Jan 27, 2022

Livin' on a prayer ~ Back home for a bunch of games ~ C B J


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  1. that is what I call an outrigger, trimaran. Lets lose with grace. What is with Whiskey, at this point down to the farm boy, have some fun, get some cookies.

  2. the Maritimer6:43 PM

    Man, that is a weak defence: Chariot and WrongSavard + Dish and Kadillak + Tsar and Thin Man, with Less Than Primo in net. The Shane Train chugs along unabated.

    1. the Maritimer6:47 PM

      Could get ugly in a hurry, Bobba Fett awaits.

  3. the Maritimer7:42 PM

    Bobba Fett it is.

    Before I depart, I don't know what more Clark needs to see regarding this team. Pretty obvious the players haven't got a fucking clue what's going on. Who's fault is that?

  4. Dauphin! Penalty shot! The're one goal away from tying it up.

  5. 9 comments on a game day thread. A new low, following the Habs' lead I guess.

    1. Might leave this thread up(dated) to get us some ice cream.

  6. I was actually watching Canada vs Honduras World Cup Qualifying. Keeper made a fantastic save to restore the 1 nil lead, then minutes later they scored a beauty to ice it with a 2-0 win.

    But I did switch over to hockey in the 3rd, saw the 5-3 goal and the penalty shot. Flipper actually looked like a decent hockey player on that play. (Dauphin, dolphin, Flipper...trying it out).
    and they had other chances to tie the game. If Dish wasn't cursed or whatever the hell is going on with him, it would have been.

    Anyway it's all good. Kal-El and Flash gotta be pulling some strings soon...

    1. Flipper! Hah!

      Dish was probably out of sorts from hos wife's Instagram nonsense.

    2. We are building Disney team a flying wedge down the ice. Really why has no one tried that a school of hockey players in V formation like a school of fish moving down the ice with the five hole ready to take the opening and score.

  7. the Maritimer1:52 PM

    I'll bet buttman aka the littlest commissioner is super pissed that the Habs keep losing games and are potentially blocking HIS Coyotes from getting the No. 1 pick in the draft in 2022. He'll find a way to Az the first pick by hook or crook. The way those dogs are selling assets, look for Connor Bedard to be sentenced to 3 years in the desert as well.

    1. Yep, the draft is a hidden process, decided behind doors with what are likely weighted balls.

  8. I bailed at 3-0, nice almost comeback.

  9. Wonder if contact tracing would show that some player's wives are responsible for infecting others.

  10. the Maritimer4:05 PM

    Clark meeting with Price today? That would be an interesting conversation. My money is on Carey staying put. I think Clark is going to have to choose between the Snake and Full Monty for the back up job. I've been impressed with FM lately, with a decent coach and a rejigged Defence he could be good.

  11. Speaking with my daughter in Ottawa tonight. Hee 12 minute drive home took 2 hours. She's super supportive of those truckers after that trip...

    I think we've discovered the issue with Petry. It's that Mrs Dish is cracked. Makes one wonder if that could be related to the number of cases in that dressing room.

    1. A year ago I was trying to make this point. Curfew-winter Montreal 2020 was hell for families, rich as much as poor, and no other team's wives had to deal with it.

    2. I mean 2021. Or both. And 2022 too.

  12. Give me Vax free international crossing or give me death.

  13. the Maritimer10:32 AM

    How much is WrongSavard (1st pair D) going to play against McD tonight? Could be a blowout tonight folks!

    1. Oliers practice had orange cones set up in the offensive zone, what does it mean?

    2. the Maritimer1:27 PM

      They should put the cutout plywood goalie in net with all 5 holes and see what the oilers shooters can do.

  14. Minor tweaks ...

    1. the Maritimer3:37 PM

      ... or 'cheeks' ...

    2. Heh.

      For that, you get a bonus cheeky pic.

    3. the Maritimer6:46 PM

      Whoa! : )

  15. We have at least two years of humiliation to go through. Squid Game

  16. I wish we could just get snow in Halifax. Nope. 20cm followed quickly by ice pellets, then rain. Supposedly changing to freezing rain with lots of wind overnight. Gotta be on your game picking that perfect shoveling window. And shoveling in the rain sucks and is probably the cause of more than one heart attack per season.

    And the SFU and their Kane coverage can eff right off.

    Go Habs!

    1. the Maritimer6:48 PM

      ... and they can fuck off with Bunting too. Fuck you mclame, haharudy and jen leafbot.

  17. the Maritimer6:54 PM

    It's been wicked here today, lots of snow and heavy winds, no rain so I am waiting until tomorrow. Most of my driveway is actually clear, the wind is taking the snow away but there is a huge drift in front of my garage door on the leeward side of the house. Once the plow goes by it's going to be a big job.

    I hope the Habs play a tight game tonight, if they give up 50 shots to these guys they are going to be run out of their building.

  18. I'll check out the first but I got a bad feeling...

  19. Doing Dry Feb.

    Hello remainder of rum.

    1. the Maritimer7:14 PM

      Doing dry Jan. Almost over...

      I'm going to watch, I can take the pain. I think.

  20. Game in Montreal, rare Saturday night national broadcast, and we get the Edmonton announcers. Never change.SFU.

    Oh well Louie Debrusk can't be worse than Gawley or Millen...

    1. the Maritimer7:38 PM

      They actually aren't bad, they are being very fair about Montreal's plight and zero leaf blowing.

      Figures Kane would get his first goal.

      Wow 3 zip just like that.

  21. 5 shots against. 2 zip. FM didn't look good on the 2nd one. And it figures Kane is able. Fodder for the SFU intermission.

  22. Good game for McJesus and Draisaidl to distance themselves from the Jackal in the points race.

  23. I haven’t started season 4 of Ozark, yet.

    1. the Maritimer7:45 PM

      I'm still working on Y the Last Man.

      I've heard Season 3 of Titans is decent.

      We watched 'The Last Duel' last night, interesting movie.

    2. It's good. But I had to go back and rewatch the last rwo episodes of S3 to refresh my memory.

  24. the Maritimer7:40 PM

    Do Harm's 'system' is collapse in front of the net, screen the goalie, give up the point shots all night long. That's it.

  25. the Maritimer8:16 PM

    It's the Oilers, they can blow a lead as well as anyone.

  26. Ah, the fifth goal against.

  27. the Maritimer8:39 PM

    Full Monty not good tonight.

  28. This is not a team.

  29. the Maritimer8:56 PM


    Nobody going after Kassian is unforgiveable.

    1. If Roy was behind the bench, either Dish would've responded or if not, have had the A ripped off his jersey and wrapped in a puck and shoved down his throat.

  30. I quit watching after 1 but checked in to see , it's 6-2. If it's any consolation Wings are beating leaf...

    It's been said but the Dynamic Duo need to incorporate a 3 step process:

    1. Fire Do Harm
    2. Install Luke as temp
    3. Hire Roy in off season

    ...and of course ice a competetive team next year, there is a core there to start with despite their record.

  31. Replies
    1. He should wear the A next game. Dish should sit.

  32. the Maritimer9:26 PM

    Good for the Pez, he's a keeper.

  33. the Maritimer9:34 PM

    This season has been a shitshow from the beginning, so much uncertainty with major injuries and bergy's fuck ups however, we fans have been wanting a number one pick for a long, long time even though I don't believe they will get it. This is what you have to endure for that privilege.

  34. the Maritimer9:38 PM

    Death by a thousand cuts.

  35. Not sure how many goals were on the keepers vs the lack of system, but a .708 save percentage will win you zero games.

    But I agree with the above and you really need a 2 year tank to hope to improve...and it's still no guarantee.

  36. TFS talking tomorrow.

  37. BTW, Kassian has always been a piece of shit.

  38. I predict the first in game trade between NHL teams. Dish for Lanie, they will trade sweaters during the first period intermission.

  39. the Maritimer9:24 AM

    Ducharme coaches his last game tonight. Book it.

    1. Dish ends of in Detroit, whatever position we have at draft time, during the lottery we will drop two spots. PHUCTARDS will get another curious bump to number one pick.

    2. the Maritimer2:10 PM

      That's where I see Dish ending up as well.

      Comcast has a lot of power.

  40. Not an original but good.
    They are making a movie about the rascally truckers. Tentatively it will be called
    " Snowman and the Bandit"

  41. Howard Hesseman, Dr. Johnny Fever on ‘WKRP in Cincinnati,’ Dies at 81

    Fun actor on a great show. Rest in peace.

    1. the Maritimer2:12 PM

      R.I.P., WKRP was one of the greatest sitcoms ever.

    2. Agree 100%.

      Loved Lori but Bailey was my kind of gal.

  42. Replies
    1. the Maritimer2:15 PM

      You know the babe in the red shirt is doomed right?

  43. KidA and Lord B back in ...

    1. With LB and Lep back, no need for Dish to wear the A tonight. Some leadership will be nice. GYFHG

  44. The Doctor is out. RIP Howard Hesseman.

    Every DJ in the land: "Bougerrrrrr...!"

  45. Thanks for adding the pic of Terry. Class.

    1. When I saw what the convoy scumbags did to his statue yesterday, I was fuming and wanted to go to Ottawa and clean up that sick shit.

    2. the Maritimer2:19 PM

      Right wing extremists who watch too much Fox 'news'. If these fools show up at a hospital sick, tell them to wait in the corner over there...

    3. It's a travesty. A national disgrace. If I had my druthers, I'd re-assemble the Ranboro boys and blast some Untermenschen and Nazi Punks, Fuck off! at them to drown out their shit.

      And this (God, it was fun playing this live with Condi, Rummy and Cheney's names thrown in back in 2004).

  46. Canada-USA WC Qualifying, NFL Championship weekend, Brooke Henderson challenging in LPGA event, Scotties curling (my Chiropractor is skip of the Nunavut team)...and I'm trying to defrost my fridge.

    1. If in the market for a new refrigerator DO NOT buy a Samsung with an ice maker. Total piece of crap, always freezing up...

    2. Oh...I suppose the Habs are.playing later too...

    3. Hope the Bengals make a game of it.

      49ers vs. Rams gonna be lit.

  47. There were so many great WKRP eps.

    Way ahead of its time.

  48. the Maritimer3:05 PM

    Regarding the Ottawa 'protest' ... it's hard to believe, and extremely disappointing, there are that many assholes in this country. I thought we were better than this.

    I used to always vote PC when there were honorable men like John Diefenbaker, Bob Stanfield and a maybe little less palatable Brian Mulroney. That party was hijacked by Preston Manning and Stephen Harper and infiltrated by wingnuts and crackpots like Bernier, O'Toole and weasels like Poilievre. It's a sad state of affairs these days for small 'c' conservatives.

    1. the Maritimer3:38 PM

      I forgot Joe Clark.

    2. Manning to Harper to MacKay to today.

  49. I'll say this about the protest and move on. Because maybe I'm just not that smart.
    Journalists don't seem to be asking the obvious questions.
    - When we first heard about this, it was about truckers needing to be vaccinated to cross the border. USA have the same restriction so they couldn't cross to the south anyway.
    - So it's blossomed into this protest against forced mandates in general, getting vaxed, wearing masks, shutdowns etc. These are all provincially mandated with nothing to do with Ottawa. I've not heard any of the interviews with protest participants bring up thelis fact.
    - It is sadly not surprising that even here in Canada, a protest of this nature brings the worst of the worst out of the woodwork. I still believe (hope) that is a VERY small number of Canadians with those extremist, racist views. I don't know if we will ever see the old PC party back. If I recall correctly NS golden boy Peter Mackay and David Orchard each hold blame for this as they sold out at the leadership convention to Harper and then let him merge the party with Stockwell Day?

    1. the Maritimer3:47 PM

      I think the news media are milking this for all its worth. The trucker convoy has been hijacked, so to speak, by a bunch of wannabe republican right wing, racist, white supremacist, anti-vax kooks. tRump and his ilk have spread their poison north of the border. It's deplorable. And yes, Golden Boy Peter McKay did sell out the PCs to Western interests. Then he got fucked over by Belinda Stronnach the floor crosser.

  50. Mahomes is so fucking good.

    1. the Maritimer3:50 PM

      He is.

      I hope the Rams win tonight, Stafford vs Mahomes will be epic.

      Man this KC crowd is loud? I can hardly hear Romo ... that's a good thing!

    2. Romo is a twit but but no one is worse than collingsworth.

  51. I am telling you live we are not going to the playoffs, I am calling it.
    We are not going to the playoffs next year either
    so who do we keep in the deep freeze of losing?
    Is it fair to ask a palyer to give up two years
    of heroics
    to have a CHance in three years to win
    it sounds a lot like Poypie
    and Wimpy and the hamburger
    But we have all eaten the hamburger today
    and last year is was a world beater
    today it tastes like the lower
    threshould of Mcdonalds

    Lets do Zen buy Peletons
    with the Habs program where
    ex habs yell at you to go into
    the corner and in front of the net

  52. Well I cursed the ladies. Brooke bogied after opening 11 hole of 6 under as soon as I mentioned her. Brigitt and Nunavut with the loss.
    But a big 2 nil win over Murrica in footy! And Burrows and the Bengals are making a game of it in Murrican footy which is great.

  53. 2-0 Canada vs. US !

  54. the Maritimer5:17 PM

    Can't count the Bungles out yet.

  55. the Maritimer5:40 PM

    Joe Burrow is a pretty good QB too...

  56. the Maritimer6:03 PM

    Wow, who would have ever thought this game would go to OT?

    1. kidA must be out of his mind Bengals' game to lose now!

  57. Wow! Cincy to the SB!

    1. the Maritimer6:18 PM

      Oh how the Mighty have fallen!

  58. Wow. Congrats Cincy.

  59. Time for me to remind FHFers that I do not live in St. Pad’s basement.

  60. KidA is getting a hat trick tonight.

    (All 3 goals will be refused).

  61. the Maritimer6:20 PM

    This gives me hope as a Giants fan. Cincy won 2 games two years ago. Two years later they are going to the Super Bowl!

    1. Fresh new management in NY.

    2. the Maritimer6:24 PM

      Yup, raided the kitchen in upstate New York. I hope it works out.

  62. This Burrow kid talks smart.

  63. the Maritimer6:22 PM

    The Habs are not getting one second of my time tonight.

  64. Go 49ers.

    My God sideline Erin is something else.

    1. the Maritimer6:25 PM

      Small boobs but she is still a beauty.

    2. I feel bad that some creep took a peephole vid in her hotel room. And a little bad that I checked it out...

      But she is one of the best. And married to an ex hockey player I think.

      I'm assuming this is Andrews were talking about...I was grabbing dinner, chicken Currie with rice and bananas.

    3. Yep. Fucking creepy asshole.

  65. Guess I'll checkout the Habs just to see how Lord B is looking. And how stoked Gallagher is after this game.

  66. No collingsworth !

  67. Channel flipping. Click to see the disgusting francois gag non try to rake mud from the TFS presser (a non event of no news). Sick fuck.

  68. My God sideline Erin is something else.

  69. Replies
    1. the Maritimer7:02 PM

      Did Price say anything of note?
      Just trying to get healed?

    2. He wants to play. And for the CH. Montreal is his home. There's a reason he fought for the no trade clause when he signed. Lowered expectations about a teturn this season. Depends how the knee responds.

    3. TFS is the consummate pro and team guy.

    4. the Maritimer7:22 PM

      Glad to hear it. They need him.

  70. 1-1 after Nature boy scored.

    1. Nice shot but Monty's gotta have that.

  71. Replies
    1. I hope our management turns into the superheroes we're hoping for soon. This is unwatchable. You can lose hockey games without being this terrible, to at least leave some entertainment value...

  72. Omg, 4-1, 14 minutes in.

  73. My God sideline Erin is something else.

  74. Wide very right.

  75. the Maritimer7:59 PM

    10-7 Niners at the half.

  76. the Maritimer8:17 PM

    I said it earlier, Ducharme is coaching his last game for Montreal tonight. I don't give a flying fuck who replaces him. I don't care they can't speak French or English.

    Looks like Jeff Petry has played his way out of town.His head hasn't been in the game all season. I think Stevie Y would welcome back to Hockeytown.

  77. So both the lame Ottawa police and my work executives have told us to stay home tomorrow.

    1. I really feel for the people living and working there right now. Why are these yahoos allowed to come in and literally shit all over the city?

    2. Question of the day !

    3. Lameness all around.

      Best name I’ve seen for the fascist convoy … Mayonnaise Militia

  78. Replies
    1. the Maritimer9:06 PM

      Great game, two good QBs, two outstanding defences.

  79. Thin man out of position twice in ten seconds on PP causes problems.

  80. Not to get picky but shouldn’t it be narrow man ?

    1. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Thin_Man_(film)

  81. After the most exciting offensive sequence all season, of course.

    1. the Maritimer9:16 PM

      Thanks for the updates, I'm engaged in this football game.

  82. the Maritimer9:36 PM

    RAMS WIN!!!!!!

    1. Well deserved.

    2. the Maritimer9:42 PM

      I'm happy for Matthew Stafford, he played for shit teams in Detroit for years, he's got a chance for a ring. Great, hard fought game.

  83. What a day of sports !

    Congrats LA, Cincy, Rafa and Canada !

    1. the Maritimer9:43 PM

      What, no mention of that hockey team we follow? : )

    2. Not tonight.

  84. My God sideline Erin is something else.

  85. NFL playoffs have been wild. SuperBowl needs to live up to this great football.

  86. Bradshaw is rotund.

  87. The M is right. That had to be DD's last game as head coach.
    If he's still in place when they resume next week, he's there for the rest of the year at least.

    1. the Maritimer11:20 AM

      Can't see it. It's ok to lose close games but if it's one blow out after another, players are going to want out. You have to be competitive, which they aren't and that is on the coaching staff. DD has to go, let Luke or Alex take over for the remainder of the season. Fuck Legault and his minority of xenophobes.

    2. I disagree. You have Dish playing like a juvie. I loved him and now I hate him. I am not in his mind but when you see goal scoring CHances coming off his blade like curls at the ice capades you have to wonder?
      The twine binders have not learned to tie the knot. They are getting lit up, but the shooters have time an space to make a perfect shot.
      No coaCH can stop the CHaos we must embrace if we really want to win the cup five years out.
      You have to get top 5 picks at least two or better 3 years in a row. In the next two drafts COVID has made it Russian Roulade, easily a 2nd rounder will be the best player from the draft.

    3. the Maritimer7:18 PM

      I'm starting to think Steve may be right. Clark said everything is on the table. If they decide to tear this down we could be looking at 2 or 3 years of rebuild misery. If leafools can endure it so can we. That being said, DD has to go now, maybe Luke as well at the end of the year. The games are over before the 1st period is done. Who wants to watch that? Not me.

  88. https://fourhockeyfans.blogspot.com/2022/01/all-star-break-telephone-calls-for-mr.html
