Apr 19, 2020

A message to you Mme. SiM

❤️ ❤️ ❤️
Don't worry about a thing,
Cause every little thing gonna be all right.
Singin: don't worry about a thing,
Cause every little thing gonna be all right!
Rise up this mornin,
Smiled with the risin sun,
Three little birds
Pitch by my doorstep
Singin sweet songs
Of melodies pure and true,
Sayin, (this is my message to you-ou-ou:)
Singin: don't worry bout a thing,
Cause every little thing gonna be all right.
Singin: don't worry (dont worry) bout a thing,
Cause every little thing gonna be all right!
Rise up this mornin,
Smiled with the risin sun,
Three little birds
Pitch by my doorstep
Singin sweet songs
Of melodies pure and true,
Sayin, this is my message to you-ou-ou:
Singin: don't worry about a thing, worry about a thing, oh!
Every little thing gonna be all right. don't worry!
Singin: don't worry about a thing - I won't worry!
Cause every little thing gonna be all right.
Singin: don't worry about a thing,
Cause every little thing gonna be all right - I won't worry!
Singin: don't worry about a thing,
Cause every little thing gonna be all right.
Singin: don't worry about a thing, oh no!
Cause every little thing gonna be all right!
~ ~ ~

Be well, get well !


  1. Man, the shit we are living is just fucking too weird to believe but its happening, its real and for some way too real. Our great FHFriend SiM is experiencing it harder than most of us. I want to send him and his wife (in the header picture) and family some positive vibes, call them positive vibrations.


    Irie I SiM.

  2. Wow, moeman, idk what to say. Thank you! Manon is super strong. I know she'll push through. She's sleeping and breathing soundly right now. I feel 90% better, maybe 95. We gotta stay mentally healthy more than anything. And be extra cautious not to be spreaders ourselves. Haven't seen our other kids or grandkids or parents since early March, and judging by new data from Italy, seems we're ill-advised to mingle at all for another four weeks, not two.

    Stay safe, all. Fingers washed and crossed. Listen to the science.

    1. Sound advice and all thanks go to your Manon and her health worker colleagues.

    2. Get better fast Madam Sim. Your a hero.

      Greetings in the name of His Majesty, Emperor Haile Selassie-I. Jah! Ras Tafari. Ever living, ever fearful, ever sure Selassie-I the First
      Ras Tafari
      Ever living
      Rastaman vibrations, positive

  3. The sun is shining in the UK this Sunday but the news is not good. According to a major Sunday newspaper our government ignored all the warnings and did fuck all about the coming pandemic until it was way way too late. They say they are following the scientific evidence Now... But clearly they ignored it, treated it as a flu pandemic and decided that herd immunity would get us through this. Fuck em all! In the past month I have been furloughed along with my son's girlfriend, and my youngest daughter. My older daughter is self employed so she might get some money sometime in June and my son has had to go back to work running his restaurant as a Deliveroo only set up. As a Family we are all healthy for now but now I am really pissed that this could have been avoided if someone was paying attention. My Job might come back in June but then again... Who the fuck knows...our lives are all going to change because NO ONE IN CHARGE WAS FUCKING PAYING ATTENTION. And you know what else. If any one of you want to fly to the UK and come see me... YOU CAN AND NO ONE WILL STOP YOU. OUR FUCKING AIRPORTS ARE COMPLETELY OPEN TO EVER CORONO-RIDDEN MUTHERFUCKER WHO DECIDES TO COME OVER HERE... (sorry for the caps but I am really pissed off)

    I might never leave my fucking home again...

    1. a lot of master of the universe types have been exposed by more than the virus. It should be a crime bigger than incompetence. Bojo and Orange Man, not our Orange man, should be held accountable for their incredible hubris, if not negligence of the first degree.

      I share your bewilderment that the airports are open, who the fuck is flying and why the fuck do we let them? Unless is a Brad Pitt like character from WWZ, everyone should be grounded, everyone should not leave their town. In Russia the cities are grided and you dont leave your grid.

      I also have a special place reserved for the current admin of the WHO, and China.

      Both my kids are getting the super special $2,000 a month from JT. Both my wife and I are considered essential workers, she has been working from home till now but has to go back to the laboratory a few times this week.

  4. Back to hockey... I seemed to start a bit of a thing on Twitter by replying to a tweet from John @fromfailinghands referencing Vodka's retirement. I framed bbb's handling of him leaving the Habs as his Reggie Houle moment insofar as the (lack of) negotiation he did and that we'll never know what might have been if he had stayed for another 18 months... Surely it wouldn't have been any worse than Alzner and Schlemko and the cast of what seemed like hundreds he brought in to try replacing him... But what do I know eh...

  5. the Maritimer9:57 AM

    First, all the best to Madame SiM, I'll keep her in my thoughts and prayers. God bless her and her co-workers. We are faring quite well here in N.B. because our government and health authorities jumped on this quick. Our Education minister, Mr. Dominic Cardy closed the schools immediately and took a lot of heat for it (even from a doctor!) but he was proven correct. I met him once when he was running in a bye election in my riding, I could tell he was a pretty smart guy. Kudos to him.

    K3X, stay safe FHFriend, Boris got caught with his pants down just like tRump, he's actually fortunate to still be here. It's even worse south of our border where a megalomaniac is in charge. Thankfully, the Dem governors, especially Mario Cuomo, are telling him to fuck off. Politely of course. Thank goodness for PM JT who is keeping our borders closed off. It's a complete shitshow down there and they need to keep it there.

    Regarding the great General Vodkov, that was an epic fail on bergevin's part. Probably what made me really despise him. Radulov I could live with losing him, but not a career Hab who btw, made a lot of other players look better than they were. I'm looking at you Doucharek. Remember him?

    Anyway, I hope we come out on the other side of this as a stonger, better prepared nation where we manufacture our own goods, grow our own strawberries year round in hothouses and have fair wages for all our REALLY IMPORTANT workers, the grocery stores staff, cleaners, truckers and especially the health care workers like Mme. SiM! Cheers all and please stay safe!

    1. Hear Hear, food and medicine self sufficiency, we cant do energy, PET tried that and got swatted down like a blackfly.

      Vokov was DGMG's second biggest boner. His first was ignoring development for the first 6 years. Trading for Druid third, Alzner 4th, trading Lego a sentimental tie for first.

    2. the Maritimer1:36 PM

      I blame Arrogant Fuckface for the trading of Lego, he couldn't recognize size and talent but was all over pure wool logistics. Foxhole.

  6. Some good thoughts and positive vibes FHFriends.

    The political scene worldwide is all over the place.

    I am well known as biased to the Liberal Party and find little to no fault in how they have managed, as a minority gov't.

    I am not at all liking the inane attacks on Dr. Tam.

    I think our friends south of our border are seriously in a state of complete fuckitude. I wish them well. Fix your fucking problems or I'll never step foot there again.

    For me the only real personal issue, apart from worrying about my young sister, the nurse in Switzerland, Mom of my late nephew Jules, is the new norm of fucked up sleep. I'll find myself waking up in the early AM and not being able to get back to sleep. Otherwise, trying to stay active.

    Last night's Global Citizen concert was fantastic. Eddie Vedder was incredible and of course The Rolling Stones just keep on delivering.


    Be well all FHFers. We are in this together.

    1. the attacks on Dr Tam will go down in infamy with the Fat Steve attacks on the supreme court.

      I have my own feeling on the WHO, but I dont think for a second Dr Tam is making decisions for Canadians based upon the best evidence, and we are a grateful nation for having a mind like that working for us.

    2. that English was abit Fawly towers. I meant to say we know Dr Tam is at this moment as close as you get to unapproachable, and to critize her with petty baloney is akin to pressed meat treason.

  7. Wow lots going on... didn't even see the Vodkov news. SiM your partner is a true hero and I wish her the speediest and fullest of recoveries.

    As for the USa and UK...what else can be said.

    Add to this the crazy shit that happened in NS about am hour north of here last night and today and its clear this world is one fucked up place. I wonder if we'll get the story of this psycho as he didn't survive. Fuck me what a place...and we're in Canada FFS one of the best countries in the world to live in.

    1. I believe the first whale that was sacrificed to light a street at night pre saged our reckoning.
      Oil is evil, its like heroin for the non human friends in our life. Buy Telsa and buy it like Nortel never went bankrupt and you lost a small fortune. In fact that may have saved millions of lives, because retirement is not something you can choose, you have to be the right age.

      It only took about 200 years to recover from the black death, always look on the bright side of life:) Have you ever driven the wrong way where you hit traffic bumps, the first one you dont notice but by the time you have hit the third your schocks are bottoming out and you hair looks
      like it has been free falling faster than the speed of gravity.

      So we are hitting traffic bumps, I say we are still in the gravel, but might have hit the first one. We got to take a serious look at the way we drive and just where the fuck we think we are going?

  8. the Maritimer5:47 PM

    Unbelievable. I can't even digest was has happened in Nova Scotia. I've always said that the Maritimes is one of the nicest, safest places on the face of the earth. And it didn't even happen in our largest city but in rural Nova Scotia. What could possibly motivate a person to go on such a rampage, disguised as a police officer and driving a mock up cruiser? It is totally fucked up.

  9. Feeling the love, FHFers, and your support is heartwarming, many thanks.

    Now, let's take a moment to remember RCMP Const. Heidi Stevenson, who also leaves behind two children of her own. What a senseless tragedy to befall Portapique, NS. My condolences to all those hurting today. --SiM

  10. Happy 4/20 everyone.

  11. Work job redeployment has begun. I now have two jobs, my regular one and I am now the new Faculty webmaster (it was an open position). Same salary, union pay increase happens May 1st and new job until the end of the year. 100% from home.

    1. the Maritimer5:01 PM

      Congrats on the promotion. I'd say more but I'm still in shock about events in N.S.

      All the best and keep safe man.

    2. Thx theM.

      I was way too busy today. It felt weird.

      At 17h00 the loss of so many fellow Canadians hit me really hard.

      May they all rest in peace and be remembered for the amazing people they were.

  12. Hi All,

    I don't think I have commented since the 19 began, so first I want to say how much I am thinking about all of you and hoping you are well. I am fine, my whiskey and meth stashes are holding up.

    Thanks moe for privately telling me about Mme SiM. Scott if I prayed I wold pray for you both; as it is, my thoughts and positive vibes are all yours.

    Stay safe everyone!

    1. Our resident mensCH !

      Bell well 29 !

    2. We will need about one stinking lawyer in the Zombie Apocalypse future, and I can not make the decision, but you seem to have all the qualifications. Sadly the first qualification in any major decision is loyalty. Second is competence and third is verify the first two are correct.

      I just dont know what kind of legal issues are relevant in the Zombie Apocalypse? Its like the old Butch Sundance knife fight. So I pencil you in for the re establishment of politically free institutions. Lets get real the US failed totally in this, and Canada was one election away from capsize.

  13. So sorry guys... It is not all about me. I wish Mme. SIM all the best. I don't pray but my thoughts are with her.

    They are also with all the desperate Americans who want to survive but have no money or jobs. They resort to protest and invariably end up sick and some will die. This is so fucking bad. Everyone please be safe.

  14. Freak out now! The price of oil has dropped below zero. This tells you two things, there are places lower than zero,and the world is on acid.

  15. Thanks everyone! Congrats on the promotion, moeman, well deserved I am sure.

    Mme SiM just declared breathing a tad better and feeling her energy start to return (YAY!!) She thanks you all too. Yous guys!! Stay well. --SiM

    1. Good stuff.

      FWIW, I don’t consider this a promotion. I’m now doing two jobs for the price of one. I know I’m worth it and I hear that the new Director is really, really nice. SWIDT !

  16. Good stuff moe, we know you can master the web with your spidey senses!

    I don't know what to say about the events that have transpired in my province. I am not an emotional being when it comes to death. Except when it's a pet. I'm sure a shrink would have a field day with that one. But yesterday I found myself really mourning for those families that have lost loved ones...the stories, the pictures, the video of the young girl playing the violin. That shit is real. Not to make light, but thank god it wasn't the bagpipes, I'd have been a messy puddle of tears.
    I know there will be questions for months but in reality, unless it's a family member, will we really need to relive this tragedy every day and get every detail from the RCMP. The media will ensure we do either way...and I guess it's human nature to want to find reason among chaos. I send hope and (I like 29's version) positive vibes to all affected by this. I work with Sgt Taplin who was interviewed yesterday and was a close friend of Heidi's. My heart goes out to he and all of her colleagues who have the toughest of jobs. That is to continue working after a tragedy like this. Which is what those of us still fortunate enough to have a job during these trying times have to do. So while I'll keep half an eye on the story as it unfolds, I gotta move on with the thoughts of those lost souls tucked away in the back of my mind. Dog bless you all.

    1. My ex-BiL was from Truro.

      Sadly the death count has risen.

    2. Senseless human tradgedy, this guy was rich. I can understand poor people trying to get rich, but I can understand rich people trying to get dead.

      This guy was under the whole fox news shit about my rights these rights etc. If you are rich suck it up. There is nothing more disgusting to me than some billionare telling us we have to work harder.

  17. On a lighter note, after finding out about Vodkov I've realized I haven't even been visiting any sports sites other than NFL.com which is getting ready for it's draft. So hey, something new in sports!
    Anyway, this morning I decided to check out a very humorous website. Not sure if you've heard of this one, it's called tsn.ca and one of the stories is the three leaf fans that do the Overdrive show talking to the leafs' Shamahan and it's titled "Shanahan shares if he’d ever want to be part of a documentary like Jordan". When I think of the hockey equivalent to Michael Jordan, my mind immediately goes to Brendan Shanahan, I don't know about the rest of you. It's so obvious. I sure hope it happens.

    1. I can't think of a single leaf that would qualify for a documentary.

    2. the Maritimer12:30 PM

      If you want to read some funny shit about the toronto sports network, head on over to tsn parody on Twitter, they are happy to point out all the leafool bag licking and all things hogtown. They live in a fucking bubble.

    3. Tragic ex-Hab John Kordic?

      - drafted by the greatest franchise in hockey
      - won the Memorial Cup
      - won the Calder Cup
      - wrong side of one of the most lop-sided trades in history
      - 3 or so years in purgatory (tronna)
      - hookers and blow
      - engaged to a stripper at the time of his death at the tender age of 27. Begs the question whether he too sold his soul at the crossroads like all those talented musicians who've died at that age.

    4. I missed the big one in there, the '86 Stanley Cup of course.

    5. the Maritimer1:00 PM

      I saw John Kordic in the Super Sexe club on Saint Catherine Street around that time. Maybe his bride to be was working there at the time. Gord Stellick pulled off that trade because coach John Brophy hated Russ Courtnall... thanks Broph, Habs fans enjoyed having Russ on the team.

  18. the Maritimer12:54 PM

    There is so much to ponder on these days where does one start? To touch on a few things Saint Paddy said, I am not super religious but I believe and all those innocent people who were killed have to be in a better place. The pandemic has not really bothered me that much, it's been an inconvenience for sure but I am a homebody by nature so I've adapted relatively easily. We go for walks, I go for groceries so it's been OK so far. Yesterday, I had my first down day in a month. I couldn't get the senseless tragedy of the weekend out of my head, I too was mourning those folks even though I didn't know any of them personally. I think it was because it was so close to home and it seems to be happening more frequently. Moncton in 2014, Fredericton in 2018 and now this. This crap is not supposed to happen in the Maritimes yet here we are, now with the ignominy of the biggest mass shooting in Canadian history and on top of that 5 houses burned to the ground as well. What kind of sick fuck pulls this off? This has nothing to do with mental heath, this was planned with precision and long in advance. I'm glad the Mounties gunned that fucker down. You don't try to fix a rabid dog. Sorry about that but I had to get it out. Justin Trudeau was so right yesterday when he said the media should not even mention his name or show photos any more. Don't give him the notoriety he was looking for. Banish him from history.

    I haven't watched the NFL draft for years but I think I'm going to this Thursday just to see who the Giants pick #4 or if they trade it for something else. Bonus, we won't have to watch the embarrassing ritual of Roger Goodell glad-handing all the rookies while not caring how many concussions they will have to endure in their short careers.

    Finally, I see marc bergevin is at it again signing some sieve out of the KHL. Keep up the good work bbb.

    1. MONTREAL -- The Montreal Canadiens have signed goaltender Vasili Demchenko to a one-year entry-level contract.

      The deal is worth US$700,000 in the NHL and $70,000 in the AHL, with a signing bonus of $92,500.

      Demchenko, 26, played 36 games with Chelyabinsk and Magnitogorsk in the KHL in 2019-20, totalling nine wins, along with a 2.77 goals-against average and a .907 save percentage.

      Since making his KHL debut in 2011-12, the six-foot-two, 165-pound goaltender registered an 81-86-25 record in 212 contests with Chelyabinsk (198 games) and Magnitogorsk (14 games).

      At least it's hockey news?

    2. Yeah we have two maybe three NHL goalies and zero NHL centermen, lets draft a goalie, hey I am just being a prick, who needs centermen when you have a goalie.

      Can I make a PSA, if your going to drink beer in a public park even if you are 6 feet apart, make sure you google earth first to find an exit when the man comes to town.

  19. Like I have said before we are in the first two minutes of a Zombie movie. I dont think we are going to have a socitial breakdown in Canada, or Europe. However anything you like like scotch, buy now buy more. Same for anything that came from China. Motherboards video cards you will be paying for like your ex wife, same for cell phones. You want it now, buy it. ON the other hand maybe people will have no money to buy things and they will be ridiculously cheap. Like who could have imagined oil at minus 47 a barrel. Its the zombie Apocalypse my friends, and I have been prepping for this my whole life, and I tell you I have no clue.

    1. the Maritimer8:33 PM

      I can fix my own bike...

  20. Todays Forcast, hellfire with a chance of Zombies.

    M B C C D R I M
    E L A O O E M
    L O R L O S P E
    T O N L M E L
    D D A A T O L
    O B G P S
    W A E S I T
    N T E O
    H N D




  21. the Maritimer11:05 AM

    There may be some light at the end of the tunnel here in New Brunswick. Premier Higgs is telling businesses to start prepping for controlled openings with some sort of physical distancing measures. I hope to God that the coffee shops are allowed to open, I sure miss my morning routine. Maybe the golf courses will get the green light for mid-May. Fingers crossed.

    It's supposed to be warm and sunny this weekend, I think I'll start some landscaping projects I've been thinking about all winter.

    1. -6º this morning. Cold, windy but the weekend looks promising.

  22. Sifting through all the bullshit, this is my humble opinion.
    Most people even those over 80 will live through this if infected.
    Most people under 60 will not even be able to distinguish this between a bad flu
    Most people will not get infected if they do not have a continuous 20 to 30 minute contact with an infected.
    I am not a doctor, though I play one on the internet

  23. the Maritimer8:37 PM

    When I go the gas station tomorrow to fill up (after three weeks) I expect they will pay me $20 to take it off their hands. Is that fucked up or what?

    1. Big oil is the vehicle that moves the Man around. Voodo economics is a beech.

  24. So to help brighten our day somewhat, here's a link to TFS exhibiting his passion and skill for another sport - fly fisbing

  25. So waynEgo thinks the leaf would've beat the Habs in 93.

    Fucking leafanboy.

    1. the Maritimer12:51 PM

      Ha ha ha.... They will never get over it. Fuck'em.

    2. To be fair didn't he say 'could' have? In theory, the Habs 'could' have won the cup this year. So it's actually an empty statement meant to make leafies feel better about themselves. As my kids say, whatevs.

      But yeah holy fuck let it go ffs.

  26. New Stones;


    1. Video version; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNNPNweSbp8

  27. I know I never went to school but I feel I am now Dr Steve, just like DR Phil who may have gone to community college allegedly.

    Dr Steve says, rejoice because the truth is out there. The truth is that you need contact over a period of time with an virus breather, or you plop yourself into the field of virus recently vacated by a virus breather. Its basic medicine FHF. I learned it on the internet.

    The consequence of these recent medicinal discoveries means, Trump is going to be a hero for being stupid. In Canada we will have a great opening. Bars and restaurants will have to remain closed. Working side by side will have to go to the side. Otherwise we will be able to fly on one wing for some time. Those who said in the beginning, herd immunity are totally sane and right. All people who are not at risk should be exposed to the virus, get sick or not even notice it and emerge as superhuman who cant spread the covid. I am 62 years old and if someone gave me $100,000 dollars as a kickstarter I would go on MTV, get exposed, live or die live. I believe as a DR, I would live 80-% for sure.

    1. the Maritimer7:10 PM

      Can you cut hair? Asking for a friend.

    2. Oh Yeah, I got the vacumax 5000 in the attic. My wife has cut my hair before, I looked like one of the three stooges but saved a lot money.

  28. It is time to plan the fecking parade FHF. With the season restarting in June, we will have two secret weapons that will neutralize the trap. Vasili Demchenko and the Tsar/ Csar Romanoff. Plan the fecking parade already and lets get the stature of BBG on St Cath rolling. With the way construction works in Montreal it should be ready for the unveil by mid century.

  29. https://fourhockeyfans.blogspot.com/2020/04/staying-sexy-at-home-nb-not-all-pics.html
