May 25, 2021

Game 4 on the floor it !


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  1. Chester2:19 PM

    OMG Miss Soapy Butt.
    Brings back fond memories of Mrs Chester when she was the hottest blond thing east of the Pecos.
    Sigh, I digress.
    Listen, the time for fucking around is over. Crash the net, shoot from the slot, not beside the net.
    And, would somebody take out dirty wayne. Sorry no caps for you.
    We've come this far and we can beat these fuckers. We can. More Bilbo, a lot more Bilbo.
    Sometimes it looks like he is the only one thinking score.
    Alright. Time to take my blood pressure medicine.
    Go Habs

  2. Czar not playing because the 12 tired old legs that did NOT win the last two games are better in Ducharme's mind since their defending was pretty darn good.

    This is too stupid to be real.

    Jesus, Jim Fanning could make better hockey coaching decisions.

  3. Thank you for the return of Ms. Sudsybutt.

  4. What on earth stops you from putting out fresh legs that might shift the dynamic - which (almost) any moron can see needs shifting, having lost two straight despite superlative goaltending?

    I can't see anything about Ducharme except DAR: Dumb as rocks.

    1. ditto,an old tired man with expeiece will stil get out fucked by a 19 year old virgin

  5. GYFHG still applies, but God help me, if Czar isn't in thd lineup tonight, he dhould think about getting Mete's agent.

  6. Goddamn that is one mesmerizing, soapy, clean ass!

    Yep Price is playing lights out = defence is pretty good. We have a secret code we text or chat to each other at work during particularly long and/or dry presentations. KMN = Kill Me Now

    So help me dog, if Czar is not in the lineup, KMN.

    It sure didn't sound like Dom Do Harm was planning on inserting him FFS.

    I wasn't expecting much of this team in the playoffs but just put the best chance you have on the ice and get the kids some experience while you're at it.

    1. All of this. And a PP plese. Was it you who begged for the Urologist last night?

  7. I figured, what could hurt re=posting the sudzy derriere.

    I'm done wondering if dgmb makes/forces decisions on DD.

    I'm done wondering if DD is all in on playing to win with the young crew.

  8. sorry boys. im caught up now. arrrrrrrgh! this team is sooooooooooo frustrating to watch!

    SiM: yes yes yes... DAR DAR DAR

    put in romeo! keep drinking whiskey. put KK back with horsepower and nick!

    on still sitting romeo... what are you waiting for!?! BBB/munster/merril all playing poorly. draw straws to see which sits for the russian difference maker. the kid wears #27. that means he's good.

    kidG: that one timer chance in the 1st. KMN. why cant you ever finish the pretty goals and are always determined to score the ugly ones!?

    GIJoel: u had some chemistry with tyder so ill give you another chance AGAIN... but this time whiskey is on your line. for ONE game, play like you can, play like this matters!

    GYMFHG! CHarrrrrrrrghe!

  9. oh.... and on the next pp, can SOMEBODY? anybody, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease enter the zone properly and retain safe possession?! FML, just do it once to show me up. i dont care, tee up that rusty BBQ for yet another predictable blast off the glass

  10. Sorry for being serious, but what if we hired Perry Ferrel the lead singer of Janes Addiction as our manager. We would win because they dont care about losing. We have trained generations of great hockey players to be losers.

  11. OTOH: on the 15th anniversary of the release of An Inconvenient Truth, the Oils are swept quite miserably. It seems the era of oil is truly over. They should change the tesm name. The Edmonton Methane Leaks is available...

  12. Gotta say it gotta say it because it has been burring a 24 hour heater in my brain, and now its fried, and I may never get to say it if I dont say it now.
    The French lost in the Fields of Champlain because they were playing not to lose.

  13. Good news there is a blood moon tonite and Satan is in the high hemisphere, its like were DBMB sits.

  14. Lineup is out, no Leko, no Czar. Staal back on fourth lind with CHommodore and GI Finn. Tuna-Dano-Lep reunited as top line. Toffee with Nature and Whiskey, LB with KK and Powerhorse.

    KMN, DAR

  15. Let's be perfectly clear on one thing. This is bbb's team. He is making all the lineup calls and it is on him. By being able to sack DD, he saves his job with Geoff. "I gave him all I could and he didn't win so he had to go" will be the story he uses when it's over and DD isn't returned as head Coach.

    Honztlybif this series doesn't prove that BBB is not fit to be the GM, nothing will.

    Just fucking win boys. Just fucking win!

  16. After a period of analyzing the Habs I've finally figured out the big problem with the team. They're not good.
    That's all.

    1. It would help if they put all the slow guys together. Take Army off that line and move BBQ up there

    2. Ylonen and Czar might've had something to say about that (if they were zllowed to show us). And Sevens and Leko if they were okay to play.

  17. the Maritimer8:47 PM

    The management and coaching staff would rather lose every game 1-0 or 2-1. That's the mentality.

  18. Not that a PP would help but how does Tatar running into 2 guys at the
    LEaf bench when there are 4 other leafs on the ice not too many men? Rhetorical. I know the answer.

  19. Three missed calls on the sequence that led to the Thornton goal, but they can't complete a pass to save their lives anyway.

  20. the Maritimer9:08 PM

    Glad I'm sitting this out. Must be painful.

  21. This is the series we've been waiting four decades for? I don't think so. I'm reminiscing about Douglas Murray right now, it's that bad.

    1. the Maritimer9:50 PM

      Not me. If I never saw the leaf in the playoffs again for the rest of my life I would have been OK with it.

  22. KK trying to wake up his teammates, who appear universally disinterested in receiving a pass from one another.

  23. Just leaving this here:

  24. "We look at the games we’ve played and we’re not perfect but we haven’t given up many goals, so I don’t think guys are doing a bad job; so we’ll see.” – Dominique Ducharme the morning of game four.

    Therein lies the organizational issue of the Montreal Canadiens for a long time: the defenders are responsible for defending, and are not responsible for offence. The defenders are responsible for keeping the puck out of the net, but they are not responsible for getting it down the ice, or contributing to the offence. Keep the puck out of the net in Montreal, and you have done your job well.

    -- Brian Wilde.

    The rest is here :

    1. This last line from Mr. WIlde said it all and echoed what I have been saying for a long time now..".Marc Bergevin had a long playing career. He was a classic stay-at-home defender. He offered nothing on the offensive side of the puck as a defenceman for almost two decades. Now, Bergevin is attempting the same feat as a GM"....He never won a thing as a player and he has no concept about how to win as a GM. The Habs are doomed to mid-lower table results for as long as he remains GM.

    2. True dat. Clean house, fish rots at the head.

  25. the Maritimer9:28 AM

    According to the Habs gm they don't need skill. CHaracter is all that's necessary to win.

    1. Guess we better start with hiring Pat Roy and John Totorella then.

    2. Yes Cpt Kirk make it so, it could not be worse. We looked like an AHL team playing an exposition game against the pros.

  26. Going to Rant and Rant and Rant until it gets better
    First the failure is all on DGMB, this is his team and no doubt his system. But maybe it goes up the food chain higher, because we have been living this since 1993. Get St Paddy to stop the pucks and win. Well the world has changed.
    DGMB is a great horse trader, keep him in that role. Lucky Charms you go to the Rocket and Bouchard you come upstairs. If that fails we hire Torts or Babcock to make some fucking hockey players out of people who cant make a pass or receive a pass to save their lives. Who told G CHuk he could make a blind pass, someone, this guy has been around the hockey world and is looking at the KHL next year.
    What coach GM whatever would sanction a blind pass? Because we have no system that works with the blind or gays or transectionals. The leef have two women skill coaches and I say, a women pro could beat this team as it currently stands.
    TFS, and BBQ have to go into the fire. We need to suck for 5 years if we want to win the cup.

    1. I forgot to rant about how the leef will be plowed over like a danylion in a GMO field whoever thy meet next. Where does that place us on the food chain, like the farm system for the KHL

  27. Chester6:17 PM

    ofer forever on the PP.
    I sat and watched five guys standing still until the leaf intercept an obvious pass and start a rush
    and five guys standing around in our end watching the leaf skate around.
    Our fishes head has either rotted or there is no head.
    We have many many great pieces but sadly how fucking long does it take to fix a PP???
    Go Habs

  28. Danno you get 2,5 mill for five or walk . Tuna 1.5. Who else want less money to play in Montreal. Arny i give him 2 mill. Its not really there fault they just are living in a low rent district

    1. the Maritimer8:04 PM

      Let those three walk. Bring back General Vodkov as an assistant coach and see if he could convince Ovie to come to the Habs.

      Four centers next season, Nick, KoHo, 7Evans and EAP. Bring over Norlinder, bring up Fleury. Get some youth in the lineup.

      I've got the Islanders/Penguins on, what a sight teams that can score goals. Amazing.

  29. I stand with Ethan Bear. Fuck racism!

  30. What a liberating day it was for me. Zero information about this sad sack team was read, watched or listened to.

    It's gonna be a good summer. Fuck the leaf. Fuck the SFU. Fuck Covid.

  31. A game 6 with fans would be a nice way to end the season so JUST Fucking Win!

