So, dead last, 32nd in the gary buttman circuit. No need to go to the Tankathon site, the Habs are leading in the James Hagen/Michael Misa sweepstakes. Even doormats San Jose, Anaheim, Chicago and Columbus are farther along in their rebuilds. Or did they pick better players? Or have better coaches? We'll find out eventually but I think this losing streak will be historic.
The good news is, I've gone through the 5 stages of grief in only a month!
BTW, thinking of my Dad and uncle today who each served in WW2. Had a wet and windy service here today. The usual Remembrance Day weather, just warmer. Dad landed on Juno Beach with the 12th Field Artillery Regiment out of Guelph, ON. Also known (or not known) as the Phantom Regiment. He was also a big Habs fan and often reminisced about listening to the games on radio before TV.
My grandfather and his two brothers in law went to war at age 17. Okay he might have bit early. Anyway, he lost a lung to the gas attacks, but still fought in every major battle including Vimy Ridge. One brother went down and the other two came back like they had been moose hunting and got no moose. Both he and the brother and law lived into their 80's and never talked about a bad thing. The only thing they ever said kinda crypitcally, was the German soldiers were just like them. He also told a story about where the red barron decided not to kill him.
I am of course at work in the ofgice in La Belle Province so unable tl watch this game wherein our csptain and him linemates seem to have remembered how to hockey. Good good.
I wrapped the pin of the poppy around a carbiner. All my current clothes have num chucks secure points and I can just loop it in. I have never lost a poppy.
But, they better figure out how to give up fewer goals, they aren't going g to get 7 very often. The goaltending has been atrocious and Primeau is a sieve. I guess they'll stand pat, no need to expose Dobes to the Marty Experiment. Let him win in Laval.
somebody should send that gravedigging photo to the team.
when bbq was named cpt, i felt it was a snub against lip. when nick was named, i thought it was a lil reach. in times like this, your cpt needs to lead by example and to call out guys. i know lip wouldnt abscond from this responsibility.
has/ can/ will nick ever done this? love the guy, but being the cpt (often) means u arent mr popular.
I would have picked Gallagher as captain following Weber. He would have been the most senior player on the team and a leader by example, just like Gainey. I think Gallagher would have been a good transition to Suzuki who didn't need that extra pressure on him at this stage of his career.
At the time I thought it should have gone to Gally. In so many ways he leads this team and he is a good talker. Then again it would have led to a SFU situation where the C has to be passed which is awkward. So maybe they did the right thing by giving it to Suzi. Gives him and the team a chance to grow together at a time when we are not expected to win the cup. However I prefer the old way where the players close the door and elect a captain. Anyway Go Habs
I assume Gallagher wasn't given the C because of the years of disrespect given to him by most of the refs. Maybe not, but I always thought that a major reason.
I know +/- is passé but Slaf is currently the only player at even. All others are in the red. My analytics tell me that's not a good recipe for winning.
Boy it's too bad the Habs aren't "in the mix" as hoped by their brass, but rather a total dumpster fire. With the Pens dumping Lego, it's clear they're moving into a rebuild phase. So unless Sid, out of the pure generosity in his heart, wishes to move to MTL to serve as a mentor to this young team and play for a different dumpster fire than the one he's currently in, I fear that dream is totally dead (where previously only 87% dead).
I could be wrong but Sid is a company man and loyal to a fault. He could see two different fires and maybe pick the one that is closer to being put out. But, the Habs aren't going any where until they get better goaltending which is currently AHL caliber. Probably another two years until Fowler shows up.
On the goaltending: at this point we have to admit it ain't all on the young D. But both thesevguys have proven themselves NHL calibre and I think they both just happen to be in the dregs at the dame time. I think one will get hot, eventually.
Can I avoid south of the border news at Blue sky? I am seriously, right or not, planning to play ostrich for the next 4 years regarding that shit hole.
I'm thinking I'll at least start to watch the 1st period but I have a feeling a strong Minnesota team will put this one away in a hurry. All the optimism I had back in the summer after the Laine trade has been beat out of me. Good thing we have SiM here to present a positive side.
Same drivel every day from people like Engels and Wilde and others. Oh the future is bright ... this player ... that player ... there's no guarantee any of these players will better than some of the stiffs already playing. They are just looking for something to write about because the team they cover is shit. They are all living on Fantasy Island. Or in a fool's paradise...
Warming up the Sherman. Lots and Lots of big centers in the top 10. The problem is we are a playoff team that cant make the playoffs. Powerhorse, the first Joel, and maybe even Devo shine when the stage is bigger. We are in the top five mix for sure.
Well we can see from our experience where a team goes without a goalie. No offence to Monty or Kayden but as a no 1 or even as a tandem they just aren't up to it particularly with the team in transition and trying to implement a doharm D system. Life without TFS sucks. As it is clear we are staying the course with our upcoming younglings our picks and our Mr. Marty our one and only coach I don't think we have much to be hopeful about in the near future. We are destined to wait and suck up the losses. At least one of Marties strong suits is that he appears to be the eternal optimist. This is important as loosing day in and day out can be wearing on your mental health. So as our Steve says fire up the sherman. Go Habs
It's just a mess. A one line team, a young mistake-prone D trying to learn a system the equivalent of 3 dimensional chess (another Trek Easter egg) and bad goaltending. Yet Wilde and Engels keep preaching the mantra "Better Days Ahead". Marty is obviously a great motivational speaker. Coaching, I'm not so sure, maybe he is still 'developing' as well.
As for the Sherman, it's been idling for some time.
But, if it's any consolation, how about the poor mustard yellow Predators, egad! All those $Million$ thrown at Stammer, Marshy, Pesce and Juse and they are 31st just ahead of the down trodden Habs. Yikes!
Wayne Gretzky Magic Johnson Diego Maradona Ted Williams The Rocket (who was smart enough after 2 games to know he was out of his element.) ...and many others. I shouldn't need to explain this list.
When do we know if Martin St. Louis belongs on this list? As I mentioned in an earlier post, I think he starts next season with a shorter leash.
Coach Marty has written this season off already. Said Year 3 struggles are normal. OK then, get used to more losing, I hope the players have bought in gonna be a long haul for them.
I have a friend whom I call CT, short for Cautionary Tale. A year later he is still suffering some effects from Shingles, and he went through hell with them. So yesterday I finally got my first vaccine shot (need another in 2 months). Today I feel like a truck ran over me, but it's a small price to pay to avoid the pain and suffering that can come with that virus.
@Saint Paddy, you and I have conversed on TV viewing options so here is the latest. Back in August I cancelled my Bell bundle. Got a phone call a week later offering me a better discount however there would be less service/channels. I reluctantly accepted. True to form though, there was a notice in my October statement that the rates would be going up 8 bucks a month in the new year. That's the Bell playbook, less service more money. So I called and cancelled. Again. Long story short, I switched to a third party provider who sells internet for a reasonable monthly rate with Netflix, Disney+ and Prime included. I'm now streaming everything on a Firestick and although I have to endure the HNIT/SN drivel I am much happier having finally escaped from the clutches of Bell and Rogers.
Trying to channel my inner SiM, looking at the positives and the potential...the Bruins are currently sitting in the 2nd wildcard spot, playing .500 hockey. They are 5 points up on the Habs with one more game played. Maybe the Habs haven't been playing like a playoff team, but they aren't as far away as they look. Big test tomorrow against McJesus and the Oil.
Good to see that reaves thug suspended Him and that creature on the rags are cromagnon throwbacks to a different era Our Ax is a player first face puncher second Even the shaved ape was a player I dunno where the league is going with this you’d figure the players association would be a little more involved Anyway bring on McJesus and the oil Good test for les boyz Maybe we are turning a corner here I hear Wool is skating is that a dim light at the end of the long dark tunnel Hope springs eternal Go Habs
Back in the summer there was lots of talk about Martin Necas wanting to be traded, I think HuGo missed their Panarin moment turning their collective noses up on this guy.
Since moe is here and I'm sure Saint Paddy is lurking, my NY Giants are finally moving on from Daniel Jones. Tommy DeVito starts this weekend, all I can say is - thank goodness it's about time. Finish the year, get a good pick and find a good QB like Jayden Daniels.
Like you I'm also enjoying Fast Lane. Or maybe the way he jitters around it should be Lane CHange. My biggest critique would be his lack of north south foot speed when racing back for pucks.
Yep no doubt. And if he can get faster up and down the ice, he'll be even more of a treat to watch. Can't wait for that first goal. Hope he gets it at home...tonight!
Playing this Oil team tight. McCrybaby is looking upset. That might not be a good thing, but Suzuki is up to the task of limiting his chances.
Goal aside, I was about to add that the Habs are dead last in shots per game (prob not a shock to you). They missed the net on three glorious opportunities from the slot. Just gotta hit the net. If it doesn't go in, maybe there is a juicy rebound. It's not that hard of a game.
Lots of niceness to go around Happy for Pierre Houde He’s the reason I don’t have to watch hockey in English with all the sub par STFU broadcasts with haharudy the woman who screams and whoever that beexa moron is and of course mclame Pierre’s buddy Marc talks a little fast for my French to keep up but the RDS package is a good one Thoughtful intermission show with a panel of our intelligent French players excluding of course bucket mouth no mind asshole tremblay Anyway TVFN had a calm the fuck down piece about how maybe things are starting to turn the corner both with Marties D system and just the team in general Encouraging to say the least that and Sports-Spew has some film of Wool skating he’s close With him back it’s like we get a do-over on the start of the season We can treat the 6-7 goal blowouts like the exhibition games and focus on getting in the mix However I still think we are up for a lotto pick dump some weight at the deadline and reload for next year But at least the last three games have been okay to watch not channel changing cringe fests And shows what can happen when our goalie shows up no offence to Monty Go Habs
Goal 1 - Slaf with some nice work in his own end to start the play and follows it up by winning the battle to get the puck to Math and Lep with the beauty deflection. Kudos to Slaf for a decent game. Still need him to start potting some goals.
Goal 2 - Our 'smurf' (as our CotU friends like to say) outworks the rugged German for the puck, a couple of slick back and forth passes and Ghoul with the insurance marker. Could've been stopped (we've seen many of those go past our own goalies this year) but the back of the net.
The defensive zone coverage was night and day compared to the first 15ish games. Perhaps the kids are continuing to learn.
4 days off - a chance to heal some bumps and bruises.
DaCH is still not 100%. Time off is good for him.
Suzuki's play at both ends of the ice should make him a lock for team Canada. Depends on who is in charge of that team...I haven't paid much attention to be honest.
I hope Monty gets the call. I'd just like to see what he can do with a lot of seasoned talent in front of him. I say seasoned, because we'll have that in a couple of years.
Whiskey needs to get back on the goal train. But he's also doing some nice playmaking, and as mentioned above, winning some battles, so no complaints. Just want him to get 40+ so we can stop hearing about how Damphousse was the last 40 goal scorer in 1994 (I think it was).
Best of all, the team is becoming fun to watch again. Hopefully they can stay healthy and continue to improve.
And if you want to brighten your day even more, watch the beaners' game hilights. 2 shorties against and booed off the ice like only Boston can do. It's a thing of beauty.
Just idle speculation, but what to do with certain players once Wool returns.
Watching the game last night, all 4 lines were decent so where does he fit in? Let's assume he will very sluggish to start just like Dach, who is still not up to speed. I would keep Dach insulated with Suzuki and Slaf. Keep the 3rd trio (Pony, Dvo,Lep) intact, they are playing well. Do they put Wool with 7s and CC? Hook might be the odd man out here, he really hasn't done much lately, I guess he could center line 4 but keep Condotta around as a spare. I feel bad for Pez, his time might be up.
I know it's politics but what's going on in the U.S. is outright comedy. The head of health and medicine - an anti-vaxxer. For AG - a sex trafficker and basically a pedophile. Sure. Head of Intelligence - a possible Russian spy. Secretary of Defence - a Fox News broadcaster. Really.
Mrs CHester is a committed excited states politker. She was bummed when Harris lost but hey! What awesome TV we are going to have. Can't wait for the hearings when they put that slimy grease-ball in charge of the department of effin justice. Hilarious. The rest of the clown bus will be equally entertaining at least until musky gets his union busting grubby hands on the entire federal workforce and watch him just dump everybody. I honestly don't know what is going to happen to that place down there but Mrs CHester and I are stocking up on popcorn. Let the games begin. Oh and Go Habs
Mega bad if they carry out all yhe Evangelicals' rotten Project 2025 agenda. Can't wait to have loosened controls on food safety, product crappola from neglecting ISO 9001 and 13007 standards, among many. The Wild Wild West of unfettered deregulation shall wreak havoc with our world (but will only start to show its ugly face in a year or two). Buckle up!
Word on beantown and the hated beaners is that local Montreal boy Jimmi Monty will be discarded Wouldn’t that be a nice pickup for the Glorious Habs in need of an assistant to Marty It’s clear we need to add some talent behind the bench and Jimmi would be a nice addition Just thinkin Go Habs
So with Wool coming back the roster gets a little crowded I’m not a big fan of RHP We have a couple of little guys who are better I think leave him in Laval I think Pez either needs some playtime or a trade It’s not fair to just leave him sit Condotta seems to be meshing well So these are nice problems to have All this and beck half-a-dov Hage tuch maillot rino etc coming up Things are going to get crowded really soon Woot Go Habs
I have a feeling Jared Davidson is going to be one of those players who show up one day and 'steal a chair', as Marty likes to say. He had quite the fight last night, is gritty and he can score some goals. He was a late bloomer in the WHL, is learning more in the AHL. Could be a replacement for Gallagher someday.
I think you're right about JD taking a spot, maybe next season. I see him as a potential 3rd line C...but then there is Owen Beck. Can't have too many Centres in the fold.
Nice to see the dead things do a solid for datsyuk Wonder when someone will stand up and take care of Vodkov He deserves better than just kicked out and spit on by bicep bergy Some things puzzle me On one hand the organization is tremendous On the other it sucks Why did they take so long to retire Larry’s number why has the general been left out Anyway Go Habs
Letang, 38 years old, paid $6.1mil for 3 more years until he is 41.... No thanks, stay far away from that. Pens got beat again tonight, I'd say the deconstruction will start sooner than later.
Dumbass has something to do with Team Canada and he’s probably here checking out full Monty Otherwise he should go back to steel town we have nuthin for him I know you east-coasters are soft on Sid but dumbass has nothin we need and he isn’t going to get the best of Hugo I’ll bet the farm on that Go Habs
The M I see some speculation your Giants will tty to move up to get the first pick (assuming they don't have it) to select Coach Prime's boy out of Colorado. Followed a year or 2 later by hiring Neon Dionne no doubt😂
I would be happy with us not playing terrible and getting a top ten pick. Two or three thinks I cant understand. Why dont we have better helmets, carbon fiber titiam with zero bar aluminum cores and a bubble wrap beanie. Why dont the shin pads incorporate a knee brace? Why dont the ship pads incorporate a achillies cut proof sheild. Why more clowns work for the NHL than all the other cirucus in the world combined?
~ ~ ~
ReplyDeleteOnly way forward is up !
So, dead last, 32nd in the gary buttman circuit. No need to go to the Tankathon site, the Habs are leading in the James Hagen/Michael Misa sweepstakes. Even doormats San Jose, Anaheim, Chicago and Columbus are farther along in their rebuilds. Or did they pick better players? Or have better coaches? We'll find out eventually but I think this losing streak will be historic.
ReplyDeleteThe good news is, I've gone through the 5 stages of grief in only a month!
ReplyDeleteHabs: "We don't like leads so we'll just keep giving you goals right after we score."
ReplyDeleteWTF is the game doing on so early...just got back from work and already in the
ReplyDeleteI've figured out the problem with the team. They're not good. Enough of this.
ReplyDeleteExactly. LOFT.
ReplyDeleteWhat a shit power play that was
ReplyDeleteBack 2 Nature!
ReplyDeleteI prefer how they scored right away rather than letting Barfalo do so.
ReplyDeleteBTW, thinking of my Dad and uncle today who each served in WW2. Had a wet and windy service here today. The usual Remembrance Day weather, just warmer.
ReplyDeleteDad landed on Juno Beach with the 12th Field Artillery Regiment out of Guelph, ON. Also known (or not known) as the Phantom Regiment. He was also a big Habs fan and often reminisced about listening to the games on radio before TV.
My thanks and respect to them both, and all who served.
DeleteMy grandfather and his two brothers in law went to war at age 17. Okay he might have bit early.
DeleteAnyway, he lost a lung to the gas attacks, but still fought in every major battle including Vimy Ridge. One brother went down and the other two came back like they had been moose hunting and got no moose. Both he and the brother and law lived into their 80's and never talked about a bad thing. The only thing they ever said kinda crypitcally, was the German soldiers were just like them. He also told a story about where the red barron decided not to kill him.
I am of course at work in the ofgice in La Belle Province so unable tl watch this game wherein our csptain and him linemates seem to have remembered how to hockey.
ReplyDeleteGood good.
Fans: "We can't send Primeau to Laval because he might not clear waivers."
ReplyDeleteI think he'd be safe...and if not, oh well. He was very weak today.
ReplyDeleteWhiskey double! Straight up ( to the roof of the net).
ReplyDeleteWell I just learned coaches can challenge for missed hand pass.
ReplyDeleteLadies and gentlemen, your NHL goal scoring leader, Cole Caufield.
ReplyDeleteA rare bright spot in this 'rough' season.
Goaltending meanwhile...
DeleteHey, Sam pitched a shutout!
DeleteNananananana..hey hey goodbye...singin' early!
ReplyDeleteA win is a win is a win!
ReplyDeleteThe 'not good' comment sticks, despite the converted touchdown. Buffalo is also not good.
ReplyDeleteBut good job on the W. That's one of five to get back to .500
ReplyDeleteA win is a win.
Also congrats to the best play by play man in professional hockey Pierre Houde to the HHoF !
Love that man's work.
DeleteThose top 6 guys standing around the excavation above finally picked up their shovels to give Gally a hand!💪
ReplyDeleteAlso Raquel inspiration.
DeleteTrue dat!
DeleteI loved that colour revolutionary worthy comparison. Lets blow up the team and let Kid A remake it.
ReplyDeleteNever too late to say ‘lest we forget’.
DeleteI wrapped the pin of the poppy around a carbiner. All my current clothes have num chucks secure points and I can just loop it in. I have never lost a poppy.
DeleteIt's nice to get a win.
ReplyDeleteBut, they better figure out how to give up fewer goals, they aren't going g to get 7 very often. The goaltending has been atrocious and Primeau is a sieve. I guess they'll stand pat, no need to expose Dobes to the Marty Experiment. Let him win in Laval.
Take the win. We all laughed at the vegas odds, turns out in the mix was a bad bet.
DeleteSimple and personal speech by BBQ. Congratulations.
ReplyDeleteWay too much leaf, exleaf and sfu.
They’ve infiltrated every aspect of the game. Scum.
Moving to …
It’s clear that we need a goalie
ReplyDeleteWe don’t appear to have one
How many games can we let in 5 goals and win
Go Habs
Saint John Sea Dogs head coach Gerard Gallant named assistant coach of the Montreal Canadiens.
DeleteI don’t see that anywhere
DeleteGo Habs
DeleteWhoTF wrote that ?
On his radio show Georges Laraque said that Hughes and Marty met with Gallant at a Toronto cafe on the weekend. Hughes has denied it publicly.
Deletesomebody should send that gravedigging photo to the team.
ReplyDeletewhen bbq was named cpt, i felt it was a snub against lip. when nick was named, i thought it was a lil reach. in times like this, your cpt needs to lead by example and to call out guys.
i know lip wouldnt abscond from this responsibility.
has/ can/ will nick ever done this? love the guy, but being the cpt (often) means u arent mr popular.
I would have picked Gallagher as captain following Weber. He would have been the most senior player on the team and a leader by example, just like Gainey. I think Gallagher would have been a good transition to Suzuki who didn't need that extra pressure on him at this stage of his career.
ReplyDeleteAt the time I thought it should have gone to Gally.
DeleteIn so many ways he leads this team and he is a good talker.
Then again it would have led to a SFU situation where the C has to be passed which is awkward.
So maybe they did the right thing by giving it to Suzi. Gives him and the team a chance to grow together at a time when we are not expected to win the cup.
However I prefer the old way where the players close the door and elect a captain.
Go Habs
I assume Gallagher wasn't given the C because of the years of disrespect given to him by most of the refs. Maybe not, but I always thought that a major reason.
ReplyDeleteI know +/- is passé but Slaf is currently the only player at even. All others are in the red.
ReplyDeleteMy analytics tell me that's not a good recipe for winning.
Boy it's too bad the Habs aren't "in the mix" as hoped by their brass, but rather a total dumpster fire.
ReplyDeleteWith the Pens dumping Lego, it's clear they're moving into a rebuild phase.
So unless Sid, out of the pure generosity in his heart, wishes to move to MTL to serve as a mentor to this young team and play for a different dumpster fire than the one he's currently in, I fear that dream is totally dead (where previously only 87% dead).
I could be wrong but Sid is a company man and loyal to a fault. He could see two different fires and maybe pick the one that is closer to being put out. But, the Habs aren't going any where until they get better goaltending which is currently AHL caliber. Probably another two years until Fowler shows up.
DeleteSid will forever be a Pen. Likely a part owner in retirement.
On the goaltending: at this point we have to admit it ain't all on the young D. But both thesevguys have proven themselves NHL calibre and I think they both just happen to be in the dregs at the dame time. I think one will get hot, eventually.
DeleteI love SiM's optimism. Wish I could get there.
ReplyDeleteKeep it up buddy, it's not easy continuing to watch these guys.
I just deactivated my Twitter account and feel better already.
DeleteAlmost there.
On the sky is blue place, which needs much more Habs followers.
Can I avoid south of the border news at Blue sky?
DeleteI am seriously, right or not, planning to play ostrich for the next 4 years regarding that shit hole.
Good peeps there and you can make your own lists of folks to follow, as you like. Very pleasant and respectful environment (almost like here).
DeleteI'm thinking I'll at least start to watch the 1st period but I have a feeling a strong Minnesota team will put this one away in a hurry. All the optimism I had back in the summer after the Laine trade has been beat out of me. Good thing we have SiM here to present a positive side.
ReplyDeletePez benched again. His spring gonna rust
ReplyDeleteHabs are so sad their shot count is going down. From 2 to 1 ...14 minutes in.
ReplyDeleteThey played a very good road game with no egregious mistakes but the Wild are fucking solid. Frustrating days.
ReplyDeleteWe're number one baby!
ReplyDeleteAnother first overall pick coming up!
Same drivel every day from people like Engels and Wilde and others. Oh the future is bright ... this player ... that player ... there's no guarantee any of these players will better than some of the stiffs already playing. They are just looking for something to write about because the team they cover is shit. They are all living on Fantasy Island. Or in a fool's paradise...
ReplyDeleteWarming up the Sherman. Lots and Lots of big centers in the top 10. The problem is we are a playoff team that cant make the playoffs. Powerhorse, the first Joel, and maybe even Devo shine when the stage is bigger. We are in the top five mix for sure.
ReplyDeleteWell we can see from our experience where a team goes without a goalie.
ReplyDeleteNo offence to Monty or Kayden but as a no 1 or even as a tandem they just aren't up to it particularly with the team in transition and trying to implement a doharm D system. Life without TFS sucks.
As it is clear we are staying the course with our upcoming younglings our picks and our Mr. Marty our one and only coach I don't think we have much to be hopeful about in the near future. We are destined to wait and suck up the losses. At least one of Marties strong suits is that he appears to be the eternal optimist. This is important as loosing day in and day out can be wearing on your mental health.
So as our Steve says fire up the sherman.
Go Habs
It's just a mess. A one line team, a young mistake-prone D trying to learn a system the equivalent of 3 dimensional chess (another Trek Easter egg) and bad goaltending. Yet Wilde and Engels keep preaching the mantra "Better Days Ahead". Marty is obviously a great motivational speaker. Coaching, I'm not so sure, maybe he is still 'developing' as well.
ReplyDeleteAs for the Sherman, it's been idling for some time.
But, if it's any consolation, how about the poor mustard yellow Predators, egad! All those $Million$ thrown at Stammer, Marshy, Pesce and Juse and they are 31st just ahead of the down trodden Habs. Yikes!
Wayne Gretzky
ReplyDeleteMagic Johnson
Diego Maradona
Ted Williams
The Rocket (who was smart enough after 2 games to know he was out of his element.)
...and many others. I shouldn't need to explain this list.
When do we know if Martin St. Louis belongs on this list?
As I mentioned in an earlier post, I think he starts next season with a shorter leash.
What do you think?
Maybe Marty just doesn't have a lot to work with yet?
DeleteCoach Marty has written this season off already. Said Year 3 struggles are normal. OK then, get used to more losing, I hope the players have bought in gonna be a long haul for them.
ReplyDeleteHope I can find a Columbus feed. Not watching that damn SN shite. There is always TVA or RDS too.
ReplyDeleteI have a friend whom I call CT, short for Cautionary Tale. A year later he is still suffering some effects from Shingles, and he went through hell with them.
ReplyDeleteSo yesterday I finally got my first vaccine shot (need another in 2 months). Today I feel like a truck ran over me, but it's a small price to pay to avoid the pain and suffering that can come with that virus.
/End public service announcement
ReplyDelete@Saint Paddy, you and I have conversed on TV viewing options so here is the latest. Back in August I cancelled my Bell bundle. Got a phone call a week later offering me a better discount however there would be less service/channels. I reluctantly accepted. True to form though, there was a notice in my October statement that the rates would be going up 8 bucks a month in the new year. That's the Bell playbook, less service more money. So I called and cancelled. Again. Long story short, I switched to a third party provider who sells internet for a reasonable monthly rate with Netflix, Disney+ and Prime included. I'm now streaming everything on a Firestick and although I have to endure the HNIT/SN drivel I am much happier having finally escaped from the clutches of Bell and Rogers.
ReplyDeleteYeah I still have their internet. Just laziness that I haven't switched yet. My IPTV service is still working on the stick so get all the games
DeleteWell, you could see that coming. Another slack ass 2nd period performance. Which team played last night and travelled?
ReplyDeleteThey thought they could win this 1-0. LOL.
DeleteThat Columbus dude is friggin' tough.
ReplyDeleteThat was a heck of a bout. I think AX took a couple extra shots to the jaw.
DeleteYeah I think AX got dinged a couple of times.
DeleteThat was a heavyweight tilt, looked better than Tyson/Jake Paul.
ReplyDeleteAX gets an assist, just needs a goal for the Gordie Howe.
ReplyDeleteDvorak and Armia together constantly making bad decisions.
ReplyDeleteGI Finn making me eat crow with that good read and set-up for Condotta to put it home. Love it!
ReplyDeletechris cutburt would be happy to inform you that both Condotta and 7Evans are 'toronto' products.
ReplyDeletePony horse!
ReplyDeleteGood win. Good night for Monty. GYFHG!
ReplyDeleteNice team win.
Congrats again to Captain BBQ Shea Weber.
ReplyDeleteJust now realizing there’s a Grey Cup game tomorrow.
What a facking lame league.
good win, nothing to make me compose a new mix tape,
ReplyDeleteSTEELERS baby !
ReplyDeleteGo Bills.
ReplyDeleteGo Blue Bombers.
Yes, they beat a tired fellow bottom feeder on a Saturday night and scored a few goals to boot. Just enjoy the moment.
ReplyDeleteTrying to channel my inner SiM, looking at the positives and the potential...the Bruins are currently sitting in the 2nd wildcard spot, playing .500 hockey. They are 5 points up on the Habs with one more game played. Maybe the Habs haven't been playing like a playoff team, but they aren't as far away as they look. Big test tomorrow against McJesus and the Oil.
ReplyDelete‘InnerSiM’ sounds like a yatCH punk band name.
List of actual band names I have actually played in:
DeleteRip Snort
The (Merry) Magdalens
Killick's Claw
Big Red Canoe
Grain Elevator No.5
What a TD !
ReplyDeleteGreat win Bills!
ReplyDeleteSome great football today !
ReplyDeleteExcept whatever Winnipeg brought to the game today.
DeleteGood to see that reaves thug suspended
ReplyDeleteHim and that creature on the rags are cromagnon throwbacks to a different era
Our Ax is a player first face puncher second
Even the shaved ape was a player
I dunno where the league is going with this you’d figure the players association would be a little more involved
Anyway bring on McJesus and the oil
Good test for les boyz
Maybe we are turning a corner here I hear Wool is skating is that a dim light at the end of the long dark tunnel
Hope springs eternal
Go Habs
I agree comlletely and would add the Caps' Wilson to the list of thug-bums.
DeleteReaves should have got 20.
DeleteWilson is a thug but he can play.
Back in the summer there was lots of talk about Martin Necas wanting to be traded, I think HuGo missed their Panarin moment turning their collective noses up on this guy.
Here's hoping I don't have to turn this off before the 3rd period.
ReplyDeleteThis Hutson kid impresses me more every time I see him.
DeleteA beauty.
Habs need to score first.
ReplyDeleteGhoul back on the bench to start the 2nd. Phew! GYFHG!
ReplyDeleteSince moe is here and I'm sure Saint Paddy is lurking, my NY Giants are finally moving on from Daniel Jones. Tommy DeVito starts this weekend, all I can say is - thank goodness it's about time. Finish the year, get a good pick and find a good QB like Jayden Daniels.
ReplyDeleteSaw that news today. Figured you'd be excited about that.
DeleteI'm liking what I see of Maye with the Pats. Just need receivers for him to throw to.
DeleteGood, Jones is not NFL quality Q.
Can't keep giving these guys power plays.
ReplyDeleteLike you I'm also enjoying Fast Lane. Or maybe the way he jitters around it should be Lane CHange. My biggest critique would be his lack of north south foot speed when racing back for pucks.
ReplyDeleteHe's not overly fast but I think he has decent speed. Like you said, it's the direction changes that throw people off. He's only going to get better.
DeleteGuys, he’s a rookie. He’s miles ahead of most of his teammates. Kid is a special talent.
He has exceptional vision and great anticipation.
DeleteYep no doubt. And if he can get faster up and down the ice, he'll be even more of a treat to watch.
DeleteCan't wait for that first goal. Hope he gets it at home...tonight!
ReplyDeleteLep is playing the best I've seen since 2021.
ReplyDeleteAlmost had his 2nd right after.
ReplyDeleteNumber 226 for Gallagher, becomes the habs 18th best scorer tied with leaf Pacioretty.
ReplyDeletePlaying this Oil team tight. McCrybaby is looking upset. That might not be a good thing, but Suzuki is up to the task of limiting his chances.
ReplyDeleteGoal aside, I was about to add that the Habs are dead last in shots per game (prob not a shock to you).
They missed the net on three glorious opportunities from the slot. Just gotta hit the net. If it doesn't go in, maybe there is a juicy rebound. It's not that hard of a game.
I bet Lep finishes his career as a Hab. Unlike Vodkov who bargainbin fucked over. That needs to be fixed.
ReplyDeleteWhoa! The hated beaners are getting thumped tonight by ... Columbus. Could be trouble in beantown.
ReplyDeleteHyman skates in untouched and checks the goalie into his own net right in front of yhe zebra and of course there is no penalty.
ReplyDeleteI was wondering if the refs would finally call something against the Edmonton Saints.
ReplyDeleteBrett Kulak aka Kaddilak a good Hab and gave us Lane Hutson. Thanks man!
ReplyDelete7s! Ices it.
ReplyDeleteI didn’t expect this good of a game.
Nice win.
Me neither. Great defensive effort. And greatly appreciated by this old fan.
DeleteGreat all around game.
ReplyDeleteExcellent game by Monty.
Gives a little hope back to an old fella.
ditto, back in the mix at US Thanksgiving, no turkey this year.
DeleteNice win, shutting out the McDavieDryzitle show. Big team confidence boost, has to be. Monty was outstanding too.
ReplyDeleteA solid win and shutout for Monty.
ReplyDeletePerfect night for the inimitable Pierre Houde, the best in the game today.
Kudos to Monty, he's looked shaky at times but he's shut out Narcos and now McSaviour. Well done.
ReplyDeleteSee you Saturday FHFers.
ReplyDeleteWill drop some new sexiness.
Merci beaucoup!
DeleteLots of niceness to go around
ReplyDeleteHappy for Pierre Houde
He’s the reason I don’t have to watch hockey in English with all the sub par STFU broadcasts with haharudy the woman who screams and whoever that beexa moron is and of course mclame
Pierre’s buddy Marc talks a little fast for my French to keep up but the RDS package is a good one
Thoughtful intermission show with a panel of our intelligent French players excluding of course bucket mouth no mind asshole tremblay
Anyway TVFN had a calm the fuck down piece about how maybe things are starting to turn the corner both with Marties D system and just the team in general
Encouraging to say the least that and Sports-Spew has some film of Wool skating he’s close
With him back it’s like we get a do-over on the start of the season
We can treat the 6-7 goal blowouts like the exhibition games and focus on getting in the mix
However I still think we are up for a lotto pick dump some weight at the deadline and reload for next year
But at least the last three games have been okay to watch not channel changing cringe fests
And shows what can happen when our goalie shows up no offence to Monty
Go Habs
One small change that I've noticed the last two games, Marty switched sides for Matheson and Guhle and they've both played much better.
ReplyDeleteGoal 1 - Slaf with some nice work in his own end to start the play and follows it up by winning the battle to get the puck to Math and Lep with the beauty deflection. Kudos to Slaf for a decent game. Still need him to start potting some goals.
ReplyDeleteGoal 2 - Our 'smurf' (as our CotU friends like to say) outworks the rugged German for the puck, a couple of slick back and forth passes and Ghoul with the insurance marker. Could've been stopped (we've seen many of those go past our own goalies this year) but the back of the net.
The defensive zone coverage was night and day compared to the first 15ish games. Perhaps the kids are continuing to learn.
4 days off - a chance to heal some bumps and bruises.
DaCH is still not 100%. Time off is good for him.
Suzuki's play at both ends of the ice should make him a lock for team Canada. Depends on who is in charge of that team...I haven't paid much attention to be honest.
I hope Monty gets the call. I'd just like to see what he can do with a lot of seasoned talent in front of him. I say seasoned, because we'll have that in a couple of years.
Whiskey needs to get back on the goal train. But he's also doing some nice playmaking, and as mentioned above, winning some battles, so no complaints. Just want him to get 40+ so we can stop hearing about how Damphousse was the last 40 goal scorer in 1994 (I think it was).
Best of all, the team is becoming fun to watch again. Hopefully they can stay healthy and continue to improve.
And if you want to brighten your day even more, watch the beaners' game hilights. 2 shorties against and booed off the ice like only Boston can do. It's a thing of beauty.
ReplyDeleteMontgomery on thin ice methinks.
DeleteNo sooner said than Montgomery under the ice. So it goes.
DeleteJust idle speculation, but what to do with certain players once Wool returns.
ReplyDeleteWatching the game last night, all 4 lines were decent so where does he fit in? Let's assume he will very sluggish to start just like Dach, who is still not up to speed. I would keep Dach insulated with Suzuki and Slaf. Keep the 3rd trio (Pony, Dvo,Lep) intact, they are playing well. Do they put Wool with 7s and CC? Hook might be the odd man out here, he really hasn't done much lately, I guess he could center line 4 but keep Condotta around as a spare. I feel bad for Pez, his time might be up.
I know it's politics but what's going on in the U.S. is outright comedy.
ReplyDeleteThe head of health and medicine - an anti-vaxxer.
For AG - a sex trafficker and basically a pedophile. Sure.
Head of Intelligence - a possible Russian spy.
Secretary of Defence - a Fox News broadcaster. Really.
You can't make this shit up. Hilarious.
Harper, Mike Harris and Good Old Dougy do the same things. How many parties have MP that live in the USA?
DeleteMrs CHester is a committed excited states politker. She was bummed when Harris lost but hey! What awesome TV we are going to have. Can't wait for the hearings when they put that slimy grease-ball in charge of the department of effin justice. Hilarious. The rest of the clown bus will be equally entertaining at least until musky gets his union busting grubby hands on the entire federal workforce and watch him just dump everybody. I honestly don't know what is going to happen to that place down there but Mrs CHester and I are stocking up on popcorn. Let the games begin.
ReplyDeleteOh and Go Habs
Mega bad if they carry out all yhe Evangelicals' rotten Project 2025 agenda. Can't wait to have loosened controls on food safety, product crappola from neglecting ISO 9001 and 13007 standards, among many. The Wild Wild West of unfettered deregulation shall wreak havoc with our world (but will only start to show its ugly face in a year or two). Buckle up!
DeleteWord on beantown and the hated beaners is that local Montreal boy Jimmi Monty will be discarded
ReplyDeleteWouldn’t that be a nice pickup for the Glorious Habs in need of an assistant to Marty
It’s clear we need to add some talent behind the bench and Jimmi would be a nice addition
Just thinkin
Go Habs
The beans are falling through the weber grill in beantown.
ReplyDeleteYup Jimi is gone
ReplyDeletePoor beaners
Go Habs
Delete… with a 120-41-23 record.
Over inflated by one fluke season. Still, pretty good record. Swayman pissed at Sweeney?
ReplyDeletePleXXXe !
“ The Habs are now 2-0 this season when Tomas Plekanec is at the Bell Centre.Bring our turtleneck king to every home game 🙏”
Sounds like he might like a role in coaching or player development. Hire Plex, HuGo! Hire that man I say!
DeleteSo Wool practiced today short but there
Go Habs
I know they're doing well, but watching Laval tonight and it's very familiar as they are being outshot over 2:1 (22-9) half way through the game.
ReplyDeleteDidn't realize how structured their sked was . Aside from about 7 games they generally play every Wed, Sat, Sun.
So with Wool coming back the roster gets a little crowded
ReplyDeleteI’m not a big fan of RHP
We have a couple of little guys who are better
I think leave him in Laval
I think Pez either needs some playtime or a trade
It’s not fair to just leave him sit
Condotta seems to be meshing well
So these are nice problems to have
All this and beck half-a-dov Hage tuch maillot rino etc coming up
Things are going to get crowded really soon
Go Habs
I have a feeling Jared Davidson is going to be one of those players who show up one day and 'steal a chair', as Marty likes to say. He had quite the fight last night, is gritty and he can score some goals. He was a late bloomer in the WHL, is learning more in the AHL. Could be a replacement for Gallagher someday.
ReplyDeleteI think you're right about JD taking a spot, maybe next season. I see him as a potential 3rd line C...but then there is Owen Beck. Can't have too many Centres in the fold.
ReplyDeleteNice to see the dead things do a solid for datsyuk
ReplyDeleteWonder when someone will stand up and take care of Vodkov
He deserves better than just kicked out and spit on by bicep bergy
Some things puzzle me
On one hand the organization is tremendous
On the other it sucks
Why did they take so long to retire Larry’s number why has the general been left out
Go Habs
Boy, the Steelers just can't beat their divisional opponents on Thursday nights. Got that game wrong in my pool.
ReplyDeleteBlame the snow !
ReplyDeleteThey're dancing in the streets out East ...
New York Giants releasing QB Daniel Jones
Thank goodness. I don't have to watch the fumbles and Int's anymore. Good luck in your new backup career somewhere.
DeleteThe knows all sees all dredger sez the Pens are heavily scouting the Habs including GM Dumbass.
ReplyDeleteWhy? Other than Sid they got nuthin' the Habs need.
Probably feel they can fleece the Habs by sending Quebec native Letang their way.
DeleteLetang, 38 years old, paid $6.1mil for 3 more years until he is 41.... No thanks, stay far away from that. Pens got beat again tonight, I'd say the deconstruction will start sooner than later.
DeleteDumbass has something to do with Team Canada and he’s probably here checking out full Monty
ReplyDeleteOtherwise he should go back to steel town we have nuthin for him
I know you east-coasters are soft on Sid but dumbass has nothin we need and he isn’t going to get the best of Hugo I’ll bet the farm on that
Go Habs
I was joking about the Letang thing. anon is most likely right he is checking on Monty and maybe to a lesser degree Suzuki.
ReplyDeleteFunny though, how the same CH fans who are eager to trade the in-his-prime Maths for a pick will slobber over the chance to aquire Letang at 38.
DeleteThe M I see some speculation your Giants will tty to move up to get the first pick (assuming they don't have it) to select Coach Prime's boy out of Colorado. Followed a year or 2 later by hiring Neon Dionne no doubt😂
ReplyDeleteI would be happy with us not playing terrible and getting a top ten pick. Two or three thinks I cant understand. Why dont we have better helmets, carbon fiber titiam with zero bar aluminum cores and a bubble wrap beanie. Why dont the shin pads incorporate a knee brace? Why dont the ship pads incorporate a achillies cut proof sheild. Why more clowns work for the NHL than all the other cirucus in the world combined?