Feb 22, 2025

... and we're back


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aka the trait-one
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G Y F H G !


  1. Great tune. Great thread. Great Gulf name!

    Do you know the SC of Canada upheld the right of all Canadians ro flip the bird in a decision last year? It all stemmed from an incident that happened right in from of my parents' house. Working on them to erect a commemorative plaque and 3-metre-tall statue (see fig. 3 above) on the spot but they think tge neighbours might take it the wrong way.

    GYFHG and yes, Ax, do please teach Ork some manners tonight in our nation's capital.

  2. We couda shoulda had the Orc. Fire Bargin Bin. I hope the AXE falls down on the Orc, he embrasses the NBA culture.
    Lets hope we can pull the wool up to his abiltiy. I say give Cpt Hook and DaCH vader another year to gell. We have the best fourth line in Hockey, lets keep it.

  3. Wow what a shot by the Nova Scotia skip.

  4. I'd rather AX not have to fight...but if it means pummeling that ugly SOB, I'm OK with it.

    1. I doubt the Ork accepts the offer.

  5. Habs Sens. 2 Canadian teams for the early game. I imagine it will be the main focus of the SFU pre-game. (Heads off to locate sarcasm font)

    1. Ha ha very funny. They will be gleefully sucking marner's arse.

    2. steve3:43 PM

      On the biggest stage little Billy came through. He avoided the one eyed spitting whale and mad e some good passes. Cp;t PJ raged all night long, but couild not finnish.

    3. Marner deserves props, truly. I thought he made several good, sneaky passes that impressed. I bet his Leafool captain is stupid and petty enough to let it disrupt their locker room from here on out and I'm here for it.

  6. steve3:45 PM

    History major comment. The two biggest losers in history of this confict are THE GREAT LOVER OF AMERICA and PK loves greasy fried CHicken.

  7. Congrats Nova Scotia curling ladies, on to the semi-finals.

  8. steve4:17 PM

    LIke the dendist who is not a doctor I work with many poeple who Caanada was second choice. They want America. We failed to tell them at the border, America is a crimial biz

  9. steve4:30 PM

    I want to see ORC chicklets on the ice tonite. I am sick and tired of being sick and tired,.
