May 26, 2024

Spring into Summer sexiness

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  1. Wow! This might be the sexiest thread ever, and we've had some doozies!

    Guhle had a good tourney but was a healthy scratch in the bronze medal game. The dressed 14 forwards. Odd choice. The 4th place finish isn't on him so theres that. Not that I really give a flying F about it actually. More interested in tuning in tonight to watch Beck.

    Was looking for something light and short to kill some time So I started watching GLOW. The first episode certainly hooked me. If you watched it you know why...but it's a really good story, just started season 2.

    1. steve7:41 PM

      I agree with your assesment of the sitrap.

  2. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Glow is a very good series. Sad it was cancelled. ~ moe

  3. Yowza! Some sexy Raquel and other young ladies to keep us entertained until some Habs news happens. I read Guhle may have been nursing a shot blocking injury. The coach had nothing but good things to say about Kaiden, I wouldn't worry...

    I'm not into anime but Blood of Zeus is a good series. I've watched season 1, will start season 2 soon.

  4. Laviolette still looks like Eddie Munster.

  5. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Congrats to Czechia. Wonderful tournament. What a crowd. ~moe

    1. It's a European tournament for sure, they love it over there. I just couldn't find the time to watch any games this year. I think Team Canada missed Full Monty more than they realized, Binnington is a bum. Plus, they had a couple of bad luck charms with them. I'll let you guys figure out who they are.

    2. Forgot to mention the Czech team had SuperPleXXX as an assistant coach. He and Vodkov should be coaching in Laval and eventually in Montreal.

  6. I forgot to mention I noticed moe threw in a couple of Mustang pics as well.

  7. steve7:42 PM

    My Kodi friend contious to amaze me with his excellent cineama at home.
    Movies and dancing, at least movies. I watched for the second time Fight Club. Listen to the dialogue. Then I watched End of Tommorow and I know for sure its today.
    We are picking a D man at the draft. To win the cup you need at least 30 d men in the system.
    No no no we are getting something special at 5. Not a Rainmakerno a player who does not maintain the status quo, no a player who tears down the fence and scores at will.

  8. Rags stole that game in OT. Good Hockey. Great thread Moe.

  9. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Not a big basketball fan but Bill Walton seemed like a cool guy, Beliveauesque. ~ moe

  10. Anonymous1:56 PM

    May he rest in peace.

  11. Pretty quiet around these parts lately. No one watching any hockey? I've been watching a period here and there, a little Memorial Cup if Beck is playing. I guess we are all waiting for the Draft or a trade, lots of chatter about Necas, not sure the Habs need a perimeter player at over $8mil a year for however long. Zegras name still out there but it will most likely be something out of left field that none of the SFU talking heads saw coming. As usual.

    Anyway, played my 16th round today shot an 83, could have been better but took a few peeks on the back 9, picking my head up too soon and hitting shitty shots.

    G Y F H G!!!!!

    1. Same. Watched some of the game last night. Didn't see Beck doing a whole lot to be honest. Some good defensive plays. He'll be in Laval next year and ultimately on the 3rd line if he can continue to grow his game. Lots of focus on Marner's replacement Easton Cowan last night. He'll turn that ship around I'm sure. Man, it's amazing how the sfu and fans have turned on Mitch. Seems like just yesterday Wee Willie was the whipping boy and now he's a cornerstone. I gotta admit as much as I hate that franchise (mainly because of the sickening amount of coverage they try to force down our throats), it's like watching a soap opera. I'm just waiting for the episode they reveal that Harald Ballard isn't really dead and is actually pulling the strings of his illegitimate child Brendan Shamahan.

    2. I saw the Oilers come to life last night in the 2nd period and was impressed. I didn't expect that much fight out of them. Glad to see both series tied at 2.

      I don't want badly to see Necas or Zegras but there are too many good D-men signed so you know something must be in the works. I like how HuGo keeps their powder dry.

      Good to see our Laval coach, JF Houle, get three more years - the one who got results out of GI Finn and Wifi/Louis Cyr 2.0/One-eyed Jack when they were sent under his care last season.

  12. Anonymous3:38 PM

    The fun/ny part of the sfu in regards to their leaf, is that during the season, other teams should emulate the great leaf and come the playoffs it is how can the leaf be more like the final four teams. ~ ,moe

  13. Anonymous3:38 PM

    FWIW, I like Necas' game but he'd be too expensive and who wants to deal with Dumdundon anyways.

  14. Anonymous3:49 PM


  15. steve6:17 PM

    If you are a person the identifys as female at this moment. How much easier is your click path for golf than tennis? Our darts or billards, we have not seen a lot of clicks there but it comming.

  16. steve6:21 PM

    I thought the Fallout series was good. This was not expanse good, this was not Battlestar Galtic good. or even good old 60 star trek good. We the peeple who love hockey have to start asking our goverments to include hockey ice surface in the vaults. I am a history major and yes now you have to be more like a weatherman to predict the future. Trump may be elected president. Do you need any more info before moving to a vault.

  17. So that's my bracket wrecked. Thought this cup was the Rags to lose. Now hoping the Oil can bring it back to Canada but they still need to ride themselves if those pesky stars...

  18. Heh, so long Cryder. Suck it!

    On a related note, congrats to Dr. Carey Price, receiving an honourable doctorate from UNBC.

    Mrs Pad was among the first ever students of UNBC in Prince George, at least when it had its brick and mortar opening in 94. There were classes before there were buildings.

  19. Browsing around this morning I see the tva scum are at it again (via HEOTP), AX for Necas ... pure clickbait bullshit. What are those idiots smoking, as if Hughes would make that trade. LOL.

    1. I don't get all the online lusting for guys like Zegras and Necas. They might be good players but 1) we don't need more good players, we need a great one that can score a LOT, and 2) don't give up a player that you are going to need once back in the playoffs. If you watched any of this playoff you'll see that toughness from a player that can also be trusted to play smart hockey is necessary. I think AX is learning to walk that line.

      I still expect something totally from left field that none of the so called experts and certainly none of the fans are expecting.

  20. Anonymous11:55 AM

    cryder harder ~ moe

  21. Anonymous12:12 PM

    First section is hilariously true ...

  22. Amazing moment at the Canadian Open in Hamilton. The 14th hole they have the tee box set up like a rink with boards. Some of the Canadians will haul on a jersey for the hole. The two hosts show up. Americans. Dude is sporting a Stars jersey. Amanda Balloonist holds up an Oilers jersey and the fans roar. Then holds up a leaf jersey. Some cheers, some jeers. Does it again to confirm the Oil sweater is the choice...and then just disregards the Underpants''#34 and throws it on the ground like the trash it is. Beautiful. And hauled on the McDavid. Love it.

    1. Missed that, but props to Amanda for the great gesture of trashing the leaf jersey. I don't think the leaf are liked in the Hamilton area anyway are they? Mackenzie Hughes wore a jersey that belonged to a buddy of his that had passed. I'm glad that the Scotsman won, would have been OK if Rory had won, just no 'Muricans please.

  23. Beck having a heck of a Mem Cup final. 2 goals in the first period of his final junior game. Let's see a hatty!

  24. Anonymous9:28 PM

    tsn is desperate for London to win.

  25. Beck beats Cowan suck it SFU.

  26. McDavid > matthews. Suck it SFU.

  27. Anonymous10:50 PM

    Congrats Saginaw and Habs prospect Beck, tournament MVP !

    Saginaw was my hometown Cambridge’s sister city. We had annual Can-Amera games. A great city. Probably as close an American city can be to be Canadian.

    Choke on it sfu.


  28. Congrats to the Oilers and former Habs Kaddilak and Commodore Perry on a trip to the Cup Finals. Will they finally break the bettman curse after 31 years? Stay tuned.

  29. I saw a video clip this morning of Beck obliterating tsn golden boy Easton Cowan with a big hit last night. Beautiful.

  30. Google tells me this is a 'deceptive site'. Deceptively sexy maybe!

    A great night of hockey for sure. First full game I watched (well channel surfing b/t the Oilers game) and yeah Beck was looking great. Could be a solid 3rd liner. Probably a year in Laval under JF Houle will do wonders.

    1. Remember when we were so thin at Centre and Brian Wilde would keep saying "win down the middle, win the game?" With DaCH, Nature, 7vens, Beck, TJ, Devo, while it's not overwhelming right now, the position is no longer a weakness.

      One could imagine packaging Devo with a promising D prospect (Mailloux?) and a pick maybe to get someone with serious pedigree.

  31. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Just when you thought the sfu couldn't sfu harder they now are asking if 'Canadians' (read leafools) will cheer for Edmonton. ~ moe

  32. Anonymous3:14 PM

    I think FLA will be too much for EDM. ~ moe

    1. FLA certainly has the edge in goaltending. Hopefully, EDM can pull off the win somehow, I'm tired of the buttman curse.

  33. Will we see a blue and orange CN Tower?

  34. As much as I like the idea of Canada winning a cup, after what I've seen, the Cats in 6

  35. Worth considering that this is a bit like the Habs in 21...TFS had one shot at the cup. This is McD' shot. If he misses, he's another generational superstar to not win the perhaps there is hope...and more than anything - if the Oil win I want someone to make a mention on national television that they have finally broken the Buttman jinx

  36. Interesting move. Hughes signs Hughes to a 1 year deal. Can't have enough goalie depth but this is clearly a player for Laval. Or maybe Primo or Sam are going to be moved...unlikely but with HuGo, one never knows.

    1. This was just to shore up the NHL/AHL goaltending situation now that Jake has moved on. Hughes will back up Dobes in Laval and provide some insurance in case Monty or Primeau gets hurt.

  37. The more I think about it the more I like Iggy Jr. at #5. He's got the pedigree and the motor to make it to the NHL. He would play another season in the WHL, probably get traded to a contender there for a playoff run. If not him then Lindstrom.

    1. I don't know. I've had to tune it out. There just too many know it all's now. I'll be happy with whatever HuGo does this summer, no matter thoe shocking...or not. I'm still hoping Demigod somehow falls...and I've admittedly only seen small samples of Amy of these prospects.

      I don't know if the Habs have much of a history of getting sons of former players? Butch and Pierre Bouchard?

      Probably some others but I do know they've failed miserably in the sibling category. Maybe I've mentioned this...sounds familiar. Ah getting old and repeating myself. But Marcel Hossa, Valeri Bure, Kiprusoff, Little Tits. Just doesn't bode well for FX.

    2. Mark Hunter would be a.positive in the sibling category.

    3. steve6:28 PM

      Mitch Gallo from TSN makes a complelling case for Canton. He might be the Nylander of this draft. WIthout the father and the attitude.

  38. Anyone remember former Hab Pierre Dagenais? Played briefly for Montreal in the 00's? The bad old years? Anyway, rumor has it his son will be picked 1st overall in the Q Draft this weekend by the Remparts who are going to trade with the Cape Breton Eagles to acquire that pick. The Eagles are in win now mode and are looking for immediate help. Maddox Dagenais is the kid's name. Just some filler news as we await the NHL draft and Habs headlines.

    1. Yeah he was pals with Mickey Ribs and Theodore if I recall.

      And excellent in penalty shots.

  39. Anonymous5:39 PM

    SCF should be starting tonight. GFY bettman and snet. ~ moe

    1. Tomorrow at the latest. At least all games are 9pm here. Still a bit late for a full game but manageable when we get late in the series.

      Am I wrong in remembering old time HNIC on Saturday night starting at 9pm? (8est)

    2. Yes indeed, HNIC did have a 9PM Atlantic start time back in the '60s and '70s. I seem to remember Don Messer's Jubilee was the pre-game show! Out of Halifax I believe. I likely won't be finishing too many games of the Finals. The last Finals series I watched was in 2021 of course, before that it had been literally decades that I saw the Cup winners carrying it around. Probably 2002 with St. Patrick's last Cup and Ray Bourque's first.

  40. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Nice !

  41. Xhekaj in a package for Necas ... I say thee nay!! Fuck that.

    1. steve6:26 PM

      If you are going to win the cup you need 3 jacks. Incredibly hard to find. You can buy most anything, but toughness is priceless

    2. It's BS. Both One-Eyed Jacks are ours, and not on the block. Fuck off with that shit. Take Barron. Take HondaCivic. Take Tweed if you have to. But the fact bozos are spreading such rumours shows just how much our Jacks (Bowers, if you will, left and right, like in Euchre) are coveted.

    3. We have a one i'd Jack (Florian only has one i) and the man with the AX. 2 card Stud.

    4. Or F/X. And KoD. King of Diamonds (not to be confused with the very popular King of Donair here in Halifax).

      F/X - One of my favourite movies from the 80's. Very underrated. Bryan Brown and Brian Dennehey. Then again, if I watched it now, I might think it's complete Highlander. Loved it when it was new. Tried re-watching it and I didn't make it through 20 minutes.

    5. Bryan Brown and Brian Dennehy were two of my favourite actors in the 80s.

    6. Anonymous6:35 PM


    7. steve6:37 PM

      I have not re watched the Highlander. However, I remember it warmly. Most old time stuff done well is ten times better than the shite they throw at us today. For example. If you watch the Dune with Sting, and you watch the shite they push as sand worms today, you will agree, we are getting a lot of polished shite up our neuromatic centers.

  42. Ok then everyone... who you got? How many games? Who's your MVP? I will go first...

    1. steve6:38 PM

      The fact is the great ones win stanley cups. So Mcdavid is perhaps the greatest of all time. I pick him and the OIiers to win.

  43. Oilers in 6...Draisatyl (no idea how he spells his name)

    1. Cats in 7, Verhaguee or Bob

    2. That said, I'd prefer to see Kadillak's Oilers win.

  44. Honestly, after a solid week of no hockey, I could care less who wins or anything. Talk about a momentum killer, wtf were they thinking? I'm honestly way more interested in off season news and speculation than the actual games. F U Gary.

  45. I'm more interested in who the Sea Dogs draft tonight in the 1st round of the QMJHL draft tonight, they pick at 5 and 8.

  46. steve6:41 PM

    I was facing a mountian of pharaciticals life challange two months ago. I emerged from the Doc office today with redemption. I went half crazy on everything, and sugar and salt executive outcome.
    I changed my blood from decline to normal aging.

    1. Glad to hear you threw away the chip bag and Pepsi. I had to dial back on some stuff too. All part and parcel of the Golden Years.

    2. CHester11:00 PM

      Here here! Yes time to give up stuff I quit smoking years ago and now I quit drinking
      I feel like I’m 25
      And I’m not 25
      Oilers in 7
      They’ll drag it out
      Go McJesus
      Go Habs

  47. After my heart scare last summer I've knocked the drink back to almost naught...not completely but mostly - it was easier than I imagined it would be...I'm coming up on a big BD later this year so my plan going forward is to be around for it and many's what you make it

  48. Worth mentioning...if the Oil break the curse the NHL don't want to give anyone but McJesus the Connie - fits their narrative better...we shall see...

    1. I think Leon has been more important than McD so far. I thought Drai was carrying the team early in the playoffs until Connor got going.

  49. I never smoked and I was never much of a drinker. Like UK3X I've almost given up alcohol. An occasional beer or a very small amount of scotch. Maybe once or twice a week. I don't miss it at all. I have a big BD coming up this year as well.

    1. steve4:06 PM

      I cut down from 8 beer a day to four beer. I cut down from gummie bears for breakfast to avacado. If any one want to change their doctor results, try this first before taking any extreme measures which may have a worse result than just keep on keeping on.

    2. steve4:14 PM

      I just want to remind everybody with a Star Trek urgency. I am a history major not a doctor. So if you want to be better at history listen to me. If you want to live a long time seek alternate resoures. I have tried everything on you tube and more or less survieved. Seriously all I did was reduce my portion size. Stop eating any treats. No chips, no ice cream no chocolate no nothing. I treated salt and sugar like a zojanictian running to England afraid of the radioactive pellet in the shaft.
      I have to admit I have seen many many people trying to inject me with salt and sugar. I let them do their biz without predjucice. Cause I have had to make money. No one should have to make money. It should be a choice. I lived that In Austria, I will never forget that perfectiion in a moment in time.
      I think I may have lost the thread, Lindstrom is my guy

    3. CHester8:44 PM

      Agree with lindstrom
      Good young big guy
      We still need a Stamkos or a McJesus type but keep the solid boys coming can’t have enough of them
      Nothing but superlatives for beck
      Agree with the article comparing beck and sevens
      Good match up but I think beck plays with a bit of an edge unlike Sevens and has better hands
      We have seen Hugo’s D now let’s see about the forwards
      Nature CC Dach TJ Hooker New Army Slavester and hopefully a reorientated Powerhorse with Roy beck OtherSlav and that Swedish guy coming up looks like the makings of a good group just need that one guy
      Go Habs

  50. On second thought ... Hughes will trade for a forward and take a D at 5 ... what was one of bargainbin bergy's (in)famous quotes? .... "expect the unexpected." Or is doing the unexpected what we now expect? I'm confused.

  51. I wonder if Beck could be a new Plek? Start wearing a turtleneck so we can call him TurtleBeck. And then hire Plekanec to coach Beck to be the new him.

    1. Continue the line?

      Gainey begat Carbo
      Who begat TurtlePlex
      Who begat Dano
      Who went to LA
      So much for direct lineage.

  52. Oil need some puck luck or this is done in 5.

  53. steve4:09 PM

    I expect a lot of vikings. BOB sorry he is not Hasek. However they can out of the same mold. Flawed for sure.

  54. @the M - with my Amazon stick and $75/yr subscription, not only am I able to watch the American feeds for NHL games, but I am able to avoid American feeds for golf, tuning into the UK Sky Sports feed, where they've showed every shot by Adam Hadwin and haven't spent all day circle jerking over Scottie Scheffler. It's glorious. Too bad Adam couldn't get it done after a great opening round -6 but he's looking at a nice $1.4M payday for third. And moves him up in the rankings for an Olympic spot (still behind Connors and Taylor I think), and makes Weir take a hard look at him for Presidents Cup.

    1. What subscription, asking for a friend...

    2. I'm using it's 95% reliable (get occasional buffering). I have other friends using ChillTV. It's a bit more expensive at $200/yr but from what I hear is better and will offer a discount after year 1. Both are just pay via e-transfer and are basically portals to streaming via iptv around the world. The one I use has 20000 stations (I use about 8) including local stations...loads of movies and tv series' as well.

    3. Looks like I will be cutting the cord soon, my Bell bundle expires in September. OnaExpress is available on Amazon Prime and I will need a Firestick which is no big deal. I also installed an OTA external antenna a while back so I can watch CTV and Global locally if I need to. I can't get CBC OTA because of geography and distance but I have Gem so I'm covered. Thanks for the info!

    4. As far as watching hockey, that is all going to change once the Rogers deal runs out. Streaming will be the future.

    5. steve6:11 PM

      My friend says if you have the patience, all this world is yours for free with Kodi.

    6. steve6:12 PM

      Firestick is not a good option. Firestick is owned by the man. For almost the same price go with the Xomia box.

  55. Oil down 2-0. Looking like another cup in FLA FFS.
    Oh well, Habs will retain the 'last Canadian team to win' crown, even if it's a sad 31 year long title. I just remember thinking how pathetic it was when the leaf hit 40 years (and HNIC had a 'celebration', wheeling out that '67 team). I do NOT want to see anything resembling celebrating our last cup in 2033. So to be safe, let's win one in the next 3 years. We're not getting any younger after all.

  56. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Not looking good for EDM, cue the McDavid to the leaf rumours.

  57. The Cup will never come back to Canada as long as bettman is around.

  58. I saw that Legault and PKP are trying to convince bettman to bring back the NoDicks. Good luck with that LOL.

  59. There's been a ton of internet "ink" spilled on the upcoming Draft, oh well, it gives folks something to do, writing as well as reading. I don't really care one way or the other who Montreal takes, that player is not helping next season, maybe not even the one after. Slaf may have been an outlier ... I thought for sure they ruined him ... and I didn't think he was that good anyway. I actually think he is more a second line player but that's just my opinion which is irrelevant. I still have my screen shot of how I think it will go which was:

    1. Celebrini
    2. Levshunov
    3. Parekh/Silayov
    4. Lindstrom
    5. Whoever Bobrov and Lapointe like best.

  60. AX at a hockey clinic with Big George Laraque and Knuckles is pretty cool. Are we going to get some video of them teaching 8 year olds how to throw? :)

    From the moment we first saw him, I always felt that Xhekaj looked much older than his age and showed that maturity through his actions. Perhaps he'll perennially look 30 years old. He is still only 23.

  61. Looks like Patrick Laine wants out of Columbus. A scenario where Hughes manages to acquire Laine, draft Lindstrom at #5 and use his wealth of draft capital and prospects to move up into the top 12 or so and pick Eiserman would, imo, be transformational for the Canadiens. Lots of moving parts behind the scenes I'm sure.

    1. 2 years left on his contract to prove he can get back to where he was the first few years in the league. Not sure what the cost would be, but the potential to get another 30+ goal scorer has to be considered.

    2. I figure Laine would be easier to acquire than the other two ... I would offer pick 26, Dvo (half the salary and term) and another of the many other picks Hughes has available. Columbus get about $4mil in cap space as well. The Habs would have to hope Marty the player whisperer and a good mental health expert can bring Laine back to his former self.

    3. steve7:25 PM

      I hate to be the voice of reason, but you forced me. Name a dumpster diver project that worked out. I am not talking about Kulak and Lord Byron. I am talking about hard core people. I will not name them but you know I got a t shirt with the name of the back of one of them. I will always love this shirt because its Adiais not Fanactic. WHO GETS FANATIC TO REPRESENT THEIR LEAUGE. Dont worry about the quality, just pay the price.\
      So I say 3 rd rounder and they retain 2 mill of salary and I will take a chance.

  62. Watched the ABC broadcast last night with PK at second intermission echoing his old coach Therrien, saying the Oilers D was playing way too soft for the SCF. They played a good third period and made a game of it, but the Panthers have Bob and sadly, it looks like the Commodore jinx is on once again.

    1. I checked in late in the 2nd period, saw the score and turned it off. Like moe said earlier the SFU will be pumping the McD to tranna rumours when it's over.

  63. steve6:56 PM

    Dont hate me because I hate that Canada will never win the cup again.

    I wrote a note to my MP about that.

    Hi Adam

    The world is spinning out of control. Not only the artificial world we have constructed, but the result of billions of years of natural cycles has also been interfered with by humans. Before you read further, please read the full trilogy of Rendezvous with Rama by Aurther C Clarke.

    Adam did you know that JFK could read at 1200 words per second. I have standardized tests that prove I was faster. JFK was not assassinated for his speed reading.

    I have a degree in History from the University of Western Ontario. This was back in the day (1981 graduate) when you had to actually read and write to get a history degree, of course I exaggerate. However in those days a Degree in History was equal to a law degree to given at any University in Canada today. Again I exaggerate. I took the LSAT and scored right in the middle of the bell curve.

    I just wonder what would the current government do about the Gulf war? A proof is a proof is not a high standard.

    Yet we supported and endorsed
    Juan Gerardo Antonio Guaidó Márquez
    I just wonder because I went to Venezala as a tourist in 1983 before Exxon was pushed out. I thought it was an absolute paradise. Beer was $0.50 in the restaurant. Steak dinner, grass fed steak was like $5 for two with wine and drinks.
    I would kill Russians to do that again for sure.

    Everything is about the narrative today.
    This is my history major narrative on Ukraine.

    First of all we had a fantastic migration of Ukrainians to Canada
    before WW2. These people forged in tragedy made Canada great. Maybe you dont remember, but when I grew up the Orthodox Russian Christmas was called Ukrainian Christmas.

    Think about that. The current regime is changing a centuries old religious tradition to a Catholic one. Please read some stuff about the two Popes. If they tried this in most countries there would be civil war.

    There is a war of note called the Crimean war. Maybe you have heard of the Charge of the Light Brigade. This was a war between England and Russia and the English never forget their losses. The current war in Ukraine is mostly driven by the Anglo Saxon hatred of the Russian Empire. In that time the British feared the Russians were going to go through Afghanistan and take over India. Its worth noting the English fought 184 years in Afghanistan not counting the last bout of about 20 years. This is the kind of diplomacy we are now devoting billions of dollars too?

    Lets move into the modern era. Russia defeated Germany in WW2 with the great assistance of the allies. It was Russia who lost 30 million people. Its not exactly analogous to WWI where the American came in at the end and pushed the Germans to surrender. Stop reading now and watch the latest version of All Quiet on the Western front.

  64. steve6:57 PM

    The rest
    At the end of WW2 the American started an insurgency against the soviet union that is ghostly similar to Ukraine today. This war went on until 1954 and millions died for nothing. The Russians prevailed, but the west of Ukraine never forgot. Also you have to look seriously at who Stephan Bandera was. I want you to ask the deputy Prime Minister to educate you. She often wears his scarf. I have upmost respect for her. I used to watch her on the Mclaughlin group.

    So I am just going to skip through the Yelstin years, we all know he sold out Russia. Great for the west, not so much for the people of Russia.

    Putin stabilize the whole thing. Love him or hate him, same goes for Chinese leaders, they took a pile of manure and brought the country back. Is it a good country or a bad country, who can say for sure.

    Maidian, could not wait for elections, government removed by super colour revolution. I could do a whole book on colour revolutions. IMHO the occupation of Ottawa was only a test by our American brothers.

    Minsk accords totally ignored by Ukraine. MH 109 shot down, big sanctions against Russia.

    Zelensky is elected on a peace platform. Next day war begins.
    My teachers always told me, you dont have to say I believe.
    However, I believe Putin has so many problems at home he does not need new provinces in Ukraine that will be unmanageable. He only ever wanted his bases in Crimea.

    He has no desire to occupy any territory.
    We are paying tribute to the USA. Another 5 billion. We are approaching 20 billion just for Ukraine. Plus to get to 2% we are locked in to 20 billion annually. We could do so much in Canada with 20 billion a year. Instead we invest in an imaginary threat made my AI in America.


    1. Steve, very interesting stuff, I would recommend you watch Turning Point, the Cold War and the Atom Bomb a 9 part documentary on Netflix. From the Manhattan Project until present day, a shit load of history on the Russians. JFK vs Kruschev, ol' Nikita blinked first. Reagan vs Breshnev and Gorbachev, Ronnie said "can any of you guys stay alive long enough so we can negotiate?" As for Putin, he is literally the biggest crook on the planet, he's got trillions he stole from the Russian people, Jeff and Elon are penny ante beggars compared to him. Remember, history is written by the winners, God help us all if the 'muricans re-elect the orange turd.

  65. steve7:33 AM

    Danger Danger Will Robinson. My man has a heirnited disc. Well well well, if DemiGod is gone we are taking Iggy or a D man.

  66. Oliver Kapanen signed by HuGo to a 3-yr entry level contract. Laval gonna Rocket this season.

    1. I think he will go back to Finland if he doesn't make the NHL team. Seems to me there is an agreement of some sort between the parties involved.

  67. steve3:41 PM

    We operate in a universe no one could imagine if they where in charge of something in the year 2000.
    Paul Maurice, a french somewhat, has made a jugernaught, an unstopple force that has reduced the two best players in the NHL to Mitch Marner levels of playoff performance.

    The message is clear, and Jaques Martin realized this. You want to win the cup, its easy. PLay defence like it will win you the cup. Do not trade chances trade body blows

  68. steve3:39 PM

    I am estatic, world wins or world. God of thunder mighty wonder we got a series.

  69. Happy Father's Day to all the FHF dads.

    Spent my day doing vegetation management around the yard. it's a good growing season, especially for stuff you don't want.

    @theM - taking a break to watch some US Open. Two things I hate the most about watching golf.
    1. The guy that yells "In the hole!" every fucking time.
    2. The USA USA chant.

    Ordered fish and chips for supper. Clams and chips for Mrs Pad. All gluten free and some of the best in the city.

    1. Oh and because of #2...Go Rory!

    2. An update on that onaexpress subscription I use. It can have a tendancy to crap out at the most inopportune times. Memorial Cup. 20 seconds left.
      Today. US Open. Rory and Bryson tied. Rory hit his second short of the 18th green. Bryson about to tee off. Then the spinning circle of rage on the screen as I lost the connection. And the only thing to bring it back is patience and time..I ran out of both. The match was well over by the time it came back. At least I only missed all the USA crap but I was storming around pissed off collecting garbage for collection day, stubbing my toe and cursing...

      So that may not be the way to gonif you're a fan of live sports...which of course I am...

      I'll follow up if I get a reply to any of my angry emails I sent them today.

    3. I mowed today, first time in 13 days. It's been so dry that the grass really slowed down.

      Regarding #1, agreed, they throw those guys out at Augusta, no tolerating that nonsense...
      Regarding #2, I was cheering hard for Rory but bogeying the last 3 holes, he threw that tournament away to those USA! assholes.

      My friend uses ChillTV and he has no issues with buffering, he uses Bell (ptewww) with 1.5G speed. Whose internet are you using and what speed? Speed might be the issue.

    4. I have the same 1.5 with Bell.
      I'm thinking of switching to Chill.
      We'll see how it goes..not much to watch until football season starts anyway.

  70. Size update ... Demi-god is 6' 1" ... no longer in smurf territory, does he fall to #5 now? I still think Chicago takes Levshunov, apparently Verbeek in Anaheim doesn't like Russians (similar to Julien) so that leaves dickface Waddell in Columbus, what does he do? He might fuck Hughes over because, you know, Montreal. Lots of intrigue building, once these wretchedly long playoffs are over we'll get some action. Fuck buttman and his stupid ideas.

  71. Lots of chatter about Hughes putting a package together including pick 26 to move up somewhere between 10 and 15 to possibly get Eiserman, whom they seem to like. Hughes probably has his ducks in a row already, unlike bargainbin bergy the dumpster diver who was reactive not proactive. bergy's brains were all in his arms not his head.

    1. Something will happen on night one of the draft. And Hughes and Co. are the only folks who have an inkling of what that may be. None of these so called experts and insiders have an actual clue. The Dach trade was right out of left field and I think we are looking at something like that again.

      I do wonder if Demi is still there at 4, does Hughes offer 5 and 26 to move up? Seems a bit steep to get the guy you want, but while nothing is certain when drafting kids, it is much less certain at the bottom of round 1.

    2. Agreed, no one will see what's coming from Hughes. If CLB wants Demi, fine, they can have him, that just means Lindstrom or Iginla will be there. Hughes will keep that 26 pick for a bigger move. Can't wait for some Habs Draft day intrigue, it seems to be the modus operandi for Hughes now.

    3. Oh yeah, Eklund has Laine to Montreal as an e4. That pretty much means Patrick is going to another team for sure doesn't it?

    4. Damn. I forgot about Eklund, he's still pedaling rumors eh?! Pretty sure I mused about Laine to the Habs long before any of the 'experts'. Who do I talk to about getting paid? 🤔

  72. Anonymous9:16 PM

    Rest in peace Willie May. ~ moe

  73. We are pleased to report that the rumours of both Noam Chomsky and the Edmonton Oilers' 2024 Playoffs deaths have both been proven to be highly exaggerated.

  74. So the next big local hope has crashed out in LA and gets traded to the Caps. Thank God no one in Mtl. Drank that koolaid!

    1. Wow, he sure wears out his welcome in a hurry. Yeah, glad Hughes didn't bite on that trade...

    2. steve6:03 PM

      story is yet to finish. We get Demigod at 5 and trade him to Washington for PLD and thier first.

    3. Funny how none of the "Insiders" saw this trade coming, not even a sniff...

    4. Steve...don't even think that shit never mind type it...Hugo knows better!

  75. Some speculation that Tyler Toffoli might sign with the Habs as a UFA. I wouldn't mind if they gave him a 4 year deal, he's still got some game and can score goals. If they can move out Dvo that should be enough cap space to bring him back. Toffee had some of the best hands I'd seen on the Habs in quite a while. Good top 9 guy for sure.

    1. He was at 7vens wedding last weekend... churn on rumour mill, churn on!

  76. RIP Donald Sutherland...Canadian acting legend..😞

    1. steve5:43 AM

      RIP Eye of the Needle and Kelleys Heroes

  77. Anonymous2:03 PM

    R.I.P. Donald Sutherland, great Canadian. ~ moe

  78. R.I.P. a great actor born right here in Saint John, N.B.

  79. I forgot that Donald Sutherland was a huge Expos fan until Jack Todd mentioned it on Twitter. I remember seeing him sitting in the stands at the big O back in the day with his Expos ball cap on. RIP.

    1. Summered in nearby North Hatley too. He was an iconic actor and a great Canadian. RiP

    2. My bad - Georgeville, not North Hatley.

  80. RIP. Such a proud Canadian with so many great roles. The original Hawkeye Pearce.

  81. I imagine the SFU will still debate next season who the better player is, Connor McDavid, 4th most points in a playoffs (so far) behind Gretzky, Lemieux, Gretzky and 2nd all time in ppg in career playoffs behind 99. Or their guy. It'll be a tightly contested debate no doubt.

  82. CHester5:26 AM

    Lots of noise about this Necas coming here for a king’s ransom of D men picks and Powerhorse
    Is he that good? Some say yes
    Glad for PLD his albatross contract
    Glad Hugo didn’t cave to the pressure to bring him here
    He is Druin 2.0 and then some
    So stoked for the draft and seriously up for some Hugo magic
    Watching the oil is inspiring
    You need a team of believers
    Course having a McJesus and a couple of Leon types helps
    Go Hugo
    Go Habs

    1. I don't think it will be any of the oft mentioned players who will be joining the Habs soon. I'll be glad to get this interminably lon Finals over. It's taken 3 weeks to play 6 games. Why?

  83. We gotta game 7 bitches!

  84. Anybody aware that Zach Hyman has scored 1 more goal than the 'superstar' in hogtown this season? Didn't Zach used to play for that sad sack outfit? They should have paid him instead of l'il mitchie.

  85. Go Habs Go, and oilers as well. Very tough choice at 5. I am starting to circle back to Yizer. Guy as 100 MPH one timer.

    1. I'm at the point where I'm OK with whoever is chosen, even if it's another D. I just have a feeling we are going to be entertained this coming Friday night when HuGo pulls a 3rd rabbit out of his hat. I remember feeling shock and disappointment when Slaf was chosen over the Wright stuff and my 18 year old scotch losing its flavour. Oh well, I was proven wrong and am willing to admit it. Go HuGo Go!!

    2. Anonymous3:49 PM


    3. steve3:53 PM

      That Steve guy, you should listen to him. Anyway, Yizer why not. Whiskey slipped bad and I guess that for his draft year he is in at least the top ten. Yizer is a six foot Whiskey with
      a cannon. I want his nick to be Yizer Apache. So let me explain. I live near Toronto. Its really the center of the Canadian universe. For example the down town is a black hole. You go down there and your going to be sucked into something unexpected.

      Apache beacause of the helo copter. Its a bad ass thing that does not do well on defence.

    4. steve3:55 PM

      It should have read. Sucked into someting unexpected at the speed of light.
