Jul 15, 2024

Hot summer stuff







  1. If Chevy in Winnipeg isn't interested in cutting a deal for Batty, then Hughes should move on to plan B.

    I'm more interested in Laine myself, a proven veteran sniper, I'll bet Coach Marty and Captain Nick can smooth things out for Patrick and get him feeling good about himself. The Habs are one of the few teams with the cap space to take on that contract. I think the package for Laine would be less expensive as well.

    1. steve6:54 PM

      I would take a flyer on lanine and little Nylander

  2. CHester11:04 PM

    I would also take a flier on liene
    He has more upside than the comador
    The veteran presence is helpful and our positive environment is also helpful
    Win win
    He was a beast at one time
    Army wakes the fuck up and fulfilles his potential
    Powerhorse wakes up and becomes alive and the beast in linie reserects
    Could be something to behold
    Could call it The Rejuvenated Line
    Just not at 8 large or whatever he’s making
    Go Habs

  3. The Habs need to change something up. I know it's great with the pipeline they've built but that's another 5 years before shit happens. Do we have to wait that much longer? I've been married, divorced, remarried (30 years yesterday!) and raised 4 grown up kids since the last time the parade was on the usual route. Can we just move it the fuck along?

    1. Good point, time is getting short for some of us. Another 5 years is probably doable but there's no guarantee. Oh well, at least the Habs have been to the Finals in the last 3 years. That's more than leafools can say about their putrid squad. 58 years. And counting...

  4. CHester4:19 AM

    I’m sure Hugo has his nose to the ground and is giving everything a good going over
    Thing is so is everyone else
    He won’t be overpaying just to do something like knee jerk dumpster diving bicep bergy
    So there’s that
    In the meantime we watch golf
    Go Habs

    1. British Open is on today. Go Canadians! Or anybody but Americans.

  5. Interesting story at Montreal Hockey Now about how the 'fake news' trade for McG involving Slaf's little buddy Mesar. All it takes is some unscrupulous web site to write somebody's little fantasy trade for the ball to start rolling. I mentioned it the other day so I was tricked as well. Oddly though, I thought of Mesar as trade bait even before. He's too small for an already small team.

  6. Turned into the golf just in time to see Tiger drain his bogey putt for a +8 on the day. They can't help themselves, they will keep flogging that dead horse as long as he keeps dragging his sorry ass out to these tournaments.

    That said, lots of big names with high scores including Rory at +7.

    Tough going in Scotland but Mack Hughes off to a good start. Haven't seen a Canadian put in four good rounds since the Phoenix Open in Feb.

  7. Corey Connors and Mackenzie Hughes still in the hunt at the British Open. Nick Taylor and Adam Hadwin shit the bed, thanks for coming. Tiger ... pfffff ... he was so close to the bottom, it's funny watching him embarrass himself. No more cameras following him around the rest of the weekend.

  8. steve3:58 PM

    There was a time when a prospect had no ID because of the affect and effect on th mind of the prospect who was playing frogger with George Kastastian, It like a time travel with Kustnasa vz another more powerfull being, like Justin Trudeau if he was exposed to some kind of
    Maval Univere drug. He will win again and we will count the decades we can beat off
    on the hordes that want to be Canadian. I welcome them.

  9. steve4:04 PM

    we got Killary ready to pretty much make a lot of money and doom the future. Then we have the Trump part Sauron part Tefiel,certinaly one that will not leave any territory unless it sold at a huge profit or it smellled like sulfer. Din yyou who that alledlley to keep anyone within 5 meters of trump need a cointiament suite and a prescriioont to Netflix.

  10. We are so lucky to be Canadians.

    1. Anonymous6:06 PM

      Only been to Banff skiing. But I imagine its similar, everyone I met said you got to see Jasper. I hate to see women cry, but I feel croddile tears when they hit the screen.

  11. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Thoughts with all those affected by the Jasper area fire.

    Visited once, beautiful place.

    ~ moe

    1. Agreed, we were there recently in 2019, beautiful mountain scenery. We drove down the ice highway to Canmore, another very nice town, then to Calgary and back to Edmonton for the flight home. I hate seeing all these fires.

  12. Devastating fires in Jasper. Beautiful spot. Visited there and Banff a.couple of times when I lived in BC. It's not climate change but rather Trudeau's fault if you listen the MAGA North crowd. Too bad every fucking thing has to be politicized.

    What a shame for the Canadian women soccer team.The players I mean. Because however far up the chain this issue goes, it is the players who will lose their opportunity to play for their country. I won't be surprised to see them DQ'd from this tournament and if you read Rick Westhead, there is a good chance their 2021 gold medal could certainly be questioned and ultimately stripped. Even if everybody cheats It's those that get caught that pay the price. It's a black eye on the entire Canadian Olympic team, overshadowing all else. Whatever happens with the soccer team, I hope all other amateur athletes are able to get their day in the sun without having this story questioning every accomplishment.

    1. I guess the soccer team coaches bought the Bill Belichik book on how to cheat. Unlike Roger Goodell, the IOC isn't as forgiving.

  13. Patrick Laine exits the NHLPA assistance program. OK HuGo, time to go sniper hunting. I read Columbus is looking for NHL ready prospects and picks, which Montreal have plenty. Git'er done!

  14. steve3:46 PM

    Playoff is when skilled sportspeople try to rip the flesh off the opponet because the coach has you convinced they will not stop at the flesh, It looks like player x only recenenbtly left re hab. It was the dragons suspect moom landing 911 operation paperclip and one more I can not remember. The space zobies will not care. However the space lizards are all about apperanece. If you want to see them link Mocaco with any kind of knob blocker you can imagine. Why I say Knob blocker instead of Knob rider, Its all about the handling. You got something that a goose cant shit and your dealing with titanium odds

  15. So no HP Sauce for the Habs til December. I'm good with that. Not sure idlf they play the same position or not but sounds like another reason to grab Laine. The risk is just so low with only 2 years remaining. The only question is if Laine is looking for a low key market....though he won't find one lower than Columbus.

    1. A line of Dach, Slaf and Laine would have to be a #1 line wouldn't it?

      Whisky, Nature and Josh the #2.
      DVo, Hook and Lep #3
      7vans, GI Finn and Pez #4

      For what it's worth, some random dude on Twitter (FU Elon) said Laine and his agent were spotted at YUL recently. Probably means nothing.

    2. steve9:05 AM

      Rumour has it that big and little tits where there with GCHUCK as well to show him around. It is fitting that Demidieu has an angelic girlfriend. https://youtu.be/EAcyU58X2_E
      I hope that Columbus takes Army and powerhorse in a package deal.
      A PP with Laine would be spectacular. We should try and get one where all the players have an L in their names.

  16. I work with a guy that went to school with N8 Beaulieu in Saint John and once told me that N8 conformed the rumours that Laine was addicted to video games when they played together in Wpg. Not sure what his trip to the Players Assistance Program was about and frankly it's none of my business. But whether this or some other problem I hope his mental fortitude is stronger. He'll need it as the next 50 goal scorer of Les Habitants.

    1. Maybe Laine will be the next Stephane Richer.
      Richer struggled with mental health issues as well but his went undiagnosed for years. I seem to remember reading Laine's problems weren't substance abuse but mental health ones. Maybe his dad passed or something?

      Anyway, here's hoping this all comes together for both parties but fans of other teams are clamouring for Patrick as well. Islanders, Buffalo, etc.

  17. We can now cross Necas off the possible trade list.

    Kent Johnson as well.

  18. Kent Hughes doing his best Eric Clapton impression ... "I signed the Sheriff, but I haven't signed the deputy..."

    1. Left Bower (Euchre), our one-Eyed Jack, good little bridge contract.

    2. Is his bro the deputy? Or Ghoul?

    3. Now the deputy has been signed ... von Klumsy...

  19. CHester4:16 AM

    Seems to be that the off season is moving right along with little or no activity from Hugo
    Agree with the beloved Eric reference
    I signed the Sheriff
    And the deputy
    My high hopes are starting to dwindle which is an indication that we are staying the course
    However things could change
    I don’t know if this laine thing is just us hoper picking our way through the doldrums
    I guess time will tell
    Go Habs

  20. Some rumours that Hughes is interested in Laine but is waiting for the price to come down some.

    If no other players are brought in, it is theoretically possible the team could find that extra 50 goals internally if, IF, they can stay somewhat healthy. All 3 guys on the top line get 5 more each. Dach should be good for 20. Josh gets 19 instead of 9. That's 45 right there. Plus, play tighter defence and give up 50 less. There's a 100 goal swing, that should put them in the hunt for a wild card spot.

  21. steve8:44 AM

    I like the Sheriff and Reddish Barron signings. But we are fucked in two years, Should have signed them for 8. You can never have to many defencemen.

  22. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Canadiens sign Guhle to six-year, $33.3M contract extension

    1. Anonymous9:48 AM

      That's 5.5 m a season...hmmm...bit rich perhaps? Don't get me wrong...I love him...just seems a bit on the high end

    2. Well at least its less then Dish and Alzheimer. I dont like the six years, sounds like a leaf contract to me.

    3. So where do Strobelight, Tweed and Mailloux fit in? One of the 9 will have to be traded.

      Maths, Savvy
      Sheriff, Ghoul
      Red Barron, FastLane

    4. Seems like a new trend, paying for what's to come instead of what was done.

  23. Anonymous1:55 PM

    In HuGo we trust. ~ moe

  24. steve3:46 PM

    I still think the defense first rule rueles. Bergy having tackled many a dumpster without real results went and watched a TV series. I cant say why or what but I will tell you its a top pick of many pundits and its not the wire.
    We can not have two many even penny any D men if we want to win the cup. Because these guys will take the rubber for a millon dollars

  25. CHester8:26 AM

    I agree with The Maritimer
    Healthy Dach TJ Hooker awoken Powerhorse a couple more from the first line ( Whiskey had a slow year) and a D with another year of experience equals more goals and like wifi said loosing one goal games and shootouts has to be changed
    Also sprinkle in an awoken army and add Not Patrik maybe get a couple more
    I don’t think we’re a lock on a playoff spot but I think we’re sniffing in the spring
    Go Habs

  26. Any Laine sightings yet? No? OK then, carry on as usual.

  27. steve2:39 PM

    Nothing happening in the world today. We get Lanine because we got cap space. No rebuilding team with capspace wants him. We as potential playoff team with capspace do. Will he be the first NHL player in history to have a professional ankle bracelet as part of his contract?

  28. steve8:22 PM

    Rock Fast Lane has roadrunner legs OMG.

  29. If Hutson is Fast Lane, if we manage to get Patrick, since he's a pretty chill dude (remember his draft interview?), do we call him Slow Laine?

  30. CHester11:53 PM

    So apparently the hogtown leafblowers sit 30th in team/management confidence
    All that great front office talent from shanaban to brad to who knows next
    Hilarious just fucking hilarious
    There isn’t a creative brain cell among them
    And now word is that circumstance will lead to Little Mitchie walking with no return
    Wow maybe they’ll bring back Tomas Kaberle or maybe Owen knowlan
    Never know what goes on in leaf land
    Go Habs

    1. Too funny, we can never have enough leaf schadenfreude.

  31. Anonymous1:29 PM


    Meanwhile the actual GM of the year award is named after a leaf.

  32. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Rest in peace to the fun “Chi Chi” Rodriguez.

    1. I remember Les Nessman on WKRP pronouncing Chi with a long 'I' during a broadcast and Johnny Fever correcting him... too funny!

      RIP Chi Chi.

  33. It's the dog days of summer with no activity on the Habs front. Looks like Kent Hughes is a man of his word and will not budge on a deal until he sees the correct value in it. I want them to get a proven sniper to vie for a playoff spot but looks like I will have to exercise patience and wait for the youth to mature and Demigod to make his way to North America.
    I read yesterday that as currently constructed the Habs are the youngest team in the league. That doesn't bode well for a playoff run. More likely would be another high pick in 2025. So be it I guess.

    1. CHester6:56 PM

      I don't think that one sniper is going to alter our destiny. I think we are on the correct path. Sure it would have been nice to pick up a messureshmit or stamkos but we aren't ready for that right now. I am content to watch the younglings grow and another high pick in 2025 is not a bad thing.
      Go Habs

    2. I was highly doubtful that KH would try to sign and older player unless it was very short term. That was proven true. I was thinking of a peer type of player, like a Necas, Zegras or Laine but that is looking less likely all the time. We'll see.

  34. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Congrats to the Canadian men 4 x something or another relay team on winning GOLD!

  35. Can someone explain the Michov thing to me please. Habs went Reinbacher and you'd thing Hugo shot someone's mother. What has this guy done to warrant such praise? From what I've heard so far Reinbacher looks a pretty solid choice. So what am I missing/?

  36. CHester6:48 PM

    I think the rabid fringe is still twitching about the rinebacker pick
    I think he’ll do just fine but I’m a fan of defense so I’m tainted
    I’m also not a fan of ruskies
    Even L’artiste was hot and cold
    In my mind give me a good Saskatchewan farm boy
    Somebody who grew up skating on a pond in 30 below
    Someone with a bit of a snarl
    Ok a lot of a snarl
    I digress
    Sorry but this half a dov will have to prove himself to CHester
    Fingers crossed
    Go Habs

    1. In the Bach draft there were 5! high end forwards and Habs fans were champing at the bit to get one. There is plenty of speculation and rumour about why Hughes and his scouts passed on Michkov. Some were that Michkov only wanted to go to certain teams but I doubt that was it. More likely is that Bobrov and Gelinas saw a future right shot #1 D with size and mobility. I admit I was disappointed at the selection but didn't hate it. My hope was that Hughes would somehow move up to get Fantilly Lace.

      I agree (sort of) that Russian players are iffy but there have been some tough ones, Ovie comes to mind, Malkin, even ones like Makarov and Mogilny. As for those Saskatchewan boys, CHester is obviously thinking of either Gordie Howe or Lyle Odelein, those guys had lots of snarl!

      Here is a great piece written by a very smart lady (a Newfoundlander living in hogtown) that gives me some hope. Enjoy.


    2. steve8:38 AM

      We had boots on the ground in Russia. Bitchkoff was not seen as a foxhole guy. Would be better with BitCHkoff and one of the top d prospects from the 24 draft, or demigod and RienbaCHer? All we know for sure is the Bitchkoff was a hard no.

    3. Thanks for clearing that up. I am not a big Russian fan either and demitasse is gonna have to go some to convince me he was the right pick...and...we have to wait 5 fucking years for him to show up...how does that help anyone?

  37. Actually, Half-a-dove will probably be in Montreal by late spring 2025. He only has a one year deal with CSKA. So yeah, the question may be: Will he be Ivan the Great or Ivan the Terrible. My money is on HuGo and company making the right pick.

    1. Remember when we were team smurf? Now we are team Unicorn. Powerhorse, Fast Lane Rock, Whiskey, Slafzilla, Demidei, finishing out with the Sheirff and Deuputy Dogg.

    2. Yeah, I remember the Gionta, Squid and No-mez Era. WTF was Gainey thinking back then?

      And that is with all due respect to Squid, he was a player, but like Saku before him he needed some prairie boys to protect him.

    3. CHester9:46 PM

      Please don’t bring up that era
      That was when Bob the gainey tossed in mcdonnah to get either the mexicant of gionta I can’t remember which
      I have to go lie down when I think of those times
      Go Habs

  38. CHester7:00 PM

    Vodkov speaks
    Just as I’ll never forgive bob the gainey for throwing away mcdonnah or all those gms probably mostly savard for taking so long to retire Larrys number,
    What bicep bergy the panicked dumpster diver did to our illustrious Vodkov is/was the inexcusable act of a man with no mind brains or vision
    And why isn’t 79 hanging from the rafters
    CHester is clearly agitated
    Probably shouldn’t have given up drinking
    Go Habs

    1. Geoff and the dumpster diver did Vodkov wrong. Geoff needed to step in there to get a deal done so the General could get his 1000 games. Fuck bergy.

  39. Well now, I wonder how Johnny Toronto aka the pajama boy feels about signing with his beloved leaf?

    I'll bet he has regretted leaving Long Island for some time now. The grass isn't always greener....

    1. I posted this on the SN article to see if a) the moderators leave it up and b) how many leafies are offended.

      Just in time for Christmas, be sure to pick up for that special child in your life, the latest in the saga... "Captain Underpants and the Pyjama Boy Captaincy Coup!"

    2. Heh heh ... more leafool schadenfreude to be enjoyed for the next while.

  40. Things are finally getting interesting as we approach the middle of August. Not only do we have drama in leafland but things just got very interesting in Oil Country. The St. Louis Blues have swooped in to steal a couple of former 1st rounders from the detestable Stan Bowman as he tries to keep Leon in the fold, who will probably command McD money in his next deal. As it stands the Oilers are $7mil+ over the cap while the Habs are $5mil + under. Sounds to me like Kent can be a broker again like he was in the Karlsson to Pitt trade.

    Also, hard pass on Kris Letang, unless he is bringing Sid with him! LOL! The Habs already have a much younger MnM with Rock Fast Lane Hutson waiting in the wings to run the PP. Let Boy Wonder Dubas clean up his mess in the (American) Steel City.

    The other day CHester was mentioning the tough kids from Saskatchewan to help protect the skilled guys but we forgot about the Jackeyes from the Hammer which is a pretty tough neighbourhood as well by my understanding.

    G Y F H G ! ! !

    Oh yeah, most of the big sports bookies are already calling the Habs a bottom 5 team again for the upcoming season. C'mon Kent, prove them wrong!!

    1. Fuck Stan for sullying the Bowman name. They probably gotta let the more expensive guy walk because he's not worth $4.6M. Kind of like the KK deal. I suspect they match the Holloway deal assuming they can move the money around.

    2. Bottom five? More like bottom 25. Mark my words.

  41. CHester8:17 PM

    So pajama boy isn’t the captain anymore and captain underpants is
    So to be clear, fuck off jonny toronto, even tho we pay you 11 large a year you are of no use as a captain.
    We will now give the C to a younger stupider americant who shows his underpants disappears in the playoffs and wears a squirrel on his upper lip
    So this is brendan and brad makin some moves baybee
    Cause jonny toronto didn’t bring the cup
    Well brenden that’ll fix it!
    I can’t wait for hockey
    Go Habs

    1. Not a real hockey team; just the best conceptual one - for marketing in GTA.

      Have at 'er, Leafools, I say.

  42. Anonymous4:40 PM

    LOLeaf ~~~

  43. I cannot believe they stripped their captain...oh wait a minute, it's the leaf...of course I believe it...Wow...What a classless piece of shit organisation they remain..

  44. Lots of headlines at the tranna sports network ... pretty sure the leafools are lapping it all up. Won't change a damn thing. Looks like li'l mitchie will still be hanging around, so no D, shitty goaltending as usual, brad and brendan gettin' it done... hahahahahahahahaha

  45. CHester12:49 AM

    Steve Begin declared bankruptcy
    He was swindled into investing in a civil engineering company
    I remember he got his face drilled into the dasher board at the top of the boards
    Got all his teeth knocked out top and bottom and he missed one shift
    One shift
    I used to say be like Steve
    Sad for him
    Swindled like so many other sports people
    Million dollar contracts just attract the slimers
    Go Habs

    1. Steve Begin was drafted by the Calgary Flames and played a couple of seasons here in Saint John, NB, when we had the AHL Saint John Flames. Begin won the Calder Cup with the SJ Flames in 2001. I remember at the end of those playoffs his face was a mess, he looked like he had gone 10 rounds with Ali. Too bad he got ripped off, his agent should have taken better care of him. Hopefully he gets back on his feet somewhere in the hockey world coaching or something.

  46. SFU are still leaf blowing over austin the matthews. He ain't got what Steve Begin had plenty of ... heart.

    1. I still have a navy blue #22 BEGIN T-shirt I found at a Value Village once. He didn't have a release like Whiskey but you never got less than his absolute best, every shift, and was a helluva team guy. Would be nice to see the CH do something to help him and his family out.

    2. Maybe he could scout the QMJHL for them. They have Donald Audette doing it now I think.

  47. Not to compare in any way, but the NFL looks after some very nasty retires. The NHL has similar programs but so far no ...... damm cant say anything anymore.

  48. Kudos to the Sheriff and his Deputy younger brother buying their Dad his dream car a Mercedes Benz.

    I would have asked for a Shelby GT500 Mustang but that's just me.

    1. I wonder if their Mom is still changing tires at Costco.

  49. He did it! Laine and a 2nd for Jordan Harris. Well worth the 2 year gamble. Hope Slow Laine can keep his head straight.

    Thanks Tweed. Sorry about shipping you to Columbus.

    1. I figure a 2nd for Harris is fair. And a low risk two year gamble to see if Laine can get back his mojo.

    2. Wow, what a steal for HuGo! I wonder why it took so long to figure it out. Thanks for your service Tweed.

  50. CHester4:37 PM

    Well good for Hugo. So we now have another project, one that I have a good feeling about.
    I think our team will be beneficial for him and really who wouldn't want a 6'5" forward who can score. Yay for us.I think other than Baron von Clumsy Hugos' trade record is stellar sadly Leky was underappreciated.
    Anyway onward and upward.
    Go Habs

  51. Wonder what the SFU are thinking now? Actually, who gives a fuck what they think...

  52. Anonymous4:46 PM

    In HuGo we trust.

    Bienvenu à Montréal M. Laine.


    1. That's a sweet bankroll to have handy.

  53. Anonymous5:16 PM


  54. Great trade. You can never acquire enough 5-letter-surnamed Finnish former Jet forwards, eh? (we see you, Armia).

    Good luck in Ohio, Tweed, you played hard and wore the CH well.

  55. Hughes isn't done yet. I'm looking at you Dvo... and all those picks...

  56. CHester5:45 PM

    So all of a sudden our O-Lines look a little more rosy

    Who am I missing
    Not feeling the HP absence at all now
    Actually wasn’t before either
    And if Half-a-Dov shows up next year or Hage things are trending the right way
    Pliner is only 26 I believe so let’s hope he reboots and gets on the Habs cup train
    Go Habs

    1. steve6:15 PM

      Chester I like the cut of your jib

    2. CHester10:55 PM

      Ok I had to look that one up
      So thank you for praising the cut of my jib
      High praise indeed
      Go Habs

  57. steve6:13 PM

    First thing I will always remember about Tweed, is he could have gone free agent and he signed with us. Total respect. As a hockey player he might hit solid second pairing, but in this league a player his size has to bring so much to the table, I dont think he would ever get there. PS2 on the otherhand is a reclaimation like no other Montreal has ever tried. This is a guy, who could give Cpt PJ a run for the Richard this year. And we got him for a bag of pucks.

    1. Laine: 1st round, #2 pick (2016)
      Dach: 1st, #3 (2019)
      LastSlaf: 1st, #1 (2022)
      Whiskey: 1st, #15 (2019)
      Nature: 1st, #13 (2017)
      TJ: 1st, #16 (2019)
      Gi Finn: 1st, #16 (2011)

      Hage and Demidov to come too.
      Lotsa' first rounders...

    2. I noted that as well, the top 6 are all 1st round picks, the key to all this will be health. Need these guys to stay healthy for long stretches. Pliner could hit 40 if healthy, crosses fingers. Slaf and Whisky, these guys will all be firing bullets, especially if Rock Fast lane finds all these guys open like Vodkov used to.

      I will be curious to see what number Patrik will wear ... 29 ain't available in Montreal.

    3. Hope he doesn't reverse into 92. That's got some bad mojo associated with it.

  58. I'd like to see Laine wear 27. I know the previous person to own it was the same guy who wore 92. But, there 3 other 27's that were somewhat controversial but I liked them, the Big M, Corson and L'Artiste. Patrik can join that distinguished group.

    1. 92 is confirmed, leaving 27 available for Demidieu if He so wishes.

  59. I wonder if Sid is looking north and going hmmmmmm.....

    1. Crazy that he has the same cap hit as Laine.

    2. The M, heading to your neck of the woods, going to Campobello for a couple of nights. Have never been but my bro and SiL who live in Freddy have been a few times and love it so we're joining them this time around. Hoping the rain holds off.

    3. Beautiful area down there in Charlotte County. We go into Black's Harbour and take the Deer Island ferry then the Campobello ferry. Be sure to check out President Roosevelt's Canadian retreat on the island. We then take the bridge over to Lubec, Maine to come home. It's a nice day trip. Don't forget your passport!

  60. Getting back to the Habs, if Pur Laine can get back to his 40 goal self, I feel they will be nipping at the heels of the leaf, beaners and dolts. Should be a strong possibility for a wild card.

  61. Been reading lots of articles about the Laine trade. There are mixed reviews of course but most are positive saying it's a great gamble by Hughes. For me, it's a low risk move because all it cost was a (with all respect to Jordan Harris) a 3rd pairing defenceman and Capspace. It's been obvious for a while that Tweed was trade bait with the arrival of more left handed D like Struble, Engstrom and of course Rock Fast Lane. Also, I'm sure you folks all remember how, in his first couple seasons, bargainbinbergy always kept $7 or 8mil of Capspace in reserve and we would wonder how many goals Mr. Capspace would score that year. Poor Carey Price, if he could have had this group in front of him with Marty as coach, the Habs surely would have had a shot at No. 25.

  62. I'm on record as wanting a hard pass on Laine so I'm not gonna jump on a bandwagon. I watched his presser and he said some good things. Talked about himself a bit more than I would have likes but kept coming back to the team. So if he is fully onboard MSL's train from the ger go, I'll back him. Hugo appears to know what they doing so I'll give him enough rope...and you guys remember the name of my garden pub don't cha...🤠

  63. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Another of the sfu.


  64. CHester7:51 AM

    What a really strange take on the Pur Laine situation.
    Obviously a person unaware of the Habs situation or of hockey in general.
    Clearly the required basis for a leafblower.
    It's stunning who gets published on the interwebs.
    Go Habs

  65. So do we go the Pure Laine route for the official nick? Dyed in the wool pure sniper. Maybe Wooly as a name? I'll defer to our resident francophone if that would be acceptable. Maybe there is a better option.

  66. CHester11:55 PM

    We have a resident francophone?
    Go Habs

  67. Anonymous11:12 AM

    That Francophone is me ~ moe

  68. Best francophone in the damn country.

  69. steve5:56 PM

    The greatest Finn which I am one, but I never played in the NHL, is Saku. Props to Leko, but he is just a bit player on the big ice. So I propose we call Laine who has the potentiel to ecplipse Saku, Laku.
    Laku, is Laku and he is in the words of Mr T no fool

  70. Just watched a great behind the scenes video about the 2024 Draft on HabsTV. Had a tear in my eye at the end.

    Demidov is going to be a really good one.

  71. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Bonjour les amis.

    THN is mostly a leaf loving rag but their Habs coverage by Karine Hains is quite good;


    1. Thanks for sharing, moe!

    2. Karine left Hockeybuzz and is doing great Habs coverage at THN. I get her stuff from her Twitter feed.

    3. Anonymous8:46 PM

      Just started following her. Gave her some props.

  72. Anonymous2:06 PM

    The Draft video is must watch.

    What a great management team. Intelligent hockey people at the CH table.

    DemiDieu is going to be special.

    Hage has a quiet yet forceful vibe. Reminds me of Gainey.

    1. I see that; Ontario boy with French ties, maturity and hockey sense. Curly hair too.

  73. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Not big on PureLaine as a nickname. Too negative because well fuck séparatisme.

    I’ll make it easy, I like Wool as a nick and when he scores, hopefully often, we can Woo ! like muthafuchas.

  74. Anonymous2:08 PM


  75. CHester5:46 PM

    Wool it is
    I’m starting to have a smidgen of optimism for this year
    Be very interesting if we can string some wins at the beginning
    Ride the uptown vibe hang on through the doldrums make some deadline moves and if we aren’t there reload for next year
    CHester is practicing his happy dance
    Go Habs

  76. Love that we get these behind the scenes draft videos now.

    Wow, that Hage kid is a great French speaker. Might need an 'A' on his sweater somewhere down the line.

    I am so excited for this season. I'm a little worried about the Goalie situation but hopefully Minty takes another step forward and CP30 does a decent job as a permanent backup.



    Great interview with the Sheriff with an AX to grind. At least the AX half of the interview. I find Biz annoying as hell and not just because he's a giant leaf fan.

    Go to the 1 hour 45 minute mark or so.


  78. The key to the upcoming season is: Health. If the key guys stay relatively healthy, the Habs have a shot.

    They are still a very young team. One thing to consider, the Canadiens lost many games last season in OT or SO or by 1 goal. If they can win even half of those, they will push for a wildcard.

    Like CHester, I'm feeling optimistic about the season. If and when they integrate Fast lane, Beck and Demidieu, it will be even better.

    1. Anonymous8:53 PM

      Big optimism here. Big.

  79. One part of the Draft video I enjoyed ... When Chicago called and offered their unprotected 1st and a 2nd in 2025 for the 5th, and Kent tells Marty Lapointe, the look on Marty's face was priceless. It was basically, pfffffff, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. We're picking Demidov end of story. Then later, somebody asked about 21 and Kent said if our guy isn't there I'll call you back. But, Hage ended up being there so it was : Thanks for calling but thanks anyway!

    1. Anonymous8:48 PM

      They’ve assembled a damn good scouting team.

      HuGo letting everyone CHime in is fantastic.

  80. Anonymous8:50 PM

    FWIW, still surprisingly happy that we have Wool in the mix. Start knitting some wins.


  81. Anonymous8:52 PM

    I think we can all agree that the Hu in HuGo is very much into his element but I think Go is the main cog driving this thing. Damn impressed.

    1. The Gorton/Hughes combo is very impressive. The Lapointe/Bobrov combo, I originally had my doubts, but they and their staff seem to know their stuff. The 4 kids they showed being interviewed seemed to ooze CHaracter. Especially Hage.

    2. CHester8:46 AM

      We had a long period with Trevor and his gang with lots of misses
      We seem to be scoring on most if not all of our higher picks
      Having access to Russia for boots on the ground scouting doesn’t hurt
      This I think would be the work of the Go in HuGo
      I don’t know how things are divided amongst the team but I think that Mr Go has his fingerprints all over the structure and personnel of the new and improved CH
      A long cry from Serge Savard telling Geoff to hire bicep bergy
      Go Habs

    3. I guess we owe a 'thanks' to Gary for recommending to Geoff that he hire Mr. Gorton after he was unceremoniously and unjustly dismissed by big-headed Dolan in New York.

  82. Anonymous8:58 PM

    From the combine and draft vids it looks like Geoff spared no expense to set up some sweet CH rooms for the interviews. ~~~

  83. I'm liking Wool...

  84. steve8:00 AM

    wool who scored? Wool. I will be dissappointed if we do not compete for the playoffs this year.

  85. The Sheriff thumbed his nose at the leaf because he wanted to be a Montreal Canadien (his Dad was a big Hab fan), I like this guy more and more...

    1. He receives the inaugural "Josh Gorges Fuck the Leaf" award for integrity and loyalty to the organization.

    2. Who would actually choose to be a leaf? I know some will for the dough but think about how dirty you have to then spend your life feeling...just not worth it. I mean, imagine that young kid who has worked so hard and got himself into a position to be drafted...only to learn that the lead have drafted him...so sad...

    3. steve6:15 PM

      I love it at this end. However at the other end we get it up the tube. How many UFA have said domage to our offers. Case in point Steve Stamkos. He could have gone Leaf for 1 K and still wanted more. Fuck these tratioes,

    4. steve6:17 PM

      you think I cant speel, well I cant. But based upon telagraph I am smater than AI

    5. We just figure that many of the buttons on your keyboard are sticking... or don't work. That's OK we get the gist of what you are saying.

  86. CHester11:57 PM

    In my never ending quest for any and all tidbits of Habs hockey news I have the following observations
    Swooping in for the woolster in typical Hugo fashion has tweaked the interest of the hockey community
    We have somehow bubbled up to the surface and have become something of interest
    The word is out that The Habs have quietly assembled a formidable group of young talented D men revamped the entire front office put MSL behind the bench with his wisdom and plethora of hockey smarts and experience and now that the organization has turned its focus onto the offence we are raising eyebrows
    We are no longer being viewed as a bottom feeder but as a rising concern
    I think this will start to work its way into the room and I think it will provide focus
    I can feel that we have turned the corner and although we have not yet arrived we are no longer being handed our hat
    We shall see whom of our younglings will rise up and take that next step which is tantalizing close it will be a joy to behold
    CHester is ready for hockey
    Go Habs

    1. Typos are just proof you're no bot. Lord knows I make my share. All good, CHestrer, love the energy.

  87. Montreal has the 2nd best group of prospects in the NHL according to Daily Faceoff, trailing only the Sharks, where Mike Grier stripped that franchise down to the bones. At #23 the leaf, #31 the beaners and at #32 the dolts in tampon bay. Only a matter of time before those outfits are passed in the standings by a talent laden Habs squad. Might not be this season but soon.

  88. Easy guys. They still have to play the games. The other teams in the division are no pushovers. I hear people mentioning how many games the CH lost by one goal last season, thinking another one here or there and it's an easy ten of 15 more points. But the learning curve is steep, we don't know how Dach or Laine will really respond. Roy and Guhle also coming off injuries. Lots of factors. One thing I know: they're a very talented, fun bunch to watch, and I'll be enjoying that all on its own merits. Looking forward to a fun season, whether they make a playoff push or not.

  89. LastSlav, Nature, Whiskey
    Laine, Dach, TJ
    Powerhorse, Devo, Roy
    Lep, 7vens, GI Finn

    Red Barron- Sheriff


    The roster is set

    1. I suspect a couple of the forwards will be traded before the season opener.

  90. My biggest concerns heading into the season:

    1. Dach. Can he stay healthy and if so will he prove to be a true #1/2 C?

    2. Monty. I have doubts about him being the guy. Maybe he is a placeholder until Fowler is ready. In the meantime can he win meaningful games and stop letting in weak goals that can kill a team?

    3. Newhook. Everybody seems pretty sure he is a 2nd Line player. I'm still not convinced. Maybe J Roy will eventually take that role?

    4. Wool. Not a concern, just a giant question mark full of hope.

    1. 1. Agree, IF he can stay healthy I believe he will be a very good #2. He was their best player last year during exhibition games.

      2. Again, agreed, I think that's why Hughes was investigating acquiring Askarov.

      3. Hook is a good 3rd liner, maybe can fill in on the 2nd. Also, the jury is still out on JR (the traitor).

      4. Funny, I was reading an article this morning in the Journal de Montreal and one of the headlines literally said 'Wool' in stead of Laine. I have no concerns there as far as scoring only if he too can stay healthy.

      5. Can Powerhorse bounce back and be an effective 3rd line guy with Dvo and Lep, although I think Dvo will be traded shortly to create some cap space.

      6. Maybe the injury bug will bite a couple other Atlantic teams in the ass this year instead of Montreal and take them out of the playoff picture. I'm looking at you Boston and Tampa.

    2. It's been so long since the Habs played I almost forgot this tidbit...Habs played the good teams a lot harder and better than the shit teams last year. I remember them getting syched up for the big teams and sucking against the teams they should have beaten. If they can do the same against the upper echelon and not suck against the rest, they will make the playoffs this year.

  91. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Will my Steelers have a worse starting QB than the NYG ?

    1. At least the Steelers have Justin Fields as a backup.

    2. Well you don't have Jacoby Brissett. I don't think Wilson is done playing well.

  92. Anonymous8:54 PM


    1. Did you offer up free tutoring services?

    2. Anonymous8:12 PM


  93. Hey moe, one of my best buds is adopting a cat named Joe Strummer today.
    He was found in a grocery store by a cop but he fought him off and hopped on a train. But it was all in vain as a guy named Rudie found him and took him to the shelter. Somebody from London called about him but it was the wrong cat. The shelter has an open door policy but Joe can't decide whether he should stay or go.

    He's going to a great home...though they recently lost their dog and are also looking to adopt a Mastiff.

    1. Anonymous8:13 PM

      Nice. Poor kitty was all lost in a supermarket.

  94. I know you younger guys like your 80s and 90s bands but for me it will always be Mick and Keith, Robert and Jimmy with some Pete and Roger thrown in. They were at the forefront of a rock renaissance never to be seen again.

    1. Anonymous8:14 PM

      Big Stones fan here and Led Zep in my top ten.

  95. One week from tonight and football is back baby!

  96. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Have a great long weekend FHFers.

    New thread soon. Very likely very sexy.

  97. Don't do it Max! Josh Gorges will not be happy if you pull a Komisarek...

  98. Holy fuck. RIP to Johnny Hockey.
    Tragic loss for his family, 2 sons gone.
    So sad.

  99. R.I.P. Matthew and Johnny Gaudreau and condolences to all family and friends, including Wool, who was his teammate just two weeks ago.

    1. Just realised his father, Guy, was from Beebe Plain, VT, the town that meets the border at Stanstead, QC. So sad for them all.

  100. RIP, that is a tragedy. Unbelievably sad.

    1. Anonymous11:06 AM

      Wow, such a tragedy. Rest in peace Gaudreau brothers.

    2. steve4:22 PM

      RIP J Hockey. No one is safe anymore

  101. Such sad news...RIP

  102. OK kiddies, the FedEx Cup has been awarded (congrats Scottie Scheffler), NFL football starts this Thursday (Go Giants!), the Maritime Hockey League has started and the Sea Dogs have played a few exhibition games. Pretty sure the NHL teams will be reporting for physicals soon. I'm really looking forward to the NHL season, first time in a long time I can say that thanks to Jeff Gorton and Kent Hughes coming in and blowing out the last of the bergy/emty/clod stench that had permeated the organization for so long. It's psat time for the young up and coming teams to take over the East, I'd love to see the injury bug and bad luck haunt the hated beaners, dolts and leaf for a couple of seasons and teams like our Habs, Hockeytown and even the detestable 'turds or barfalo get to the top for a change.

    Go Habs Go!

    1. Good for Scottie. Seems like a nice young lad. I'm still not a fan of the format. Made for a boring tournament. We find out Tuesday who Captain Weir selects for the President's Cup. For the Canadians, I predict Connors, Penrith and (maybe) Hadwin.

      NFL on Thursday and then Friday from Brazil this week. My fantasy draft is Tuesday night. My boss' boss' boss' has joined the league and his sole mission is to destroy me. Should be a fun season. The trash talk has begun.

      Agreed. Hockey can't start soon enough. Just begin the season by beating the wretched leaf and go from there. Should've beat them last year when they gave up 2 6 on 5 goals with the leaf goalie pulled. Don't be that team this year!

      GO HABS GO!!!!!

  103. CHester10:51 PM

    Can’t wait
    I’m starting to get that twitch
    Staying healthy
    Two good scoring lines
    Veterans having a good year
    Young D men coming into their own
    Hugo on the prowl and picks galore in the drafts upcoming
    Dolts beaners and leaves with nothing coming up empty cupboards
    I’m smelling victory maybe not this year but soon baybee
    Very soon
    Go Habs

  104. Imagine if they bumped the schedule up by just a couple of weeks. Trainjng camps coukd open today and the Cup could be awarded in early-to-mid June.

  105. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Can forget my Drysaddle wish. ~~~

    1. Too bad they don't have a goalie...

    2. We'll have to settle for a couple years of Sid.

    3. If Montreal is way ahead of Pitt in the standings at the Trade Deadline... Might be a possibility.

  106. Anonymous9:22 PM

    Starting this season, Cole Caufield will wear No. 13 in honor of Johnny Gaudreau.

    1. Such class. Whiskey #13. Love his full statement too.

  107. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Last comment here, new thread soon. Might include ice cream ...
