Jan 13, 2025

in HuGo we trust


~ ~ ~

more to come …


  1. I underestimated the amount of comments we'd have. I guess when our team is playing better we're more likely to have more discussion about...well anything. So keep on winning Habbys as we head to Game 43 and beyond!

  2. It is indeed much more fun to talk about winning than losing. Crosses fingers, knocks on wood, searches for four leaf clover...

  3. steve8:28 PM

    While your not watCHing the wins, American Primeval is better than Squid Game, and that is high praise.

  4. CHester10:13 AM

    We have waited somewhat patiently for this time to arrive it’s time to bring out the superlatives and wallow in the winningnest
    Go Habs

  5. Heineken injured, hope the injury bug is not rearing its ugly head..

    1. He was walking and got hit by a fucking car!! Out 3 to 4 weeks. WTF Utah?

    2. Fuuuuuuuuukkkkkkk!

  6. CHester3:53 PM

    Well I guess The Pez is in unless somebody is brought up when time permits like maybe JRoy
    Give him another shot maybe this time he might actually give a shit.
    So what was Heineken doing that he got run over acting non-mormon like?
    Crazy things with machinery Chekov that guy with the snow tractor fast and furious guy jebus
    Go Habs

    1. steve5:57 PM

      I am thinking of the Liam Nessen Movie about the snow plow driver who has to wipe out a terrorist cell. Maybe Heinken prevented a massacure.

  7. Pez tonight since they're in Utah.
    But I think Barre Boulet or maybe give Jared Davidson a shot for the best fit in that line, a guy that's flown under the radar throughout his young career.

  8. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Hoping Heiny isn’t too injured.

    1. steve5:56 PM

      Hit by a car it happens? How about for Saturday a shout out to ELTON JOHN. Yellow Brick Road, Saturday Night is alright for Fighing,

  9. Without speculating too much, a broken wrist sounds like a car nearly or just barely hit him and he instinctively put his hands out in defence. Or it just bumped him enough to knock him down so it was fall related.

    Whatever the case, here's to a speedy recovery. He should be back after the break.

    1. steve9:24 PM

      or he could have been trying to punCH the lights out :(

  10. Wow. This is a hugely important initiative to srave off enshittification of Bluesky. The people behind it are trustworthy people.

  11. Only one period for me, I'll finish watching in the morning with coffee.

    G Y F H G ! ! !

    1. Me too...except for the watching in the morning. Highlites will have to do.

  12. Anonymous9:11 PM

    Bettman refs gonna ref.

  13. Is it just me or is the sound really shitty?

  14. Thanks Stars. See you Thursday.

  15. Sound is good in the Utah feed.

  16. Habs shooting 100% through 14 minutes...

  17. Vemeljka should have a sweater knit by the end of the first.

  18. Fucking bullshit refs. Is buttman in the building giving out the penalties?

    1. This is still technically his Coyotes, so probably.

  19. 7Evans price going down now...

  20. Puck luck all going the Tossers way so far. GYFHG!

  21. DaCHtor Kirby Fever! I am burnin' up in here!!

  22. Whiskey! 3rd Hutson Bay assist tonight.


  24. Another big fuckin win! Undefeated in Utah.

    GYFHG!! Jump up the standings too.

    1. Only 3 pts separate the CH and Tampa in third seed of the Atlantic Division too.

  25. CHester12:26 AM

    Nice win boys! Hope Heineken is ok
    He has been a revelation this season
    Sneaky good we will miss him
    On other news the smouldering pile of compost has now lost three in a row booed out of their barn twice and just in a fucking state of confusion as to just how this happens
    OMG I hope we steamroll them on Saturday please make it so
    Go Habs

  26. steve5:54 AM

    It's getting late have you seen my mates
    Ma tell me when the boys get here
    It's seven o'clock and I want to rock
    Want to get a belly full of beer leaf fear
    Billie is drunker than a barrel full of monkeys
    And the suits in the reds don't care
    Captin Underpants looks cute in his gucci suit
    A stach a porn star would not wear
    Oh, don't give us none of your aggravation
    We had it with your discipline
    Oh, Saturday night's alright for fighting
    Get a little action in
    Get about as oiled as a diesel train
    Gonna set this rink alight
    'Cause Saturday night's the night I like
    Saturday night's alright alright alright, ooh
    Well they're packed pretty tight in here tonight
    I'm looking for a goalie who' wont see me right
    I may use a little muscle to get what I need
    I may sink a little drink and shout out DaCHs with me
    A couple of the sounds that I really like
    Are the sounds of a redlight and the wheels
    comming of the leaf trike
    I'm a pure wool product of the elan class
    Whose best friend shoot goals with I pass, oh
    Don't give us none of your aggravation
    We had it with your discipline
    Saturday night's alright for fighting

    'Cause Saturday night's the night I like
    Saturday night's alright alright alright, ooh
    Oh, don't give us none of your aggravation
    We had it with your discipline
    Saturday night's alright for fighting
    Get a little action in
    Get about as oiled as a diesel train
    Gonna set this dance alight
    'Cause Saturday night's the night I like
    Saturday night's alright alright alright, ooh
    Saturday, Saturday, Saturday
    Saturday, Saturday, Saturday
    Saturday, Saturday,
    Saturday night's alright
    Saturday, Saturday, Saturday
    Saturday, Saturday, Saturday
    Saturday, Saturday,
    Saturday night's alright
    Saturday, Saturday, Saturday
    Saturday, Saturday, Saturday
    Saturday, Saturday,
    Saturday night's alright, ooh

  27. Well how nice to check on the hi-lites to see another W!

    3 points for the true Calder winner, no matter what happens!
    First even strength Woolen goal.
    The DaCHtor is in! 2 goals, one a beauty, one the veggie goalie would like back.

    I don't know how the play went in the 2nd and 3rd, but it would appear they woke up and owned the game after being outshot 14-3 in the first. Outshooting the sister wives by 23-11 over the last two.
    This is a resilient team like we've not seen in many years.

  28. I don't get into all the advanced stats crap and quite frankly don't understand it all nor buy into some of it. But I like simple stats and eye tests. The change as the season as progressed is quite something.

    In October, the Habs gave up six OR MORE goals against in 5 of 11 games!
    November was better, giving up five or more in only 3 of 12 games. One of those was a 7-5 win.
    14 games in December and only three games of 5 or more against, including that inexplicable 9 goal Pitt game. And only 2 more games where they allowed 4 ga. So 9 games of 3 or fewer goals against.
    So far in January, the 4 GAA in the win vs the 'Nucks is the most.

    Goals for per month:
    October: 2.54
    November: 2.75
    December: 3.36
    Jan (to date): 2.83

    It almost seems like better defence and goaltending lead to more offence and goals for. I've got it figured out. If the Habs have an opening I'm sure they'll be calling.

    1. CHester9:53 AM

      I'm sure they'll be calling
      I have been waiting for my call from them for quite some time now
      I have lots of ideas...
      Maybe I just missed the call
      Go Habs

  29. Rewatched the goals. That goal by Laine reminded me of the Paul Kariya goal that Mario let go between his legs when they scored vs the Americans in (2002?). RoCH Carrier out there just doing #66-esque work. Great job by him, he could have easily thought that pass was for him but he's got pretty good hockey sense, it appears. Also, great pass by TJ Hooker.

  30. Just down the 2015 draft rabbit hole briefly. It's such a crapshoot.
    Rd Pick GP G A P
    5 128 Philadelphia David Kase R Chomutov Jrs. (Czech Rep.) 7 1 0 1
    5 129 Columbus Sam Ruopp D Prince George Cougars [WHL]
    5 130 San Jose Karlis Cukste D Riga Jrs. (Russia)
    5 131 Montreal Matt Bradley C Medicine Hat Tigers [WHL]
    5 132 Florida Karch Bachman L Culver Academy (Indiana H.S.)
    5 133 Dallas Joseph Cecconi D Muskegon Lumberjacks [USHL]
    5 134 Los Angeles Matt Schmalz R Sudbury Wolves [OHL]
    5 135 Minnesota Kirill Kaprizov L Novokuznetsk Metallurg [KHL] 312 183 197 380

    1. Karill the Thrill had 8 points in 31 games in his draft year.

  31. I watched the last two periods this morning ... man, the Habs had some wicked open ice to work with last night more than once. Matheson, straight up the middle, Suzuki same, and Dach's first goal, what was Cooley doing watching Kirby sail in there untouched? Holy Moley! Lots of video for Tourigny to show in that mess.

  32. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Some wonderful goals scored.


  33. TSN's lead story: Pyjama Boy Falls in Practice.

    You can't make this shit up.

  34. Last Saturday leaf booed off the ice.

    L'il mitchie: "I thought we played good."

    Wednesday night leaf booed off the ice.

    L'il mitchie: "We try to ignore it."

    What a farking ego on this guy.

    1. He will probably get his $15mil per but I doubt it will be in hogtown.

    2. If that team had an ounce of sense, they would trade Mitchie at the deadline.

  35. yes, like a lot of u said, its great to have a lively board again. lots of fingerpointing at myself deserved though, as ive not been myself after what happened 3yrs ago. and yes... im still not over it.

    ff to now and i wanna point fingers at 51% of YOU GUYS. i told u the season after that cup run and ive been saying it even after that run by king jaroslav. YOU NEVER REBUILD. any season, at any time, you are a player, a few bounces, a lucky blown call, a anything stupid event from going on a huge run and BAM! you are back in it!

    aside from wooly bully and roCH, this team is laregely the same as when season first started.

    so having said that, i never wanna see anybody worth his weight mention how doing the tank and rebuilding thru the draft is what they should do. we are the habs dammit! that cup belongs to us! each and every yr, we should be in the mix... not only to qualify, but in the mix among the favourites!


  36. CHester10:31 PM

    Ya baybee
    It’s our cup
    Everyone can just fuck off
    There I said it
    So trolling over to the Toronto sports network there are these three compost bleeting mouthpieces named Hayes noodles and o- dog
    Now these are three adult male leaf spunk trumpets actually trying to debate the booing of their god like creatures
    It’s a cross between hilarious and sad I don’t know how to feel except that I am just so happy that I don’t depend on a leaf spunk trumpet named noodles for my hockey news
    Holy fuck
    Go Habs

    1. Every now and then, those guys will surprise you. While they are admittedly giant leaf fans (which I prefer to those 'journalists' that claim to be impartial but are clearly leaf blowers too), once in a while they spend time on other teams. It was either early this week or late last week they spent a full 15 minutes talking Habs. That's more that you get on the HNIC panel in a full season.

  37. For the longest time I was on a list. No, not one of those lists. It was a TSN survey list and about once per month or two, I would get a link and fill out their survey and tell them what I think. Each survey had a section of something along the lines of "Do you have any suggestions to improve TSN programming". Each time I took the high road and just made the same suggestion of what I thought was a very realistic idea. I even gave them a bit of leeway.

    I said "There are seven Canadian hockey teams. While I understand you are headquartered in Toronto and that may be your largest market, there are millions of fans that don't cheer for the leafs. I think it would be a great idea if you slotted 30 minutes or an hour each week to focus on each Canadian team, something along the lines of the great Mel Allen's 'This week in Baseball' which ran in the 80's and 90's. But specifically related to each of the seven NHL teams in Canada. Or just six since a lot of air time already goes to the leafs."
    My first survey actually garnered a response that said "Thank you for the suggestion, we will consider this at our next general programming meeting (or something along those lines)."
    This was years ago...I wonder if they've had that meeting yet.

    Anyway, I continued filling out those surveys for a long time with the same suggestion. Then I stopped receiving those surveys. I'm starting to lose hope that they've taken my suggestion seriously.

    1. LOL ! I bet they get that suggestion a lot, but I also bet to no avail. Blue and white all the way baby!!

  38. OH NO! Pyjama Boy out week to week! Whatever will the leaf do?

    The hated beaners led by Seabass may have to ... gasp! ... rebuild err... retool. Great, love it!

    1. JT is getting old in hockey years. Doesn't take much, like tripping on your too long pyjamas to take you out.

      I once threw my back out while cutting cheese. I mean actually cutting cheese, not 'cutting the cheese'.

  39. Anonymous5:17 PM

    There’s no one of good reputation at sn.

    tsn is almost as biased.

    hayes is an embarrassment to east coasters.

    odog is an arrogant slob.

    noodles is the worst of the three. I ripped him once on twitter and he basically told me to f off. Job done. Same happened with duthie.

    All 🤡 s.


    1. Hey now! Hayes is NOT an east coaster. He is born and bred tronna.

    2. Anonymous6:02 PM


      He’s even worse now.


  40. I was thinking about our Russian superstar arriving next season. The demigod moniker is thrown around everywhere. We don't usually roll like that.
    How about we go with an actual demigod name and baptise him as aCHilles?

  41. I will say this only once. Good luck to Sheldon Keefe tonight.

    1. I think the wretched, putrid leaf are gonna get pasted tonight.

  42. I can't stand or listen to those 3 Overdrive clowns, they are fucking terrible.

  43. steve6:16 PM

    David Lynch RIP they often say you will never see his like again. In the case of Mr LynCH its true.
    I think he did Eraser Head as well but the MSN wont tell you that./

  44. HondaCivic with his 12th goal! to give the Devil's a 1-0 lead after 1.

    I wasn't a big fan of trading him. For peanuts no less.

    1. agreed. most hondas are like that. nothing too impressive when you have them, but when you switch off to something else, you realise what you had.

  45. Unfathomable how Suzuki and Caufield weren't picked by their countries for the upcoming Schlamazel tournament. Oh well, they can enjoy a nice break instead.

    1. Kuemper too. Rest is a weapon, TFS said.

  46. Anonymous8:30 PM

    Pez trying too hard and hurting the team.

  47. Anonymous8:34 PM

    Dallas in house music is XTC. Not bad.


    1. Anonymous8:35 PM

      Followed by Violent Femmes !

  48. Anonymous9:10 PM

    MSL giving Pez icetime.

    Dobes doing well.


  49. CHester9:16 PM

    Effin BJ’s keep staying just ahead
    But Sheldon is doing well
    Go Habs

  50. Anonymous9:20 PM

    Good hockey game.

  51. Anonymous9:20 PM

    ‘Cash it !’ ~HF29

  52. I think Pez' night is done.

    1. Maybe they'll call up Davidson

    2. He is my choice to fill in that role.

  53. Bah, all the teams around us getting points. Gotta get the single at worst. I should hit the hay, but gotta stay up for this. 6am comes way too damn early.

    1. Yup, need a point to keep pace.

      I'm going to finish this game as well but I ain't gettin' up at 6am. Sorry.

    2. Lol no worry. It's by choice. I could start later but like finishing my day at 3pm.

  54. Dang I go for a leak and they score...maybe.

  55. Another point for the true Calder winner. I saw a comment somewhere that said the way he conducts the offence, his nickname should be Maestro.

  56. HANG ON BOYS ! ! ~HF29

  57. GI Finn! He really deserved that one. Great game!

    1. is it just me or has he become our 5v6 EN specialist?

  58. Anonymous10:41 PM

    Wow !

  59. Oh, and we have a real goalie controversy. Doobie was a massive part of this win. 11 points in the last six games. GYFHG!!

  60. It's crazy that the Habs, BJs and Wings have gone on these wild streaks at he same time.

  61. CHester10:56 PM

    Waiting for the other shoe to drop on Doobie
    Man great stuff
    Go Habs

    1. I was thinking the same thing this morning. I was thinking I'm not expecting Patrick Roy, but will he be closer to Patrick Roy or Steve Penney? I'm thinking (aka hoping) it is the former.
      And by Steve Penney I mean just a one and done. He had that great 84-85 season and nice playoff run (cut short by the Nords though), but I doubt his numbers were astronomical.

    2. At 6'-4" with those quick reflexes I'm thinking shades of Ken Dryden...

    3. Very good past comparison.

  62. Gotta give it to the kid. He keeps it light.

    “I didn’t do anything on that goal,” Slafkovsky admitted post-game. “Cole put me in a great spot. It was a hell of a play by him. Right now I’m like one goal per month. Hopefully I can get two this month.”

    1. did he really say that?! i really do hope so, cause it shows the kid can take a jibe at himself, which is really healthy as well

  63. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Dobeš plays like Hellebuck.

  64. Two years ago I wouldn't have believed I'd say this but, I think Hughes should seriously consider offering Army an extension. Maybe the same salary but for 2 years? He's only 31 and still has something left in the tank. He won't score many goals but the guy is a beast on the PK and along the boards.

    I don't believe there is or will be a goalie controversy. Yet. Monty signed a 3 year deal which will expire about the time Fowler should arrive. By then we will know if Dobie is the real deal or not.

    If the Habs can maintain this pace of play until the 4 Nations break I think they will pass the the hated beaners who are in a bit of turmoil, love to see it.

    Probably going to need a new thread for the leaves/rags, I'm hoping to see some SFU bashing and ridicule.

    Go Habs Go !

    1. Anonymous10:05 AM

      I'll make a new thread, for stats and gaggles.

  65. Speaking of the 4 Nations tournament, the little hedgehog at tsn, cj, said last night ticket sales are slow in Montreal. No Suzuki or Caufield or Hutson gee what a surprise. Plus as far as I can find tickets are way overpriced. Morons running it.

    1. CHester10:18 AM

      Not having anybody on the team doesn't bother me at all.
      This tourny just feels like some kind of special interest money grab thing hard to describe
      It just doesn't have the feel of a proper international thing
      Anyway be good to give the boys a little rest and recharge
      Feels like our schedule lately has been a tough one BtoB and lots of time zones
      Want to see somebody coming up from the Rocket instead of The Pez he's just hurting us and himself too much rust and pressure on him sad really
      Anyway bring on the smouldering heap of compost
      Everything I have is crossed for tomorrow beating a Texas team is just not the same as smacking cotu
      I wanna see Goules flatten underpants
      Go Habs

    2. Anonymous10:20 AM

      How are the Boston game ticket sales ?

    3. Not sure about Boston but logic says there would be more interest in hockey in Montreal right? Sounds like the whole thing might be suspect maybe interest will pick up as the tournament progresses.

      As CHester said, the Habs players being left out may be an advantage as they take time off to heal up any nagging injuries. And yes, I hope someone smokes Underpants or Wet Willie.
      Go Habs.

  66. Lots of glee in the SFU today as wee willy and Captain FOREhead each scored a couple of goals last night. I agree we need Ghoul or AX or even GI Yoel to send a message to that bunch early and often.

  67. Anonymous10:59 AM

