Mar 14, 2020

We've got to stick this one out together ~ Be safe FHFers

Me, this time last year. - St P.

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  1. the Maritimer2:50 PM

    Good advice all around! I'm washing my hands more than I ever used to. We were out for a bit to a Jean Coutu and the Superstore, I found the hand sanitizing stations on the way in and out. They closed the schools here for the next two weeks but that was a week too late and allowed kids who had been down south into the system. So, we are isolating ourselves from my son and daughter-in-law and the grandchildren for the next two weeks just to be on the safe side. Myself and Mrs. TheM. are in the highest risk category so we are going to protect ourselves a best as possible. It took some convincing but we managed to convince her this was the best course of action. It's only two weeks. Stay safe all!

    Heh, that Gorn was ridiculous in the old Trek show. V had the scarier reptiles!

    1. Good stuff TheM. ! Take care of your muCH better half and keep us posted.

      I'll go do some groceries/SAQ tomorrow and self-isolate because I don't have to go into work.

      Reading/re-reading some books and ripping through my Netflix list, staring with some new Narcos. May check out Apple TV's Mythic Quest (my son is a gamer).

      Be well everyone.

  2. Yeah Moeman that is the PSA the world needs. AND M kirkfu was really established with this ep. You think your black blelt matter, you have never fought a kirkfu expert, the double fist swing which is something like a arm sweep is impossible to defend against.

    We all need to stay very positive. There are not things out there who want to eat our brains. Compared to the Zombie apocalypse this is a walk in the park.

    I still predict that Canada and Europe will live through this better than our southern cousin.

  3. the Maritimer10:13 PM

    Just watched a new Mark Wahlberg movie on Netlix, Spenser Confidential, all shot in Boston and funny as heck. Then we watched Blow after that with another Boston alumni, George Yung. I've got some reading to get caught up on as well.

    I'm still going to go to the coffee shop Monday morning, just going to practice social distancing, I always sit alone anyway.

    1. Good on ya bro.

      Need to support local businesses.

      Having a big Chinese food dinner tomorrow.

    2. the Maritimer9:09 AM

      Ha! Good call, we ordered Chinese takeout last night!

      I'm going to make a beef stew today.

    3. Hit the grocery stores this morning. No pandemonium but also no TP.

      Making a big pot of moose meat chili.

    4. Gas in Ontario is at 74.9

  4. the Maritimer9:24 AM

    I thought I would comment on Steve's funny take on 'kirk fu' above. First, disregard anything Hollywood shows you about the martial arts. It is all staged and choreographed. As an example, in that movie we watched last night, Mark Wahlberg gets beat up at least 4 times. Ridiculous. If you get hit in the face really hard, you aren't getting right up. I've been hit, accidentally and not super hard (stuff happens) so I know this. Your eyes water, you start to get a headache. I've never been concussed but it doesn't take much. So, the old 'kirk fu' karate chop ... it doesn't exist. Made up Hollywood b.s. It looks effective but isn't. A karate punch isn't much different than a boxing one. It all comes from the hips and timing is critical. Two knuckles, wrist straight, elbow locked, shoulder square, rotating your hip and feet firmly planted on the floor. Just like a golf swing actually! It's why 5'-6" Mike Weir can it a ball 300 yards. Or could at one time. It's all science baby, and years of training. Almost 30 years for me now. Crazy!

    1. Thats what I have never understood aboot a hockey fight, stop grappling start hitten and end it with one punch.

      What I have learned today, well nothing. This is a unprecedented lock down with all the info being trust me. I am not saying the caution is unwarranted, its just that everything after that is not public, are the dead rising, they could be cause no one is denying it.

  5. CHances are that Ottawa the worst run franchise in NHL history , topping the CHarlie I got a big Wang Islenders, will get first and 3rd pick. How do you tell someone to get up everyday and do the best you can if this happens. Fuck up and let god take care of the rest.

  6. the Maritimer5:51 PM

    Better Call Saul being cued up. After that, either Castlevania or Batman Year One (animated).

  7. I went to pick up an order of Chinese food Thursday evening. As I'm waiting for my food, I look behind the counter where their delivery bags are. They deliver their food in insulated bags. The brand? Corona Extra, I kid you not. I snapped a pic because I find it hilarious, was going to post it but then thought otherwise because I know a lot of red necks and racists. Nothern NB...what can I say? And the world doesn't need more of that.

    1. the Maritimer8:10 AM

      The restaurant I went to, the girl had a spray bottle and rag and was constantly cleaning the debit machine. Then she cleaned the door handles after I left. Smart.

      @Saint Paddy, too much Alpine and moose meat? :-)

  8. Aside from that I learned I'll be working from home starting tomorrow, just gotta pop by the office to pick up a few things. It was a good weekend of social distancing.

    Scrub a dub dub y'all. Stay safe.

  9. the Maritimer7:18 PM

    I'm calling it. Based on CDC recomendations, the NHL season is toast. Too bad for leaf fans as their team was going to win the Cup.

  10. R.E.M. ‘It’s The End of the World’ Enters iTunes Top 100

    Its a great song, too.

    1. Love it. Loved R.E.M. back in the day.

      I wonder if 'Beds are Burning' by Midnight Oil became more popular this past year?

    2. the Maritimer10:00 AM

      The R.E.M. song was in the Independence Day movie. Loved Jeff Goldblum in that one.

    3. end of the world!?
      or this one:
      or this one:
      or this one: (i didnt know THEY made one!)

  11. the Maritimer10:06 AM

    Jeff Goldblum delivered some of the best dialogue ever in the history of cinema IMHO in Jurassic Park.

    "I'm always looking for the next ex-Mrs. Malcolm."

    "Boy, I hate being right all the time."

    And, the topper:

    "God creates dinosaurs. God destroys dinosaurs. God creates man. Man destroys God. Man creates dinosaurs. Dinosaurs eat man."

    Laura Dern: "And Woman inherits the Earth."

  12. Day 5 in isolation. The wife is one of those nurses our premier Legault keeps praising as "les anges" and she's like, can the smooth talk, just show me the money! LOL

    She is luckily in the surgical ward, which is properly isolated from the germier regions of the hospital, but may be called into OT service if things get hairy.

    Meanwhile, PMJT just advised to let the kids run around in the house. Sorry, neighbours, just following instructions! I have a six-year-old going stir crazy in a two bedroom apartment. Stay safe and keep isolated everyone, as much as possible. Watch some Pogues on youtube and enjoy a shot of Irish whiskey. We'll get through this if we all keep looking out for one another. Peace and Love

    1. Agree 100%.

      Also, listen to your music loud and you might even influence your kids' musical taste.

      My daughter's fave band is The Tragically Hip and she even recalls being not even one year old and learning the lyrics.

      Its true !

  13. Hopefully our Moey will give us an update as she was beach-bound a few days back.

  14. Hey it's my day and I'm working from home. Damn straight I'm drinking at work! Mind you just a bit of O'Darby's in the coffee but still. Now my day is over and it's a 4 second commute to my fridge which has a few Kilkenny and Guinness awaiting my arrival.

    Sláinte you Irish pigdogs! You're all one of me today, like it or not. And I turn 51 which reminds me in these strange times, I wonder wtf Trump has going on in Area 51 these days. I shudder at the thought.

  15. the Maritimer5:35 PM

    Irish coffees it is!!

  16. the Maritimer6:45 PM

    TSN SCHEDULING ALERT: To fill open time slots due to the suspended sports leagues, TSN will replay last year’s NBA Finals, the 1967 Stanley Cup Finals, and the 2017 MLS Cup Finals.

    These games were carefully chosen by our completely unbiased employees.

    1. sports is the money driver in an age where we wont to watch complete season in one binge. The opposite is true, nothing more boring than watChing a sports re run. I would have every player wearing a 4k camera. Then after the game is over compiling the tape and giving the game from the POV. I through my extensive research came across a study from Sweden that found POV made porn users climax sooner. Just saying

  17. As the esteemed Resident History Major in Resident, with qualifications in that area that not even 29 could surpass, mostly because he did not have time getting other more useful degrees, I have to say, chill. Wars last for years and mostly people of good skills recover. This may last 6 months at the most in the first wave, and then come back for few years as a announce. Remember West Nile, this is worse but similar. The media blow everything up into WW3 to sell stuff, and I think a few of them should test the first vaccine to see if it works. I work with many people who had their lives total destroyed by politics and war, and they are livin and lovin today after sometimes decades of struggle.

    Now here is where I go off the map and dont believe anything you read. First this was a manufactured virus, so someone has the cure they are just waiting until the objective has cleared to give the cure. Second, its a fact that Aids drugs stop the virus cold. Why dont we know this? Aids drugs cost hundreds of thousand of dollars a year. So why not as a first step eliminate those patents, and save the planet??

  18. Hanging out in Turks, it's virus free here. However back home on Thursday. Glad I bought TP before I left. Jeez, the world has gone crazy.

  19. Konstantin Okulov

    1. the Maritimer2:36 PM

      Sounds like Jiri Sekac.



    2. another one who got away.... damm u BBBB!

  20. Hey FHF fans, let me be the first person on the blog to say PANIC PANIC.
    The USA is going to melt down, IMHO no doubt. In Canada we will TFS on.
    However, stock up on beans and rice, cause thats what it may come to.
    We have a huge dependence on the USA for fresh food, in two weeks
    thats gone. BTW my new computer parts arrived today, maybe I should sell them on ebay for double the price and go dark:)

  21. Our physical campus just went into complete shutdown.

  22. the Maritimer5:24 PM

    N.B. has declared a state of emergency. PEI just shut down their alcohol outlets, I think I better make a run tomorrow...

  23. Yesterday I was on RAL 2104 RED, today I am Firetruck Red, the next step is some kind of scarlet.

  24. I have never really worried about bad stuff ever. I lost people who should be lost and I accept that as part of life. This crises has me worried about people that should not have worries. I am seriously worried and like most just trying not to freak the fuck out. It appears that after 4 months China is out of the woods. However Canada is much more like Italy than China and it appears they are in the suck, not seen since the black death. Our good neighbors to the south have an exposure that is beyond compression. Buckle up, rice and beans enough to last 6 months, and multivitamins to fill in the nutrient losses. In the fall those still standing will face a brand new world, hopefully better than the one planet GIA destroyed.(see Avatar if you dont get my drift)

  25. survival tip of the day. Eating smoked squirrel, yep if you smoke it, it tastes just like CHicken. Stock up on multi vitimaes if you diet is mostly road kill.

  26. the Maritimer9:22 PM

    Movie update:

    October Sky, story of 4 high school students who, after the launch of Sputnik in 1957, are determined to learn how to launch rockets. Stars Jake Gyllenhal, Laura Dern and Chris Cooper.

    Breach, the FBI trying to apprehend a spy selling secrets to the Russians. Chris Cooper (again), Ryan Phillipe and Laura Linney (from Ozark).

    Both are well worth the time.

  27. On a warm summer's eve
    On a train bound for nowhere
    I met up with the gambler
    We were both too tired to sleep
    So we took turns a-starin'
    Out the window at the darkness
    The boredom overtook us,
    And he began to speak
    He said, "Son, I've made a life
    Out of readin' people's faces
    Knowin' what the cards were
    By the way they held their eyes
    So if you don't mind me sayin'
    I can see you're out of aces
    For a taste of your whiskey
    I'll give you some advice"
    So I handed him my bottle
    And he drank down my last swallow
    Then he bummed a cigarette
    And asked me for a light
    And the night got deathly quiet
    And his faced lost all expression
    He said, "If you're gonna play the game, boy
    You gotta learn to play it right
    You've got to know when to hold 'em
    Know when to fold 'em
    Know when… RIP Kenny Rodgers

  28. Pushing through the market square,
    So many mothers sighing
    News had just come over,
    We had five years left to cry in
    News guy wept and told us,
    Earth was really dying
    Cried so much his face was wet,
    Then I knew he was not lying
    I heard telephones, opera house, favorite melodies
    I saw boys, toys, electric irons and T.V.'s
    My brain hurt like a warehouse, it had no room to spare
    I had to cram so many things to store everything in there
    And all the fat-skinny people, and all the tall-short people
    And all the nobody people, and all the somebody people
    I never thought I'd need so many people
    A girl my age went off her head,
    Hit some tiny children
    If the black hadn't a-pulled her off,
    I think she would have killed them
    A soldier with a broken arm,
    Fixed his stare to the wheels of a Cadillac
    A cop knelt and kissed the feet of a priest,
    And a queer threw up at the sight of that
    I think I saw you in an ice-cream parlor,
    Drinking milk shakes cold and long
    Smiling and waving and looking so fine,
    Don't think you knew you were in this song
    And it was cold and it rained so I felt like an actor
    And I thought of Ma and I wanted to get back there
    Your face, your race, the way that you talk
    I kiss you, you're beautiful, I want you to walk
    We've got five years, stuck on my eyes
    Five years, what a surprise
    We've got five years, my brain hurts a lot
    Five years, that's all we've got
    We've got five years, what a surprise
    Five years, stuck on my eyes
    We've got five years, my brain hurts a lot
    Five years, that's all we've got
    We've got five years, stuck on my eyes
    Five years, what a surprise
    We've got five years, my brain hurts a lot
    Five years, that's all we've got
    We've got five years, what a surprise
    Five years, stuck on my eyes
    We've got five years, my brain hurts a lot
    Five years, that's all we've got
    Five years
    Five years
    Five years
    Five years

  29. BBB will go big game hunting in Ohio
    4 first round draft picks
    dead in O hi O
    how many more
    have we wasted anyway
    Lets call him Picard

  30. Well school's out here til May 4th at best. Wife's a nurse whose ward has just been repurposed to treat COVID-19 patients so our household is on a more serious level of self-isolation than my sanity can handle. I have to hold it together for my daughter, who is six, and home school her while working from home M-F. Gonna be rough. At least we're all in the same surreal boat.

    Belated happy birthday, Saint Paddy! I didn't realise we're virtually the same age.

    Twenty days of gasping for air from a machine and dying miserably and alone is the sickest joke on humanity yet. My wife is about to be one of the ones fighting for a fucking mask, coming home drained dispirited. This ain't gonna be pretty.

    Stay safe and follow the isolation guidelines as much as possible, everyone. Peace and love.

    1. Belated Birthday St Pat. Ahh 51, when we look back after this is all over, I think we will have a new calendar, pre and post Covid. Pre Covid years will be the most valuable.

    2. the Maritimer12:33 PM

      All the best SiM, stay safe and God bless your wife on the front lines of this battle. We have been self isolating for the past week and will continue until told otherwise. My wife and I are both retired and very fortunate that finances are not an issue. Our youngest son is home and now working remotely. It's ironic, before everything was locked down, he and two of his best friends were looking for an apartment in the uptown area. That's all over for now and I am glad he is here with us.

      I want to give a shout out to all the long haul truckers out there, we would be a heck of a lot worse off if not for them. They keep the food supply chain intact.

    3. What theM. said.

      Thank Mme SiM for us.

      We are doing a family group facetime today.

      Be safe everyone.

    4. The frontline keeps us moving forward, godspeed to your Wife Scott.

    5. Thanks FHFers. Got her some flowers to come home to too.

  31. the Maritimer12:37 PM

    RIP Kenny Rogers. How many of you remember when Kenny was a front man for a band called 'The First Edition' and had his own TV variety show back in the '70's? Yep, he started out as a rock n' roller... "I just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in... " Yeah, yeah, oh yeah!

    1. Yep.

      My Dad's fave singer.

      My fave version;

  32. the Maritimer8:35 PM

    OK fellow Habs fans, the ol' Maritimer needed a hockey fix on a Saturday night so I got out the DVD collection and watched Game 5 of the 1986 Finals Montreal vs Calgary. A few observations:

    Montreal was a big, fast, physical team with the exception of the Petit Viking who played big and set up the winner by Bobby Smith (our future Prez?). The best line was Mike McPhee (a Maritimer), Brian Skrudland and Claude Lemieux, players who could grind and score.

    They had 3 high end 1st rounders, Bobby Smith and Ryan Walter taken 1st and 2nd overall in 1978 both acquired by trades and Rick Green (D) taken 1st overall in 1976. Walter and Green were traded to Montreal for Rod Langway, Brian Engblom, Doug Jarvis and Craig Laughlin from Washington. I always though this was a great trade despite losing great vet Jarvis and Larry Robinson's protege Langway. Walter and Green scored the 3rd and 4th goals in that game winning Montreal the Cup. Thanks to the belittled Irving Grundman for that one trade.

    Did you know that Montreal won the Cup in 1956, 1966, 1976 and 1986? Their next opportunity will be in 6 years.

    Serve Savard had a chance to get Gilles Meloche in the off season but believed in the guy playing in Sherbrooke, one Patrick Roy.

    It was funny, the one goal I actually remembered from that game was the 3rd one by Green, as soon as he received the puck and made his move to the slot I knew it was a goal just before it went in. I totally recognized it.

    Anyway, that was fun. Next Saturday will be the '93 Cup win.

    the Maritimer

    1. the Maritimer8:37 PM

      Edit: Also won in 1946.

    2. For me if there is a soundtrack to this crisis it was written by Bowie
      golden years Unless we get incredibly lucky I doubt we will be contenders in the next decade or worse.

  33. I had a problem in the garden with a hedgehog, thankfully sorted out with no casualites.

  34. People have lots of ways of coping. Some seek inspiration for the elders.

    This is how I came to think about a famous Jim Morrison quote that seems much more prescient than a Dean Kootz novel or any other lucky guesses.

    “I don’t know what’s gonna happen, but I wanna have my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames”

    Never to late to get one more kick in.

  35. Hey FHFers hope are all staying healthy and safe. I got to thinking how we have folks come and go through our lives and as we go separate ways and lose touch with each other it's possible and likely that some of those folks we've interacted with are now gone. Got me to thinking on sites like this where we interact regularly more or less, and have had folks just 'fade away' and I sometimes wonder if it's a permanent exit. I thought this before this plague hit us, but this rekindled it. I could get hit by a bus tomorrow and you'd never hear from me again but could just assume I lost interest. Just an interesting thought i've had recently (not about getting hit by a bus).

    Anyway we have joined the 'state of emergency' gang. Not sure yet what that means for my work which has me driving around but not interacting with others face to face so much. Will see tomorrow.

    Just finishing up watching the documentary on Spielberg. Quite interesting, mostly exciting just remembering all the great films he has made. That opening scene of Saving Private Ryan is chilling. My Dad stormed Juno Beach and never talked about it and never wanted to watch war films, so I've always felt a little guilty about enjoying them myself. That movie and the show Band of Brothers are amazing.

    CHill and stay isolated.

    1. the Maritimer9:58 PM

      Near as I can figure, time marches on, interests change, so on and so forth. There are really only a few regular posters left on the site unlike the heady days when the original Four Habs Fans ran the show and took turns posting game threads and The Morning Skate. Strippers abounded ... it was glorious!

      I'm glad moe and yourself have kept the forum alive, it's a place to come vent periodically but even that has slowed down. I blame the ineptitude of current Canadiens management for killing the interest in the team. I've said all along indifference will be the enemy...

      We just watched the Gordon Lightfoot documentary on CBC, what a national treasure that man is. His songwriting and music craftsmanship are extraordinary. I'm glad I got to see him at the Imperial Theatre a few years ago.

      Finally, I hope K3X is staying safe over in Jolly Old, looks like they are going to have to learn the hard way like the Italians. Like Premier Higgs said a few days ago, "this is no drill this is reality like we've never seen."

      Stay safe everyone!

  36. This place still has a place.

    Great family group FaceTime.

    New daily routine has me checking lots of news.

    Taking a few (free via work) online courses.

    Family and friends all OK in my world.

    Be safe and be well FHFers.

    Sexy Friday is being worked on.

  37. Hey All...Just wanted to drop in and let you know I am C-19 free and doing fine. I think Boris is about to lock us down completely so that will make things really interesting. I have my oldest, his GF and my two youngest here - and we are fully stocked up on toilet paper, rice and beans...let's see how long that lasts. I am still getting paid as I can WFH but my daughter is an entertainer/teacher so all her income dried up literally over night - hoping that Boris also decides that she needs paying like everyone else. This is really a crazy time and I just wish everyone all the best. Be smart, stay home, wash your fucking hands and love the ones you're with. They are all precious and as we have seen, life can change in a heartbeat so cherish them! At least the sunshine has hit the UK a bit this week...I socially distanced myself from the rest of this lot and went outside and cut my lawn's March FFS! #StayHomeFFS

  38. And just like that... The UK is is in lock down... Bout time Boris! Stay safe everyone.

    1. the Maritimer5:19 PM

      Glad to hear you and your family are doing well K3X. If you must go out, practice what we are now calling 'physical distancing' ... 2 meters away from anyone out in public.

      No worries about lawn mowing here yet. Snow on the way tomorrow!! Rats!!

    2. Be safe our UK brother.

      Snowing here now and temps are rising this week.

    3. k3X the English have a long history of enduring through the worst of times. Let the history make your path forward more likely. The English absolutely established the keep calm and carry on meme. May it serve you well today.

    4. Cheers Steve... All good here. Keep calm, Fuck Covid and GYFHG!

  39. I have already applied for one of those brain reading input devices, so If I am on ventalor I can still comment.

  40. Jimmy Buffet

    when the dust finally setteled and the bar had been cleared, things where better off than we had feared

    We have been through many scary things worse than this, like puberty in a small town when your gay. I just use this as an example of how people endure. So the Chinese say the same CHarater for Crisis is Opportunity, so lets just start now when we have a new NHL, every pure wool is a HAB, no discussion not negotiantion, Let ever player born fight for his birthrithgt. They had a system like this in play at one time and Montreal ended up with 24 stanley cups. Hockey is to important to be a business lets nationalisze it and make it a sport.

  41. Bold prediction, mid April this crisis is just a crisis and by May we are social again.

  42. the Maritimer8:03 PM

    I've been through this self isolation before, when I had my back surgery and was basically house bound for two months. At least now I can go for a walk around the neighborhood. I even took my bike for a little spin Monday before this little blast of winter. I agree with Steve, another month of separation should flatten the curve enough that we will be set semi-free, that is no big gatherings. Hockey and basketball are finished, kaput for this season, baseball MIGHT get half a season with no more than a few thousand people scattered throughout the ballparks (like Florida). The big test will be the NFL in September, we'll see how powerful an entity they really are. If they develop a vaccine by next fall, maybe they start on time. We watched Concussion last night, it was an eye opener for sure.

    I got an email yesterday from my golf club, they are prepping for a regular opening, probably early May. It's an activity with built in social distancing. Walk on your own section of the fairway and leave the flagstick in the hole. Can't wait to start playing and doing some biking! I wonder if the Tim Hortons drive thru will serve me on my bike?

    1. tim hortons never used to serve bike riders, or even mobility wheelchair riders, who knows this could Change.

  43. So far so good here. All healthy and working from home. My daughter's company in Ottawa managed to get themselves deemed essential in the manufacturing biz. She is a welder for a company that has a lot of DoD contracts.

    Take care. Wash your hands. If you need to go out in public, wear one of those giant condoms like Frank Drebin in the Naked Gun movie.

    1. I am considered an essential worker as well. Our company makes big lift tables that keep production lines and loading docks working. I sell them the right product at the wrong price daily.

  44. So I am pretty confused on a few points. As you know, I live in the UK. My mother lives in Oshawa. She is 87 and been more or less self-isolating for over a year now as she battles cancer - she is doing very well btw - drug cocktail seems to be holding her stable. No improvement but no regression - so we'll take that - anyway - The UK went into what they called "Lockdown" earlier this week. No one except key workers should leave their homes. The next day - it got changed to "No one except anyone who can't work from home". I am able to WFH so I do. We are not having anyone in our house and only one of us is going to the store for essentials. A bit of a walk is all that we are allowing ourselves - it's been sunny so might as well. My mother has a nurse visit once a week and a cleaner every 2 weeks. They call first to see if she is well enough for a visit. That to me is a lockdown. Over here, they change the rules every couple of hours. Exceptions to everything. As much as they make it out to sound like they are looking out for us, they are really leaving it to us to decide what we do. Is that the same in Canada? Asking because I worry about the Nurse or cleaner coming in and passing on the virus. Are they being stricter with things like home visits or is this nurse free to make up her own mind on where she goes and who she sees beforehand (and no disrespect to her - she is a fabulous woman who has looked after Mom really well). It's all so confusing. And as we all know - People, in general, are thick as shit sometimes...

    1. No Emergency Measures Act yet from Ottawa, despite some rumblings, but ON and QC simultaneously went into a pretty strong lockdown two days ago. Like others here, I work for a company tied to an essential industry (concrete repair, infrastructure and construction materials) and I can and do work from home full-time. Still working honour system mostly and I am sure the people looking after your Mum are grateful to still be able to do their thing. Only mandatory lockdown is returning travelers from other countries who? As of today are forbidden to go out for 14 days. Peace and love everyone.

      Fingers washed and crossed


  45. the Maritimer10:07 AM

    New Brunswick is pretty much locked down except for essential workers. The borders are closed. Everything except grocery stores, pharmacies, gas stations are closed. I filled up over a week ago and the needle is still on full. We walk around the neighbourhood, that's about it.

    1. Ontario has declared beer booze and pot stores as essential. Allegedly the brother of former crack mayor Ford was a major supplier of some quantity in his early business life.

      We are two weeks away from full Mad Max in Toronto. In other provinces, which I might say AHEM are more old stock, keep calm and carry on will prevail. Quebec is after being raped by the English for centrius knows how not to bend over.

    2. the Maritimer9:03 PM

      I stand corrected, booze and cannabis are still considered essential in N.B. Premier Higgs didn't want to create a black market, bootleggers and dealers to be exact. Makes sense.

  46. Jesse Ylönen we just signed him to a entry level contract. As I understand it we have three players like this all with the same name, one of them has to be an NHL star.

  47. So now the UK Prime Minister - not wanting to be outdone by JT has declared that he has tested positive for Covid-19 and is in self-isolation...which means that the CMO will have it next, as will the Health Minister, the Foreign Secretary and the pregnant girlfriend of the Prime Minister (not necessarily in that order) All joking aside here - we is fucked!

    1. Dont go wobbly now K3X. It seems in Canada lots of light in the tunnel. It may be that as this virus mutates it loses strength, much like the children I spawn after 60.

  48. One of my lab student’s Mom has COVID19.

  49. the Maritimer1:03 PM

    What a fucking moron Trump is.

    1. I’ll say one thing, kudos to our Federal (and most provincial) gov’ts for really stepping up. Makes me an even prouder Canadian.

    2. Good sentiment and its easy to armchair quarterback. We could have been at least two weeks ahead in everything and two weeks closer to normal now. In a near violent encounter years ago the protagonist told me "be ahead"

  50. I got a phone call from Shea Webber this afternoon. It was a bit of a surprise, lol!

    1. How the FHFuck does BBQ have Kate’s digits and I don’t !

    2. He called my dad, too. He was chuffed. My mom (never been a sports fan) said it was a good thing she didn't get the phone or she would've hung up on him. --SiM

  51. Stupid question, how many of the players we draft will die from the COVID, especially in Sweden where they have put THOR in CHarge of this file.

  52. Finally my friend has Underwater with Kristin Steward available. Kristin is just one of those unwashed women who make you want to clean up some how.

    1. It was not a complete waste of time.

  53. Ozark season 3, pretty good so far. 3 eps in.

    1. Best thing about 2020 yet. --SiM

    2. until you read this:

    3. the Maritimer9:49 AM

      What a great gesture by the Petry family. Jeff should be a Hab for life. This reminds me of things the late, great Jean Beliveau would do. To think some of the talking heads and some fans wanted to trade away Jeff for 'futures', fuck that I never advocated trading him or Tataaarrrrr. Those are the type of players you keep.

    4. This was a flop. My wife said everyone at her hotspital tried to take advantage last weekend and call after call after call to both restaurants, they couldn't get through. Nice try, but Dish should just stick to spring cute kids and scoring in OT

    5. *siring, not spring! @#$%! autocorrect-_-

  54. the Maritimer9:54 AM

    I watched the last episode of Picard last night, it took a while to figure out what was going on but when it all comes together, I give it an A. I kinda figured out how one plot line was going to be resolved, but finally, a Trek I could enjoy. It was fun to see some of the old TNG gang again and Seven of Nine is still a hottie!

    We will be starting Ozark tonight.

    1. What a fantastic season! I felt every episode was jam packed with plot and/or action. Long live Picard!

      And yeah, how the hell is Jeri Ryan a year older than me and looking like that at 52?! Oh yeah, money, genes, etc. Anyway I'm grateful for it.

      Unlike yourself, I enjoy the odd STD so will tune in when it returns. While not classic Trek, still peaking my interest on plot. The big problem is it's tough to like any of the characters we're supposed to 'cheer' for but the so called bad guys are decent. Anyway, I got that coming soon. Ozark s3. I need to figure out where I left off Ray Donovan and start that up.

      But today is a beautiful day. Back from a good walk and yard cleanup. Time to start tackling the shed which Mrs Pad continues to fill with junk...err treasures and once a year I do a purge.

  55. SN has been airing old nhl games, but of course nary one including the winningest franchise of all time. Until last night recorded it and watched the pivotal game 2 of the 93 final. I remember that one like it was...maybe not yesterday, but more recent than 27 years ago. I watched with such anticipation waiting for the illegal stick measurement. I think I was even nervous though I knew it was coming. And I remember it was the first (and only) time a dman scored a hatrick in the finals. Gave me goose bumps again when Desjardins scored the winner!

    After watching that team play it got me to thinking how Houle was demonized for the Roy trade, but really after the 93 series Savard made some bad moves, worst of all trading Desjardins and Leclair for Recchi. Even before 93 with the Chelios Savard deal. Then Matt Schneider...a lot of toughness and defence gone, leaving Roy with little support. I imagine this connection has been made before but rewatching this series really stirs that up along with missing a team of that ilk that won that series.

    FWIW, I also happened to tune into the glorious last 5 minutes of game 6 of the leafs kings series too. Haha suck it leaf fans! But but gretzky gilmour kerry fraser we woulda won blah blah blah wah wah wah!

    1. the Maritimer9:42 PM

      Yes, for some reason GM Savard made some bad trades after that last Cup win. I always said it wasn't the Roy trade that undid the Canadiens but was probably the final nail in the coffin. I always thought Kirk Muller and Schneider to the NY Islanders for Pierre Turgeon and Malakhov cut the heart out of that team. Then Desjardins and Leclair, that trade made the Flyers into a powerhouse for years. They just couldn't get any goaltending. It's been pretty gloomy in Habsland since '95.

      We just watched the first 3 episodes of Ozark... man, what a great show. Jason Bateman is outstanding.

    2. the Maritimer9:44 PM

      After the first buttman lockout the wheels just seemed to fall off the Habs. I wonder if Ronald Corey initiated a lot that shit.

    3. As the kids say, in regards to Ozark, stay until the end.

    4. Roughly seven episodes in and it's intense. Can't see what's coming next. Great stuff as usual. --SiM

  56. Life during wartime. Do not upgradge you os motherboard and processor. I will be out of action for a week or so.

    Stay Safe, remember head shots only for Zombies.

  57. Wet, rainy, everything melting.

    Probably checking out Tiger King tonight.

    Likely buying a month of HBO/Crave.

    1. the Maritimer12:07 PM

      Mrs. The Maritimer watched Tiger King. She said it's crazy... because it's true! I read a synopsis in today's paper. Interesting.

    2. I think Crave has a month free right now, and there is always Kodi

    3. Tiger King was a great balm for 5hese serious times. Bunch of crazy asshole American wankers. The decline of the empire could not be better encapsulated than with these nutjobs. --SiM

  58. the Maritimer4:23 PM

    Looking at Craig's List at the SFU network, it looks like the Habs will miss out on top ranked defenceman Jamie Drysdale at #5. The Canadiens are currently at the #8 position and lo and behold another fucking smurf is slotted at that spot. No way, they got way too many already so, take the 6-3 Russian goalie OR, drop way down and take the #21 guy, Sait John Sea Dog defenceman Jeremie Poirier 6-0 and 200 lbs, great skater and can run a power play. A Urologist if you will. Can't defend worth a fuck apparently but so what, we want some PFK like excitement back on the ice!

    1. the Maritimer4:24 PM


    2. the Maritimer4:32 PM

      Of course none of this matters 'cause buttman is gonna slip ol' Bergy the number one overall pick for helping ship John Scott as far as humanly possible away from the All Star game in California to St. John's, Nfld and Lab. Didn't work as Scott was still voted off the island and had a movie script performance in the game just to rub it in the league's face. I look forward to Montreal selecting Alexis at some random hotel in the city.

    3. Yeah the good players end at number 7. Who knows we could get a great one, but picking the sure number 3rd center smurf has not paid off in the past.

  59. Hey moe, you'e a techy guy. Did you watch Silicon Valley, Halt and Catch Fire or my favourite The IT Crowd? While I've watched the other 2 fully, only just picked up Silicon Valley, seems pretty decent so far.

    1. Hey St. Pad,

      Loved Silicon Valley
      Couldn't get into IT Crowd
      I have Halt and Catch Fire on my wish list

    2. Yeah, that brand of British humour isn't for everybody. Even though I don't know the actual origin of the biz, H&CF was fantastic and even for me it was definitely easy to draw parallels to the real world.

  60. Positive thought of the day: Habs haven't lost a game in 3 weeks.

  61. Hey Kids, I am back. The resident Electrical Eng inner at work is a build maven. He fixed all my and Microsoft mistakes and I am back, better than ever. I got one of those M2 hard rives and even with Mircorworst I boot up in 9 seconds.

    Okay now for the bad news, hyperinflation kids its comming and you know what that means, toliet paper at $1000 dollars a roll in the morning and $10,000 by noon. I have already switched to leaves.

    1. the Maritimer11:37 AM

      Newspaper and the sales flyers will work too. Can't wait to put that shit (ha!) in the composter...

  62. the Maritimer11:42 AM

    4 episodes of Ozark to go, really looking forward to the finale.

    A barrel of Canadian oil is now worth less than a good craft beer. I have driven about 100 kms in the last 3 weeks, have not bought gas in that time. Jason Kenny's head must be ready to explode.

    1. I read that the barrel of Alberta crude is cheaper than a happy meal.

    2. I read it was worth less than a barrel of monkeys. The bigger shock to me was that one could still buy a barrel of monkeys. Loved those as a kid.

  63. ... its coming ...


  64. the Maritimer6:10 PM

    Welp, we finished Ozark season 3 today. That is one fucked up place...

    Quite the cliff hanger I must say.

  65. I bought two cases of CHips to last me through this difficult time. They are gone, but I got a pouch that a kanagroo would envy.

  66. Dont follow leaders follow parking meters, and stay two meters apart. The shit can is on fire, and no fire dept can prevent the meltdown. Its going to be brutal and its going to be total in urban areas. Good thing I live in the suburbs.

    1. the Maritimer6:56 PM

      I think Will Smith will be the last man standing...

  67. SF is coming. I can feel it.

