Dec 23, 2024

🎄 ~ Happy Holidays FHFers !


🎅🏼 🎅🏼 🎅🏼

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Cheers !
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Drink, dance, sing, drive and play safe!

G Y F H G !


  1. Anonymous1:25 PM

    We have always loved everything Snoopy in our household.

    As I may have mentioned my incredibly 3D animation-talented and multi award nominated ('Nimon'a was Oscar and GG nominated, 'That Christmas' just nominated for an Anni ...) , 'Garfield' was GG nominated, daughter is wrapping up the to be released in 2026 'The Cat in the Hat' with Bill Hader animated film.

    Her lifelong dream is/WAS to do a Peanuts movie and that dream is becoming a reality as her studio is doing the new Disney Peanuts movie (2017 or 28?).


    1. Anonymous1:29 PM

      ... in Montréal, a huge hub of animation activity (no thanks to scüm like purelainelegault).

    2. Congrats to your daughter and all the best on upcoming projects !!

    3. That's incredible! Happy for her.

    4. That's awesome moe. You are obviously and rightly so, a very proud papa!

    5. Amazing news! Congrats. Loved Peanuts as a kid. No one over here has ever heard of them it seems.

  2. Anonymous1:38 PM

    "Canadiens fans need to sit back and enjoy Patrik Laine’s hot streak" ~ Jack todd

    1. Been many, many years (decades?) since Montreal has had a player of that caliber. Here's hoping he can stay healthy and help lead a very young team to contender status.

      I would take PFL over PLD any day of the week and twice on Sunday.

  3. Oh shit there's a game tonight and PFL will be playing against his former team ! Will they fire the cannon if he scores !?!

  4. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Nice pre-Xmas gift from the Winnipeg Jets.


  5. Of course Tweed scores his 1st of the year. Karma always rears its head.

  6. 7Evans! Show me the money !!

  7. 2 extra minutes for Lip errr.. Lep.

  8. G.I. Finn ! Assisted by hot hand 7Evans and RoCH

  9. Just tuning in. What happened to Wool? 😟

    1. Hit along the boards, tweaked something?

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Good shot, but gotta stop that puck.

  11. That's just a darn shame to lose that game in regulation, was hoping to get to OT at least.

  12. Feels like a bit of a dagger. Gotta beat the teams around you to move up.

    1. Now they play the big boys for a month or more. Hope HuGo can find some goaltending help.

  13. I just watched the goal highlights. RoCH had a rougher night, leaving his man all alone on the second goal, and looking like a lack of foot speed on the third goal (maybe the CBJ guy was just really fast?).
    It's that game winner. As I said it was a great shot but one that needs to be stopped, especially at that stage of the game.

    1. You could say Monty didn't have a great game but that was his 9th or 10th straight start? And, it seems the BJs were a little more motivated after Wool's comments before the game, calling them losers. Ouch.

    2. Monty has started every game this month and this was his his third in four nights, so it's no surprise if fatigue caught up with him. He'll get a nice rural Québec Christmas break with plenty of tortières, huge spreads and maple bacon, with gallons of whole milk (you can see it in his face, eh?)

      In fact, MSL starting the hell out of him like this is the perfect way to underline to mgmt the dire need for a legit back-up goalie.

      Merry Xmas FHFers, or whatever you celebrate.

    3. HuGo erred in opting to keep Primeau over Allen. Jake would have been the perfect backup to Monty.

  14. steve8:20 AM

    Give the loss to Prima, you cant play Monty forever.

    1. Glenn Hall would disagree with you !

  15. Got the 1st overall pick on the 2nd spin this morning on Tankathon. 🤞

    1. I hit it on the first try. Lots of centers in the top 5. Lets hope its not another 2019 where in the top ten only Jack Huges and Moritz Sieder are hits, the rest busts or near busts.

  16. Anonymous12:30 PM

    dredger: "To be the best team in Canada, you gotta find a way to beat the Leafs''.


  17. steve1:03 PM

    I got a Whiskey official NHL t shirt for Christmas.
    I have 4 other offical T shirts. Halak and Big TiTs bought at the Bell Center. A Drouid bought in the GTA at an Adias outlet store, and a Richard bought at the Hockey Hall of Fame. All where half price because of trades or in the case of Druid being a bust. so around 20 bucks. The quality for all the shirts is top tier.
    Unfortunetatly the latest T shirt while 22 bucks because it is number 22, is a peice of crap. The cheapest T shirt you can imagine, you can literally see through it. How typical of the NHL to abuse its fans.

  18. I like Wool's honesty about the BJs being losers and having a loser mentality, but sadly karma sometimes bites you in the ass, and maybe it's best to keep those thoughts to yourself.
    Hope PFL is OK and doesn't miss a beat.

  19. CHester2:27 PM

    Hope PFL M. Wool is OK
    Sometimes it's best not to speak your mind.
    CHester has never been unhappy he kept his mouth shut.
    Anyway bring on the road trip to hell and a merry christmas and happy holidays to my FHF friends
    May the bird of paradise smile upon us and our glorious Habs
    Go Habs

  20. Happy belated 70th to the M. I think I missed that one.
    Happy belated Festivus.
    Merry Christmas.
    Happy CHanukah.
    Cheers to whatever you may or may not celebrate 🎉.
    Eat, drink, and enjoy your family if you're lucky enough to share time with them.
    Whether or not you are a religious person, pray to whatever deity you see fit for a CHristmas miracle for the Habs' road trip and rest of the season!
    I'm personally just asking whomever is in charge to keep them healthy. That's not too much to ask.

    Sláinte 🍻



    u guys see/ hear about this one? pure conjecture, but still fun to consider a different pov never contemplated before. tbh... im probably solidly leaning one way on this. wont reveal which, but when looking at the poll results, i was also quite surprised as well. what do u biCHes think?

    1. That is probably THE worst rumour site on the internet. I wouldn't believe one word.

  22. Spending time with my older daughter and the grandkids in Sherbrooke (SiM is also SfS, originally, so it's like coming home). Slept over last night and I dreamt it was summerrtime and we were out in Gatineau for a BBQ at some friends of theirs, and wouldn't you know we get there and I recognize him right away: our host is moeman! And like it's some secret identity of his I take him aside and say, "Don't worry, man, I won't blow your cover."

    You are a fine host, btw, moeman, both here and in the land of nod. Merry Christmas to you and yours!

    1. Anonymous12:24 PM

      Merci beaucoup SiM/SfS.

      My older sister was born in Sherbrooke.

      Lots of family tehre and in Rock Forest.

      All the best to you and yours and everyone here !


  23. We got pummelled yesterday by Old Man Winter, probably 30cm here in Saint John. Heading out to our oldest son's place for Christmas dinner, I am bringing home made cranberry sauce and dressing as my contribution. Also, we will pick up the youngest son and his +1 to celebrate his birthday as well!

    Merry Christmas everyone !!

    1. Anonymous12:26 PM

      We got about 20cm a day ago.

      White Christmas.

      Daughter and BF coming over today, Xmas dinner at my sister's tonight with Mom and a brother from Cambridge.

      Doing a Mexican brunch here tomorrow.

      Joyeuses Fêtes LeM et famille.



    2. Merci beaucoup ! !

  24. CHester7:09 PM

    Watching the pregame on toronto sports network with James dummie The Woman Who Screams leaf blower O-blob and blob mackenzie
    Opening blabber by leaf worshiper mark basters
    This will be difficult
    Go Canada
    Go Habs

    1. That whole farking panel are leaf blowers and mark master bates is an annoying little leaf turd. It's why I don't watch any of that pre-game shite.

  25. CHester7:54 PM

    Yes to The M a very happy 70th to you
    I’ve always felt you and I were from the same era
    My 70th will be coming in April if all goes according to plan
    So cheers to you and may the next 70 be happy and joyful
    Go Canada
    Go Habs

    1. Thank you and all the best to you as well CHester. I have felt the same that you and I were around the same age. Hopefully we will still be around to see that 25th Cup banner go up. Cheers!

  26. CHester9:41 PM

    Yup it’s comin
    Go Habs

  27. CHester9:46 PM

    The whole bottom part of blob Mackenzies face is jiggling
    Fuck that’s scary
    Go Canada
    Go Habs

  28. CHester9:48 AM

    So Jacob Doobie is up and nobody is going down
    Something is in the air
    Me thinks Hugo has something cooking and it involves CP30 and probably others
    Hmmm strokes chin
    Go Canada
    Go Habs

  29. Two bits of CH news: Dobes called-up from Laval. Wool also on the plane heading to Florida for the back-to-back weekend games.

  30. Looks like Primeau's days in Montreal are over. Marty has lost faith in him for sure. I hope he ends up in Philthy where his Dad played for years.

    Good news on Wool.

  31. CHester12:04 PM

    From what I saw from Canada last night against the Finns I don't know if we are going anywhere in this turny
    I don't think we're gonna beat murica let alone Sweden
    I also don't see the phenom in this 17 year old kid who is sposed to be the no 1 pick next year.
    Anyway maybe we pick up speed tonight
    Go Canada
    Go Habs

  32. It's funny how the leaf blowers are so hepped up for Easton Cowan but fail to mention how he was dominated by Owen Beck in the Memorial Cup final last spring.

  33. Anonymous6:58 PM

    Rest in peace Greg Gumbel.

    A true professional (unlike the 🤡s on air today).


  34. Anonymous7:37 PM

    Xmas gifted this fine specimen;


  35. According to all the latest scuttlebutt Doobie will be thrown to the wolves (panthers) tomorrow in Sunrise, Fla. I hope the kid doesn't get lit up too bad. Marty better get the boys to play defence first hockey. Don't even try to score just up and down your wings and no D pinching.

  36. CHester9:33 PM

    Let’s just play a serious road game forecheck and backcheck and check in the D zone and medium check in between the forecheck and the backcheck
    Good luck to the Doobie
    Watch that Chuck fuck
    Can’t trust a Chuck
    Go Habs

  37. I've been tuned out of all things hockey. Seems I've missed a bit.

    Starting with a Canadian loss to Latvia. OK, I don't need to tune into that shitshow. Thank you. I thought Cowan was going to lead this team to glory...I didn't see it but apparently his shootout attempt was embarrassing?

    Good news for our UK friend. 2 weekend afternoon games. My conundrum today, do I watch my terrible hockey team or my terrible football team, both games on at 2pm today. Probably start with football as they only have two games left.

    But I'll also have to check out Doobie & the Habs. Good to see they've finally cut ties with Primeau. Best of luck to him wherever his career takes him.

    1. OK, Team Canada first, that Latvian team is not terrible but their goaltender stood on his head stopping 63 of 65 shots in regulation and OT and every shootout attempt. They all looked embarrassing in the SO.
      I didn't pay much attention when they were assembling the Canadian side but it looks like they went with mostly 19 year old players except for McKenna and Schaefer. They left all the elite talent like Senneca, Misa and Hage behind for a more 'balanced' approach? Whatever. BTW, the winning goal in the SO was scored by Saint John Sea Dog Eriks Mateiko so I didn't mind that much. It's good to see an underdog win once in a while.
      If you think your football team is bad I got news for you. My team is twice as bad. I'll start out with the Habs but if it's 5-0 by the end of the first period I'm out. Losing this one is a foregone conclusion, they are obviously saving Monty for tomorrow for a game they might have a chance at but the second of a b2b... Doubtful.
      I'm pretty sure Primeau will clear waivers, he needs to play in Laval and get his numbers better so he can have a shot elsewhere or he may just be an AHL goalie. I'm sure he can find work overseas if need be.
      I have a feeling by the end of January the Habs will be in the lottery hunt and we will be spinning the Tankathon wheel. To quote Colts coach Jim Mora : "Playoffs?!? Playoffs!?!"

  38. steve9:38 AM

    Measuring stick game. We win the playoffs, we lose lottery pick.

  39. CHester11:19 AM

    I watched them play the Finns and they looked terrible
    Unmotivated timid and quite frankly just bad
    Getting beaten by Latvia should wake up whatever we have which doesn’t appear to be much
    I think we haven’t selected the best kids and I’m not sure if Dave is our guy but to be as flat as we were speaks volumes
    Go Doobie
    Go Canada
    Go Habs

  40. Hey...I loves me some afternoon hockey. Gonna grab some food after the 1st period...this will also determine if I watch 2 & 3. Here's to Doobie bogarting the Cats...just fucking win

  41. Best thing about this game.... No Fokking gary gawley !!!!!

  42. The 4th line should be getting the 2nd line's minutes.

  43. Boys played a good 1st period.

  44. Drake Maye injured in the first. Only reason I was watching, so Habs the rest of the way it is. Back and forth, Habs looked good. Doobie looks strong.


  45. Dobeš and Dach both looking solid. Hutson not his usual self. I think the grind of his first long season is wearing him down. It is to be expected.

  46. DaCHtor here with the remedy! Is this WKRP??

  47. 7vens, the Shortie specialist!

    1. Gonna have to start calling him Dinklage

    2. Or Willow.
      We just rewatched it a couple of days ago.

  48. How about that DaCHtor/Hook Line, eh?! Maybe they have 'A Little Bit More'?

    1. i dont get it. ALBM?

    2. A Dr Hook song.

  49. Been eating but Habs looking pretty good so far. 4th line working their asses off ..I like what I'm watching...Doobie looks big!

  50. Watching the FLA homer feed because for whatever reason I'm blacked out here. Just saw an ad for the 'holiday 3 pack' where you can get tickets to 3 games for $75. So just over $100 CDN. Trying to imagine what one could get for that in Montreal? A beer and 2 chien chauds?

  51. CHester2:53 PM

    Habs look great
    Doobie looks dialed in focused tracks well his positioning is good
    Short sample but a step above CP30
    Keep going Habs
    Hat trick for the dachtor?
    Go Habs

  52. Defending well and offensive support in front of a young goalie. You love to see it.

    Congrats to Dobes on the shutty in his first start.

  53. Ma parole! Dobeš with 33 saves for a SO win in his first NHL game. Fourth Hab goalie to do it. Last one was Yann Danis in 2005.

    Great Fuckin Win!

  54. Doobie bogarted the Cats...I called it at 1.01pm...

  55. The M - you should tune into the Pop Tarts Bowl (fuck these bowl names). The Miami QB Cam Ward could be your guy next year.

    1. Anonymous5:54 PM

      Supposedly Sanders is better, we'll see.

  56. CHester4:00 PM

    So we have full monti and now Doobie we also have the other fellow in Laval who’s name escapes me and a ruskie over there and then there’s the one who has been tentatively anointed is Jacob Fowler so I think Hugo tided up the goalie situation nicely
    So does he stay as monties back up or are we fishing
    Feel sad for CP30 must feel washed up at 25 years old hope he gets claimed and trundles off somewhere for a clean slate
    Nice win today boys
    Let’s spank those fucking bolts
    Let’s give that coocherov shit a beating and let’s hang an L around mr cooper cools neck stie
    Go Habs

    1. Anonymous5:56 PM

      I approve this message.

  57. Got a new phone and forgot to sign in.

    Great win, first one in Sunrise in 6 years I think. Always nice to beat a kachook . Didn't think it was very likely they would pull it off. Is it possible Doobie is Jaro 2.0? Suck it sfu.

  58. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Listened whilst on the road.

    Nice win !


  59. I like that Doobie is 6'5" tall...if he has to drop to his knees he has more chance of blocking up that tiny top corner and ith his shoulder

    1. True dat. Most goalies have no answer for that. Great trapper and situational awareness too.

    2. I thought the team played a good game in front of him. The Panthers didn't get much sustained o-zone pressure. Well done.

    3. CHester2:53 AM

      Doobie has a great glove unlike CP30
      Must be nice being 6’5”
      I wouldn’t know
      Go Habs

  60. steve8:58 AM

    The numbers dont lie, we are a cup contender now.

    1. I'm going to go park the tank and shut off the motor. Until the next loss anyway. (: p)

  61. Brian Wilde also noted Doobie's great glove hand. That allows him to catch a lot of pucks and kill the play allowing the boys to reset or change.

  62. I like to catch all the sports highlites on the weekend, and sadly that means watching SFU. TSN showed the three football games, followed by all the Canadian hockey teams, Habs being the last of them.
    SN, 47 minutes into their broadcast, after showing some football, in-depth footage of their leafs' loss and some other hockey, then a story about another guy that doesn't want to play for their Jays, tell me their is a story about the Habs and a new goalie making history coming up. Fuck I can't wait for this Rogers deal to end. Anything, even Amazon and Netflix, would be better.

  63. WTF!?!
    The Giants decide it's time to win a game?? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Still time to blow this game. Crosses fingers....

    2. Anonymous3:45 PM

      Colts within 3 …

    3. That win dropped them to 3rd. Pats are picking 1st but they don't need a QB. Probably take Travis Hunter. I don't know about Tennessee, I think they need a QB but not sure.

  64. Primeau clears waivers no surprise there. Hopefully he can find some semblance of a game and help the Rocket to some wins.

  65. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Rest in peace Jimmy Carter. A great human being. Long life. Better he pass away now so as to get a ceremony with Biden still President.


    1. Amen, what a truly beautiful american story.

    2. steve6:20 PM

      The last real American President. If he had won a second term the world would be a much better place. I met him and had a ten min conversation, that got cut short when I started asking about SR 71 flights to Spain.on a flight from San Fran to Osaka, Got a great pic, I am wearing a Rangers Lafleur sweater.

  66. Anonymous5:33 PM

    TJ !

  67. Tuning in late, but what a treat to hear the dulcet tones of Dan Robertson doing the Habs game. Mudryk is OK but it was sad when Dan was shipped to do Jets games. A Bluenoser that grew up a Habs fan who calls a great game.

    1. Robertson much better than Mudrake, I find the latter too animated and screechy calling a game.

  68. @Saint Paddy, week 18 Bills at Pats and Giants at Eagles who ya got?

  69. Anonymous6:32 PM

    IronKaiden !


  70. Replies
    1. Anonymous6:34 PM

      Looks like Dvo

    2. Thx for reminding me he's Iron Kaiden (a nick he'll earn if he stays healthy from here on out, knock on wood).

  71. Anonymous6:35 PM

    Ping !

    CHannelling HF29.


  72. Anonymous6:43 PM

    7vans !

  73. Ha ha fuck off cooper

  74. steve6:49 PM

    Buyers at the deadline, who we gonna get Billy from To or Husky from the AVS, this presumes that we get Syd for bag of pucks.

  75. I don't know if HuGo will be buying at the deadline but if they 'are in the mix' do they keep their own rentals like 7Evans and Savvy? I say keep them both, HuGo already have too many picks and prospects to deal with.

    1. I keep 7s no matter what, within reason contract-size of course (4x4 might be the cost?).

  76. @the M - Bills have clinched the #2 seed so may sit some starters ...but will still beat the sad sacked Pats. I had hoped Mayo would do better even with a sad team, but I wouldn't be surprised to see Kraft look at Mike Vrabel.

    Eagles may be starting a 4th string QB...but will still be fighting for seeding...but Giants get the W.

    1. I'm going guess the Pats will throw in the towel if they are assured #1 with a loss. I doubt the G-men can win in Philly even if they played with no QB, just wildcat the ball all day.

  77. I agree about 7Evans, they will give him DVo's money and let 28 walk.

  78. TB goalie gets a quick whistle, eh?

  79. F U refs you biased f cks

  80. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Best 4th line in the league.


  81. F U douchebagerov go sit down you drunken asshole.

  82. Wah wah, Doucherov! Get to the box asshole.

  83. Heh. Great minds once again.

  84. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Gally !

    Eat shit cooper.


  85. Well done Pony and Lep!

  86. I wonder when was the last time the Habs won these two post Christmas Florida games...if ever.

  87. GYFHG!!! When was the last time we came back from the Sunshine state with 4 pts in two days with a 9-2 goals differential?

  88. Anonymous7:42 PM

    Fun in the sun, aka soléil ! SWIDT


  89. Who's talkin bout great minds eh? We are lije the Haborg.

  90. A Florida Sweep. nice ones boys! Didn't comment as I had a house full of holiday cheer but watched it all. One win at a time!

  91. Anonymous7:49 PM

    One game left to wrap up the year.

    bettmans golden buckets. (Thanks for Suzuki)


  92. I despise Tampa as a team. I can't stand the smiling smug dipshit cooper. And I especially hate the classless drunken asshole douchebagerov for dissing the Habs and their fans. Fuck him. This win today is far sweeter than the one against the Panthers. I can't wait for the cheating Tampa Bay dolts to one day be the doormats of the Atlantic division and the Habs can wipe their feet on them.

    1. Their GM Julien Brisebois won't likely let tgat happen, but yeah, it sure would be sweet.

    2. They have sold their soul to maintain their 'window' they have very few picks the next couple years. Eventually, they will have to 'tear it down' like Hughes did and start over. I will relish their demise.

    3. To clarify, Tampa doesn't have many high picks in 2025, they do have four 7th round picks for what that's worth.

    4. As we know, sometimes 7evans work out and sometimes not.

  93. CHester8:24 AM

    Well hey ho and ole ole
    We’ll suck on that cooper cool dushbagerov and big ugly chuck
    I’m liking everything that Marty said post spanking
    Everyone is where they should be and buying into the team
    We are balanced on D and rolling four with decent people in nets
    Ok so we can breath a bit but quite frankly those were two statement games
    Games to build on
    Ya baybee
    Go Habs

  94. I don't follow basketball, so not sure why I'm so delighted to see the Raptors have a 7-25 record.

    1. Probably the 'We the North' CotU propaganda bullshit, love to see tranna teams fail hopefully the blow jays follow suit.

    2. That should be we are the north.

  95. steve9:26 AM

    Are we witness to the Eureka moment where all the variables have been mixed and stirred to perfection?

  96. CHester9:49 AM

    Growing up when the parade took the usual route I remember the teams that we had
    They were comprised of old and young really good and ordinary but everyone did their job really well and it led to a balanced team just like what we saw in Florida
    Balanced team everyone doing their job
    Money comparisons aside we can see the value of rolling four lines with the likes of the powerpony and the gallyator playing the roles of the 3rd and 4th lines.
    I don't see how you can have 23 competitive athletes playing as a team when a small group are being paid 13 large each and the rest minimum after all it is a job
    Anyway as much as every team needs a Flower they also need a Claude Provost each doing their job
    Bring on the golden pissers
    Go Habs

    1. Amen CHester, Provost, Gilles Tremblay, Jimmy Roberts even Bob Gainey you win with guys like that. Guys like Pony, Gally, 7Evans and GI Finn have accepted their roles and are putting in the effort. Eric Engels pointed out in his latest article that the top 2 lines on each team was a saw-off but Tampa's bottom 6 had no answer for Montreal's group. Even smug cooper admitted the Habs deserved to win.

    2. Anonymous10:46 PM

      And they've discovered how to actually develop players properly. Unlike the days when they threw a 20 year old Carey Price into a downtown apartment in Montreal and said figure it out kid. Glad that bull is over.

    3. CHester10:31 AM

      Very true that
      I read somewhere that with Half A Dov coming there is concern that nobody on the team is a ruskie or speaks ruskie i guess outside of Bobrov
      Better tell Chantal she better bone up on her slavic languages
      Or as someone suggested bring back Vodkov as a special somethingorother
      Go Habs

  97. Jake Evans on a 5 game scoring streak.
    This might be impossible, but without looking it up (like I did), can anybody name the two active players that have had 6 game scoring streaks for the Habs?

    Hint 1: Neither currently play for the Habs.

    Hint 2: I will post in a couple of hours if there are no takers or correct answers.

  98. The 3 body Russian problem. We will solve it, Syd will bring Malkin with him.

  99. Do we sell out the best 4 th line in hockey? We got enough prospects to break hearts for the next decade. Pedal to the metal, jump on the bus, take the train, we are going on a cup run.

  100. I am hoping the Habs can maintain their current momentum against Gary Bettman's Golden Pissers who are also extremely hot at the moment. I'll happily take a loser point. Go Habs Go!!

  101. I feel Wool's firs 5v5 goal coming today.


  102. Didn't see the Silly Vegas Kuh-nnnnniggets' first goal but that second one with 10 seconds on the clock was just a lucky bounce. Habs were keeping up and looking more dangerous most of the first period.

  103. Tall order to beat these guys.

  104. Habs got game...but not sure they gonna get this done tonight

  105. 100 proof Whiskey!

  106. I gotta leave.

    Go Habs.

  107. Nice win boys! Happy fucking new year!

  108. Wow! Huge save by Monty with 11 secpnds left and the year ends with a three game winning streak against three of the league's best teams on their own ice. What a big win. S8ck it, you Silly Vegas Kuh-nnnnnnnnnnnnniggets!! We again fart in your general direction.

  109. Happy New Year, FHFers, courtesy of your CH

  110. Nine wins Vs. 5 losses for December. Four wins, three losses on the road in December, Six and 1 in their last 7 a Florida sweep - Habs are playing well. Bring on 2025!

  111. omg. they WON yd vs trampa also?!? hahahahhahahhaa! love this team... WHEN EVERYBODY PLAYS TO THEIR POTENTIAL.

    i said it after the trade and im gonna keep saying it until the M and CHester join me on this ledge: they boys are good enough, they are smart enough, and doggonit, people like them. yes, this yr, THIS team, even with count montembault in the net. oh and for those doubters like steve, SiM, St.P, uk3x,... jim mora tagged this on his twitter: #2025playoffs

    1. Thank you Stuart Smalley.

      I wouldn't label myself as a doubter, more of a flip flopper on whether I think they can be in the mix. Maybe that's worse?
      In fact I mentioned I thought they could be 'in the mix' if they won 7 of the 9 games before Christmas, an admitted tall order. I think they went 5-4. But that was also before what I've also noted as Hughes's most important trade yet aside from Laine. Getting rid of Von Clumsy for RoCH Carrier. What a difference that has made on the back end!

      I also think they would have beat CBS had Laine not put a target on his back.

      Step 1. They are fun to watch again. Check.
      Step 2. Win more games than you lose. Check.

      Hopefully they don't have a let down vs a much weaker Chicago team after these three huge wins.

      Go Habs!

  112. I drove my daughter and her fella to the airport. A 20 minute drive. I've never driven through thicker fog. Doing 80 with about 50 feet of visibility and vehicles whizzing past me like I'm standing still. Got them there safely and made it home, to be greeted by Mrs Pad, holding my daughter's purse which has her ID in it. So white knuckled it again for 45 minutes.

    I am now enjoying a nice stiff drink.
    Happy new year to all you FHFers! 🎊

  113. Wow. Wow. I just finished watching the game, I had to go out for a nice supper with Mrs. M then we got caught up on 'Landman' a great series with Billy Bob Thorton. It is the funniest show I have watched in years. Anyway, what a run by this young Habs team. I always believed that Wool would change the makeup of the top 2 lines. I had NO idea that RoCH would make such a difference for the defence. Like Marty said, everyone is in their proper spot. What a turn around in Josh Anderson's game, he is a force on the ice. Heineman is sneaky good. Gally has found the fountain of youth. The Habs may have the best bottom 6 in the league at the moment.

    Some big saves by Monty to keep them in it and then preserve the win. Hopefully Doobie can give the Habs some good starts.

    Three wins against three powerhouse teams on nthe road no less, I did not have that on my bingo card for after the break.

    Cheers and Happy New Year all! You guys are the best!

    1. I wanted to mention that we went to the movies last night and saw 'A Complete Unknown', the Bob Dylan biography. I wasn't a big Dylan fan but could appreciate his artistic abilities. It's a really good story and we enjoyed it.

  114. steve7:37 AM

    The force is with DaCH. We only have to beat the leaf and the cup is ours.

