Sep 28, 2024

The emergency room is now taking reservations. Hurry before all spots are full!



  1. Just a placeholder.

    Fuck the Leafs.
    Fuck the refs.
    Fuck Toronto.


    I fear Wool may be done for the season. How the hell does this keep happening to this team?

  2. My early season optimism is rapidly fading. The PP is still horrid.

    As for Wool, hold on buying that plane ticket for countryman Kapanen.

  3. CHester8:13 PM

    I read ax man slapped the dirty leaf around
    I’m without tv
    So I read what I can
    Go Habs

  4. Ok...Slaf I like the heart but keep those gloves on. No point hurting yourself vs a no name leafer. Not to mention it doesn't look like you took any lessons from AX

  5. Wool taken out with a deliberate intent to injure by a leaf AHL slug, no penalty called. Next shift for said slug AX takes matters in his own hands and gets 2, 5, 10 and a game. All this caused by gary's incompetent refs.

    Now Slaf has to answer the bell with another leaf AHL slug.

    And the PP is still horrid ... but they are getting lots of practice.

    1. PP or otherwise, this is mostly a leaf AHL squad. Habs should score a handful of goals...if they can manage to keep a team on the ice.

    2. If they lose to this bunch of AHL slugs I will officially give up.

  6. I'm not gonna watch this shite much longer.

  7. Shirley8:17 AM

    Shirley you cant be serious. The season ends before it begins.

  8. I've decided to try to ignore any social media surrounding that hit. Whether or not there was intent to injure, it was a dangerous play.

    But if you look at social media, the same leaf fans that still say the Admiral injured Captain Pyjamas on purpose in the '21 playoffs (which is clearly false), blame Wool for running into the leaf slug's knee.

    I just can't waste my energy on that shit anymore.

    Just gonna move on, with much less hope than I had this time yesterday. That pathetic PP isn't helping in that regard either.

    1. I don't waste time on social media. I just make my own judgement based on what I see and what the replay shows. Whether intentional or not, knee on knee is always dangerous - for both people. Sticking your knee out when the other player is going by is reactionary and means you have been beat. So, in my humble opinion, the leaf slug is at fault and warranted a penalty at least. It all went downhill after that with AX having to take matters into his own hands and with the leaf slug turtleing, was kicked out of the game. The dumbass refs are ultimately responsible for the whole fiasco, Slaf having to fight as well after getting elbowed to the head and high-sticked.

      But, besides all that, my optimism for the upcoming season has been trashed after watching the putrid powerless play accomplish dick all with 7 opportunities and nothing to show for it. The worst being a 4 on 3 with Suzuki, Caufield, Dach and Matheson all skating around the perimeter doing nothing. That's when I gave up.

      The Laine injury hurts sure, but if the rest of them play like last night (against a bunch of minor league slugs), the season will be over by Canadian Thanksgiving.

      End of rant.

    2. steve9:58 AM

      PP perimeter. Glass players, glass is not half full. Very discouraged. Rain man cant be hurt that bad can he? Wool is definelty done till the playoffs. Why is Rock Fast Lane not on the first PP. Another series of shots and misses from Whiskey. It impossilbe to be positive right now.

  9. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Didn’t think the Steelers would go undefeated but nice comeback attempt.


  10. Anonymous7:19 PM

    R.I.P. Kris Kristofferson.. one of the great ones.

  11. RIP Kris Kristofferson

    1. steve5:46 AM

      RIP great music and great movies.

  12. CHester8:00 AM

    Kris was a classy guy he was quoted once while his domesticated side was questioned his response was that he always took the dishes out of the sink before he pissed in it.
    What can you say when confronted with that kind of elegance.
    On another note I think we should make a collection to pay for Ax mans fine. He took one for the team. I feel some of the air has come out of our balloon. We must soldier on. Couple weeks ago we didn't have Wool so nothing has changed. Steady as she goes. In Hugo we trust.
    Go Habs

  13. CHester1:54 PM

    OK so just as a side note, I know I'm the Ana guy but we can keep those nurses coming (pun intended)
    I have no issue with that
    Go Habs

  14. Anonymous3:07 PM

    RIP Kris Kristofferson. A true legend.

  15. CHester3:08 PM

    So I just turned off the ray and dregs noise on the Toronto sports network and the ray mouthpiece did his best to stumble around blabbing about how the poor leaf didn’t intend to hurt wool
    It was and I’m quoting just an ill timed hit that just didn’t go the way he intended it to go
    Cause you and I know that ray is so fucking plugged into leaf land that he can read minds
    I didn’t get to the part where they discussed Ax man and his assault on the poor turtle cause I threw up I my mouth and had to go spit it out
    Is it me just getting old and grumpy or are things in nhl world just swirling down the pooper
    Give me a sign here
    Go Habs

    1. My advice is, don't listen to any of the leafblowers. Why bother, you know what they will say. We discussed it briefly at the starters shack this morning before teeing off. The leaf slug was caught flat footed, knew he was going to be beat and stuck his leg out intentionally. End of story.

    2. Fwiw, I just saw a clip where Ray thinks AX should have been suspended for one regular season game...probably to spare any more damage to their beloved leaf.

  16. The View from Nebraska just verified my statement. I rest my case.

    1. CHester5:48 PM

      We’ll good for The View From Nebraska
      I’m softening a bit on him
      I didn’t appreciate him and farber coming here and taking jobs from our local sports freaks
      At least farber married one of our pretty girls
      TVFN was just a draft dodger but he’s getting some things right these days
      Wool is gone and we gotta suck it up
      Go Habs

    2. Anonymous7:45 PM

      Jack Todd isn’t everyone’s cup of tea.

      I’ve always appreciated his no holds barred approach.

      He is the ONLY media figure to put the leaf and the sfu in their place.


    3. Hey Chester, don't worry about the local sports reporter jobs being taken away by outsides. My old colleague from the Concordian, Montrealer Geoff Baker, has done pretty well for himself - furst at the Toronto Star, and the last few years at the Seattle Times, doing the lord's work explaining NHL hockey to the land of grunge.

  17. Before Hughes acquired Wool, I think there was a deal in place at the Draft that Montreal would trade for Zegras from Anaheim if Hage wasn't there at #21. Maybe that trade gets revisited now that Wool is probably gone long term. Hughes has a ton of LTIR cap space and a boatload of draft picks in 2025. We will see.

  18. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Rest in peace Pete Rose

    1. RIP Charlie Hustle. I remember his brief stay with the Expos fondly.

      And RIP Dikembe Mutombo.

    2. RIP, I also enjoyed his time with the Expos but I was also a fan of the Big Red Machine.

      I think he should be in the Hall of fame.

    3. RIP Pete. I remember he looked just fine in Expos blue, anfmd played harder.

  19. CHester8:25 PM

    Well jebus it was just a couple of bets but they brought the hammer down on him
    Times change
    Go Habs

  20. Happy 100th birthday to President Jimmy Carter, who once lead a team of brave American nuclear scientist soldiers on a mission to cool a nuclear reactor in Ontario and save many Canadians' lives. Bet he gets a letter from King Chuck.

  21. OK, so they lost Wool but it was time for the players already there to step up anyway. Time to show the rest of the league (and the SFU) that they are ready to compete. Captain Nick, Kirby and Slaf have to lead the way. The D has to toughen up. The PP MUST score. Full Monty and Primo have to sharp, no softies. Starting tonight. No Excuses as eMTy would say.

    Go Habs Go!

  22. CHester1:30 PM

    OK just off topic for a sec
    I think we got WW3 starting up right now
    I think we better put our helmets on
    Go Habs

    1. Friends with family in the region. It's rough and gonna get rougher. But regional, hopefully, not global (he said without hella confidence).

  23. So Orville/Bach/Popcorn (among his nicks)...Reinbacher out for 5-6 months following surgery. So basically the entire season. Crap. Like Dach's injury last year, this one looked so harmless to me.
    And yet we wait on Laine news, when it looked like his leg was practically removed at the knee during that dirtbag play.

    Like Coach Marty says, and the M above, the guys just have to press on.

    Fixing the damned powerplay must be the #1 goal right now. After all of those 1 goal losses last year, a PP that doesn't totally suck could win a lot of games for this team.

  24. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Get well Wool and BaCH.

  25. Well there is some good news ... Wool should be back in 2 or 3 months. Hopefully the Habs will still 'be in the mix' when he returns. Bach wasn't going to play in Montreal this year so that was a non factor.

  26. Good news about Laine, tougher for Reine. Wishing both a full recovery. GYFHG

  27. OMFG these moron Refs are making the same stupid mistaje as the last moron refs.

  28. 7vans not mincing words in RDS intermission interview, calling Greig's hit on DaCH "stupid" and "blindsiding" + "if he doesn't wanna answer the call" more stupid things're gonna happen. Good team spirit here. Fuck da Sens and their a Greigeous Fucktardiness.

  29. Another game misconduct for Ax. The head hit on Stützle was late undeserved. But when you're the Sheriff and the refs are letting your star players suffer dangerous hits over and over with only a 2-minute minor, you're gonna feel loke you NEED to start playing that way, just to level the playing field.

  30. Nearly the same play. AX and Grieg. 2 Late hits.

    The difference, Stutzle's stick hits him in the face. Not a shoulder to the head.

    Grieg. 2 minutes.
    AX. 5 and a game.

    Fuck Bettman and his refs.

    1. Ending in 3 PP goals. Deserved or not, don't think Marty will be happy with AX putting them in that position...nor will he be happy with the PK units.
      Logan does not look nearly NHL ready.

  31. Strobelight's having himself a game and I'm liking it.

  32. Starting to think 7vens is a future CH Captain.

    1. Or maybe in an alternate unoverse where Nature never got traded to Mtl

  33. JD = Jerky Douchebag
    Vance = Vance

  34. I've never seen a pre-season like this for injuries. Not sure what's changed if anything...maybe I just don't remember (that wouldn't be shocking). Celebrini and Panarin left their games last night, along with the Sens' douchebags.

  35. Give up 4 PP goals and don't score any on your own chances. Sounds like a recipe for disaster. You better get this fixed pronto Marty.

    I do like the feistiness though. Happy to see shit for brains kachook take some lumps.

  36. I have no problem with AX man's response to the Dach hit by targeting Stuzle the diver and then pummeling dung for brains kachook. Well done laddie.

  37. The SFU (tsn) trying so hard to AX out to be a villain, so much trolling by these shit disturbers, I wish someone would lay a dirty hit (Pare, Geig) on one of their precious babies (mitchie, narcos) and see the shitstorm and cries for retribution from reeves. What a bunch of dipshits.

  38. I think they are all trying to manifest a one game suspension so AX isn't in the lineup one week from tonight.

  39. CHester1:19 AM

    Hey The Ax Man took out two snores in one game
    Although snitzel doesn’t really count cause he’s such a turtle diver
    But that ugly chuck was hurt just with that little scrum
    I was liking all the positive things the team said about Ax
    I’m guessing the room is pretty tight
    Well not to be a Debbie downer but I’m guessing we get another high pick at the draft
    Could be me just being bummed tho
    Go Habs

  40. The View From Nebraska spelled it out today. The leafblowers at tsn are all over the AX man for beating up their AHL flunky and attempting to injure schnitzel, but ignore the fact that AX can actually play hockey (when he's not defending his teammates because of incompetent refs) while known thug reeves who serves no purpose other than beating people up can't. Can't have it both ways losers! And props to the Pez who took on that goon while being heavily outmatched (and held his own) at the end of last year.

  41. CHester10:26 PM

    I’m liking our guys
    Ok I’m somewhat slanted in my viewpoint but we don’t start anything but it’s finally nice to see us taking no shit from the fuckwits
    I can’t really even take the toronto sports network seriously
    The never ending lineup of dooshbags that they roll out are just laughable
    From o dog to noodles to that hayes putz just to name a few
    Mind you we have this what the puck no mind
    Anyway I digress
    Maybe Hugo has a rabbit up his sleeve
    Maybe army will awaken and maybe powerhorse come alive
    Put J Roy on line two
    Put the capster on line three
    Put the old guys on four with sevens
    Trade devo and von klumsy and lets rock
    Que Majic Carpet Ride
    Play air guitar
    Go Habs

  42. The ONLY credit I'll give to Hayes and Jeff O'Neill (not using that dumb nickname for him) is that they at least admit to being giant leaf fans. Noodles has drunk the kool-aid but still seems a bit less of a complete homer, just a tad.

    It's the frauds like the Fried Man, Marek and Cultbert that insist they are impartial that are the real losers. Though Marek is gone, so that's a start.

    1. Anonymous6:11 PM

      I listen to TSN 690 all the time, When it comes to hockey the 1050 guys blow them away. Biggest reason, they have NHL players all the time.

    2. CHester9:07 AM

      I don't listen or watch toronto sports network really and I stopped watching hockey in english decades ago when things were focusing on the national embarassement and most things hogtown
      I find anything that english media puts out is sad and depraved with the exception of Stu and the gazoo gang and is heavily influenced by the sfu media jaggernaut
      I tried to sit thru an intermission last season with an english broadcast with their panel of "experts" and I just couldn't stomach it
      Not that it was leaf slanted but that the people were just so fucking stupid with nothing of interest to say
      It's sad to think that this shite is shoved down the throats of the majority of Canada
      Go Habs

  43. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Farq the sfu, all of them !

  44. So reading about the league giving Vegas a pass on Lehner and not making them take up LTIR. Sounds pretty fucking dodgy but it is Buttman's league ...

    1. Anonymous6:09 PM

      Buttmans league, thats whats wrong with hockey, But its not his decide, the owners take us as the holi poli (look it up Meckem I dare you) and in the words of Kurt Von Gunt Jr who I meet, so it goes so it goes. Nuttun has changed in 6000 years of this round of human history.

    2. That thar's a paragraph for the ages, Anon

  45. steve6:18 PM

    God is starving me to keep me alive long enough to see us win another Cup, Fuck GOD make it quick because in need to be Steve.

  46. Regarding CHester's comment re: the sfu media and dumb panelists, this is all true. As a unilingual anglophone following the Habs, the choices are very limited. First, the dumb facks on cbc/shitnet are horrid and I don't give them the time of day. Their focus is and always will be leaf and more leaf as dictated by Rogers. So I give them a wide berth. As for the other leaf network, most times the regional broadcasts will feature hosts and panelists who are somewhat interested in what the Habs are doing. Mudryk and his colour guys for the most part are decent, Dave Poulin was really good, as is Mike Johnson, Sergio Momesso and Frankie (Avalon) Corrado. Tessa Bonhomme is probably the best intermission host and the only co-host I don't like is Carlo the ex-leaf. As for media coverage, I mostly stick to the amateur sites like MHN, EOTP and a few others. Occasionally I will watch Marinaro's Sick podcast.

    This coming Wednesday's game will be a leafblowing slobberfest with leafsplooge all over the place. Yuck! I will probably have to watch the game on silent mode so I don't have to listen to butthurt's shrill shrieking voice every time narcos touches the puck or Homer's dumb analogy.

  47. So, the 'turds are dressing a goon squad tonight and Coach Marty says screw that so will I. No big names playing for the Habs tonight. Smart. Can't afford to lose anymore stars to AHL flunkies. But, AX and maybe his Deputy will be there for the festivities. I think I will check out the Sea Dogs tonight, they have put together an interesting team for this season.

    Go Rocket!

  48. Zebra show again tonight? Sheesh, let 'em f'n play!

  49. It's indisputable: Ullmark makes the Sens a way better team. I dunno if the CH makes the playoffs this season but I think Ottawa is a sure bet.

  50. Observations:

    Mailloux = needs more work in Laval
    Barron = still needs to work on accepting the puck (inexplicable but jeez, guy)
    Kapanen = ready for The Show
    Powerhorse = great team guy; not much hockey sense
    Lep = no worries in a reduced role
    Ghoul = totally fine
    Monty = hope it was just an off night in the pre-season
    Good B-B / Gignac / Condotta / Engstrom / Trudeau = Laval will be home all season. Tonight they might as well have been wearing those red Star Trek "expendable crew member" shirts.

    1. AX has to be in the lineup, wins his fight and scores a goal, von Klumsy and Strobe can rotate in and out.

    2. I didn't watch any of this btw, I was at the Sea Dogs game, a 3-2 win for the home team. This statement is based on what I read.

    3. CHester8:04 PM

      If you beamed down with Tiberius in a red shirt you were gone in a heartbeat
      If some shimmering cloud or poisonous fruit thing didn’t get you the shape shifting creature with the suction cups would
      They just don’t make entertainment like that anymore
      I drive by his house again this week with my bag of Chicken Chalet
      Go Habs

  51. That hope I had earlier, before Wool went down, is waning drastically. My concerns with the goaltending remain and they're still doing that damned drop pass on the PP resulting in 0 for 3455 on the PP in the pre season.

    Other than the fact they appear like they will be playing with a bit of a chip on their shoulder because of this pre season crap, I'm not sold that this team will be as fun to watch as we'd hoped.

    1. If they can't improve the PP or PK it will likely be another top 5 pick in 2025 with all of us spending too much time at Tankathon spinning the wheel.

      HuGo should put in an offer sheet for Swayman ... today.

    2. steve9:59 AM

      Dont worry we are saving the PP for the playoffs. The goal is an area of unknowns. Yeah offer sheet Swayman for 9. Make Bass fish suck on it. I have deleted the tankathon. There is playoff or nothing.

    3. Nervous nellies! They haven't dressed the full squad at any point yet. Last night, no 14, 13, 20, 77, 8, 58, no FastLane either. The positives are that 21 looked great, Devo looks like he knows he is in a contract year and the best is yet to come.

    4. Anonymous11:49 AM

      G Y F H G ! ~~~

  52. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Test only

  53. Good on SiM for keeping the faith.

    Too late for that offer sheet now. 8 1/4 per for Swayman.

    Be interesting to see the final roster tomorrow. Some decisions to be made about players that have to clear waivers. J Roy did himself no favours. I'm sure the M is OK if he ends up as trade bait down the road.

    I sure hope and think they are more entertaining to watch than my Patriots at least. This is painful.

    1. They can trade cry baby Josh any time they want.

      The Giants ... LOL ... clown show...

  54. Anonymous3:33 PM


  55. Not worried about the PP .. yet...main players mainly didn't play much. Overall a bad camp. MSL insists on pulling the goalie when his PP sucks already. Define madness again...? And don't get me started on that fucking drop pass. I so badly want someone to intercept it - just once - so they will end it for ever!

  56. All I'm going to say about the Habs is : Show me.

  57. Anonymous6:50 PM

    So Snoop is a Steelers fan, might as well light one up.

  58. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Is hahaaron Rodgers ok ?
    Who farqing cares !?

  59. I withdraw my comment about the Giants being a clown show. That was a gutsy win in Seattle.

  60. It's waiver season. I wonder if there are any 4th line guys that Kent is looking at to take some of the pressure off of AX. We really need him in the lineup and on the ice, not in the box for half the game, putting extra pressure on our other D.

    Just don't take the Ryan Suzuki bate from Carolina. We don't need another Marcel Hossa or Valeri Bure.

    1. Speaking of Hossa, I recall the draft where the Habs took Jason Ward one spot ahead of the Sens taking Marian Hossa.

  61. Crybaby Josh sent down, looks like Kapo and Heineken are in.

    I read somewhere that Fiver is on the outs in philthy ... could be a good pickup to give AX some help.

  62. After my initial rush of enthusiasm when they acquired Wool, and looking at the current roster, reality has set in. A weak group of (very young) forwards combined with a (mostly) inexperienced defence and questionable goaltending has caused me re-evaluate my expectations for the upcoming season. This season will likely be very similar to last resulting in another high draft selection. Pointwise in the standings should be close, maybe 80 points? Hopefully, Fast Lane will provide us with some entertaining moments and maybe even a trophy, the ROY Calder Cup last won in 1972 by the great Ken Dryden. I nominate Scott in Montreal as our head cheerleader on the site, followed by steve and CHester.

    I'm hoping for a win this Wednesday but will accept a single point.

    I will throw out a G Y F H G !! though.

  63. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Oliver Kapanen = OK ?

    1. Or IceKap?
      The Captain's favourite guilty pleasure.

  64. Heineman.
    Should he be the Proctologist? Because he's a hiney man?

    1. Or of course just go with ASSMAN from Seinfeld.

  65. The hated beaners are getting smoked by the Cup champs tonight, they are going to be a sour bunch when they play the Habbies on Thursday. I can see an 0 and 2 start.

  66. They mentioned a few of the Panthers ages, I can see Montreal being a contender in about 3 years when Nature is 28, CC and Dach 26, Slaf and Fast Lane 23.

  67. Looking forward to the new thread tomorrow with lots of leaf and SFU bashing.

  68. CHester10:32 PM

    I’m hoping for a good showing tomorrow
    Looking for poise maturity a 200 ft game I’d like to see some PK skills
    I think it’s too much to hope for to see the PP do something it’s just so mired in a copycat quagmire you’d just have to admit it and kill the whole fucking thing with fire and start from scratch
    Hire the kid down the block couldn’t do any worse
    Something has to work offence defense specialty something we can hang on to
    If someone goes down with a knee or something like that I think I’m going to need therapy
    Keep you fucking heads up stie
    Go Habs

  69. Raye


  70. Anonymous12:10 PM

    New thread later today. ~~~

    1. Anonymous5:06 PM
