Jul 5, 2020

Sexy Summer Splendour

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  1. Well well well we have sexy new on the free web, and its magnificent. The tree got to me, cause I have done a lot of harvesting. Just like a bicyle and a women is a perfect fit for everthing we cant put into place. It not that hard to understand if you think about Mother is better than the invisible hand.

    My time on this astral plane is comming to an end, but through meditation alone I walked a path never traveled before for five days.

  2. I only tell you like I dont want you to fall into the life I lead. House in New Orleans, that song saved more people than DNA testing.

    So I am now pretty much under the control of the Netflick AI. I try to blog, I try to listen to music or watch the shows I would want of watch under the condition I had a free and stable mind, even if I could not afford the stable genius upgrade.
    The AI. The AI, I can not use my computer alone much of the time anymore, I have to share with the AI, in the sky, the cloud that has my name spelled out, why does it say Patsy?
    To nite I am watching something called the Informer. This is for sure something I have seen a thousand times before. So how did the AI command me to watch. Two words. Rosemmaine Pike

    1. I actually met Kirk Von Gut JR. He was just as anyone could imagine. One of the simple pleasures of my life. He was on a tour in later years speaking at the University of Buffalo. There might have been an audience of 20. It was like watching Kovacheck play this season with us. An old master who just understood the importance of knowing the song so well everybody holds there breath waiting for them to exhale.

  3. Great SF Moeman. NOAR. (Feels like ages since I gave you a NOAR - my bad!) Stay safe everyone.

  4. the Maritimer6:57 PM

    Well done!

    Golf clap.....

  5. Day one of the five and dime, and I did not drop a dime on anyone. <a "the of God. Not saying, not not saying but I may be the bad guy in this world of hurt. I fear my imagination is destroying the world, what kind of element is that, and how can they kill my imagination, OMG electro shock.

    Google is fucked I tried to do a link to this to explain the lathe of and God or the alphet got me so confused I almost forgot to publish. This happens to me daily no big thang.

    1. href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Lathe_of_Heaven

  6. Top Ten Prospects 2020
    Dylan Cozens
    Trevor Zegras
    Cole Caufield (Montreal)
    Alex Newhook
    Bowen Byram
    Kirill Kaprizov
    Alex Turcotte
    Arthur Kaliyev
    Peyton Krebs
    Nick Robertson
    48. Alexander Romanov (Montreal)

    1. the Maritimer10:27 AM

      How many of those players could jabba ruin?

    2. all except CC. you cant ruin good rye.

  7. hey guys... (thnx for keeping the SF's alive moeman)

    its mid july now and this stupid covid cup is gonna start in august!? wtf!? i know i know its essential to make it all safe lest it become another farce like dallas FC, mlb, what the nba will be... pretty much everything except all non-contact sports!

    having said that... this stupid cup tournament will begin in august and end sept?! and then the new season will start again in oct/nov?!? wtf!? this is ridiculous.

    at first, i was totally gung-ho, yeah, lets go! we're #24! we're #24! i still think the team has huge ball breaker chances to run it all the way but now... i am definitely screw this.. 'meh'.

    should i stop being such a tavares and just resume drinking the kool-aid?

    1. my advice is to live long an prosper

    2. I think I saw something that showed the new season starting 1 December...The draft isn't until October - and they still want to run a full 82 games next year with all that exhibition outdoor bullshit stuff - all big money spinners I guess...What I want to really know is will they pipe in Crowd noise during the games like they are doing in the UK for the Premiership games being played in empty stadiums? (not into the stadiums but into the broadcast feeds)?

  8. am I getting old, because ever supermodel I see today in selling me a lottery ticket?

  9. George Herbert Walker Bush coined the phrase Voodoo Economics. In the sense of that description Steve has coined the phrase Unicorn Economics. You read it here first.

  10. the Maritimer9:08 PM

    I don't believe money actually exists. It is merely a concept to indebt one human being to another. Nobody could possibly owe $343 billion dollars or $1.2 trillion dollars to someone else. There isn't that much paper in the world. Or gold either. My question is: Who do we owe it to? It's a mystery up there with the creation of the universe. Where did all that matter come from? Maybe Steve knows. My brain is incapable of grasping these concepts.

    1. While I might be a Rainman when it comes to multiplication, economics has long been foreign to me. I don't know how the monetary system was developed and don't care to know. But I do often wonder what 0.1%ers are in charge of determining how much money there is in the world? Why can't we just go to the mint and print off $343 billion? Make some $1M dollar bills. Then there's the question "who do we owe it to?" Nearly every nation on earth is in the same boat. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but is it China? Is China sitting back, not spending money on it's own people and just waiting for the loan payments to start coming in?

      In reality I don't really want to know, this is all rhetorical, because if you start talking economics to me, my eyes will glaze over and I'll get that Homer Simpson far off look and I'll most likely be thinking about sports or boobs.

    2. hahhahah! great insight mr rainmain. i however am the exact opposite to you in that i disdain everything to do with accounting. thats what you mean by 'multiplication' isnt it? all through undergrad, you number crunchers were my nemesis and i never resisted sticking it to all my friends during the big4 scandals of the early 2000's.

      you bring up a lot of great points about why dont we just print off more money to meet the debt incurred. i like to claim myself as an economist, but in all honesty, i am no more an expert at it than the guy using a 2:1 coupon at the supermarket. theres a reason why economics is called the dismal science. kinda like cheering for ice hockey in august!?

    3. Oh no oleg, you give far too much credit. I literally mean give me a couple of numbers and I can multiply them in my head. Until they get too big...I'm finding it tougher to keep track of the three digit x three digit numbers these days. I attribute much of this to learning cribbage when I was 4 and began playing darts at a very young age, each of which require decent mental math skills.

    4. I understand everything. He who has the gold makes the rules. Economist merely paper that over with mystification. Its witch doctors who have no medical licence but they can trade on the TSX.

    5. To M. If you owe someone a million dollars its your problem, if you owe someone a trillion dollars its there problem. Trump used this philosophy his whole life. The art of the con

    6. the Maritimer9:34 PM

      @ Steve, I saw a similar quote from someone else... If you owe the bank a hundred bucks it's your problem, if you owe them a million it's their problem. Also, I was told once if you want to go into business use other people's money. Trump abides by both of these axioms. History will record him as one of the greatest con men of all time, pulling off the greatest con of all time -- the White House.

  11. Thank you God for air conditioning, otherwise I would be typing this commando.

  12. When you see an article titled "Three NHL teams that are hurt the most by a flat salary cap" on one of the SFU sites, you don't need to read it. You just know that their putrid leaf have been horribly wronged by this system...nothing to do with its management's complete lack of foresight.

    1. The fact remains: the Leaf are in Cap-hell. Another division rival is too (TB). Watch Yzerman slew-foot his old team with an offer sheet to Sergachev they can't match. --SiM

    2. the Maritimer2:17 PM

      Which one of the four darlings will Dumbass have to trade? Ha ha ha suck it leafools.

    3. NOpe, Detroit does not have the farm to go with 3 first round draft picks, we do.

  13. I have found that you can escape both covid and the heat by drinking beer. Alcool is to hard to keep a level, beer is perfect. Throw away your masks and drink beer. A society fueled by beer and free to take oxygen will defeat any mask bound nation team company or family

  14. With this We scandal, and I got to tell you the kelgbrewers alwaYS Semmed a little offside to me, I am odds on to be the next PM if I can just get appointed the Misnister of Sci Fi and get a safe seat to run in. PM STEVE, Thinkaboot it.

  15. I know things having walked the astral plane repeatedly. Now that was decades ago, and I never heard of ROBINHOOD. Trading stocks on acid is the new get rich quick scheme. I think in the day If I had been aware enough to have done this I would be like Dick Cheney today.

  16. RIP

  17. just checked in on hockeyinsideout.com and they haven't updated the site in one full month. Hard to believe there has been no news to report on the Canadiens in that time.

    I am curious who is and who is not reporting on Monday.

    1. the Maritimer9:26 PM

      Karl Alzner is out. Can't blame him...

    2. Total respect for Karl. He's been a trooper throughout and he probably wouldn't be used in game action anyway, with everyone healthy.

  18. Hey moe I hope yoi don't mind I hijacked your post for a little Fuck Cancer message. Just found out my aunt (by marriage) has stage 4 lung cancer. 6 months to a year. Aunt Gertie is the last of that generation on either my Mom's or Dad's side. She was married to my Dad's youngest brother who died nearly 30 years ago following a massive stroke. Gertie is one of the strongest women I know. If you will, giver her a nod, a tip of the hat, a cheers, whatever your goto 'thoughts and prayers' is. I hope I can get to see her this summer. Take care.

    1. So sorry to hear this Saint Paddy. Hope Aunt Gertie is getting well cared for. Fuck cancer!

    2. Stay strong Gertie. They are working miricles these days. Look at Paul Henderson.

    3. All good brother.

      Aunts cab be very special friends.

      Love to Gertie !

    4. Thinking of you and your Auntie Gertie - Be strong Pad.

  19. "Max Domi will wait 7-to-10 days before deciding if he will participate in Phase 3"

    As our Premiere famously quipped Max, Stay the Blazes Home! It ain't worth the risk. Personal well being before all else.

    1. 100% management should release a statement. The very very slight risk is still a risk for Max, we would love to have him, but its not going to happen until there is a vaciine.

    2. That would be wise. At the same time, just as we learn of "multiple" Habs testing +ive for COVID-19, the Canadiens officially state the 7 to 10 day holding-off period before Domini makes a final decision. That tells me he's dying to play, but hoping the waters calm by then. Probably a fool's bargain. If this organization is true to form, they'll say all the tight things a out players' safety coming first, while pushing hard behind the scenes to convince said players of how everythjng's just peachy. Hope my cynicism turns out to be ill-founded here. --SiM

    3. *right things about players' safety

    4. Addendum: "dying to play" was an unintended doubke-entendre. Let's hope it doesn't literally come to pass! Be smart, Domini! It's just a fucking game in the end! --SiM

  20. I kmpw who Jonny Depp is and Amaber Heard and Clara Devinge. And I know Elon Musk as well as any Canadian who has spent the same amount of time in Canada as he did.

    The Depp hearings raise some serious hygine questions. Jerry would have had his total body exolied with class 3 Lazer. Me, nobody is perfect.

  21. Just watched The Outpost, lotta rah rah lotta truth.

    1. the Maritimer9:27 PM

      I watched that a few days ago. When was the last time America won a war? About 75 years ago and you'd think they did it all by their lonesome.

      Keep our border closed please.

  22. the Maritimer9:29 PM

    According to multiple sources and the toronto sports network, 3 Habs tested positive for coronavirus. No mention of Narcos, can't make that public. Fuck off SFU.

    1. At least three. Could be several more.on the bright side the Czar is popping by for practices. --SiM

    2. Prof. X, Kadillak and Brook all missing from practice today. Get well soon boys! --SiM

    3. TCHaz is not going to play, they burned his first year and gave him sign bonous as a way to negotiate in the future. Class move/

  23. RIP Kelly Preston. 57, way too young. As stated above, Fuck Cancer.

    1. Money cant buy you life, thats why I always make my personal investments in myself instead of the stock market. If I had taken all the money I put into Nortel and bought beer I would still be drunk 20 years later and with all the beer cans deposit I would be retired right now.

  24. My Ouji board say, the NHL revamp gets cancelled.

  25. So I made a comment on the Twittersphere earlier about all the news of 3 + tests from the Habs and others. Part of the agreement to play was that teams would not comment on any positive Covid tests and in order to stop people deducing and speculating in public, no comments whatsoever on ANY injury would be made. Thing is - as of now, because the teams are not allowed to comment on ANY injury or Covid test - any player not in the lineup could have anything from a LBI or a broken arm to Covid-19. I understand why Alzner pulled out. He'll know who is injured and who tested positive. He also figured out he probably won't play much - and to risk getting Covid - he has young kids he won't see for 5 weeks at least, so it makes sense. He's rich. Family is priceless. As much as the idea of seeing hockey in August appeals, I really don't think they thought this through and I am firmly on the "pack it in and start again in October" camp.

    1. Agree 100%.

      How's things in the UK ?

  26. Finished all season of 'Barry'. Pretty good and Henry Winkler is fantastic.

    Started Penny Dreadful 'City of Angels'. 3 eps in and liking it.

    1. the Maritimer2:40 PM

      Started the final season of Agents of SHIELD. Halfway through a SKY production called COBRA starring Robert Carlyle, love that guy. Rewatching some episodes of the Crown with Mrs. M, great performances by Matt Smith and Claire Foy as Prince Phillip and the Queen. I's also a neat walk down history lane with several prominent historical figures including JFK and Jackie.

    2. history is dead, its all publicity. Make my point. WW2, the Ruskies defeated the Nazi, thats a fact. Today they never had enimies at the gate.

  27. Well Well Well, we have a train full of the last home of humaity running around the world. The big problem is going to be class, and the HBO series Snowpeircer has given us some glimpse of a brilliant mind future. Sunday they dropped two eps and they were both epic, I peed my pants during the first one, and was ready for the second in my uninary tract.

  28. As you know I want to be minister of sci fi. This is a very broad protrolio where I can stick my expersixe into any hole. So I wonder, we play Pists, Crosby and Malkin, we might cover one, but two kids for the other. Its like thinking Juletee Lewis can play a sexy role.

  29. I think this play-in/play-off thing is dangerous and a total sham, even if the Habs somehow managed to win. And that's what makes me angry - that I find myself growing interested the closer it gets. I know the best thing for this franchise would be Lafreniere, though I question how he'll be managed under this regime. But Suzuki really vaulted up the team ladder last year so there is hope. But can I 'cheer' for them to lose? No. Will I be sad if they lose? No. Will I be over the moon if they win? Hell yes. Will I be super pumped if they win TNFS (The New Franchise Saviour) lottery? Hell and Yes! This is the worst thing about hockey, it fucks with your emotions.

    1. the Maritimer8:12 AM

      I agree it is dangerous. It seems sports and bars are more important than making it safe for kids to go to school. Crazy.

      Regarding Les Habitants, I'm ambivalent about the whole thing. They might knock off Sid and the Pens but they ain't good enough to win 5 rounds of hockey. I'd rather have the shot at AL but even if they win the lotto and draft him, Lafreniere will NEVER be as good as NARCOS.

  30. I can rant, yes I can rant. I wanna rant about Kid Ko and his new wheels. The Habs never bothereed to get him some he had to do it on his own, some kind of starange code. Meanwhile the Leaf are having every player eat sleep and skate with babs. Its insane.

    I want to lose and get first or 9. I want my world back which seems in rapid decline. Buck up bucky its going to be a rough ride, and thank God I live in Canada.

  31. the Maritimer3:57 PM

    So, the Ontario and federal governments are going to let plane loads of American ball players and staff fly into hogtown and also let the blow jays fly to COVID infested American cities and back again? Wow. Nothing could possibly go wrong there, eh? Well, I sure hope the Atlantic province premiers keep our borders shut tight.

    1. the Maritimer9:52 PM

      There is still hope. The feds have not yet approved the putrid blow jays to play in the wretched CotU, no fucking way, send them to Buffalo for the love of God!

    2. I agree with the M. MLB plan seems designed to create outbreak possibilities as efficiently as a Trump WH. --SiM

  32. I bleed rouge blanc and blau, if I did not spell that correctly I am not responsible, my teacher must have be anti anglo. So we have a 3rd line center and two rookies going up against the best two center comobo in the NHL, our third paring is two rookies or 1 and 1/2. We are optomistic about beating Pittsburg. I am optomisic about the deficit going down.

  33. Did they not practice yesterday in Brossard? Seems there are no updates to be found. Anyway, Nature and KidKoho are gonna catch the Penguins D flat-footed at first, but their depth and play-off experience will help them rally to defeat our Habs. Just looking forward to some entertaining hockey here. And Domini should stay far away until he can be vaccinated. --SiM

    1. What kind of drugs are you on, I want some>)

  34. So Edmonton is finally dropping the Eskimo moniker. Sounds like they want to keep their double E logo, so their options will be limited. A few off the top of my head:
    Echo (echo, echo, echo)
    Extreme (as in their weather)
    Ents (for LOTR fans)
    Eggos (sponsored by the waffle guys)
    Emeralds (they are green...not sure if Edmonton is known for it's Irish heritage though)
    Embers (for that slow burn)

    1. Elks (as in Wapiti).

    2. Elderberries.

    3. the Maritimer9:24 PM

      Express, --- courtesy of N.B. Indigenous hockey player Everett Sanipass who played for the Chicago Blackhawks and Quebec Nordiques.

  35. New Sam Roberts is fucking awesome !


    1. were have all the good people gone?

  36. It a sweet sweet Friday. Some people , I mean some peolpe dont know what day of the week it is without looking at thier phone. Sweet Sweet Friday. The world is going to hell in a hand basket, but the Habs future is looking more bright than many decades of suffuring. So I axe you, should we not get reperations for all our suffuring? Lets have no lic fee on Habs related t shirts, meals stickers, car etc till they get a covid vacinne.

    1. the Maritimer9:28 PM

      For us retired folks there are six Saturdays and one Sunday per week. You just have to figure out which days are for golfing and which ones for biking.

  37. I have one word for you " plastics" WOW can you believe that was a movie. Now I have 3 words for you
    Three Gorges Dam, google it you lazy kids.

  38. If this covid crisis keeps on keeping on there will be no player development at any level. Montreal can handle this better than most teams, as we have never had any player development.

  39. There was a boy who had a toy. R.I.P. Chi Pig, a true Canadian punk rock legend. --SiM

  40. the Maritimer9:31 PM

    Hockey in August? I dunno if my biological clock can adjust. Maybe if I see those red sweaters I'll be inspired.

  41. R.I.P. John Lewis too. He was a giant. Gotta watch the doc on Netflix: Good Trouble

    1. Its no longer the strength of ones CHaracter, the colour of one skin has become a false rally point.

  42. I just came back from a 200 Km bike ride. I was hit by three cars, and needed three stiches from a coyote bite. I drank from stream without purification, I may have beaver fever. Still I post, I am a world of covid survivor and thats my story.

  43. As the shadow minister of sci fi I have to take a victory lap today. Okay I an not even the shadow. MLB
    can put their covid bats up their ass. Thats offical.

  44. the Maritimer5:41 PM

    No MLB in dogtown, big THANK YOU to Dr. Tan, Dr. Njoos and even to Justin Trudeau. Fuck you SFU!!

    1. the Maritimer6:25 PM


      Suck it tranna you don't get your way this time.

  45. Very, very cool;

    Ziggy Marley - Bob Marley 75th Celebration (pt. 1)


    1. Bob informed me, he was a small God

  46. Ok dont look away, everything is hunky dory and we are still the
    most productive dory on the bank.

    Or as a duly appointed emergency measure I get appointed to my true calling
    Mister of SCI FI. A cabinet post
    I gotta disclouse for what seem like totaly
    irratial ideas
    i have a conflict of interest
    in these matters
    I do not know which one
    exaclty but I have at least one

  47. I am watCHing Noah with Mr Crowe and the Jennifer Conolly. What a blast, totally differant than I expected.

  48. Though I've been avoiding hockey news mostly I see:
    * Domi is at practice
    * McNiven took a BBQ slapper to the face and left (i would too)
    * L'Artiste is now a coach in the K.

    * in leaf news, some putrid sfu hack ponders the ORRielly question "what to pack?" Riveting, hard hitting journalism right there folks. KILL ME NOW FFS.
    * in other putrid news, Narco hopes the no dress code is here to stay so he can start arriving at games in his tighty whities. Seriously he says hockey is the only sport where guys can't express themselves. Fuck off you ugly asshole. Hockey stands above all sports in that tradition. So. Fuck. Right. Off.

    1. On the business suit front, now is not the time to be relaxing any rules they are already quite used to. The amount of personal discipline needed for this bubble city plan to work and give a few the chance to hoist the Cup is immense. Reminds them they are at work and must be professional, right down to a subconscious level.

      That said, I sure hope Domini knows what he's doing. If I am on the opposing team I can use the threat/fear of getting sick to get inside his head, take him completely off his game. This is a league with face-washes behind the play, remember.

      Coach should NOT let Domini play. There will be a possibility of an asymptomatic player on the ice that can infect anyone, despite the vigorous testing.

      Stay safe Domini. Don't risk your whole fucking life for this tournament your team has no hope winning, man.

      I will say I am looking forward to watching, nevertheless, especially for Nature and KidKoho. So GYFHG! --SiM

    2. I agree with SIM, DOMINI should not play 1 percent risk is to much. Take this kid down NHL

  49. I wonder about advice. Once someone told me look at all the time you would have if you where not wasted.
    What would I do with that time. This covid crises is a time crisis. I cant watch, I cant romance, I cant communicate with loved ones enough. The time remaining is wasted time.

  50. Well at least there will be hockey to watch by the looks of it.

    1. are you now or have you ever been Jennifer Connolly. I am an excellent detective of certain things, and I think behind your monicor, you are Jennifer Connolly.

  51. the Maritimer10:00 PM

    Re: Hart trophy nominees courtesy of the wonderful toronto sports network parody...

    What? No Matthews? #Leafsforever will be shocked by this obvious scam to keep the ratings on TSN down.

  52. the Maritimer9:55 AM

    Auston Matthews didn't make the cut for this year’s Hart Trophy nominations, but the 22-year-old hopes to be on that list one day soon.

    Watch SportsCentre for 34 minutes on how Matthews can be a Hart nominee next year, with 30 seconds combined on this year's 3 actual nominees.

  53. allegedly I have been offered the Mister of Finace job. I am still holding out for my own sci fi ministery, starliner, geo engineering, thats me.

  54. the Maritimer10:00 PM

    Ha ha ha. The arrogant blow jays rejected by Pennsylvania and the Canadian government. Serves them right for aiding in the slow death of the Montreal Expos. Enjoy yourselves playing in a minor league ball park in Barfalo.

  55. Och, it's just a wee "scandal" --SiM


    I now have a second fave NHL team. Quality logo. Their Twitter tag line is excellent as well - "now that we have a name, we're strategizing all the ways to draft your favorite player"

    Hi everyone! Hope all is well and you and your families are safe and healthy.

    1. Kraken...I like it. Love the little dot of red in the logo too. Not hugely enamoured with the teal/blue/green ish main colour - but overall - not bad.

    2. The fans will be known as Krakheads!
      Got a built in official rum.

      It's all good and how fortunate they didn't go with Totems...

    3. 29!

      Like to logo, still way too many teams in the league.

    4. Great logo, colours, name, use of the famous Seattle Needle in the shoulder anchor logo is a nice touch. (Krakheads! LMFAO)

      Headline writers are already salivating: "Kraks in the armor" when team chemistry is bad. "Not all they're Krak-ed up to be" for a losing skid. "Kovalchuk Krak-ed [name of hapless Kraken goalie here] in SO win over Seattle"

    5. Now is the time for a team like the Canes to move back to Hartford. A Whalers-Kraken Cup Final would be epic!

    6. Another headline to come for first lop-sided Canadiens win against them: Habs Smoke Kraken

    7. I also love the name, based upon "release the Kraken" The logo okay, mid teir for things I would want on my chest. For people who dont get the Kracken, black people have a name for them Crackers

    8. How a bout we are the Kraken as the fight song, a parody of we are the Champaions

  57. Upon closer inspection of the new Seattle sweater, if you look at the logo just right, it looks like an evil pelican.

    Like the name. Not a huge fan of the sweater/logo. Could have done much better with that name I think.

  58. the Maritimer9:27 PM

    Since renaming football teams is in vogue I have a new name for the toronto baseball team: the Homeless Vagabonds. Catchy, eh?

    1. the Maritimer12:47 PM

      The toronto Homeless Vagabonds will shuffle off to buffalo. Ha ha...

    2. The Buffalo Roamers! Do they have any players named Deer or Antelope? --SiM

  59. New Public Enemy;


    1. Great stuff! Needs to be heard alongside Childish's This is America

  60. Hahaha the Barfalo Blow Jays!

    1. I worked for six year in Buffalo. It was the best of times it was the worst of times. There is an opportunity to live in a nice bubble there/

  61. Hi Montreal, I dont know you at all. I have tasted the crust of your food. Somebody is making a fortune by culturally appropriating Montreal food and shipping it in transports to Ontario. Its a hate crime for sure.

    Seriously why did I not think of that.

  62. I hope we can take Pistburg to the max, but it would be a miracle on ice, just like every child delivered on a floating glacier. Inuit are cool, no thats not a climate ref, they are the original hippies that walked across the Bering straights millions of years ago. TV has shows called about reality surviaval, the Inuit have done this 24/7 for a long time before the white man. Skidoo vs dogsled, dogsled dude, because a person has to know their limitations.
    Recommend the latest Marky Marky video. If you like a southie from Boston, you can enjoy his movies, along with Ben Alfeck and Matt Damon.
    No spoliers, he overcomes some serious disadvantages, maybe he lives happily ever after or maybe the paper boy handed him a improvised explosive device. Tony Berg and Mark have put together and impressive string of movies. For non super hero movies they are some of the best product of the last decade. Its like the spaggti western in the 21 st century.

    We are going to fight like animals facing an enemy with two of the all time playing hockey players ever. Maybe someday McDavid and Drisitli will replace Crosby Malkan in hockey lore, but because there is no Mario in Edmonton I would guess not, at least in the Cup count.

  63. Its official we are going to go into battle with 1 2A and 3 3a lines.

  64. the chief of sanitation
    in a perfect world
    where soylent green
    is only human waste

  65. Thats just a snippet from my tales from the future

  66. I am just about to watCH the Three Amigos as I try to understand why we are not Norway. I cant wait until Trump starts fessing/dressubg up like Napoleon. I am a history major, a graduate of history. The one thing I know about history, is that the victors wrote it.

    So I have a question. If we had to choose 3 AMIgos TO SAVE A VILLAGE HELD BY A cARTEL. whO WOULD WE send?
    tfs, bbq AND TAAAAAAAAAATar.

  67. Dutch is back like arnold, dutch gretzkey annd the covid cup the last of the Harry Potter books
    Joel Armia
    Alex Belzile
    Paul Byron
    Phillip Danault
    Max Domi
    Jonathan Drouin
    Jake Evans
    Brendan Gallagher
    Charles Hudon
    Jesperi Kotkaniemi
    Artturi Lehkonen
    Ryan Poehling
    Nick Suzuki
    Tomas Tatar
    Jordan Weal
    Dale Weise
    Defencemen (10)
    Ben Chiarot
    Cale Fleury
    Christian Folin
    Noah Juulsen
    Brett Kulak
    Victor Mete
    Gustav Olofsson
    Xavier Ouellet
    Jeff Petry
    Shea Weber
    Goaltenders (4)
    Charlie Lindgren
    Michael McNiven
    Carey Price
    Cayden Primeau
    Josh Brook and Laurent Dauphin were the two players cut from the 32-player roster Montreal had at training camp. Alexander Romanov does not need to be listed on the final roster as he’s ineligible to play for the team.

    The organization depth chart is regularly updated and can always be found here.

    Links: Claude Julien likes the balance in his roster
    The Dispatch: Samuel Johannesson is shooting up the rankings
    Habs lines, July 25: Brett Kulak back in the top four
    How a pair of Finns might help Montreal win the battle against Pittsburgh
    Links: Where does Max Domi fit in Canadiens’ lineup?
    Canadiens-Penguins Head-to-Head: The Special-Teams Matchup

  68. With all due respect to Eddie Shack's family, and the Tragically Hip...

    Clear the track, ‘cause Eddie Shack
    Died, this summer
    But he had one helluva trip
    The last goal he ever scored
    Didn’t win the Laffs the cup
    And They’ll never win another
    Since it’s now been 53 years
    And COTU can’t recover
    I stole this from the Tragically Hip
    A band like no other

    It’s the 19 Covid Cup
    I worked it in
    I worked it in to look like that
    It’s the 19 Covid Cup
    It’s the 19 Covid Cup
    And I worked it in (worked it in)
    I worked it in
    And I hope we don’t get sick from that
    And I hope we don’t get sick from that

    1. the Maritimer9:42 PM

      Bravo lehab! The putrid leaf will be on a 53 Mission Cap soon...

    2. Eddie was my favorite leaf, I even tossed back a few with him back in the day.

  69. Baseball, which has much less spitting, blood and licking, after one weekend of play has a Covid outbreak. Hmm, I wonder how this will work out for contact sports? I'm $ure it will be fine, $ays Bettman.

    1. the Maritimer1:45 PM

      I'm not defending Bettman, but MLB was doomed from the start.

      1. MLB teams are not quarantined in a 'bubble'.

      2. Several of them are headquartered in COVID infested southern GOP states (and cities) with brain dead governors.

      3. They are flying in small enclosed tin cans all over the country.

      Sure, nothing could possibly go wrong, right Rob? Thanks go out to Canadian health officials for recognizing this giant clusterfuck from the start and denying entry into our country. Go Fuck Yourself MLB.

  70. https://fourhockeyfans.blogspot.com/2020/07/the-covid-playoffs-aka-cup.html
