeau better live up to his promises. I'll be keeping a close eye. I haven't forgotten all the shenanigans the Liberal Party pulled before Harper took over. They made Mike Duffy look like pikers.

    1. Game of Thrones, it only sucks if you get caught. Everybody does it.

  3. LIBERIEL FUCKING MAJORITY LIBS RULE< LIBS RULE< welcome back Canada woot woot woot woot woot

  4. I should stay classy, but eat shit you Conservative motherfuckers, eat big pails of shit, eat all the shit you have poured on our heads for 9 years. lick it up

  5. We gonna see 29 in the crowd at JT's speech?

    1. I would guess no. I cant remember who is guy is but they will be having their own party

    2. Yeah, not sure which riding he's in. Anyway, he'll be having a hell of a party.

  6. And tomorrow night, to honour our outgoing PM and the official opposition NDP I shall watch my Sunday's recorded The Walking Dead. Off to lala land.

  7. Not that I would ever touch it, but pot is now legal in Canada beaches.

  8. Harper will wake up to Nenshi as his mayor, Notley as his premier and Trudeau as his prime minister.

  9. Harpers legacy, an embarrassing personal hygine product that no one needed, and expired long to late

  10. Just got home after counting ballots. woohoo!!

  11. Harper speaking now, it will be known as the dirtbag speech, STFU

  12. C'mon Justin, make us proud again - out 'the sweater' back on the $5 bill. Fuck harper and his spaceman.

  13. M Jolly mmmm Liberal

  14. Yay! I'm not naive, the Libs have their own problems (and I'm not necessarily a Liberal voter, not that it matters since Harper took away that right from me!). But Harper and his cronies were driving our country completely off the cliff, and this is a course correction we needed. And I'm glad it's a majority so we don't have to go through this again in a year. Though it would have been interesting to see if the NDP and Grits would have formed a coalition in that case. I would have been on board with that.

    I just hope my basic civil rights will be restored by next election. The Rhinosaurus Party needs my support!

  15. And whoever you voted for, we can all agree on one thing. The leaf suck.

  16. Well done Canada. I don't know enough about JT's politics to comment on what he'll be like as a Prime Minister but I do know that he has charisma, pedigree and enough of a majority to make changes happen. My mom voted for him, although it looks like her riding stayed Blue. The last thing I will say on the issue is simple..."Be careful what you wish for..."
