Jan 13, 2022

Road trip Game 2 in Chicago ~ last game until Monday !


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  1. Go Habs?

    Playing at .257 pace. Habs could turn it on and play .750 the rest of the way and only finish with 89 points. They won't. I hope Jeffpetto gets his puppet soon so we can start with the demolition. It's the only thing to really look forward to.

    1. the Maritimer7:29 PM

      No, Habs.

      They got The Wright Stuff, with apologies to Tom Wolfe.

  2. Chester4:57 PM

    Actually looking forward to this
    Better than the dumpster fire currently
    Spose to be a strong draft year
    Time to reload
    Go Habs

  3. the Maritimer7:42 PM

    When they are healthy there is no way this team should be this bad, even without Price. There is something wrong and I don't believe for one minute it is 20 players.

    As a point of interest, when the putrid leaf tanked in 2015-16 for Asshole Matthews, they were last with a record of 29-42-11. At the Habs current pace hey won't even be close to that. This is close to 1974 Washington Capitals bad. And that's bad.

    1. On a 42 pt pace. Can't imagine they will end with more than 50-55.

      Just turned the game in and 10 minutes in they don't have a shot on goal. That's one way to assure the tank.

    2. I really think there is something rotten still in the system. And Ducharme is terrible at coaching at this level.

  4. There is no system evident in any part of their game.

  5. Dish off the schneid. And it was a big one.

  6. Hoffman too. They decided to play some hockey.

  7. Can we call Him Shiny Happy Pitlik?

  8. On to OT. I'd start with Czar, Nature and EAP

  9. Druid, pitlik and Eggs???

  10. Now EAP and Whiskey with Dish

  11. That will be a goal. Because it's the Habs.

  12. Net was ofc before the puck went over the line, but Hoffman was the primary reason for that.

  13. But hey, in a new twist, it was offside!

  14. Well that's a BS call. How the fuck us that not offside?

    Ah well fuck it, a loser point is all they need.

  15. Why bother with the war room, just rule against the Habs every time, save money. ON sportsnet in a OT game all three stars are Chigago.

  16. Well, in the last 24 hours I have received separate warnings on my weather app for heavy rain, heavy snow, strong winds, and freezing rain. Gonna be a fun weekend. My bro is a retired lineman in Fredericton, but works contracts and is on his way to Cape Breton. Safe travels and work to him.

    Nothing surprises me about the Habs anymore. At least Do Harm got one thing right last night, when he told the media the calls never go the Habs' way. I was in and out of the game, preferring to watch the Incredible Dr Pol. That guy rocks. Anyway, I did see the beautiful hit by Czar. Pisses me off that every time he does that he then has to fight some asshole.

    Football this weekend with no hockey distractions. So long as my power stays on. Stay safe all.

  17. One good thing came out of this week. I'm listening to the best of REM. It's been a while. So many great tunes.
    Maybe Rem's nick is Kenneth. Or OC for Organge Crush. That'd work better if he played for Philthy.
    Or maybe stay away from the REM connection altogether and go with Potluck.

    1. the Maritimer11:00 AM

      Love REM, I listen to their stuff from time to time. #torontosportsnetwork will be carrying the Kingston game tonight if anyone wants a Shane Wright viewing. For my part, I don't believe for a second that Montreal will actually win the Draft lottery, buttman and the tronna war room will rule against it. But, it's OK as Wright is not a franchise type player and not every scout has him at No. 1 anyway. There is a kid lighting up the WHL in Winnipeg who might be a nice consolation prize, Matt Savoie. That's the guy.

      As long as DoughHead isn't around this October to ruin him.

    2. My all time favorite REM and just a song that goes, is Dont go Back to Rockville

  18. I said I wouldn't comment again until the Habs had the worst record in the league. Here we are!

    Hi all, hope you are all well. You know, except for the season.

    1. I am like slim pickins riding that cylinder down to the ground except its target is first overall pick.

  19. the Maritimer11:07 AM

    Going to Level 3 of the NB Covid Winter Plan at midnight tonight. Single household bubbles, restaurants closed down, 50% capacity at businesses until Jan. 31. I hope people comply so the virus spread slows down and heath workers can catch a break. It's bad, the CEO of Horizon Health said yesterday they are asking nurses who have covid to come back to work early to look after patients who have covid. That's craziness. I know one thing, I'm tired of 10% of the population holding the other 90% hostage. If these idiots were around in the 50's they would all be dead from smallpox or diphtheria or crippled by polio.

  20. Just saw the Romanov hit and it was a beauty. Nothing illegal and we need more of them in every game the Habs play.

  21. RIP Alexa McDonough, a joyful warrior for women's equal rights and common decency. I didn't recall but she was the first woman to lead a federal party in Canada. Trailblazer!

    1. Oops, she wasn't the first. Silly of me to fall for NDP spin.

    2. I liked her.
      An honest politician.

  22. the Maritimer9:17 AM

    Good Morning all, survived a wild and windy night here in Saint John, N.B. Not that much snow down, there's a drift in front of the garage door but the rest of the driveway is mostly free of snow. It's currently -17, -29 with the wind chill. I think I'll wait a bit before I step out to clear it.

    I think I'll channel surf tonight, cheering for the Blues against the wretched leaf and Josh Allen's Bills against Saint Paddy's (and Mac Jones') Patriots.

    1. Booo! 🙂

      I think Josh Allen might be the best QB in the league right now. I don't have much hope but never discount BB's ability to plan for anything.

    2. Same here weather-wise...not quite as cold yet. Shoveled the plow ridge and end of my driveway. Everything else has blown away. Lots of ice below the snow in spots since we had rain before the snow.

    3. the Maritimer12:02 PM

      @Saint Paddy, I'm just yankin' your chain man! It's all good either way. My next door neighbour wants to see a Tampa/New England Super Bowl. That would be wild. I've got no dog in the fight but I wouldn't mind a Buff/LA SB.

  23. the Maritimer12:06 PM

    This interview with Carbo and Marinaro is worth your time. I agree with Carbo, the goal in Montreal, EVERY SINGLE YEAR, should be to vie for a Cup. Not bergy's mantra 'just make the playoffs'. Fuck that.

    Carbo has some good ideas, very knowledgeable...


  24. Go Bills.
    Go Steelers.
    Die Dallas Die !

    Very cold here as we anticipate a huge snowstorm !

    1. Come now Moe, with the 6 and 7 seeds the Steelers and Pats could meet in the conference final! I won't put money on it but it's possible.

    2. Let’s see what happens. 😉

  25. I single handed killed winter today. Just like 35 million Canadians I gave the finger to Mother Nature.

  26. the Maritimer8:22 PM

    Choke! leaf Choke!

  27. Halifax v Toronto in Lacrosse on TSN. And winning. Man there is more fisticuffs in that game than hockey. Might have to check them out live when it's safe to do so.

    1. Spoke too soon and 3 quick goals and it's tied. TSN is excited.

  28. Oy, no stopping this Bills team. I think it's over. Pats are just outmatched.

    1. the Maritimer9:12 PM

      Not looking good for your team...

    2. 14-0 when I wrote that. 27 now...

      Yeah I don't see another miracle comeback.

  29. the Maritimer9:15 PM

    Ha Ha you suck Campbell...

    1. Damn I turn over to check the score just as Underpants ties it at 5. Nope.

  30. Singletary is a joy to watch.

    1. He can get yards where they shouldn't be available.

      Better luck to your team vs KC.

    2. And I'm cold just watching this game.

    3. the Maritimer9:43 PM

      Well, at least they won't get skunked.

  31. the Maritimer9:44 PM

    Butthurt and gawley excited THEIR leaf are ahead.

  32. Hey Hfx with the OT win vs a Toronto team at least. I just noticed the Rock actually have the TSN patch on their sweater.

  33. Bills fan throws a dildo in the end zone. Heh..

    1. Best line ever, “looks like Tom Brady dropped his mouthpiece”.

    2. That dildo has been in the end zone as many times as the Patriots.

  34. the Maritimer1:40 PM

    Went to bed early last night, wow, quite a pasting the Bills laid on the Pats. No Brady vs Belichik this year.

    Did I mention I'm doing a dry January? Figured I could do without the empty calories for a month. Funny thing is I got a couple bottles of nice scotch for Christmas, I guess it will keep 'til Feb.

    1. Good on ya theM.

      I'm doing Dry February.

      Speaking of being dry as fuck despite crying like a 2 year old , fuck you djerkovic.

    2. ... and go Steelers! (good luck too).

      ... and GO 49ers ! <--- (for my great FHFriend St. Pad)

    3. the Maritimer3:12 PM

      Good on the Australian gov kicking that entitled whiny bitch out of the country.

      Go 49ers, I still think Joe Montana is the best QB ever.

      Good luck with your Steelers, I think they have a shot. KC isn't that good.

  35. the Maritimer3:14 PM

    Probably going to take a football break after this game for a bit. Made a chicken stew and a rhubarb pie for dinner. Then I think I'll watch the new Bobba Fett.

  36. Romo is as bad as simpleton.

  37. The game is over.

  38. the Maritimer7:58 PM

    So long Dallas.

  39. the Maritimer8:00 PM

    Better luck next year Jerry. Not.

  40. Missed the first two games as I promised Mrs Pad I'd binge a British whodunnit with her on Netflix. Stay Close, 8 episodes turned out to be a very good watch. Lots of twists and turns and surprises. 2 dwarfs from the Hobbit trilogy star in it.

    1. Based on a novel. Thinking I will look up Harlan Coben.

  41. Tuned into see Mahomes with one of his classic undehands for the TD. I see from Moe's comments the Steelers have a defensive TD. Well my team was toast by this point in the game (5 to go in 2nd). I dislike the Steelers but good luck anyway brother. One of us should have something to cheer for this year!

  42. Just like that...21-7 KC!

    1. Pad, did you need to add the exclamation point ?!

    2. Sorry bud, Mahomes is an ❗

  43. the Maritimer10:07 PM

    That's it for me, sorry moe. Get a new QB.

  44. https://fourhockeyfans.blogspot.com/2022/01/afternoon-hockey-on-snow-day-yotes.html
