Feb 4, 2021

G11 ~ Retro jersey night vs. Sens (1st place ranking, full stop)

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  1. I literally dressed and danced like a The Beat member, still do.

    1. Ranking Full Stop! That was one of the songs that convinced me ska was tok much fun to resist. Brings me right back to being 17 and closing the kitchen at McDonald's. We'd be scrubbing and pogoing and singing along. RIP Ranking Roger. --SiM

    2. I saw them doing that same set in 1983.

      Crazy, fun times.

    3. I have no idea, no idea about the beat

  2. Well I guess it had to happen sooner of later...Just scrolled down through the pics...I was never a Beat type - I lived in the middle of nowhere and would have been cruxified - then onto the Habs Bat Signal (always love Aislin!) AND THERE IT WAS...Natureboy in that fucking horrible "retro" jersey...First of all - When did the Habs ever have a blue jersey? Retro implies that is what they used to have - did they really? I had "(almost) forgotten about how horrible it looked. Seeing the future of the Habs wearing it doesn't make me feel anything but ill...I am very sorry to all of you who like it - I respect and acknowledge your right to...Doesn't mean I have to and I also appreciate this place of ours where I can freely vent without being judged.

    So I quickly moved onto BBQ Battle cards - which look great - lotsa red there!. Then onto Alain - Looked good against the 'nucks...and that is a great pic of him - in Red & White!. Who is the lady in the stripey top? Looks vaguely familiar. Stripes are White! White bikini bottom ended the scroll...I'm sure I'll recover and I will give it until the end of the 1st period tonight to amend or reconfirm my retro jersey opinion...Watch this space...Until then...JUST FUCKING WIN! GYFHG!

    1. I'm not big on the retro either - looks too much like the Fucking NY Rangers (je me souviens, Kreider!) --SiM

    2. Has anyone ever seen a goalie playing for a new team immediately after a trade - they often wear a mask with their last teams colourrs on it - or else they just don a pure white one until they can get on sorted...Does TFS have a retro reverse Mask?? Does he have a set of Blue pads...? No one thought shit like this through did they? So many things need to have been considered before agreeing to this

    3. Good stuff.

      None, other than the original (tv) Wonder Woman.

      I think the jersey might be for this year only.

      It will be a weird sight on the ice for sure.

      Go You Fucking Fast Forward Habs Go !

    4. Linda Carter! Of course. Nice one! Excuse the repeated rants on the jersey. I think it must be a superstition thing I have. I apply the same logic to my preferred UK Football team - Arsenal. They have a red jersey, a White jersey and they have a Yellow jersey they wear from time to time - I can't remember them ever winning a game wearing it...let's hope my fears are ridiculous...

    5. I am one of the few men in the world that never rose to the flower of Linda Carter. I am the same for Nicole Kidman, and many others including Demi Moore. Chanastan chick Many Disney Girls.

  3. K3X I respect your disdain for the blue, even if I'm one of those guys that kind of like it (but I feel bad about doing so...very conflicted). If you remember the Centennial year when they rolled out all the old jerseys, I believe the very first season or 2 of existence was a blue sweater with a 'C' on it. Other options would be the barber pole jerseys or the one with the green leaf (ahhh, hell no).

    Now if they lose to the Sens while wearing the blue sweaters, burn every fucking one of them.

  4. the Maritimer1:48 PM

    Yeah, I'm not a fan of the blue. Habs jerseys are either red or white. End of story. I disliked all those 2009 replicas, especially the barber pole atrocities. I think Robert Lang had his achilles tendon sliced in those ugly things and it's possible they lost all the games they played in them too. They were cursed.

    Highly unlikely the boys lose to the Sens at home, just don't underestimate them.

    Go Canucks and fuck the leaf!!

  5. I can't believe ya'll missed the crybaby leaf emoji.

    1. I scanned right past it. Had to hunt for it - so subtle. Good one though! --SiM

    2. I noticed it! then forgot to mention it...got distracted by K3X's excellent rant 😀

  6. “ My great and good friend, the late, much-missed Red Fisher, was a skeptic. He did not deal in rumours, he did not put up with fools and he was rarely if ever misled about the quality of a hockey team.”

    Remind you of someone ?

    1. From JT:


    2. I grew up resding Red Fisher's accounts, often after falling asleep before the third period. He was always bang-on. Jack Todd wrote a very apt tribute there. --SiM

  7. So Meat got his two minutes of fame, you will never see him on the ice again for the Habs.
    Good luck to him. He played this wrong but in his situation there was no sure move.

  8. DGMB has to be compared to Sam Pollack when it comes to horseflesh.
    Dish for a bag of pucks
    BBQ for PFK
    Patches for Nature, Tuna and a Swedish wunderkind
    gCHuck for the Matrix or NEO
    This is not an anomaly this is reality, he is a trader playing 3D chess with a league still playing CHeckers

  9. In 2021 we have not come up with a less priviged term than white noise. However that is where I like to spend my time these days. What breaks through the white noise is news to me. The 2021 edition of Les Habitats are breaking my eardrums with what must be called black noise.

  10. Go Habs Go... My Habs don't wear blue!

  11. Well I see Coliaic-a-hole got Lebrun's memo and ditched the leaf jersey for the Habs broadcast. Small miracles.

  12. OK as I see the whole team in blue rather than 1 sweater as a single entity...I'm in board the hate train.

  13. So far... Hate them!

  14. We won, I am going to watCH The Expanse and check in to see just how humiliations it was for Ottawa. They should just get a bye, lend their players out to other Canadian teams for this season.

  15. I see the Bell has already adapted the no glass behind the bench rule... Looks odd

  16. Not liking this slow start.

  17. Longer you let them hang around...better chance at blowing it.


  18. Kid A and I wanna puke looking at those sweaters

  19. the Maritimer7:38 PM

    Tatar Sauce looking better tonight

  20. My Russian TSN feed is way behind the play tonight... Mayben25-300seconds

  21. Michael Ryder might have caught thatvoass

  22. That's a shit way to end the period #blametheblue

  23. the Maritimer7:48 PM

    Trap game...

    Burn those blue jerseys

  24. OK... They've done the retro thing. Can they please just come back out for the 2nd period in red and get on with this...

  25. Dont hate me because I am beautiful, but right now I am looking at TFS in a Kracken Jersey and thinking that would be cute.

  26. The Habs are plying for shit right now...

  27. Sens are this year's Redwings.

  28. the Maritimer8:22 PM

    They better wake the fuck up pretty soon

  29. They're playing as stupas their jerseys look. --SiM

  30. Am I watCHing a hockey game or am I having a psychotics episode?

  31. the Maritimer8:31 PM

    It's those damn ceremonies they lose every time they do one.

    Write this stupid game off and come back Saturday with Jake. Price is terrible tonight.

  32. Habs look dreadful and are playing even worse right now... TFS is playing very small and looks mostly lost out there... WTF is going on...?

    1. TFS way off his game tonight. The Sens smell blood and they've been starving for a win. --SiM

  33. Wait for it... Romanov will get suspended for an illegal hit to the head... Bank on it

  34. the Maritimer8:39 PM

    Ottawa winning every foot race and most of the puck battles. Habs deserve to lose...

  35. This is embarrassing and hard to watch.

    1. the Maritimer8:45 PM

      I might quit soon

  36. I'm gone... Thanks all. #blametheblue

  37. Go you fucking Habs go!

  38. 20 minutes. Show the fuck up.

  39. the Maritimer8:58 PM

    Fucking blue jerseys, leaf curse on the Habs. What dummy signed off on these?

  40. Horseshit game on so many levels. Never seen so many Habs have to go back to the room during one game. Worst. Jersy. Gimmick. Ever. --SiM

  41. Finally called one of the obvious penalties on the Sens this period. Cash it!

  42. Matt Murray's revenge for the Pittsburgh series. --SiM

  43. the Maritimer9:27 PM


  44. the Maritimer9:29 PM

    I'm out.

    Senator fans are laughing at us.

  45. Time for two shorties, heh heh? --SiM

  46. I imagine this will be at or near top billing on the SFU sites.

    BTW I hear that tsn/Bell have started laying off on air talent.

    Brent Wallace an Ottawa guy
    Natasha Stana... she's an Oiler fan
    Dan O'Toole. I haven't watched much of Jay and Dan but they don't come off as leaf cheerleaders

  47. Dano! Or Powerhorse? --SiM

  48. Oh FFS that is a weak Fing call!!!

  49. That's Boarding?!? --SiM

    1. But a flying forearm to KK's face was a good hockey play...

    2. Kadillak's face is fair game for Stepan's stick. Powerhorse being flung into the boards head-first from a cross-check is aldo a hockey play...

      Doesn't change the fact the Habs failed to show up until Period 3 though. --SiM

  50. Deserved to lose. Too many mistakes.

    Saturday afternoon game.

    Get your SuperBowl picks ready.

  51. The reffing has been and will continue to be pure shit.

  52. Positive spin. If you are.going to play like horseshit, give those points to the bottom feeders. Just don't make a habit of it like last year because this year 18% of your games are vs said bottom feeders.

  53. Best they got that out of their system early. Move on. And Yippee! Superbowl weekend means the game is on at 6 pm in the UK! No blue short BS, probably gonna see Alain in nets...And a wooping! Go You Fucking Habs Go!

  54. the Maritimer10:33 AM

    I'm staying far, far away from the SFU sites. I'll bet they are positively giddy with THEIR team taking over 1st place. The tranna based reporters will no doubt be referencing 'we' a lot in their unbiased reporting.

    1. We know it.

      Standings will flip flop all SZN but the sfu will make manure-laden leaf hay.

  55. the Maritimer11:52 AM

    One suggestion I would have for the Habs coaching staff: Throw your current PP plan in the trash and take Weber off the 1st unit. He misses the net most of the time and everybody and their dog knows what's coming. Let Dish and Tsar throw wristers at the net and let #'s 11, 94, 17, 73 beat and trash in the crease for loose pucks.

    Hey jabba, what have you got to lose?

    Also, I think I would give the net to Jake for a while, Price looks befuddled presently. 33rd best stats in the NHL, not good...

    1. Agree, the BBQ one-timer, although lethal to try to block, has become predictable.

      Also, they fucking pass way too much !

      ... WTF? is wrong with the faceoff %? Hire Carbo already ...

  56. Look up, way up.

    New banner

    1. Very NOICE!


    2. the Maritimer2:37 PM

      Muchos Gracias!!

      Blue suks

  57. First few games of the season the PP was looking good. Different from last year with lots of plays to and from the bumper position, which they seem to have abandoned. They will never hire a specialty coach. Should have hired Y. Perreault the day he retired as a face-off coach.

    I'm betting we see GI Joel back soon, maybe next game.

  58. Full Stop TFS may be the best goalie in the NHL. However he has not won us nothing important. He has stolen games, he has not stolen a playoff series. I leave him on the ice floe for the Kraken to swallow.

  59. Its no longer two mins for looking so good, its your fired

  60. the Maritimer9:56 PM

    So, tomorrow at Ottawa, the Habs need to adopt the motto of the Cobra Kai dojo:

    Strike First

    Strike Hard

    No Mercy

  61. I'll be watching on delay today as we're travelling out of town to visit our favourite potter to help support her business. And no, it's not Harry.

    If anybody has managed to get into Letterkenny (it takes a few episodes), I hope Clod took a page out of the coach's book...https://tenor.com/view/fucking-embarrassing-coach-letter-kenny-embarrassed-gif-14474570

    1. St. Pad, let us know if the potter has a website to purchase products.

    2. In Montreal: https://www.togeipotteryhazama.com/

    3. Yukari is my rec. This link seems to be better: https://www.togeipotteryhazama.com/about


  62. Pomme getting the start today, a bit surprisingly. --SiM

    1. the Maritimer11:30 AM

      I feel better. He's been the better of the two.

      As Red Fisher used to say: "It's not personal, it's business."

  63. Good snipers, yes, they rob I
    Sold I to the softee goals
    Minutes after they took I
    From the terrible statistics
    But my hand was made strong
    By the hand of the Almighty
    We forward in this generation
    Won't you help win
    These songs of puck luck?
    'Cause all I ever have
    Redemption songs
    Redemption songs
    Emancipate yourselves from SFU slavery
    None but ourselves can free our minds
    Have no fear for TFS's energy
    'Cause none of them can stop all the time
    How long shall they give us penalties
    While we stand aside and look? Ooh
    Some say it's just a part of it
    We've got to fullfil the book
    Won't you help to sing
    These songs of freedom?
    'Cause all I ever have
    Redemption songs
    Redemption songs
    Redemption songs
    Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery
    None but ourselves can free our mind
    Woah, have no fear for atomic energy
    'Cause none of them-a can-a stop-a the time
    How long shall they kill our prophets
    While we stand aside and look?
    Yes, some say it's just a part of it
    We've got to fullfill the book
    Won't you help to sing
    These songs of puck luck?
    'Cause all I ever had
    Redemption songs
    All I ever had
    Redemption songs
    These songs of puck luck
    Songs of Buttman buck fuck

  64. https://fourhockeyfans.blogspot.com/2021/02/g12-superbowl-saturday-v-sens-dont-stop.html
